7: His Arrival
The next day prince Shindo actually arrived, late in the afternoon, being told to meet Izuku in his room. Though he was playing with Touya at the time, Shindo knocking as he came in.
Izuku was pinned to the ground, Touya licking at his face and neck in his second form. The teen not even noticing he came in over his giggles.
"Ahaha~! N-not there! It tickles Touya! Hahaha~!"
Touya stopped, being the first to notice Shindo and growled, automatically circling around Izuku.
The boy looked in his direction, gasping and blushed heavily. "T-t-Touya no! Down boy!" He said, squeezing out of his arms and smoothed out his dress and did a little courtesy.
"It's nice to meet you prince Shindo. I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow but I suppose the sooner the better." Izuku said with a sunny smile.
The male wasn't too bad looking, with fluffy black hair and brown eyes.
He chuckled, walking over and took Izuku's hand, sending a cautious look to Touya but bowed, kissing his knuckles. "Pleased to meet you too, prince Izuku."
This made the boy blush, smiling awkwardly. "Did you have a safe trip? Things were a bit hectic before but it's died down. And hopefully it stays that way." Izuku sighed.
"Yeah, especially once we unite the kingdoms..~" He smiled charmingly, eyes soft and warm.
The freckled boy nodded and smiled more, heat filling his cheeks. "Have you been around the castle yet? I'd be happy to give you a tour." Izuku offered, moving a strand of hair behind his ear.
This guy might not be so bad after all.
"I'd be happy if you would." He smiled, though Touya didn't like being left. Instead of whining though, he actually hopped up, taking his place next to Izuku stubbornly.
The boy laughed nervously. "Sorry about him, he's pretty clingy and protective towards me. Please understand. Touya is a rather unique creature you see." Izuku said, pointing to his fluffy ears.
He nodded, seemingly accepting him. "I see."
He smiled at the two, Shindo being all accepting by the looks of it.
Izuku smiled brightly, happy about this and continued to give the other a tour of the castle. Pretty much doing what he did with Touya but left the garden for last.
"Usually ever since that day we don't come here but now that things are calmer I think it's fine." Izuku said, holding a bunny in his arms now.
Shindo chuckled softly, "Looks like all the animals missed you..~"
Izuku giggled softly, petting the buns head. "Yes, as I'm the one who usually comes to play with them." He said, watching the baby buns hop around Touya.
He still looked uncomfortable, shaking any that got on him off how he normally would when he was covered in water.
"I'm still working with him but he's getting better day by day. He's a lot like a big puppy really." Izuku said, looking up at the taller male.
Shindo chuckled. "He's just a child, huh?"
Touya glanced over and tilted his head, mainly at Izuku.
Izuku nodded. "He has the mind of one..he's been through things, thats for sure. I promised him that I'd protect and take care of him. And find out how he got to be that way."
The male smiled sweetly at Izuku. "Seems like something you'd do from what I've heard about you, you're so kind.."
The boy blushed, gulping and looked off to the side bashfully. "T-thank you..I was honestly nervous about this whole thing as it was very sudden but you seem very sweet and nice so I'm more relaxed."
"I assure you, there shouldn't be anything to be nervous about." He smiled. "I'll treat you as kind as I can, no matter what happens between us."
He sounded genuine.
Izuku blushed heavily now, smiling big. "Thank you..Yō."
Shindo looked at the sky with a happy sigh. "I was worried too if I'm being honest. I was worried I wouldn't get along with you, but from what I've seen, you really are a kind soul."
The teen was practically melting from all his compliments, hiding half his face in the bunnies fluff. "I s-see.."
He glanced back over with an eyes closed, charming grin. "I'm happy you've been the one I've been chosen to marry."
"Then I hope our future together is bright and loving." Izuku said, putting the bunny down and twiddled with his fingers.
He turned over and grabbed one of his hands, intertwining their fingers as he drew circles using his thumb on Izuku's soft skin. "As long as I can do something about it, I'll be sure it will be if it makes you happy."
Izuku was falling hard, never being so charmed before. He was swept off his feet easily and trusted him completely.
"That..that would be splendid."
He laughed happily, even his lap was sugary sweet, beautiful. He helped him up. "Let's go meet your parents for dinner then? I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you..~"
The teen nodded, hugging his arm now. "I'd love nothing more." Izuku said, on cloud 9. Not even looking at Touya as they walked.
They walked into the dining hall, smiling at each other, Shindo smiling as he complimented how the dress Izuku was wearing complimented his eyes. "Though I must say your eyes are much more beautiful..~"
Izuku gushed, blushing more and held his hot cheek. "You spoil me too much..~" he giggled, looking deeply into his eyes.
They sat down across his parents, Inko beaming that they were getting along so much.
"You two are acquainted then?" His father smiled friendly.
"Of course, Izuku is even sweeter than I thought he'd be."
"And Yō is very sweet and charming." Izuku said.
His mother giggled, "I'm happy you two are getting along so well! Then would you two mind sharing Izuku's room? It's late and we dont have a room prepared for you, Shindo, yet."
Izuku blushed like the pure maiden he was, looking off to the side. "E-Erm..it's a-alright with me..s-s-Shindo?"
"I'm fine with it." He smiled kindly.
The boy nodded softly, head filling with embarrassing and lewd thoughts as they finished dinner up. They were married now..and married people did those things.
Would he be able to handle that?
The two headed up to Izuku's room after that. "Could I ask a maid to fetch my stuff, or should I bring it up myself?"
He still wasn't fully sure of how the castle worked.
"O-oh! Yes of course." Izuku said, getting a maid real quick and told her what to do. The girl nodding and doing so quickly.
Now it was just the two of them in his room, the freckled teen sitting on the edge of his bed nervously. "Y-you must be tired after the trip. Please don't be afraid to nap."
Shindo smiled. "Only if you take one with me?"
The boy squeaked softly, biting his lip a bit. "A-alright.." he said, taking off his shoes and fixed his stockings before laying down in his soft bed. Body stiffening up a bit as he felt the other press his body onto his.
He played with his hair as he spooned him, it was rather comfortable in this bed.
Izuku was glad Shindo couldn't see his face, because he was so red he must have looked like a tomato. But the petting calmed him, the boy closing his eyes and purring a bit.
"So cute.." he murmured softly, slowly falling asleep.
The teen felt himself drifting off as well, feeling warm in his arms and did so easily. Completely forgetting where Touya even was.
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