Part Five
The two walked back in the room, not exactly the happiest of people. Moriah made a confused face when she saw what was going on. "Luke, what are you doing on the floor?"
Luke looked up at Moriah, then quickly hid Joel's sun glasses. "Umm..." He jumped up to his feet. "No reason!"
"Umm.. okay." Moriah sat down and sighed, staring at the ground. Emily was still laughing really hard. "I... C-CAN'T.. BREAATHEEE!" She continued laughing.
"Wait..." Joel said grabbing Moriah's arm again and dragging her out the room. "Usually, it's the other way around, but okay!" Moriah said as she was being dragged out of the room. Luke watched the two exit. "Wow.. they're an odd couple.." He laughed, then waved farewell to Moriah.
They arrived in the next room, and Joel looked at Moriah straight in the eyes. "Moriah.. should we just tell her and find out if she wants us to be her parents first?" She shrugged. "Yes... no.... yes... no... I-I... I don't know..." Joel sighed, and looked down at the ground. "Stay here." He walked back in the room, and dragged Luke out. Moriah grinned as she watched Joel drag Luke through the door way. "Now, technically I should be dragging Luke, but this works too!"
"Luke, we're thinking about telling Emily we want to adopt her. But we have no idea how that would work out because of tour and things... help?" He asked, whispering to make sure no one else could hear them. Luke looked at the two. "U-um... I guess? I don't think she'll really ever get over her parents for years... but asking might also ruin your chance.. so I don't know..." Joel looked over at Moriah. "Uh... Moriah? Thoughts, questions, or concerns?"
Emily gained composure, and got up off the ground. "WAAAIIIT... LUKE! I FORGOT! I ALREADY HID THEM....AGAIN!" She started laughing again. Luke rushed back into the other room. "YOU DID NOT!"
Moriah cocked her head. "I do have a question... where's Emily?" She smiled. "Never mind, found her!"
"Back in the room aggravating Luke." Joel replied. "Hey we should make a jingle about that." He said as he starting snapping his fingers and humming a tune. They both paused, trying to figure out if they really should, or if they really shouldn't. After a few seconds of silence, Joel decided to speak. "I wanna be the one to ask!!!" He grinned. Moriah laughed, and playfully punched Joel's arm. "Really? Wow... Haha." Joel ran back into the room, as fast as humanly possible, and Moriah followed behind. Joel grabbed Emily and took one of her hands in his. "Emily," he said looking into her eyes, he bent down to her level. "We want to adopt you."
A timid smile came up on his face. "What do you think?" Moriah stood beside Joel, then saw Luke freaking out. She smirked, then looked back down at Emily and Joel.
Emily instantly became serious, then looked at Joel and Moriah, eyes shifting between the two.
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