Regrets and Returns
It had been a week since Izuku was revealed to be the new Batman to the world.
Japan's government had made an arrest warrant for Izuku Midoriya, while also trying to figure out if any of Wayne Enterprises or UA were involved with Izuku's vigilante life. They interrogated Dick, Barbara, Lucius, Nezu, and the other UA faculty but couldn't find any solid evidence that connected them to Izuku as Batman.
People throughout the country were divided on Izuku's actions. Some wanted Izuku to face justice for vigilante work, while others remembered what Izuku did for them eight years ago and believed him worthy of being the new Batman.
As for Izuku's former classmates? They were still shocked at what kind of person Izuku had become and felt responsible for him becoming so dark.
They also decided to check in on Ochako.
They hadn't heard from Ochako since the night Izuku was revealed to be Batman. After they were interviewed by other pro heroes and the police, she went straight home without saying a word to anyone. She hadn't been active in hero work, nor had she been responding to any calls or texts from her friends. They were all worried Ochako might have done something drastic, so they went to go see her.
They arrived outside her apartment and knocked on her door, but there was no answer. They knocked several more times until, finally, Ochako answered.
She looked like shit.
Her hair was unkept, there were bags under her eyes, and she smelled awful.
"What..." she made a slight burp, "... do you all want?"
"Ochako, are you drunk?" Momo asked worriedly.
She held up a bottle of liquor and took a swig from it.
"So what if I am?" she sneered.
She turned away from them and went over to her couch, while the others followed her into her apartment. The place was a mess. There were empty liquor bottles on the floor, no one had cleaned the dishes that were in the sink, and no one had taken out the trash.
The whole place reeked.
"Ochako, you can't live like this. You're falling apart." Tsu said to her friend in concern.
"I've already fallen apart." she said before taking another swig of saki.
The others were extremely worried for her well-being.
"Ochako, if this is about Midoriya and Melissa, we don't know if they're together or not." Jiro pointed out.
"Yeah. Just because Melissa was involved in Midori's Batman life doesn't mean they're a couple." said Mina.
"Even if they're not a couple, Deku and I will still never be together." Ochako said as she put her head down.
"Why not?" Toru asked.
Ochako began to cry.
"Because... Because he's moved on from me. He told me this himself." Ochako said as she curled up into a ball on the couch, "He knew I was in love with him and said that he loved me, too. But then I abandoned him when he needed me most, and now... now he hates me."
"Oh, Ochako." Momo sighed as she and the other girls hugged her.
That's when each of their phones went off.
A couple hours later at the new Batcave...
"I can't believe how careless you were!" Bruce shouted at Izuku.
Izuku, Dick, Barbara, and Jason were all called to the Batcave in Japan by Bruce for a serious scolding.
"Bruce, you can't put all the blame on Izuku. He's still learning the ropes." Dick interjected.
"Quiet!" Bruce shouted at Dick.
He turned his attention back to Izuku.
"You swore an oath that you would never let your secret identity be revealed to the world like I did. And now once again, the legend of the Batman is in jeopardy." he angrily said to the young man.
"How was I supposed to know that Lane was serving the Order of St. Dumas again and still wanted to be Batman?! If anything, it's your fault you didn't keep any close tabs on him after you last saw each other all those years ago!" Izuku replied.
"I did keep tabs on him. Everything seemed to be perfectly fine with him up until he vanished only two weeks ago and then resurfaced as Azrael again." Bruce said, "I taught you everything about being Batman, and you get your ass kicked by him easily and get your identity exposed to the whole world!"
"Bruce, you have every right to be angry at me. I'm angry at myself as well. But there are bigger problems to worry about right now. Azrael knew I would show up to the charity event, and he also must have been studying me since he knows all the skills I learned on my own. The Order wants me dead and they won't stop until Azrael's killed me and taken over as Batman. We need to stop them once and for all." Izuku said.
Bruce sighed.
"You're right. We'll stop the Order, but once we do... We'll discuss if you're still fit to be my successor." he said.
Izuku let those last few words sink in. Was he really about to have his dream of being a hero crushed a second time?
That's when Tim Drake, A.K.A. Red Robin, entered the room.
"Guys, you're all gonna want to see this." Tim said as he used the Batcomputer to show a security feed of right outside the cave.
It showed a number of pro heroes and cops about to blow open the secret entrance to the Batcave.
"What?! How did they find the Batcave?!" Barbara said in shock.
Izuku looked closer at the screen and saw that a number of the pro heroes he recognized.
They were his old classmates.
They had come to arrest him.
"Those sons of bitches." he growled as he clenched his fists.
A couple hours earlier...
That's when their phones went off.
The former students of 1-A checked their phones to see that they were all receiving an alert from the Hero Commission, telling them to come to the Hero Commission building. This kind of alert was for dealing with very serious threats.
"Do I have to go, too?" Ochako asked in annoyance.
"Yes. We're sorry, Uraraka, but you have a responsibility as a hero. You can't hide in your apartment forever." Iida said.
They got into their hero costumes and headed to the Hero Commission building. When they got there, they entered a meeting room that had a large amount of other pro heroes already there. Including the former students of Class 1-B, the former Big Three, and even Izuku's students from UA.
"The hell are you all doing here?" Bakugo asked them.
"I've called them all here for a reason." Nezu said as he pulled out a remote and a hologram was projected showing a cave located in the outskirts of Musutafu.
"Nezu, what's so important about this cave?" Todoroki asked.
"We believe this cave is where Izuku Midoriya is hiding." Nezu answered.
"Of course he's hiding in a cave. He really is trying to copy Bruce Wayne." Monoma sighed.
