10: the Wedding Day
It was the day of the wedding, Izuku in his room getting fitted into his dress and having his hair and face done. All the maids were telling him how lucky he was to be married to Shindo, how pretty he looked and how happy they'd be.
Izuku played the happy bride, nodding along. All he had to do was walk up there and kiss him and he could keep doing what he wanted. It was all for show anyways right?
Touya sat on his pet watching him get all dolled up, still looking like a human basically.
The teen stood now, looking at the beast. "How do I look?"
His hair had a little braid, baby's breath in it. His cheeks and lips having some color and the dress was a beautiful creamy white with a slightly poofy skirt and floral patterns at the top.
His head tilted. "Uhhuh.. S'good. Pretty."
Izuku smiled, fixing the males hair. "I want you to be there, you could sit with my parents if you'd like. Or Uraraka."
"..but.." He complained, tugging at the suit he was being forced into. "I dont want you to marry him."
He cupped his cheek, pressing their foreheads together. "I don't want to either..but this is for my kingdom. It's my duty remember?"
"That's not fair.." He whined, grabbing his hands.
Izuku smiled gently. "It won't be all bad..I'll make sure you don't get any unfair treatment. You have my word." The boy said and looked down into the garden where everyone was at.
"It's time Touya, you need to go be with the others."
"..no.." He pouted, growling softly in a stubborn refusal.
Izuku laughed. "I'll always be your human, alright?" He said and walked to the door, opening it. "I'll see you there..okay?"
The maids took him to where he'd be before stepping out and to the podium. Perfecting the last details before the priest and groom were ready.
He growled as he was left alone, pouting the whole time. He didn't like that his human was being forced to be with another mean person.
Izuku was a nervous wreck, pacing back and forth a bit as he held the bouquet of white roses. Would this really help things? Was Shindo still going to be mean to Touya? Was he really okay with all this..
Uraraka saw his actions, helping him calm down by telling him her parents wedding. They were simple people who lived in town, but the wedding was cute and lovely. And that even the happiest couple have ups and downs but it would work out in the end.
It did make him feel a bit better, hugging her before taking a few deep breaths.
The harp began to play and then a flute and that was his cue to walk out. The teen stepping out of the tent and onto the grass where he walked by everyone with a lovely soft smile.
All eyes were on him, though his were down at his flowers. Soon getting up to the podium and stood across from the black haired male.
His heart couldn't calm, he didn't see Touya either..
The priest was reading from his bible, his mother crying tears of joy. It was all perfect wasn't it?
"Shindo yō, Do you take Izuku midoriya as your lawful wedded partner, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
Izuku shakily gave him his hand so he could put the ring on.
"I do." He smiled, taking his hand and slid on the ring.
He had Izuku take his own as the priest said his part.
"Izuku Midoriya, Do you take Shindo yō as your lawful wedded partner, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
He gulped and slowly put the ring on shindos. "I do.."
"If anyone thinks that they should not be together speak now or forever hold your peace."
Oh how Izuku wished he could be the one to say no to this, that for at least one day he wasn't a prince and could do what he wanted without fear of being killed.
Izuku was obviously panicking, Touya wasn't watching from the crowd but off to the side, staring sadly.
Technically if he spoke up... would things change?
Plus... Izuku was his human. He was his. Izuku even said it.
His sulk gradually morphed into a glare, one only a beast really could give. He let himself rely on whatever was itching in the back of his head, feeling a whole lot feral in a few seconds.
He swung down from his little hidey hole, still in suit that snugly clung to his body, sleeves rolled up so he had more air flow. He walked down the aiel like Izuku did, though with completely different intentions, eyes dark and intense as he sliced through the air with his own stare.
Izuku saw this, gawking and let go of shindos hands. "..t..Touya??" What was he doing!? He asked himself that but deep down he already knew..
"Stop." He growled out, voice feral by now.
The boy gulped, all the guests gasping and whispering. As they didn't know who Touya was or what he was.
"Touya..don't do this." Izuku pleaded, frowning.
"No." He growled, "Mine."
His voice was feral, fur spreading on his cheeks as his clothes tore and he started really morphing into the beast.
