Part Six
"R-really?" Moriah nodded. "Yes, sweetie."
"OH MY GOSH... OH MY GOSH... WHAT AM I GONNA DO...." Luke said quietly panicking and fanning himself with both hands while pacing around the floor.
Luke was kind of in his own world... so Emily and Joel decided to ignore him. Emily started balling, and clutched onto Joel. "YES!"
Moriah tapped Joel's shoulder. "I'll be right back." She walked over to Luke and whisper yelled. "Seriously? Why are you freaking out now!?"
"Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes!!" He said hugging her back. "Hello, my lovely daughter." He chuckled.
"Sh-s-sh-she t-took my-" Anndd then Luke dropped to the floor and passed out. Emily laughed, and Moriah came back and hugged the two. "I'll be right back... heheh." Moriah grabbed a vase of water, then dumped it on Luke.
Luke woke up right when the water hit him. "SERIOUSLY WOMAN!?" Emily was laughing so hard, she could barely speak. "Sh-should we tell him I'm not going to do any-anything?" She continued laughing.
"Oh, yeah... I knew that..." Luke said monotonely staring at Emily with evil eyes.
Joel walked over to Luke, reached inside his pocket and took out Joel's sunglasses. "You could've broke these, mate." Joel said sticking them back in his own shirt pocket.
Moriah smirked at Luke, then pulled a fake Australian accent. "Dry up! Oh, and put some water in that vase, mate.... the flowers look parched!" Joel watched, and began laughing.
Emily saw Luke still glaring at her. "Uh... Byee!" She ran off for the door.
Moriah picked Luke up. "Don't you dare hurt my daughter!" He let out a very high pitched, short scream. "Please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me!!!" Luke chanted. "Moriah no biting! Moriah no biting! Moriah nooo bitinggg!!"
Moriah glared at him. "I won't, this was just a warning." She let him go, then walked over to Joel.
Emily ran back in when she realized the oreos were still there. She noticed Luke was glaring, and she gulped. "Hehehe...Hi!" She slowly backed away, then looked over at Joel. "HELP ME!"
Moriah looked at Luke, and mouthed to him, "YOU MESS WITH MY DAUGHTER, YOU MESS WITH ME!"
Luke looked at Moriah and pointed to his mouth. "I-I'm sorry, Moriah, I don't read lips." He grinned. Emily grabbed the oreos, then started pelting them at Luke. "Hey! Moving target!" She laughed.
"Hey hey hey!!" Luke said trying to block the oreos with his arms.
Moriah put her hand in her pocket, then continued staring at Luke. "Don't read lips, huh?" She pulled out a pair of scissors then smirked, and mouthed, "I'M GONNA CUT YOUR HAIR IN THREE, TWO, ONE!"
"NO!!!" Luke charged ahead of everyone and dashed for the main door. Emily stopped throwing food, and started to feel bad for Luke. "Awwwwwww, I'm sorry, Luke!" She went to grab him for a hug.
"NO!! I'm not falling for your evil tricks 'Moriah's young apprentice'!" Luke said running out and in to the tour bus.
Emily looked disappointed. "COME BACK!" She ran after him.
Moriah yelled. "LUKE, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!"
"MA'AM YES MA'AM!" Luke said stepping out of the bus, saluting and walking up to Emily then giving her a hug.
Moriah patted Luke's back as she got on the bus. "Now that's a good kangaroo." She chuckled.
And they all lived happily ever after! ... When Bec got out the hospital. Any other chapters you'd like for me to do? Shoot 'em at me in the comments! >=D
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