Part Two
"WHAT!?" Luke looked back up at Joel. "Traitor much?" He paused, then groaned, "I think I'm gonna need to keep this garbage can with me..."
Rebecca dropped Moriah's mask into the sink, and backed away. "Okay. You win."
Moriah's mouth dropped, and her eyes grew. "My mask!!" She jumped on Luke's back. "NOW, MY DOLL WOULD LOVE SOME CURLY HAIR!!"
Rebecca smacked a pie into Moriah's face, smearing the whipped cream into her hair.
Luke fell over, then forced Moriah off of his back. He jumped up to his feet, and Moriah ran in the other room, locking herself inside.
"TAKE MY HAIR. HIS HAIR IS TOO LUSCIOUS." Joel said, standing in front of Luke. "Oh, brother.. thank goodness... you've turned back to the light side." Luke got up and gave Joel a big hug... and didn't let go.
"Can't... breathe.." Joel said weakly, then pretended to pass out.
Moriah came out of the room, a snake on her shoulder. "Bec, I DON'T think you've met Mr. Tickles!" She smirked, then looked over at Luke. "Oh.. and, Lukey! Guess what I've got?" She held a Luke doll with his hair on it in one hand, along with his favorite conditioner in the other hand. Luke stared at the doll. "Eh, you can keep it." He grinned. "Besides, I think it's pretty adorable that you have a doll version of me." He chuckled.
"And..." Moriah held up his favorite conditioner, with a smirk on her face.
"Moriah... we made a truce..." He replied, releasing Joel, and slowly walking up to her with his finger up.
"Uh... Luke.. Please tell me your not going to do something stupid..." Emily chuckled nervously.
Moriah laughed like some kind of crazy person, trying to freak Luke out. "BUT LUKEY... IT NEEDS MORE HAIR!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
Luke quickly turned to Emily and let out a evil grin.
Emily looked at Moriah. "RUN." She said wide eyed, then took off running before Luke could start chasing her.
Luke turned back to Moriah. "Ya know, Moriah... I still have all your expensive make-up... And trust me, you won't be happy if you break our truce..."
"Not yet... Lukey... be a DOLL and donate some hair to Luke Junior!"
Luke sighed, and folded his arms, tapping his foot. "Why can't you just wait until I actually need a hair cut?!"
"YOU NEED ONE NOW!! MY PHONE CAN WAIT, MY MAKE UP CAN WAIT..." Moriah started to whisper in a creepy voice. "But Luke junior can't..."
"DON'T BREAK THE TRUCE!" Emily yelled, her voice muffled from the closet door. She gasped, and slapped her hand over her mouth. "Oops.."
"Does anyone care that they have whipped cream smeared all over their heads? Oh, yea....Emily!" Rebecca opened the closet door, and threw pie in her face and hair. "Hi!"
"I'M OUT!" Luke ran out the tour bus, and jumping right into the water, started to swim away.
Emily scowled, then shut the door on Rebecca.
"LUKEY! COME BACK!" Moriah chased after him, and also dove into the water.
Luke saw purple flags in the water, but didn't have an idea what it meant... he didn't really care at that moment either...
"LUKE!" Moriah called out to him, snipping the scissors together. "I REFUSE!!" Luke replied still swimming.
Moriah came to a stop. "Umm... Luke?" She said when she noticed the purple flags, staring at them.
To be continued....
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