Everyone screamed, the guests backing away as Touya was now in his full form.
Izuku dropped his flowers, going up to Touya. "Stop acting like a child!! I told you that this is what had to be done! Look at what you did!"
He jumped and curled around Izuku, snarling at any guards that tried to come up to them.
He sighed deeply, climbing his fur and was on his back now. Going to his ear. "Calm down! This is solving nothing! If you don't stop your going to be thrown in the dungeon again!"
Izuku kept a steady hold on his horns so he wouldn't be thrown off.
The moment he was on and knew he was stable Touya ran.
He didn't care, he wanted his human to be happy and he could tell that, that wasn't going to happen with Shindo.
The guards were sent to find them, though Touya was hiding with Izuku under a small cliff like thing in the forest, deeper inside there was a small ledge that he ducked under to hide with the greenet.
"Touya..what have you done? They're going to throw you in the dungeon for sure! Gods.."
Izuku began to cry, scared for what would happen to the beast.
He licked his face, his tail wagging as he nuzzled into him a little. He didn't seem to care.
He sniffed, huggin his neck. What was he going to do? Touya just kidnapped him from his wedding, Izuku being a runaway bride pretty much.
And now they were in the middle of nowhere with guards searching all over.
This wasn't what Izuku wanted..they were free but only to an extent. It was only a matter of time before they were found.
"Touya..Touya you need to take me back right now. If you do then maybe I can beg my father into giving you a lighter punishment."
He growled softly at the idea, shaking his large head.
"I know your worried about me but your thinking on instinct. Your not thinking about the future! We can't keep on running for the rest of our lives pup." Izuku said, sighing and wiped his tears away.
He tilted his head and for a moment just stared. Did Izuku really want to go back or was he just worried about Touya?
He closed his eyes for a second, ears shifting forward tensely before twitching as he seemingly shrunk down.
The boy watched him, Touya being in his most human form now. "I know why you did what you did..and I know you came from a good place but I told you to trust me, but I guess you don't."
"You weren't happy. You were sad and my human is most important, I don't care about anything else because it hasn't been as nice as you have." He growled softly, hugging him tight despite the fact he was stark naked.
Izuku blushed from that fact but hugged him back because he didn't really care at the moment. "Gods..you really are my favorite person in the world." He laughed. "But don't you know i was doing this for you? Father would have made you a weapon for war, and no way was I going to let that happened. Looks like we both did things for each other huh?.."
"I knew it.." he mumbled, "Don't do it for me, I'm okay with anything that happens.. besides you being upset or sad. Because you need to be happy."
"Knowing your okay makes me happy. But whether we decide to run or go back it'll be just the same..so we should split, At least make them think that we did." Izuku said with a soft smirk.
"Huh?" He blinked at him.
"We should find a cave in the woods for you, where you could stay. And then I go back and tell them you ran off or something. I could sneak out to see you..that's the best I've got." He said.
Touya frowned. "..but.. what if I go back and make them think.. I ate you? So they won't look for you anymore and you can be happy?" He paused. "I can escape and uh.. run to you.."
"They won't stop looking for you, my parents would want revenge." Izuku chuckled. "But I appreciate it."
"I don't want you to go back because you'll never be let out again and you'll still have to marry and you'll forget about me!" He whined, ears flattening to his head.
"I'd never forget about you! That one time was my fault, I take responsibility for that but you have my word. I will never ever abandon you." Izuku said, cupping his face.
"I love you..and you love me right?...so take me back, It's for the better. My kingdom needs me touya."
"..which type of love..?" The blue eyed male looked into Izuku's eyes, his own swirling with different emotions, though the color of the electric blue made his gaze seem fierce and intense.
Izuku blushed heavily. "T..the kind that makes me want to be with you forever...and to keep you safe."
He was trying to figure out which one that was... of course Izuku didn't say anything like his father and mother.. That and he didn't "love" him more than anyone else...
His tail sagged and ears lowered to his head, but he smiled. "..we can go back.."
Izuku smiled, holding his hand. "Thank you..I'll always love you dearly Touya. So very much."
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