It had been nearly six years since the students of Class A graduated and became heroes... and none of them have seen or heard from Izuku Midoriya since, due to how busy they were with work.
They were all sad that they haven't seen Izuku in years, especially Ochako. She also regretted not telling Izuku how she truly felt about him.
But today she may finally get that chance. Because today All Might managed to get Izuku to meet with him. They decided to surprise Izuku by having All Might give him something that they had been trying to have made for a long time. When they were reunited with Izuku, Ochako would finally tell him how she felt.
All the former students of 1-A, minus Izuku, were currently at Momo's family mansion. They had given the suit to All Might so he could gift the mechanical suit to Izuku personally, and now they were waiting for Izuku to show up at the mansion with the suit so they could all celebrate.
The doorbell rang. Ochako was the first one to answer it. She excitedly ran over to the door and opened it... only to be greeted by All Might.
"Where's Deku?" Ochako asked.
All Might didn't say anything. Then Ochako noticed that he was carrying the briefcase that contained the suit they had made for Izuku.
"All Might, why didn't you give Deku the suit?" she asked.
"It's better if I explain this to all of you." said All Might.
Ochako let All Might in, and All Might placed the briefcase with the suit in it down on the table for all the former students to see.
"All Might, where's Midoriya? Didn't you give him the suit?" Todoroki asked.
All Might made a deep sigh.
"He didn't want it." All Might said.
"What?!" Ochako said in disbelief.
"Why?! Doesn't he realize how much the damn thing cost us?!" Bakugo said angrily.
"We don't understand. Does Midoriya not want to be a hero at all anymore?" asked Kirishima.
"I asked him that, and he said he wasn't giving up on his dream. He just doesn't want the suit." answered All Might.
"How the fuck can Izuku be a hero without the suit we had made for him?! Is he stupid?!" Bakugo shouted.
"I don't know. He didn't explain it to me. He just got in some fancy car and drove away." said All Might.
"Fancy car?" Mineta said.
"Yeah. He owns some car that looked really expensive. Don't know where he got it from." said All Might.
"Well I say we go find Midoriya and give him a piece of our minds. We spent a lot of money to have that suit made; he can't just let it all go to waste." said Jiro.
They left and went to UA to see Izuku. When they got there, they were greeted by Nezu at the front entrance.
"I'm sorry, but Midoriya is very busy right now." said Nezu.
"With what? The school day's almost over. He can find time for us now." said Iida.
That's when Izuku stepped out of the building wearing a very expensive looking suit and carrying a briefcase. He looked even more buff and muscular than when they last saw him.
He saw his former classmates glaring at him and groaned.
"What's the deal, Izuku?! We all spent a shit ton of money to have this suit made for you, and you won't even accept it?!" Bakugo said angrily as he held up the briefcase that had the mechanical suit in it.
"I don't need it." Izuku said as he walked past his former classmates without even making eye-contact with them.
Iida grabbed Izuku by the arm.
"Midoriya, it is completely rude and unprofessional to just-"
"Let go of me right now." Izuku said while not even looking at Iida.
After a moment, Iida let Izuku go. Izuku then continued to walk away, but Kaminari got in his way.
"Deku, why won't you accept the suit? It can help you!" Ochako said.
"I don't need your suit. I've got a better one." Izuku said to Ochako while not even making eye contact with her.
"Like what? That fancy three-piece you're wearing? How do you expect to be a hero in that?" Kaminari said mockingly.
Izuku grabbed Kaminari by the collar and slammed him into the ground at an incredible speed. He kept the electric hero pinned down.
Most of the heroes activated their quirks and got in fighting stances, except for Ochako, who just stood there in shock.
"Let go of me!" Kaminari grunted as he tried to break free from Izuku's grasp.
"Here's a little bit of advice, Kaminari: Don't. Piss. Me. Off." Izuku growled.
Kaminari was about to activate his quirk and shock Izuku; but right before he could, Izuku delivered a solid punch to the back of Kaminari's head and knocked him unconscious.
Izuku stood back up and dusted himself off, then he picked his briefcase back up.
"Any of you ever piss me off again and you'll regret it." he said before walking away and not even looking at them.
He then got in a fancy car and drove away.
"How the hell can he afford a car and suit like that?" Sero said, bewildered.
That's when they heard an explosion not too far away from where they were.
"That doesn't sound good." said Momo.
They handed All Might the briefcase with the mechanical suit in it, woke Kaminari up, then rushed to where the explosion happened.
They saw a group of Yakuza members destroying part of the city.
