9: Can I be a Husband?
"I'm sure he's fine." Shindo comforted sweetly with a soft smile when they got back to Izuku's room.
Izuku nodded, hugging his knees. It was obvious he was still really worried and leaned his head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry..I've been sort of ignoring you haven't I? Touya really is a child, I feel that I have to constantly be there for him or I get too worried."
"Then I already know you'll be a wonderful mother." He cooed, kissing his forehead.
The boy giggled, nuzzling into him. "I'm so glad we're getting married..I wish the wedding could already be here."
He chuckled softly before gently titing Izuku's chin towards him. "Hey... another kiss? Only if you want."
Izuku blushed, closing his eyes and puckered his lips.
He smiled, being a bit more eager to kiss him now, the kiss was more more intense and passionate, Shindo easily taking over his lips in such a charming way.
The teen did his best to do the same, though it was cute how careful he was. Izuku mewling and rubbing his thighs together.
He felt the shuffle and had a hand on his thigh in a second, rubbing in and out teasingly while his other hand trailed along Izuku's spine.
The back of his dress showed the top half of his back so it really made the boy feel tingly and good. Moaning softly now and spread his legs the slightest bit. "Mmm~.."
The second his lips parted to make that lovely noise, Shindo's tongue darted in as his hand crept closer inward on his thigh and lower at his back, teasing his waist a bit, only going lower.
Shindo's tongue massaged Izuku's, dancing along with it in a numbing pleasure fashion.
Izuku was holding onto him for dear life, little tears pricking his eyes as he felt his tongue feel all of his mouth and tasted him on his tongue. "Nngh..~"
He hadn't been told off for going this far, first testing how he'd react as he wrapped his arm around his waist and moved from his thigh to lightly brush his crotch, wanting to know how far Izuku was willing to go.
Izuku nearly let him go all the way, pulling from the kiss with a cute smile. "W-wow~..your a great kisser." He said with a soft pant. "We almost got carried away huh?" The teen giggled, fixing his dress.
He smiled, "Sorry, you just keep exciting me.. I dont know how much longer I can wait, your body is so beautiful my love..~"
The teen bit his lip, looking off to the side. "You really are such a smooth talker you know? Soon..I promise."
"I'll wait as long as I need to till you're ready, no matter how hard resisting you gets~" he purred, kissing his nose sweetly.
Izuku giggled, hugging him now. "I love you..is that too soon?"
He smiled big, grinning. "Not at all.. I love you too~"
The boy smiled big, resting his head on his chest. "I'm in your care then..yō."
Overnight, Touya had another change, though he practically looked like a human came morning, the only thing strange was the fact he had a set of pointy ears, a bushy tail, fangs, and he was about six foot three inches.
And maybe the fact that well.. He was naked.
Nearly giving the maid that walked in a nose bleed and a heart attack.
She woke him up and forced him to wear pants - though there was no luck when it came to the shirt. He ran from her back to the library soon enough, wanting to see Izuku...
He saw the world around him a bit clearer, if anything it could be described as seen in a more mature view. He was thinking like a human, like any human his age would, which was still only two or three years older than Izuku.
He still didn't know a lot but found he could speak a bit better, looking at things with more understanding.
He laid in the library like yesterday, deciding to try out a book.
After they had breakfast Izuku took a plate to the library where he was sure Touya was at, surprised to see him more human like. "Touya!..you change again." He chuckled, going over and set the plate of food down at a table.
"Oh, your reading? That's great~" he cooed, sitting next to him. "I missed you a lot..are you alright from yesterday?"
He stared at him blankly before responding. "..no need to coo to me like I'm a child, Izuku."
What? This was.. A change. His voice was low, almost like a growl but more silky and.. Oddly sexy. Weirdly enough.
Izuku was blank for a good ten seconds with wide eyes and sputtered. "You..you just..talked..t-that's great! But id still like to know. Are you okay Touya?" He asked, hands on his knees.
"Your other human man is mean." He grumbled, flipping the page to his book.
"Human man?..you mean Shindo? Did he do something?" Izuku asked, raising a brow. He was really surprised at how well he could speak now.
