CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: Making new memories
Victoria had wanted to be certain he felt the same for her as she felt for him before she believed him. He had not said the words she wanted to hear, but what he did say convinced him, for his eyes spoke what she wanted to know.
She was convinced he felt the same for her as she felt for her. Yes, his mere words had convinced her – just like she feared – but he told her he would never turn his back on her. And somehow she believed that. Besides, was love not about taking leaps in the dark?
It had been easy for Andrew to convince Malcolm to take Victoria to Duncan. Not only did her brother want some peace alone, he also seemed to trust Andrew. And if he did, then why should she not?
The ride to Duncan took about a day, and while they were patiently sitting in the carriages, waiting to arrive, she noticed Andrew looking at her every once in a while. Could he not believe she was truly joining him to his estate?
She wondered if she did not need Mrs. Stanley, her chaperon. Certainly she would not mind getting her old job back – none of her staff would. But mayhap this was a quest for just Andrew and Victoria, and there was no need for a chaperon.
Andrew told her about Elizabeth and Francis, saying both mother and son are healthy. He also said that lady Anne was very excited and happy to have her first grandchild be a boy. He would not carry the name Brompton, but would be loved by everyone who does.
When the evening started to fall, they finally arrived at the big estate of Duncan. The sun was setting behind the building, giving it an orange glow and making it look quite magical. The red bricked building reached three levels high and was the only one in the neighbourhood. Fields surrounded it, and next to it was a natural pond, reflecting the setting sun.
Victoria was in awe by it, finding it even more beautiful than Blackburn. How can someone hate this?
Andrew guided her toward the building, and when they were near, the door opened. It revealed not only Mr. Lennard, but also Mrs. Stanley, Sophie, Melany, Sam and Theo.
"The staff had just lost their mistress and were looking for a new place to work," Andrew told her.
She turned to look at him in disbelieve, but when she saw he was not joking, she could not stop smiling. He had taken in the staff that no one wanted.
Then she looked back at her staff, making certain she was seeing this right. They were really here, in Duncan, ready to serve her. As a guest, she thought. A guest that would return often.
She ran toward her friends and hugged them all, the smile never leaving her face. She had never thought she would be so happy so see them again.
They might not be working for her anymore, but she was happy that they had found a place to work, and that they could all work together. Their new master was a good one, they would have a good life here in Duncan. And whatever she would do after leaving, she did not know. She did not even knew when she would leave. But those were worries for another time, for now she was reunited with the friends she did not give a proper goodbye.
"We are so happy you are here, my lady," Melany spoke.
"I have already prepared a room for you, but we were not certain you would agree with the lord's proposal," Sophie told her.
"The stables are huge!" Sam said, motioning wide with his arms. His brother was next to him, nodding his head enthusiastically.
Victoria smiled at all of them, looking at their faces one by one. "I am glad you all found a place to work."
"But we would give it up if you needed us back," Sophie said immediately.
Victoria shook her head and smiled. "That is kind, but I cannot do that. Your place is here now, not with me anymore."
"What will you do?" Mr. Lennard asked.
"Now, I will not worry about the future. When I will leave and where I would go to is not something I wish to think of now."
Mr. Lennard nodded his head, a warm smile appearing on his face. "Then we shall serve you as long as you are here."
"And every time she wishes to return," Andrew added with a smile toward Victoria. Her lips turned into a smile she could not control as she saw his beautiful and happy face.
Mr. Lennard clapped his hands, addressing the whole staff as he said: "we shall prepare for the evening." They all gave Victoria one last smile before they turned away and walked to find the service corridor.
Victoria noticed Andrew's eyes were still on her when they were alone. She turned to look at him, the smile never leaving his face.
"You will return, yes?" he asked as he stepped closer. He took her hands in his.
"If you want me to," she answered.
He took a few more steps so that he was standing very close to her now. "I want you to never leave," he said, his breath touching Victoria's skin. "I want to make new memories. Make them overwhelm Arthur's echoes."
She let out a soft laughter, for his words were the ones she had told him when she had visited him in the Brompton estate.
"I shall give every corner, every room and every hallway a new purpose. And let this hallway be the place where I promise you I will never hurt you." He laid his fingers underneath her chin and pushed them up, making her look at him. She was aware of how close their faces were and of how she did not want to pull away. "I will never turn my back on you, I will never let anyone hurt you, and when you are sad, I shall be there to comfort you and tell you how courageous you are."
He wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her closer so that they were standing against each other. The only air between them was where their faces were, for he had more words to say.
"Every time I will pass through this door, I will be reminded of every smile you brought to my face, of every laughter we have shared, and of every warm feeling you have given me. And every time I will think of how much I want you, how much I need you. And every time, I will promise to never let you go."
