12: I'm Just a Pet
The next morning, Shindo shook Izuku awake. "Hey, get cleaned up and dressed. I'll be downstairs for breakfast."
He walked to the door and left, not even asking if Izuku wanted help.
The teen was left all alone, feeling a bit sad but shook it off and wobbly stood. Going to the bathroom and showered well before drying and got some clothes on.
He didn't go to breakfast though, he went to the library to see Touya. "Morning~"
It was empty.
"Huh...the garden maybe?"
Izuku went there too, scanning the area. "Touya! Are you out here!"
No sign of him, though Aizawa heard him, he was patrolling, but walked over. "Prince?"
"Aizawa! Have you seen Touya?" He asked with a worried expression. "He wasn't in the library."
He blinked. "Oh. I thought your father told you, he sleeps in a spare room with guards at his door. He would have slept in the dungeon, but I knew you wouldn't have wanted that so I spoke out for him.."
Izuku smiled big. "Thank you. That means a lot." He said, going back inside and found the room with guards in front of them. Not even speaking to them as he opened the door and saw the male on the bed.
"Touya! I found you~" he said and went over, hugging him.
He happily smiled at the sight of him, his tail wagging. It looked like he had been struggling to sleep, probably because of the collar.
Izuku made sure the door was closed before taking the collar off him and found a soft cloth. Getting out a needle and thread and cut the clothes before sewing it on the inside so it wasn't scratchy anymore.
After that he put it back on him and made it not so tight. "That better?" He asked, petting his head. Izuku had forgotten about the bruises and marks on his neck.
He was staring at him but nodded, then pointed at his neck. "What's that?"
Izuku turned to look in the mirror and blushed. O-oh..those. It's fine, Shindo was just a little rough last night is all." He said.
He frowned, "Did he hit you?"
It didn't even look like he knew what sex was.
"N-no-well-Touya, do you know where babies come from?" Izuku asked.
"No?" He stared. He'd been locked up his whole life. He didnt know even half of what the world was.
"Ok well..my parents did it and they had me. And me and Shindo did it last night since it was the first night of our official marriage. Even though we're the same gender we can still do it if we'd like..it being s-sex." Izuku said, blushing a bit.
He nodded slowly, though still mainly looked confused. "..am I gunna be locked in here?"
He muttered.
"I don't really know..maybe just stay in here for a couple days to let everything cool down? Remember your on thin ice so maybe right now you need to stay out of fathers sight. But I'll be in here with you so you won't be lonely~" he said and hugged him again.
"Alright." He nodded, though looked at bit antsy, tail flicking back and forth in a twitchy motion, was well as his ears flickering.
Izuku saw this and felt bad, knowing he wanted to get out and move about but he couldn't right now. "Well what would you like to do in here?"
"..reading? I still am.. dumb." He sighed, shaking his head. "Never mind. I.. don't wanna keep you here if you don't wanna be."
He moved his knees to his chest and rested his chin on one, looking at Izuku.
"But I want to be with you Touya..I'm not forcing myself." He said and poked his nose. "If I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't be fighting so hard for you."
His ears lowered to his head as he hid his face. "..sorry.."
Izuku giggled and kissed his pointy ears. "Don't be pup, it isn't your fault. All the things I do are my own decision, So don't feel guilty."
"But it is.. everything is. Think about it, if I wasn't here, you'd marry the mean human happily and you wouldn't have to worry about me and I wouldn't have ruined your marriage thing and mean human wouldn't be mean because he wouldn't have been me to me at all. You'd be happy with him and the war stuff would be done.. and you wouldn't have to deal with a dumb monster." He whimpered quietly, still hiding his face, hugging his own legs.
"Touya!..you aren't a monster. Why do you talk bad about yourself so much when you know I care for you and love you! Not once have I ever wished I never met you, because you are my happiness!"
Izuku caught his breath, frowning. "If you were gone..I'd be lost. You give me drive."
His ears twitched. "..but if I wasn't here you'd find happiness in your.. hus..husband." 'Whatever that thing is.' He mentally frowned. "You were really happy when I slept in the garden and you and him were up in your room."
He argued this, peeking at him. "If I was never here you wouldn't realize you were upset.."
"Stop it! Stop!..I was only happy because i fell for his dumb charm! I was so worried you'd hate me for doing that to you! He doesn't even care about me!!"
Izuku covered his face, tears pricking his eyes. "But it doesn't matter wether he does or not..this isn't for me, it's for the kingdom."
But it still hurt to be in a loveless marriage.
"..m'sorry. I'm sorry for being dumb, I'll stop." He hugged him. "I'll stop.."
"You aren't dumb Touya..your smarter than you know." Izuku whispered, hugging him tight. "Don't worry about me okay? It's going to be fine."
"But-" the door opened.