"He kicked me out of the room when you went to the little room with the door that had the weird water box thing.. He called me a..." He trailed off, glancing down at himself. His bare chest had quite the muscle, but considering he was a mutant dog like beast, it wasn't very surprising. "..I dont like him.." His ears were low against his head, tail unmoving.
Izuku frowned, holding his hand now. "Thank you for telling me. I'll talk to him, don't worry. Just know that no matter what I'm on your side even if he is my future husband."
"..hus..band... what's that..?"
"Oh, well..my mom and dad are husband and wife. Me and him will be the same. We're married now. Father said it's to help our kingdoms to unite and become stronger.." Izuku said. "So now we're bound together for the rest of our lives."
"If he becomes like.. 'Father'... then I dont want him to be a husband.. The human you call father is just as mean to me.."
"I'm sorry..I had no idea he was like that to you. I'm sorry Touya, I got carried away by his sweet words." Izuku said, leaning his head on him. "After all the only one I can trust is you."
"..he called me a.. Monster.. I.. didn't like that.. So I ran.." He muttered, letting his book down and pulled Izuku into him and cuddled into the crook of his neck, Izuku leaning against his bare chest.
The teen blushed, but didn't move away. "He did?...that's terrible." He said, wrapping his arms around him. "This is all my fault..I'm so stupid, I'm sorry he hurt you while I was so close."
He held him closer, his tail wagging again. He was mumbling against Izuku's neck now, basically scenting him so he didn't have to smell the mean dude on him. "You're my human.. So it's fine.."
Izuku giggled, scratching behind his ear. "And your my good boy. I won't let anyone say that to you again."
He rubbed against him happily, hugging him closer, just doing what felt natural to what he knew was his.
The teen completely forgot about Shindo, giving all his attention to Touya like it should have been the entire time. He was the only one he could be like this with, the only one who really understood him.
"It's weird.. When I change shapes my mind does funky things." He mumbled against Izuku's skin. "I understand things most right now. I can actually control my tongue.."
"Haha, I guess the more animal like you become your mind does the same huh?" Izuku said.
"Hey that human man did something to you and you made a nice noise, can I do that too? Can I?" His head was up and looking at Izuku curiously now.
Izuku gawked, blushing cherry red and pulled away a bit. "W-Wha!..n-no? Touya stuff like that is..is stuff you only do with those you love."
He thought about it.
"...What's love?"
"W-well uh..it's a strong and deep feeling towards someone. You want to always be with them no matter what and protect them. They make you happy and you do the same for them. That's basically it." He said and gulped.
"..oh." He sounded a bit sad. "Then you must not wanna be with me right now, the man human isn't with you, so you wanna be with him..."
"N-no! Touya..I always want to be with you. I was so worried this entire time, and my gut was right. Right now I don't want to be with Shindo..I wish that was the case forever but what's done is done. Wether I like it or not he's my husband now."
"..could I be a husband? You are my human, and if you're mine, I can be a husband, right?"
Izuku gaped, smiling after and pet his head. "That's really sweet..but father would never allow it. This marriage is for our kingdoms so we won't have to go to war. I really wish I wasn't having to do this, especially now..but sometimes you have to make grown up decisions before your even grown up."
"I could eat him." He didn't waste a second to say. "Though I dont know how good he'd taste.. And I could eat.. The war. Or the kingdoms."
Izuku laughed, hugging him now and kissed his ears. "You really are the sweetest..thank you, but that won't be necessary. I may look weak but I'm stronger than I look."
"..what if I eat the mean human man after he becomes a husband and the.. Marr..adge.. Does.. whatever... and then i become the husband when he's eaten?"
"Touya, most of the things you said you can't even eat because they aren't food. And if you eat Shindo they'll hang you for murder. So please don't okay?" He said.
"But if you were left in charge after the mean human you'd stop that.. Right?"
"What do you mean?"
"That's what my book said.." He pointed at it and surprisingly it was actually about royal bloodlines. "I dont understand half of what they say about blood.. String line things, but they said once one dies the other is in charge and makes the orders. And.."
