Thank you!
Thank you so much for reaching this far! I hope you have enjoyed reading the story as much as I have enjoyed writing it – maybe enough for a few votes?
I am so happy this story is finished, yet I do not want to say goodbye to it. This story was definitely special to me, because this is the first story I have written. It might sound weird, because this is the second book in the series, but this is truly the first story I have written. I had started this book with the idea of a stand-alone book, but while writing it, I wanted more. In my mind it was so wrong to suddenly make Elizabeth unmarried and childless, so I decided to make this the second book. Yes, indeed, even though you have read the first book, I still have to write it. I hope you like it a lot – enough to read more about the Bromptons.
This is also the first book I have ever completed, and I am so proud of it! I guess I have finally found the true genre I should write in, and you can be sure to find more historic novels by me. I have tried fantasy books and present-time novels, but I never completed them because I got sick of the story. At first I liked it, then I did not anymore. But this genre seems to stay. Not only do I love reading Victorian stories, I also like finding out new things about the era (like clothing details etc.) and writing about it. It is amazing to fantasise yourself in this time period, and I guess I made it come true by writing about other people actually living then.
Anyway, thank you again, for all your support and love. I hope you are off to read the next story, while I go and write the previous one.
Also, I want to end this book by apologizing for any mistakes I make.
First and foremost I want to apologies for any spelling errors you might have encountered. There are not many, but I am not a native English speaker. I come from Belgium, my native language is Dutch, and English is only the third language I speak. I hope this did not bother you too much, but nevertheless, you can let me know if you find a mistake. I will try to correct it as good as I can.
There is also a possibility I have made historical mistakes. I have tried to make it as true to history as possible, but since I do not live in the Victorian era, I might have made some mistakes. The story is set around 1850, but so is every book after this, which means that time doesn't really move. That is the magic of books!
Also I do not prove read my books, because that would mean I might rewrite the entire story. It is possible you have found sentences in which a word is missing. For that, I sincerely apologize. Sometimes my mind goes faster than my fingers.
If you encounter any of these things, please let me know and I will try to change them as good as possible. Don't be afraid to tell them to me, I will only learn when I know my mistakes.
I thank you very much for your patience and support, and I hope you have loved the story!
Thank you for reading!
Lots of love
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