When I woke up the next morning, I had no idea what to think. I quickly took a shower and got dressed for the day but the feeling of his lips still lingered. I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to convince myself that it was just a dream, but something within me knew that wasn't true.
"Are you coming down for breakfast or what?" Angel said, interrupting the banter of my thoughts.
"Uh yeah sure I'll be there in a minute."
I went back in the bathroom, doing a final once-over before I stepped out to go to breakfast.
"That was three minutes."
I jumped at the sound of her voice. I looked to my right and saw angel leaning against the door frame, watching me intently.
"Don't scare people like that!"
"It was actually my intention to scare you. Why weren't you in bed last night?"
"Why were you in my room last night?"
"I was looking to talk to you but it seems you were a little busy doing a lot more than just talking." She stared at her nails nonchalantly.
"You were watching me?" my voice went an octave higher from embarrassment and frustration.
What gave her the right to watch me in the middle of the night? I didn't even notice that anyone was watching us. Ever since the kidnapping, I have always been super aware of my surroundings. It's not a paranoia, I assure you, but sometimes you can't be too careful.
I thought the night over for what felt like the thousandth time.. The only thing that would've been able to see us is the wolf that.....
"You sneaky bitch!"
"Oooo look at that! I got the goody who can't say shit to finally break out of the act. It's nice to have you back, Belle." She smiled contently. "By the way, you should know better than anyone, I'm the worst bitch of them all."
With that, she left me alone in the hallway and went the opposite direction to the dining table. Anger bubbled inside of me but confusion and guilt were much stronger. I still haven't gotten all my memories back and for some reason, I think her hostility has something to do with it.
Once again I started the walk to the dining table, telling myself to ask Aiko what was with her later. He seemed to know just about everything, even in his young age and I'm hoping he remembers things from my past. When I arrived in the dining room, everyone was already there. Everything looked completely normal, other than the letter sitting next to my plate.
I sat down cautiously, and with shaky hands grabbed the letter. The handwriting looks familiar, handwriting I only saw once in my entire life. I almost tore it in two, but before I had the chance, Mama J came up behind me and took it.
"No, that ain't meant for the breakfast table now, is it? I'll help ya get it open the civilized way a little later, but first ya gon' eat!" she said with a stern motherly look on her face.
I smiled up at her gratefully and she nodded with understanding. No one else at the table saw our interaction and I was very thankful for that.
Today for breakfast, Mama J made grits, hash browns, maple bacon, fresh lemonade, hot tea, and coffee.
I wondered how she put up with making this much food every day without any help. I loved cooking myself, but I could never cook that much so religiously.
I ate my food slowly, listening to the playful talk of everyone around me. The twins were fighting about who was the strongest and most fit to be Alpha and so far Adam was winning. Aiko only occasionally mumbled something about a new piece that he was coming up with, and from what I heard it was going to be amazing. Angel was like me; quiet and observant unless Marquis gave her his attention.
Whenever she looked at Marquis I could see a light come over her features. It doesn't seem like he notices the way she looks at him and I could tell it disappoints her. I want to comment about it but I knew she wouldn't take it well considering how she acted earlier. I wonder if me and her have some sort of history that I haven't remember that she's mad about. I hope I remember it quick because I don't like having conflict with the people I live with, for the moment.
I continue to think this over and before I knew it, my plate was completely empty. My stomach fuller than it needed to be and I felt like I literally gained about 15 pounds. Every dish sitting on the table had been licked clean, but no ones else looked to be full.
Adam stood up. "Guys, when's the last time we went for a run?"
"I don't know, isn't it your job to keep track of that, Alpha?" Marquis teased.
"It was two weeks ago," Angel said, standing up. "He goes on his own little midnight runs that can be VERY distracting. I'm pretty sure that's why he forgot."
I shot her a death glare but she just smiled in return. I could feel Adam's eyes on the back of my head but I was too embarrassed to meet them. I knew if I did images of last night would be the only thing I could see.
"I am the Alpha I'm entitled to my own runs," he said, unphased. "We haven't gone on one as a pack in a while. I think with all the excitement that has been going on, could really use it."
Everyone nodded in agreement, mumbling things about their bosses for jobs I haven't seen them go to. Aiko whined about exams that he had coming up, but the rest of them quickly hushed him not wanting to hear about such torture.
"Alright then. Let's go right now." He stood up and pushed in his chair. "Marybelle, would you like to join us?"
The sound of my full name coming out of his mouth hurt some small part of me. I something felt off about the way he used my full name and it caused thereto be a pain in my chest. I really thought after last night he might open up to me more, but now he seems even more shut down then before.
I shook my head softly, "I have some other things I need to do. Maybe next time?"
He seemed to ignore my reply and helped bring dishes back into the kitchen to be washed. The magic inside me turned a dark sorrowful blue as everyone else left the room like nothing happened.
I was left there alone in the empty room for a while, just looking around. Memories of a smaller me drifted by. There were so many times that I sat in this very chair and made memories with this misfit family. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice Mama J walking back into the room.
"Now I know ya ain't gon' let that boy make a down of ya day," she said with her hands on her hips.
I smiled politely. "No I'm not, I'm just thinking about my lost thoughts."
"Don't ya dare close up on me, Belle. I've helped your mom raise you since you were a kid there's no way for you to hide things from me."
I felt slightly ashamed for not being up front with her and telling her how much Adam's behavior is hurting some part of me, but I couldn't put it into words.
"Can we look at the letter now?" I say, trying to divert the conversation.
"Mmm sure baby," she hands me the letter.
The small script on the front of the letter brings back the same feelings as it did the first time I looked at it. the only difference is this time I'm prepared to see it. There are two pieces of paper that feel a lot more like bark within the envelope that was tied with some kind of leafy material. Both pages are covered in tiny handwriting and each word dances on the page in a random order.
"Mama J...." I say in a whisper, "can you read it? I can't...."
She takes the letter before I can finish, "No baby I can't. It's' in ya and ya moms words. I barely learned proper English. I was never able to pick up on witch talk."
"Witch talk?"
"That's what this is here. Ya mom taught ya it as a little one but it was already in your nature."
"I don't remember learning anything like that. How am I going to read the letter now? I know......I know it's her writing, I've seen it in one of my dad's old boxes. What if she's telling me where she is?"
"Well, I highly doubt that." She gave a hearty laugh. "Ya mom's not one for sharing secrets. I can help you tap into ya magic, though, it's one of mines."
I have no clue what she means or how this is all going to work out, but I know I can trust her. She lays her hands on my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. A golden ring flashes through her eyes and a wave a heat flows through my body. When she releases me, everything in the room had its own colored aura.
"It's. . . beautiful . . ."
She jumps from one foot to the other. "Hehehe I knew I still got it! I still got it!"
When I look at the letter again it's full of colors instead of words, but for some reason, I am able to understand what they all mean. What I find on the paper is not something I want to hear.
"I need to talk to Adam right now. We have to leave." I say, looking her in the eye.
This is one of the reason I love Aiko's character
I'm not sure how I felt about this chapter while writing it, I didn't want it to feel like a filler but I don't know.
Please tell me what you think. Good, bad, and ugly
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