He was rambling a little which really was just adorable, tail wagging as his ears twitched, speaking of what he had been learning and all that, swaying a little back and forth in his seat. No matter what way he looked, he was honestly just a little oblivious pup.
Izuku was proud of him for learning so much, patting his head. "Shindo and I are still very young, so it's gonna be a long while before either of us die." He chuckled. "I know you don't like him, just leave everything to me okay?"
"But I can eat him." He insisted.
"Touya, no. You can't eat him and that's final. If you want something to eat just go to the kitchen." He giggled, kissing his head.
He pouted, "M'not hungry.. Plus I bet he tastes bad anyway.."
Izuku laughed again. "Yeah probably." He said, scratching behind his ear.
"..well.. sorry.."
"Don't be, you have nothing to be sorry for Touya. I'm just so proud of you for learning what I've taught you and are able to speak better!" He said, smiling big and gave him the plate of food.
"..but you don't love me.. probably because I'm a.. monster.. so I'm sorry.." he muttered, looking at the food glumly.
"Oh Touya your not a monster..and I do love you, I really do." He said, petting his head. "Just..not in the way my mother and father love each other."
"Different kinds of love?" His head tilted as he looked at him.
"Mhm. Like how you love ear scratches, and I love bunnies. And then there is love you feel for the people around you, like for friends. Love is a lot of things, but you only do kissing and stuff like that with someone you love more than everyone else kinda."
"..i dont like love." His face scrunched up in a small scowl. "It's too complicated and i dont know how it works."
"Yeah, I guess it is pretty complicated huh?"
Izuku pet his tail, feeling the soft fur. "I really don't want to marry him now..this sucks."
"But i heard you say you wanted to. And you did the weird thing with him that only humans that love each other do." He protested. He glanced back at Izuku's hand on his tail curiously.
"W-well yeah..but that was before you told me all this! He swept me off my feet and I didn't know what do to." He chuckled. "But I won't fall for his charm anymore, I swear."
"We can hide from them." He cocked his head to the side.
Izuku giggled. "Yeah, we could..but now one can hide forever." He said and cuddled into his body for warmth.
"What's this stuff?" He poked at the food on the plate.
"Breakfast." He said, it being pancakes and sausage. "Eat it, it's yummy."
"But what is it?" He poked at the pancake. "It feels weird."
"Haha, it's flour and milk. And the sausage is pig." Izuku explained.
"...what's flour and milk? And pig?" He stared at the plate then to him. "I dont know if i wanna eat it."
"Just trust me okay? Take at least one bite of each and if you still don't like it then you don't have to eat it. Before you were just eating raw meat."
He grumbled a fine and picked it up, completely ignoring the fork and tore off a piece, cautiously taking a bite.
Izuku watched closely. "Well?...how is it?"
" 's weird." He muffled through the mouth full.
He giggled softly and laid back in the pillows, closing his eyes. Just when he thought something good was happening it all went downhill..it was too good to be true.
A maid walked into the library soon, being the familiar brunette, Uraraka. "Izuku?"
Izuku heard her and sat back up. "Ah, hey. What is it?"
"Your husband has been looking for you." She giggled, smiling, seeing Touya. "Wh-what.. Who is this?"
"This is Touya. He transformed again haha."
Izuku stood, looking at the male to do the same. "Come on, I want to see the look on his face when he sees you."
"I dont want to see him, he's mean." He sulked, Uraraka giving him a surprised look at how he was talking.
"I'm going to be there, it'll be fine." Izuku said. "Trust me."
He forced himself to stand then, holding an arm around Izuku's shoulders, almost like he had him in a headlock but not actually choking him, just holding him closely but loosely.
The teen smiled, exiting the library with him and went back up to his room where Shindo was. "We're back."
He stared at the man holding Izuku. "..what the hell..?"
"Oh yeah, Touya had another change. Isn't that right?" He said looking up at him with a smile.
He growled at Shindo, holding him closer and rested his arm along his collar bone. "Mhm.."
"As you can see he can talk, he's always understood what we've been saying. And he told me the most peculiar thing this morning~"
"Huh?" He stared at them.