"Your father and mother want you down in the breakfast room, prince." A maid politely said. "Your husband is waiting."
Izuku sighed, getting up. "I'll see you after breakfast okay? Don't be sad." He said and pat his head. "I'm your human."
He watched him leave and decided to pick up a book. He could read a bit, picking one up about exotic pets. Of course.. it described what a pet was.
'Normally something given a collar, a name, and taken care of by it's loving owner. Different types of pets need different needs, normally held in a comfortable environment..'
Blah blah.. he quickly grew bored with it, flipping through it only to learn about different types of animals and all that.
He then noticed something, tugging on the collar around his neck.
...was he only a pet? Was there a pet love? He.. probably was only a furry animal in Izuku's eyes that could talk. Like one of the animals listed in here, a parrot. He didn't know if that made him happy or sad... but then he read something.
'After all, the best pet is a happy pet!'
It said it at near the very end of the book. His eyes scanned over it. He should be happy. That made him a good pet, right? It's also would make Izuku stop worrying. That's it.. then he'd commit to this whole pet thing the best he could.
The little prince got to the dining room, sitting next to Shindo and quietly ate. He was still thinking about what Touya said, feeling bad that he blamed himself for everything.
"Since the Ketsubutsu kingdom is allied with the Endeavor kingdom, we should be out of the war. If they try to attack again, then both kingdoms will be attacking them." His father told everyone with a smile. This is perfect!
Izuku nodded softly, moving the fruit around on his plate. He didn't really have an appetite..just wanted Touya to be happy.
"That's good father.."
"So, we'll be having a celebration." He chuckled. "Both for the new marriage and our safety. Our people have been getting nervous as word of the attack spread around. It'll be open to everyone."
"A ball?" Izuku asked.
"More of a festival, though we could arrange one too." His mother smiled happily.
"A festival sounds nice, I can't wait then." Izuku said, finishing his food and got up to leave.
Shindo followed after, "Izuku, my love, should we plan it out? I spoke to your mother and father before you came down, we can decide since we're the newly weds~"
"Oh..I guess." The teen said, walking up the stairs now.
He trailed after, smiling sweetly. "I was thinking, if we do have a ball, why not make it a masquerade?"
"Sounds good."
Izuku didn't even look at him, entering his bedroom and sat at his vanity to fix his hair.
He grinned. "I thought so... but are you okay? You seem distant."
He smiled softly. "Anything I can do?"
Izuku lifted his soft bristled brush, gently using it on his curls. "..you must be very popular back home. Every ball, party, a gathering..people were just falling at your feet weren't they?"
"Hm? ...not really, why do you ask?" He tilted his head like Touya did, but it wasn't really cute, it just made him look weird.
"Your a charmer..a lover, a husband, and a liar."
Izuku turned. "This is nothing but a status marriage. You don't have to keep lying to me, like I'm a child."
He eyed him. "Who says I'm lying? I love you, Izuku."
His words would be comforting if Izuku didn't already have his mind set on Shindo as the bad guy.
"And that won't ever change, okay?"
"..stop it, stop saying things that you think I want to hear! It won't change anything!" Izuku got up, gripping the door handle to leave.
He pulled him back by the wrist, holding him by the waist. "Why so upset baby? Did I do something?"
Izuku moves his face away from him in disgust. "You!..you just care about yourself!" He yelled, pushing him away and huffed.
"Pretending you do only makes it worse..so if anything do it in front of everyone else but not me. I'm done. Touya's right about you, you are just a bad person."
"Touya?" He sighed after a second.
His expression completely changed.
His face darkened into a scowl, he rolled his eyes as the previous charm of him disappeared, only being replaced by peer sinister evil.
"Fine, yeah, I don't really care. That mutt isn't right about shit though, it's a monster."
He threw him on the bed. "But do me a favor and do as I say, your only purpose in this relationship is stress relief, got it?"
He growled this, stripping him a second.
Izuku screamed, kneeing him in the stomach and moved away a bit. "Y-your disgusting! Your the real monster!"
He wheezingly chuckled, pinning him down still and covered his mouth. "Keep resisting and I'll make sure your father kills that little mutt."
The teen glared. "W-what could you possibly do!"
"You're just a child to him, if I say anything about that mutt threatening you or trying to snap at you, he'll believe me. Like you could stop him, he's already hated by your father~" he smirked.
Izuku growled, but he stopped resisting. "Damn you..your scum. Touya never did anything to you! He's just a poor innocent being!"
He smirked. "Play the innocent little bride of mine and turn into a little whore for me and he'll be fine~.. but act out one and I'll have his head displayed on the wall like a deer."
The freckled teen began to cry. "Tch..you could just mess around with any of the maids, I'm sure they'd be happy to."
"You're my wife, I couldn't possibly cheat on you~" he cooed with a sadistic smirk.