She looked up at him and enjoyed the warm feeling that spread through her body by the knowledge of his hand on her back, his eyes on hers and his chest touching hers. "I believed you even before you said it."
He laughed softly and moved his head closer to hers, his eyes on her lips. "Yet I shall do so every day."
Her heart fluttered as he slowly came closer and closer to her, his eyes mischievous and excited, yet joyful at the same time. He lips looked warm and soft and seemed to ask her to come closer. She wanted to, but was numb as the excitement had captured her muscles, making them unable to move. Her heart, on the other side, was beating faster than ever before.
Just when she was about to close her eyes and enjoy the moment, Andrew pulled away and turned her around. Taking one hand in his, he pulled her through the first door they passed and they entered the parlour. He did not bother to close the door, but turned her around and pulled her closer until they stood like they did just before.
"Let the parlour be," he softly spoke against her lips, "the place I first kiss you."
His head moved closer and Victoria could feel his breath on her lips. She moved her hand over his shoulder, wanting to pull him closer, but not finding the strength to do so. Her heart started beating faster and her eyelids fluttered.
"That is," Andrew whispered, his lips just not touching hers, "our first kiss sober."
Victoria laughed at his words, remembering the vague memory of their drunk kiss – or kisses – in the Brompton estate. But the memory was cut short when his lips caught her laughter and pressed down on hers, leaving no air in between them anymore. The heat of his tenderness exploded through her whole body, and a trail of hot passion was left where his hand moved over her face and through her hair. He pushed his hips closer against hers, making their bodies fit like two pieces of puzzles.
His tongue urged her lips to open, and she gave in, taking everything of him she could get. Their tongues seemed to dance around each other as Andrew's hand went around her head, locking her head close to his. She held on tight to him, for the kiss had left her weak and she felt like her legs could give in any moment. But he held her up with one single arm around her waist and two lips against hers.
When he pulled back, Victoria did not find the strength to open her eyes, for she wanted to stay in this moment as long as she could. She heard his breathing, hard and rapid, before he leaned closer again and gave her a quick kiss on the corner of her lips.
"Come," he said to her, his breathing more audible than his word. He softly pulled away from her and, with one hand holding hers, pulled her out of the parlour and to the next door. They entered the dining room and again he pulled her close. His finger traced her lips while he smiled down at her.
"This," he told her, "is the room where I first say I love you."
Victoria inhaled sharply, surprised by his words. Surely he had just declared his love for her in the form of a kiss, but hearing him say the words was just as satisfying.
He leaned closer and whispered: "I love you."
She could not stop the laughter that escaped her, for she really loved hearing him say those words. She was certain it was true, and she was confident it would stay forever. Just like the feeling of warmth that spread through her as he said those words.
He did not wait for a reply, but took her hand again and pulled her to the next room, another room to brighten up with a new, better memory. They entered a huge library, walls filled to the ceiling with books, making the table in the centre seem tiny. She did not have more time to look around, for Andrew turned her around to look at him.
"This is the room..." he started, but did not finish it. He moved his head toward the ceiling, thinking of what memory they could fill this place with.
"Where I say I love you," Victoria finished. With a smile on his face, he moved his head to look at her. That mere smile could warm her heart any day.
She leaned her head closer to his, ready to give him a kiss on his lips. "I love you," she whispered. Before she could close the distance between their lips, he pulled her away again and into a different room: a second parlour, filled with light blue furniture.
"This is where you kiss me," he said, reminding her that every special thing deserved its own room. She laughed, then wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him close until their lips met. She stood on the tips of her toes so that she could enjoy every part of his lips, his tongue, his body. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight enough so that she would not fall or swoon.
When he let go of her lips, his eyes were sparkling and happily looking down at her. He wanted to say something, but kept his mouth shut and led her out the room. He walked through the hallway and stopped in a small and dark corridor. Victoria assumed it was the service corridor leading to the kitchen, and there was a door that let out a colder wind through its cracks. Andrew saw her looking at it and said: "that is a wine cellar, if you are interested."
She laughed, but shook her head. "Now is not the time to get drunk."
"I agree," he said, and pushed her against the wall, trapping her between it and him.
"Do you truly love me?" he asked, his voice low.
She nodded her head. "I do. Do you?"
He nodded too. He seemed to smile down at her, but it was hard to tell in the dark corridor. But to feel his touch and warmth, she did not have to see. "Then let this be the place where I ask you to be mine forever. Victoria Blackburn, I know this might be fast, but I do not ever want to live without you anymore. So please, will you do me the honour of marrying you?"