"The Yakuza? I thought we dealt with them all." Todoroki said.
"Doesn't matter. Let's kick their asses!" said Bakugo.
Izuku heard on the police scanner that the Yakuza was attacking Musutafu. Izuku pressed a button on his watch, then pulled his car over into an alleyway. He then climbed up the fire escape to the roof of the building, and then the Batwing flew over him and deployed a Batpod right in front of him.
Then... he suited up.
Back with Ochako and the others, they were getting their asses beat by the Yakuza members. There was even a news helicopter recording the battle. Now all of Japan was seeing the former UA students getting beaten and humiliated.
The Yakuza members approached the weakened heroes, ready to finish them off. It seemed like all hope was lost, but then a man in a black tactical and high-tech suit landed between them and the heroes... that man was Izuku, but the heroes and Yakuza members didn't know that.
"The fuck?! Who the hell are you supposed to be?!" said one Yakuza member.
Izuku didn't say anything. He just gave off a light growl, then pulled out this:
Then he fired it at one of the Yakuza members, pulled the member towards him, then slammed the member into the ground, knocking the member unconscious.
Another member charged at Izuku, but Izuku threw one of these at the member:
And it hit the member in the face and knocked them out.
"Anyone else?" Izuku asked through the speaker in his mask, making his voice distorted so that no one would recognize his voice.
The remaining Yakuza members all tried to fight Izuku, but the young adult quickly took each of them out with insane speed, strength, and agility.
The former students of 1-A watched in shock and awe as they witnessed the man, who they didn't know was Izuku, take on the villains with such skill.
Once all the Yakuza members were taken care of, Izuku was about to leave.
"Hey! Wait!" Ochako called after him.
The former UA students ran over to Batman, who they still didn't know was Izuku.
"What?" Izuku asked in annoyance.
"That was amazing! You fight just like the real Batman!" Mina said in amazement.
Izuku snorted.
"The real Batman? I am the real Batman." Izuku said in a clearly pissed off tone.
"Well that can't be true. Bruce Wayne died 13 years ago." said Momo.
"I'm the new Batman. But I'm just as real as Wayne as ever was." said Izuku.
Izuku was about to turn around and walk away, but Iida grabbed him by the arm.
"You're clearly a vigilante since we've never heard of you until now and because no one would be able to take on the mantle of Batman without getting themself arrested." Iida said.
"And?" Izuku said, still very pissed off and annoyed.
"Which means you're coming with us." said Kirishima.
Izuku was even more pissed now.
That's when a number of police vehicles arrived at the scene and a number of cops, including Tsukauchi, aimed their guns at Izuku.
"On the ground, vigilante!" Tsukauchi shouted.
"I just saved your asses and now you're trying to arrest me? God, you really are all the most fake heroes I've ever seen." Izuku said to his former classmates.
"We're more legit than you. We have licenses and we help people legally." said Jiro.
"Too bad you didn't help the one person who needed you all the most." Izuku said.
That's when Izuku suddenly electrocuted Iida with a function that was built into the gloves of Izuku's suit. Iida's armor had many protective parts, including rubber that was lined inside of his suit, but he was still dazed for a few moments and accidentally let go of Izuku.
The cops opened fire on Izuku, but his suit was bulletproof. He then made a run for it, pressed a button on his gauntlet, and pulled out this:
Then he fired the grapnel into the air, and it hooked onto the Batwing that flew directly above him, pulling Izuku into the air.
"Damnit! He got away!" Kaminari said.
"Could this day get any worse?" Sato said.
It got worse.
Shortly afterwards, the news report of the former UA students getting defeated by the Yakuza members and then humiliated by the new Batman went viral. Many people were wondering who the new Batman was and what he was doing in Japan. While others were questioning if the former students of 1-A were truly fit to be heroes if they got defeated so easily by the Yakuza and a quirkless vigilante.
The former students were back at Yaoyoruzu's mansion with All Might. They looked at the briefcase with the high tech suit in it, sitting there on the table.
"What should we do with it?" Toru asked.
"I have no fucking clue." Bakugo said.
That's when Momo's mother entered the room holding an invitation.
"Momo, I have good news! You and your friends have all been invited to the Bruce Wayne Charity Event that's happening in Musutafu!" Momo's mother said.
"What? Why us?" Momo asked.
"According to the invitation, it's being held at a penthouse owned by an old friend of yours: Izuku Midoriya." said her mother.
The former students were silent for several moments.
"HUH?!" they all said.
Thx for reading.
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