3: Cuddles
Warm blood dripped from his shoulder, an arrow still embedded in his slightly furry skin.
Izuku was wide eyed, baffled really. "..y..you just.." he mumbled, seeing his wounded shoulder and held him up. "You need a nurse!" He said, desperately calling out for help as he slowly made his way through the hall.
He didn't know how the beast shifted, but it got him more curious on who he was and where he came from.
Maids heard his pleas, running to help. The beast ended up passing out after changing into a more.. human form.
The beast-well-man was took to the medical wing, Izuku following close behind and waited on the other side of the curtain as they tended to his wounds.
The entire time he was praying to the gods, that he'd be alright. Apologizing over and over in his head. It was because of him that he was hurt. He should have taken him inside sooner, he messed again!
A maid walked up to Izuku during the manbeast's surgery, saying his father demanded to see him.
He didn't want to, not wanting to leave the males side but knew he had to. Making his way to his fathers study and opened the door with a worried face.
The King was pacing and when he caught sight of son he took him in arms. "Thank god you're okay! Aizawa caught a group of assassins from the neighboring kingdom in war.. they told him they were sent to kill you but refused to say if they succeeded."
Izuku gaped, gulping a bit. "I..I'm fine but.." the teen teared up. "He protected me..he got hit with arrows and the nurses are taking care of him now. A-and he also..shifted? He's a human now." The boy said, sniffling.
"Who? Go rest, you're not making any sense Izuku." His father frowned.
"The beast! He-he transformed!" The boy said, eyes wide with tears.
"Izuku, you're sounding delusional." His father scolded.
Izuku gaped, walking away. "Go see if you don't believe me." He said bitterly and left to hurry back to the wounded male.
Entering the room and peaked into the curtain to see him all bandaged up and still passed out. He didn't look in pain which he was grateful for, sitting at his side now.
He looked rather odd in the baggy pants he was put in, though now he only had two eyes as a normal human, spiky black hair with red sprinkled into it. He still had the animal ears and tail, body still much bigger than any normal human. He basically looked like a werewolf, but those were just myths...
Izuku gently pat his head, massaging his scalp and pointy ears. "I'm so sorry.." he whispered. "It's because you protected me that your hurt now. If only I wasn't a weak prince."
He gently laid his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and smiled gently.
Hours later, the beast woke again, though Izuku was asleep now.
He sat up with a soft whimper, sounds much more confused if anything. He looked around and then at himself, picking at the blacker on him at then the pants he was wearing, growling softly- though it was a mix between that and a human groan.
He turned his attention to Izuku. Did he die again?
"..mm.." he hummed, shaking Izuku gently.
The teen moaned softly in his sleep, eyes blinking open and gasped softly at the sight of the man. "Your awake!!" He said and hugged him tightly, Though he was careful of his wounds.
"I was so worried..you protected me didn't you? Thank you."
He smiled and hugged Izuku tight, not really caring about his own injuries.
The boy giggled, petting his ears again. "I didn't know you could transform, why didn't you before?" The teen asked.
He looked down at himself. If anything it didn't look like he knew he could either.
Izuku smiled sympathetically, giving him another pat. "Can you talk? Or can you only understand what I'm saying?"
He frowned a little, "Mm.. t..alk.."
He managed it.
The prince smiled. "Baby steps."
Izuku got one of the maids to bring some soup, spoon feeding the male now. "Can you tell me your name?"
He was very confused by the soup now, as at first he only had meat.
And this was like liquid meat but with more weird flavors. It was also much warmer than meat, it burnt his tongue on the first bit and he wasn't sure if he wanted any more of it.
"..'ouya.. T..tou..ya." he seemed a bit proud he managed to say a word that hadn't been said back to him yet.
Izuku smiled big and fed him another spoonful. "Touya Huh? That's a nice name." The boy said.
The soup was still hot and irritated the burn on his tongue so he decided that he didn't like this liquid meat stuff at all, not wanting to eat any more of it.
He saw that Touya didn't like it and put it away, putting the blanket on him. "You should get some more rest, you need it." Izuku said and had him drink some water.
His face shifted in a pout and he pulled the blanket back down stubbornly, acting like a child.
Izuku frowned, putting it back on him. "Now now, I'm not gonna leave. But I need you to sleep okay?" He said to the male, finding it funny how Touya was the older one.
He grumbled unseat his breath, not any words just a growl, taking the blanket back off.
He stood before Izuku could pull the blanket back up, wobbling on his feet for a second, not used to walking on only two legs. Then he proceeded to try and take the pants off, not liking them.
The teen blushed, rushing over to stop him. "D-dont! Your a human-well pretty much- so you have to wear clothes!" He said, holding his hands.
He didn't seem happy with that logic, slightly scowling at the pants he was wearing and proceeded to grumble more growls.
Izuku frowned softly up at him, expression soft. "..please? For me?"
But he had fur! He didn't need a human's cheap excuse of fur!
He sighed, more like huffed, and grumbled more but nodded after a few seconds.
The teen smiled, tucking him back in and sat beside him. Getting one of the books that were in the room and opened it. "Want me to read to you to help you fall asleep?"
This might even help him talk more.
He shrugged. He didn't plan on falling asleep anyway, so there was no point. Well that was Touya's logic.
Izuku turned to page one, reading out loud calmly. It was a children's book, about forest animals life at school. It was quite cute and Izuku's voice was like melted honey.
He listened curiously, though wasn't getting tired. He stared curiously, occasionally his head would tilt to the side, ears flopping with the movement.
If anything Izuku was the one to fall asleep sitting up, book in his lap and head on his shoulder a bit. Today had emotionally worn him out.
He poked him curiously.
After not getting a response he got worried, though stood and took off his pants because he still didn't like those, then pulled Izuku in bed with him, cuddling him.
The teen snored softly, looking like a little angel with his fluffy green hair and freckled face. His arms wrapping around the naked body and melted into the warmth.
{By heya, (again)}
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