8: Blind Sighted...
Soon enough morning came, a maid coming to wake them up. She knocked on the door, calling in gently. "Hello, princes? Good morning."
Izuku yawned, sitting up and fixed himself. "Ah, good morning~..have you seen Touya?" He asked, looking around and didn't see him in the room.
"..that was your.. Dog, right? I dont think I have.." He frowned, looking a little worried.
The boy quickly got up, changing as he was in a rush. "S-Sorry! But I need to make sure he's okay!" He said and ran out the room, looking all over for him.
"Touya! Touya where are you!"
He was still out in the garden, curled up under the tree. He was left there after all, he... he was a good boy and stayed for Izuku to come get him... no matter how long it took.
When Izuku finally found him he realized what he had done and felt self hatred. How could he have been so stupid!? He was too focused on Shindo to make sure Touya was right behind them.
He ran over draping himself over the beast and sobbed uncontrollably. "Im so sorry Touya!!..I left you out here all night you must have been so lonely! I'm the worst! I'll never do this to you again I swear please don't hate me!!"
He saw him and tackled him, looking happy with his tail wagging wildly, smothering him with kisses.
Izuku was relieved he wasn't mad but still felt bad, crying as he hugged him. "You really are a good boy..why didn't you follow us inside?"
His head tilted, was he supposed to? He remembered Izuku telling him to sit. So he did and watched him and that other dude talk before they walked off. He was never told to follow. He didn't like that fact his human was sad though, trying to make him happy again by licking him more and rolling over, bringing Izuku onto his chest and blepped.
Izuku giggled softly, rubbing his tummy. "Maybe I should get you a collar and leash..but if you shift then you'll break it." He said.
He was happy that Izuku was smiling again, though Shindo jogged into the garden. He saw that he found him and smiled. "You okay?"
The boy nodded, standing up now. "Yes, I'm alright..I just feel terrible after leaving him out here all by himself. He always sleeps with me and depends on me. But he doesn't seem to be upset, just happy that I'm back now."
Izuku scratched his ears.
He chuckled, smiling. "I'm glad you're okay then."
Shindo glanced at Touya, he was a bit cautious though smiled at him happily. "You're such a good boy..!"
His head tilted at him.
The freckled teen giggled, kissing Touya's head. "I think he only responds when I say that. He's really shy towards anyone else too."
"That's funny." He laughed softly, "He loves his owner, doesn't he?"
His tail wagged as he leaned against Izuku.
"Mhm~, and I love him too." He said, leaning right back on him. "He's my protector."
Shindo smiled, chuckling. "How about breakfast?"
Izuku smiled and brought them all inside, holding onto Touya's fur gently to make sure he was there and brought them into the dining room where they sat.
Though of course the big pup rested his head in Izuku's lap while he fed him sausage and bacon like a little begging puppy. The teen couldn't help himself, wanting to spoil him.
Shindo eyed the pup with a small glare, finding him irritating. Though he didn't say that out right.
"Father, when will the ceremony be? Or will there be none?" Izuku asked, taking a bite of his parfait.
"Pretty soon." He smiled, "Probably tomorrow."
Shindo chuckled. "I know a lot of my people will be coming over for it, so they do need time to travel."
Izuku nodded, looking excited. The teen couldn't help but feel all giddy and happy. He found it all swell really, the other couldn't be happier.
"I can't wait~" he cooed, scratching behind Touya's ear.
Shindo chuckled, "Izuku, should we go to your room or a study you have and plan things for it? Or just think of ideas..?"
"Sure, I'd love to." The teen said, finishing up his food quickly and held both of their hands as they went to his room.
Having Touya lay with sir.cotton in his corner of pillows as the two discussed wedding plans. "Hmm, I've never really given it much thought but something formal would be nice I suppose."
He chuckled, "Of course, you should think of a dress you want to wear~"
Izuku blushed, wondering what type Shindo would like best. "S-should we do white roses? Or pink?"
"Hmm... white sounds good~" he smiled, "Maybe doves?"
The teen giggled. "Isn't that a bit over the top? But if that's what you want then I think it's good."
"Oh if you dont want to, we dont have to." He chuckled, smiling. "I only said it because I thought you'd like it."
"N-no! I like it..I just don't wanna seem like those types of people that go all crazy for the perfect wedding." Izuku said, blushing softly. "I..I just want it all to be perfect."
"It'll be perfect as long as you're there~" He smiled.
Izuku giggled softly, resting his head against his chest and nuzzled into him. "Your more perfect.."
He smiled and ran a hand through his hair, smiling. "Not possible, you're always going to be most perfect. You're just too adorable and cute..~"
The boy blushed, looking up at the male with a longing look. "C..could we um..k-kiss? Just once of course.." Izuku was needy already.
"Of course." He cooed, smiling happily. "Anything for you my love, I'd be honored~"
Izuku closed his eyes, puckering his lips softly and braved himself for his very first kiss. 'Ahh..Shindo is going to kiss me. I wonder if he's a good kisser..'
He leaned in and connected their lips gently, though he made it passionate, sweet. Over all loving. He moved their lips together experatly, knowing soon enough Izuku would be melting into him.