"He said that you were the one to kick him out the room. Which means you lied to me when I asked you where he went. Ontop of that you called him a mean name."
Izuku stared him down, not smiling at all.
He sighed softly, looking upset and guilty. "..I'm sorry.. I just wanted to spend time with you without distractions... but i admit i kicked him out of the room.. I'm sorry my love."
"You could have just told me that and we would have went somewhere else. You didn't have to do that to him..especially not call him a monster." Izuku said, looking at him with a hint of disgust.
His mind quickly thought of something. "I never called him a monster. I said 'your monster size' because he was so big. I'm sorry if he took it the wrong way.."
Izuku eyed him, not believing him at all and turned. "It's going to take some time for me to trust you again. Worry not..the wedding will still go on but just know that right now I wish to not see you." He said, holding onto Touya.
He stared after them as Izuku brushed him off like that which slightly pissed him off.
"..alright, however much time you need, you can have it." He said softly, though his face was a glare compared to his tone.
Touya stuck a tongue out at him.
"Thank you.." Izuku said and walked him and Touya out of the room and to the garden.
"See? Told you I would take care of it." He said and pet a bunny that hopped into his lap.
"He lied again." He said softly, laying on his stomach as he enjoyed the sun, tail wagging back and forth in the air. He enjoyed the warmth.
"I know..but I didn't want to cause another problem. Hopefully he stops, if not then I'll confront him again." Izuku said, watching the baby buns yet again go to him.
One came close to his face, he blew at it. Now that they weren't pulling at his fur he was more okay with them.
Izuku giggled, finding it adorable and laid down in the daisies with him. "It really is nice out here huh.." he said and looked at the big puffy clouds.
He had never been outside the castle unless it was for something important, like to attend a traditional gathering or someone of royal blood died.
"The world is so big..I want to explore it all."
"I wanna know more stuff. I feel.. stupid." He huffed, rolling over. "I never got to learn anything.."
"Your not stupid Touya, it's not your fault." Izuku said, playing with the tips of his pointy ears. "You have me, and I'm an excellent teacher~"
"..then can we learn stuff together?"
"Mhm. Anything you'd like." The teen said, gently booping a bun on its nose.
He smiled a little, "...if we could, would you wanna explore the world with me?"
Izuku giggled. "Of course I would. That would be a dream come true."
"What's stopping us?" He stared at Izuku.
The boy stared and frowned softly. "My father mainly..but if I leave I put myself and you at risk of being killed. A kingdom wants me dead, we might go to war, I have a fiancé..there's too many things. I can't just leave like nothing. I have a responsibility Touya."
He nodded slowly, "..that makes sense."
His voice was quiet.
"One day though..when this is all over and things have calmed, then I promise me and you will explore to our hearts content." Izuku said with a smile and held his hand.
He stared at him. "..I.. think I.. love you? The.. first love. You are my human and I want to keep you.."
Izuku blushed pink. "Like..like how my mother and father love?"
"Mmmh.. the.. hold close and care about you." He explained, "More than anyone else."
The teen smiled, hugging him now. "That makes me happy..I wish to do the same."
He nodded happily, "The way mother and father does.."
"You know mother and father are the same thing as husband and wife right?"
He cocked his head to the side with a frown, ears twitching. "Then you.. love.. mean human more than me.."
"Of course not. Just because people are married doesn't mean they are happy together..a-at least sometimes." Izuku said. "Don't worry about that stuff okay?"
"But I want to because you are important.."
The boy giggled. "Your important to me too Touya. And that's why I don't want you to worry about things that are out of your control."
He frowned and grew quite in response.
"I know you don't like that but it's just how it has to be..but I'll do what I can to make it better okay? Have faith in me."
"..okay.." he whispered softly.
Izuku booped his nose and rested his head on his chest, closing his eyes and hummed.
He felt a little happy, purring softly.
The teen ended up falling asleep, the bunnies joining the little pile and curled up into Touya's side. It was very peaceful and warm.
The pup was still awake however, just enjoying Izuku. Things like this with his human made him happy, but he could tell Izuku had been upset. He wanted him to be happy though.
Happiness was the one thing that could never last, especially in Izuku's life.
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