Part One
Luke was relaxing on the couch, then Rebecca ran in and slammed the door closed. She locked it, and ran over to the window, and held up Mark and Moriah's phones. She stuck her tongue out, and also held up Emily's iPod and headphones. Luke stood up and walked over, deciding to join in on the fun. He peaked out the window behind Bec and whispered. "All right, get me up to date on what's going on..."
Rebecca smirked. "Moriah and Emily pranked me, and Mark tried to take the blame for it, so I'm pranking all three....Wanna help me??" Luke laughed. "Count me in!!" He gave her a pat on the back. Rebecca sniggered. "Alright.....first things first....can you hand me that packet of egg dye tablets, please?"
"Sure!" Luke grabbed the packet, and handed it over to Rebecca.
Emily was hiding up in a tree. "Mark..Psst.. Is Joel there or is it safe?"
Moriah popped up from the water. "OH MY GOSH I ALMOST DROWNED!" Emily looked over and saw Moriah. "So that's where you where! Geez, Moriah! Be careful!" Moriah got out of the water, and pointed at Luke then mouthed the words, "I WILL HURT YOU LIKE THE DAY AT THE K-LOVE FAN AWARDS!"
Luke stood there wide eyed and then ran out of the tour bus, away from Moriah. "YOU ALREADY CUT ONE OF MY PRECIOUS CURLS!"
Rebecca smiled, as she put her plan together. "This'll be fun! Where's the ketchup and mustard?" She paused, and realized Luke left. "Dad!! Drat....Hmm..."
"WATCH YOUR BACK, LUKE!" Moriah glared at him. She found a pair of scissors on the ground, picked them up, and chased after Luke with them. "MY LUKE-DOLL NEEDS MORE HAIR!!"
"WHAT!??! No!!!" Luke said running even faster. Moriah put on a really creepy, deep voice, as she continued to chase him. "LUKE, BE A GOOD BOY AND DONATE SOME HAIR TO MY DOLL!! REMEMBER?! THE ONE YOU USED MY FLATIRON ON!!!"
Rebecca sighed. "Joel! Dad! Get on the bus and help me with the pranking!!"
Luke was so freaked out, so he ran in the tour bus and locked the door.
"Dad! Welcome back! Is Joel coming? And you might not wanna eat the donuts...." He turned around, facing Rebecca with his hands on the door trying to make sure that no one could get in. "That woman is mad.... Wait, what's wrong with the donuts?"
"Coming!" Joel yelled as he rushed towards the tour bus. Luke unlocked the door for him, then ran into the other room, trying to find a place where he couldn't be found.
"They are coming.." Mark said dramatically as he stared at the door of the tour bus from the inside. Joel entered in, but forgot to lock the door. "HIDE!"
Emily ran inside the tour bus. "OH LUKEY, WHERE ARE YOU?"
Luke stood there with wide eyes and then dropped to the ground, he crawled on the floor to the very back of the tour bus.
Rebecca kicked Emily back out of the tour bus, and she slammed the door shut and locked it. "Umm.....I may or may not have replaced the jelly and cream filling with a gross concoction of mayo, mustard, ketchup, and vinegar.....heh heh."
Luke had already just put the donut into his mouth. He hesitated, then ran to the garbage can and spat everything out.... alsooo, with his past lunch... and breakfast... everywhere in the garbage can..
"Okay, my love." Joel said, then opening the door for her. "Don't do it Joel!!!" Luke said then turning back to the garbage can annnddd then throwing up some more. "Joel, if you let her on this bus I will mix up all your clothes every time I get on this bus. And you'll get Whoopee Cushions in your bed." Rebecca said with a smile." Moriah ran inside, and hugged Joel. "Thank you, Joel!" She then let him go, and ran off to Luke. "OH GOSH NO!! Moriah... now, you wouldn't hurt a poor ole' sick person throwing up now, would you???" Emily ran in, and saw Joel. "Uh, hi!" she looked over at Luke. "Okay then!"
"Sorry, Luke, but I might have switched sides." Joel smirked, and looked at Moriah.
To be continued....
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