Of course he was, the little green bean being a pure boy through and through. Hell-he has never even touched himself. So the kiss really did a number on him even though it was nothing over the top.
His little hands held onto his shoulders tightly.
He purred, rubbing his waist gently, getting him a bit over sensitive as they kissed, their kiss getting a bit more sloppy.
Izuku was making noises now, mewling and whimpering. Arms wrapping around his neck now and they laid on the bed, Shindo ontop of course.
His hands were going underneath his dress a bit, Izuku's hand stopping him and pulled away with a dazed expression. "N-not yet..I wanna wait for our wedding night." He said, looking even more like a pure maiden.
"Not even a peak~?" He smirked, though laughed, "I'm kidding, anything for you my love~"
Izuku smiled gently, kissing his cheek and blushed even redder once he noticed Touya was watching the entire time! How embarrassing..
The male chuckled. "Do you mind if.. We.. take a shower?" He gave him a smile as he said this.
"S-s-shower? Right now?..t-together?" Izuku said, bright pink.
"Unless you're uncomfortable with it." He smiled, looking a thim gently. "I just dont want to leave your side for a second..~"
The boy squirmed a bit. "You..you won't do anything right?"
"Not at all. We should learn to trust each other, right? I swear I wont do anything to you my love"
Izuku trusted him, nodding with a smile and stood. "Your right." He said and walked to the bathroom, slowly taking his dress off and got the water going.
Shindo glared at Touya as he walked out of ear shot. "Go outside you mutt.. Or whatever you are, more like a monster.."
Not that Izuku could see, but he was showing his true colors to Touya. He just didn't know he could actually understand him.
Like he really cared in the slightest. He was hear for Izuku, not his beast dog thing.
He made sure to kick him out of the room much to Touya's disliking... but the pup did know one thing. He knew the word monster, he knew it was bad. And he just got called a monster.. Again. Maybe that's why he let himself be kicked out, not wanting to be with the mean human.
Though Shindo acted as if nothing happened, going to the bathroom with Izuku.
Touya wondered around the halls before stumbling upon Aizawa. The man was on duty at the moment, but Touya was still kind of scared of him. He did bring him to this place after all. He would have been fine if he did it nicely, but there were shark metal sticks involved and it hurt him when the guards got too close with them. He ended up running from the man, settling in the only other familiar place he's been in with Izuku for a long time, the library.
There were soft fluffy things that were on the soft fluffy brick thing in Izuku's room where he died temporarily every night... so that was nice. He laid down on them, feeling a little upset. He decided he didn't really want to see anyone, especially not that man that arrived. Izuku's replacing him with that human... he wasn't even all that nice though..
Meanwhile Shindo was washing Izuku's hair gently, being soft and delicate, making sure he didn't get anything in his eyes and what not.
Izuku was completely convinced that Shindo had a heart of gold. He had kept his word about everything and was just the sweetest to him. He was going to make a wonderful husband..and maybe a father as well. They couldn't have any birth children but Izuku always loved the thought of adoption, and he knew there were lots of orphans in the kingdom who needed good homes.
It was like he knew what he was thinking. "Do you want kids? I know we're both male, but, well.."
Izuku gasped happily, turning to him with a big smile. "I was just thinking that! And yes..I do. There are so many children we could give a good home too, and for them to receive a proper education." He said, lost in thought.
"I've always wanted to become a teacher, because I love researching and children. I think that if those who have a good start in life will turn out good, but also if those who have a bad start can turn out good with the right hand to hold. And I want to be that hand for them."
He smiled, "I'm excited for it~"
After the shower Izuku got dressed in a comfy pink dress, seeing Touya was nowhere to be found. "Oh no! Shindo did you see Touya leave? It's unlike him to just do that without someone telling him to."
"I dont think I saw him. Maybe he left during our bath." He shrugged, kissing the back of his hand.
Izuku didn't seem eased at all, slipping on some flats and opened his door. "I'm gonna go look for him again, he couldn't have gotten far."
"I can help you look.." He smiled, being the innocent and helpful husband he was soon to be.
The boy smiled. "Thank you."
It took a bit but they finally found him, Izuku patting Touya's head. "What are you doing all the way over here boy? You alright?" He asked, on his knees now.
He looked at him sleepily as he had curled up in the pillows, ears twitching a little. He didn't give him the attention he normally did, maybe it was just because he was tired though.
"You sleepy Touya?" Izuku asked, taking his head into his arms and kissed his forehead.
"Should we leave him here to nap?" Shindo asked sweetly. "I'm not sure if he wants us chatting in his ear as he sleeps."
The boy looked at him and then back to Touya. "Is that it? You want us to go?" Izuku asked, cupping his cheek.
Shindo glared at him harshly as Izuku wasn't looking at him, though Touya was, not liking the look, he wiggled and ducked his face in the pillows.
"Touya.." he said, looking more worried than ever. "Pup please..what's bothering you?"
"What does he normally do when he's tired?" Shindo asked innocently. "Is he... Sick? maybe?"
"I'm not sure..if he's tired he just pulls me close and sleeps." Izuku said, getting up. "We're gonna go Touya..come up to the room when you feel better." He said, still looking to him as they left.
Shindo was smirking. About time that annoying mut was out of the way.
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