She gasped in surprise, but she also felt the excitement. He was right, it was fast. But why wait if you were certain you love someone? With her heart racing faster than ever before and her body full of heated explosions, she nodded her head. She smiled and laughed and cupped his face with her hands. "Yes. Yes I want to marry you."
He laughed too, his eyes shiny from the unshed tears of happiness. She felt hers rolling over her cheeks, but she did not mind. Tears of happiness were tears she always wanted to have.
He leaned closer and pressed his lips onto hers. Victoria wrapped her arms around his neck so that he could not pull away when she did not want him to. She allowed him to lower his lips to her cheek, her jaw and her neck. The heat of his kiss went through her entire body while his lips teased her shoulder. He pulled her sleeve so that more skin would be out for him to kiss and enjoy. And with every little bit of revelation, her heart raced faster and her body became weaker. She wanted him – all of him – and she did not want him to hold back.
As if he could read her mind, his lips let go of her and he picked her up in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and let him carry her up the stairs. She did not know where he was going, for she did not know the house. But she was quite certain what he was going to do, for she wanted to do the same.
He opened one of the doors on the first landing and put her down when they were standing in the middle of the room. Looking around, she notice this was not the bedroom as she had expected. They were in the study.
He stood close to her and moved his hand behind her head. He pulled a few pins out of her hair, letting her hair fall down, while he said: "let the study be the place where I woo you."
She smiled up at him. "That is not a first."
He laughed at her comment, but quickly turned his eyes to her again. "But this is."
He turned her around and pushed his belly against her back while his lips found her neck again. She let out a surprised moan when his hand caressed her belly, then continued breathing hard. After a while, he moved back, giving him space to move his hands to her back and untie the bodice of her gown. Her belly made a funny jump as she realized that he was undressing her, making that the new memory of his study. When he was finished, he threw the bodice away and turned her back around to kiss her lips, hot and intense. Then he took her hand once again and led her out of the study. Finally, he opened the door to his bedroom and turned the lock behind them. He took her in his arms, his had hovering over her stays.
"I do not want to push you," he started, "but-"
"I want to," she interrupted with a smile. "To hell with all the rules."
His smile widened and she noticed his lips shivering a bit. He was nervous, just like she was. Yet he seemed to want it as much as she did. "Then let this bedroom be the first place I make love to you."
He crashed his lips down on hers, passionate and hungry, while his hands worked on loosening her stays until he could take it off, leaving her in nothing but her skirts and undergarments. As she wrapped her arms around his shoulder, he moved his to his shirt, which he unbuttoned before throwing it on the floor near her stays. And when he wrapped his arms around her again, she let go of him and untied his cravat before untying her skirt, petticoats and crinoline and stepping out of them all at once. Quickly her lips found his again and she let her hands move over his bare, broad shoulders, while he worked on taking off his trousers.
When he had explored every inch of Victoria's lips, he picked her up and carried her to the bed, where he carefully laid her down. He planted kisses on her neck, then trailed down to her shoulder while his hands moved down to the hem of her chemise and pulled it up. Taking off the first piece of undergarments made her feel bare, yet she was not frightened. She trusted him. She felt safe.
His mouth found her shoulder and moved down until it reached her breast, where he planted more kisses. A moan escaped her throat and she thought it would not get any better than this, but what did she know?
Andrew's mouth moved down from her breasts over her belly, leaving a trail of hot kisses while she tried not to moan again. Suddenly he moved off of her, his eyes still full of excitement and passion. He took off her shoes and stockings, throwing them on he floor, not caring where they fell. Then he moved his hands to her hips and slowly, lengthening the excitement, pulled down her drawers until she was completely bare of any clothing.
Before she could feel the cold in the air, he covered her again, his lips on hers, their tongues dancing. Her heart was fluttering, but she barely felt it, for there was so much to feel. His hands on the side of her body, his thumbs touching her breasts. His lips hot against her. His hips pushing down on hers. His evident arousing.
But when he entered her, she did not feel the passion anymore. All she felt was pain shooting through her. Andrew leaned his forehead against hers when he heard her sharp breaths of pain and whispered: "I'm sorry. I promised I would not hurt you, but if you endure it, I promise I will make up for it."
She nodded and bit her lip to make certain she did not tell him to stop. He moved inside her, and with every movement, she felt the pain ebb away until there was nothing but pleasure and passion left. He was correct when he told her he would make up for it, for she loved it already. She knew there was more to come, a high to reach, but she could not believe it could get better than this.
Her body was filled with warmth and love while they filled the room with moans of passion and pleasure, and they let it last until they both were tired, too exhausted to even move away from each other. So in that tangle, they fell asleep.
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