Chapter Four
Barnstall Grove was a small forest located by the railroad tracks. There as a tiny utility trail leading up a semaphore signal, and they followed that, until they came upon the tracks.
The train had been moved off to a siding.
Roo and Christopher Robin got onto the caboose back platform and then entered the caboose. The train creaked a little in the faint breeze.
They rapidly explored the cars, guns drawn to make sure nobody was there. As they expected, all the passenger coaches were empty, but the baggage car still showed signs of the struggle, as there were numerous brass casings on the floor.
Christopher Robin held one of the casings to the light. Roo peered over his shoulder.
"It seems that Pooh used revolvers when he did robberies. Not surprised, because it is the classic weapon of choice for many outlaws. Easy to use, easy to maintain."
Christopher Robin's eyes drifted down to the safe, empty and it's door wide open, and when he turned back, Roo was gone.
He must have wandered off, but Christopher Robin felt a overwhelming feeling of unease.
"Christopher Robin, help me! Help!" The shout was slowly fading away, as if someone was dragging him.
Christopher Robin jumped off the abandoned train, and looked around. Roo's shout came off to the right, deeper into Barnstall Grove.
Christopher Robin drew his pistol and racked the slide, and wandered into the woods, where he saw a clearing, where the Bear with No Name dwelled, Roo hogtied to a tree.
Christopher Robin whistled for his ever faithful horse, and mounted the saddle, and sped off in the opposite direction, toward Wilder.
"The Bear with No Name? You found him in Barnstall Grove?" The sheriff leaned back in his chair.
"Yes," Christopher Robin replied, "He took my partner."
"The young kangaroo? I'm not surprised, but let me cut to the chase. Have you bought anything to prove that The Bear with No Name is hiding out there? Otherwise, this search would prove fruitless. But very well. We shall send a scout, a posseman armed with a rifle, out to investigate first. If he returns and gives us news, we shall descend on The Bear with No Name like the devil. "
The posseman was sent to investigate, but after a whole two hours, he never returned, and the sheriff issued a call to arms.
They came from all over the surrounding countryside, clutching a freshly-bought repeater or a centuries old arabesques. Wizened old men, some in crutches, teenagers that had nothing else to do, elite bounty hunters, all came from afar. They crowded Wilder's stables, all shouting to lease a horse from the caretaker.
The sheriff helped Christopher Robin onto a wagon and a team of horses, and together they watched as the posse checked their guns and mounted their horses.
"Gentlemen!" Wilhem called to all, "Together we shall ride into Barnstall Grove and take out The Bear With No Name, and bring glory to all of our families and the country! Onward men! Let's ride!"
The convoy set off down the road, as a feeling of excitement and adventure hung in the air. The posse was a friendly and rowdy bunch, some of it's members spurred their horses to a gallop, overtaking the wagon, while others trotted far behind.
They arrived at the fringes of the clearing, and they dismounted. Christopher Robin clambered down from the wagon and double checked his pistol.
The sheriff took a quick look at Winnie the Pooh, who was roasting a wiener over the fire. Roo was still hog-tied to the tree, and it seemed he was out cold.
The posseman that was sent out laid dead on the ground, his rifle beside him.
"That's The Bear with No Name, alright. Earnie was a good family man, may God bless his"
"Men, spread out!" Wilhelm yelled, "Encircle his camp. Remember, he is armed and dangerous!"
The posse members ran in all different directions, some on foot, others on horseback.
Christopher Robin and the Sheriff emerged from the clearing, guns aimed at Pooh's chest. Pooh's paws were sliding to his waistband.
"It's over. It's all over. Put your hands up" Christopher Robin said to Pooh, "Drop your weapons."
"Christopher Robin," Pooh replied, with his unmistakable lilting voice, "It's good to see you, after all these years. Frankly, I thought you were dead. I guess not, and it's a pity, really."
The sheriff motioned with his repeater barrel, "Don't play games. Drop your guns." Possemen emerged from the forest, guns chambered and at the ready.
Pooh stood up, and stepped backwards, toward a horseback-mounted posseman. The rider reacted accordingly, his aim wavering just for a few seconds, and that was when The Bear With No Name took the opportunity to draw his revolver from his waistband and shoot the man in the chest.
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