Izuku sighed. "Your so gross."
"Aye, blow me and I'll let you go."
The boy huffed, nodding gently and was let go. Getting in between his legs with a grimace and shivered as he got his cock out.
He had a tight grip on his hair so he couldn't get away. "Good boy~"
Izuku wanted to gag, opening his mouth slowly and suckled on the tip. Tongue swirling around the head curiously.
He didn't know the first thing about fellato!
Shindo rolled his eyes. "How terrible can you be at this?"
The teen grumbled, getting more in his mouth and slid up and down. Closing his eyes and tried to think of something else as he did this.
For a mere second Touya popped up and he blushed heavily.
"Open your throat more." He snapped, shoving Izuku's mouth down on his cock.
Of course he choked, gagging softly as it touched the back of his throat. Opening it up more and felt his lips stretch, drool and pree making a mess of his chin.
But it was easier now, the teen getting more and more of his cock inside.
He groaned at this, "Fuck.. stop dragging you teeth."
Izuku growled softly, wrapping his lips over them and went faster. Hands resting on his knees for balance. He swallowed his juices and a few tears slipped from his eyes.
Shindo held him still and started fucking his throat, banging the back of his throat with every thrust.
The poor teen could do nothing but take it, whimpering and mewling around his meat. His face became a face of tears and slobber. He really did look like a whore now didn't he?
"Mphk! Nn! Nnghh~!"
He chuckled, "There you fucking go..~"
He groaned, using Izuku till he came, filling his throat with thick seed.
Izuku waited until he was finished and slid off his soft cock, going to spit it out.
He held his face. "Swallow."
Shindo commanded this, smirking. "Be thankful, not everyone gets to swallow my cum~"
The boy whimpered again, slowly swallowing the salty seed down and opened his mouth to show him.
He pinched his tongue with a nasty smirk. "Good boy~"
Izuku got up, putting his clothes back on and quickly left. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
What was he going to do..there was only one thing to do. Keep Touya safe and alive, from that bastard.
He went to the library, seeing Touya reading and sat next to him. "Sorry..things took longer than expected."
He had practiced voluntarily wagging his tail since most of the time when he was happy it just did without him thinking about it.
The moment he did, he made sure his tail was wagging extra fast, making him look really really happy. He was gunna be the very best pet for Izuku.
He hugged him happily, smiling big, book long forgotten.
"It's fine!"
"Eh..Touya? What's gotten into you?" Izuku giggled and hugged him back. "You miss me that much? Also sorry about earlier, I didn't meant to blow up at you."
"It's okay!" He grinned, showing off his fangs. It was okay that he was a dumb puppy. Izuku found it funny normally, it made him smile, so it was okay. Even if it made Touya a bit upset.
Izuku wavered a bit, still confused. "But I made you upset.."
He shook his head, nuzzling into him. "Nope! You can't make me upset!"
He ignored the fact Izuku smelled like Shindo more than ever. He ignored the fact it frustrated him. He was a pet and pets don't think like that.
Izuku pet his head and laid them down. He just wanted to forget, he needed a nap..
"Touya..Touya can you do something for me?"
"Yeah? What?" He perked up at him excitedly.
"Say you love me..I...I need to hear it from someone who actually means it." He dryly chuckled, though it was a sad one.
"I love you!" He exclaimed, nuzzling into him more as his tail slowed down for a second before he forced it to wag faster.
Izuku could hear the strain in his voice, forcing him to look at him. "..you too huh? Don't force yourself to say it."
The teen had tears in his eyes.
Thing is, he wasn't forcing himself to say it. He just thought Izuku loved him as a pet. Not a human. This fact upset him, but he refused to let it show.
"I'm not lying if that's what you're thinking." He frowned softly, curling around him, resting his head on Izuku's chest as he held him in his arms, also curling his legs around Izuku's.
"T-then why are you acting so different..I don't like it. Don't force yourself to be happy for me, because that isn't what I want." He cried, clinging to him for life.
"I'm not forcing anything! I thought things over when you left and I realized something! That's all." He smiled at him, leaning into him more.
"R..realized what?"
"...that I shouldn't be upset if you married him and you did it for your kingdom, so I dont see a reason to be sad!" He smiled wide. Izuku was his life, it wasn't really hard to fake happiness if he was with him, Izuku really did make him happy.
Something deep inside the prince clicked, cupping Touya's cheek and put their foreheads together. Izuku was surprised it took him so long to realize it..
He loved Touya a lot more than he thought.
"Gods..your too good for me. You deserve someone who can give you all of their care and attention."
His head tilted. "You are that person though..?"
He knew it. Izuku didn't love him like he did. He loved him like a pet.
That's okay though, Touya had to remind himself of this. He was a pet, so that's fine. He was a dumb pup after all.
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