"How do you know for sure this cave is where Midoriya's hiding?" Tsu asked.
"We received an anonymous tip that it's where his own version of the Batcave is. We haven't been able to figure out who it was that sent us the tip, but it's the best lead we have. That's why I've summoned you all here. We need as many people we can get in order to arrest Midoriya." Nezu explained.
"Do we really have to arrest him? Can't we just try talking to him and getting him to stand down?" Ochako asked.
"I'm afraid we have no other choice, Uravity. He's a dangerous individual. As much as it pains me to say this, he's a criminal now." Nezu said sadly.
Back to the present in the new Batcave...
Izuku, Bruce, and the others looked at the screen and saw Bakugo blow the entrance of the Batcave open and enter the cave and make their way to the Batcave.
"There's too many of them for us to take on. We'll have to escape through the back entrance." Bruce says, "But first, we need to remove all data from the Batcomputer and download it onto a disk drive."
"Bruce, there's not enough time! The pros and cops will be here any minute now!" Dick said.
Izuku went over to his Batsuit that was located in a Batpod.
"I'll hold them off while you guys remove all the data from the Batcomputer." he said.
"Izuku, are you crazy?! We're not leaving you here!" Barbara exclaimed.
"You can't take them all on, Izuku. Even with all your training and all the equipment here, you won't be able to take them on all at once." Bruce warned.
"It's what you taught me: do the right thing... And that's what Alfred taught you, right?" Izuku pointed out.
Bruce was taken aback by this.
"Izuku, we can help you!" Dick said.
"No. We can't risk the world knowing you guys are involved with me. Once I've dealt with the cops and pros, I'll meet up with you all at the rendezvous point." Izuku said as he suited up.
"It's gonna get nuts, kid. Are you sure you can handle it?" Jason asked.
Izuku smirked.
"You wanna get nuts?" he said before putting on his helmet, "Let's get nuts."
Izuku went to the atrium of the Batcave where all the cops were, searching for him. The pro heroes were searching other parts of the Batcave for Izuku.
Then this basically happened, but pretend the Batman in the video is wearing the Batman Beyond Arkham suit and the soldiers he's taking down are cops instead:
Once all the cops were dealt with, Izuku heard a familiar voice.
"I expected better from you, Midoriya." said the voice.
Izuku turned around to see Mirio stepping through a wall in his costume.
"I'm simply following my dream, Togata. I'm not letting anyone stop me." Izuku said.
"Midoriya, you're breaking the law by doing this. I understand how devastated you were when you lost One For All, but you can't just go around pretending to be Batman and beat up criminals." said Mirio.
"You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. You may be the number one hero, but I'm the Batman, not some pretender. And I'm not letting anyone stop me from achieving my dream." said Izuku.
"Midoriya, please stand down. If you turn yourself in, I'll make sure terms go easy on you." Mirio pleaded.
"Piss off. I don't need your charities." Izuku sneered.
Mirio sighed.
"Then you leave me no other choice." he said as he got in a fighting stance.
What followed was an insane and intense fight.
It's a fight very similar to the one below. Izuku is in the spot of Batman (obviously), and Mirio is in the spot of Deathstroke, except Mirio is fighting with his fists instead of weapons, and instead of disappearing with smoke bombs, he instead uses his quirk to sink into the floor and then re-emerge in a different spot and try to surprise attack Izuku.
After the long and intense fight, Izuku kicked Mirio into a wall.
"It's over, Togata." Izuku said.
"What..." Mirio tried to catch his breath, "... are you?"
Izuku then threw a Batarang right past Mirio's face and into the wall right next to his head. This distracted Mirio just long enough for Izuku to punch him in the face, then kick him in the face and knock him unconscious.
"I'm Batman." Izuku answered.
That's when the other pro heroes, as well as Izuku's students, entered the atrium. They saw Mirio on the floor, beaten and bloodied.
"Big Bro Izuku..." Kota whispered in fear.
Izuku looked at his former students and saw their shocked and scared faces. Then he looked down at his hands and saw that they were covered in Mirio's blood.
"Stay back, students. We'll handle him." Ryuku said as she and the other pro heroes stood in front of the students and got ready to fight Izuku.
Back with Bruce and the others...
"Almost done. Just need to download the schematics for the Beyond Suit 2.0." Barbara said as she used the Batcomputer.
Then the last of the data was downloaded from the Batcomputer and onto a drive.
"Alright, now let's get Izuku and get out of here." said Bruce.
"We can't. He's just taken down Lemillion and now he's surrounded by a number of heroes and hero course students." Jason said as he looked at a separate monitor that showed a security feed of what was going on in the atrium.
"Don't worry. I know what to do." Tim said as he activated his earpiece.
Back with Izuku...
Izuku got ready to fight his former friends and allies, but then the earpiece built into his helmet went off.
"Izuku, listen to me. I modified your suit with a new feature to help get you out of sticky situations. I'm activating the feature now, but make sure the Bat symbol on your chest is directly facing your opponents." Tim said via communicator.
"If you say so." Izuku replied.
"Who are you talking to, Midoriya?" Kirishima asked.
Izuku didn't respond, he just made sure the Bat symbol on his chest was perfectly aimed at those in front of him.
And then...
A brownish-orange gas sprayed from the openings in the armor plating of his chest piece and went towards the pro heroes.
"What the?!" Ryuku said.
Then the pro heroes accidentally inhaled the gas and began coughing a lot. Then it got worse.
The pros all had looks of terror on their faces. Some of them were screaming, some were crying, and some started attacking each other.
Izuku recognized the gas that had just sprayed out of his armor.
"Tim, what the hell were you thinking?!" he angrily said into his earpiece, but he got no response.
Back with Bruce and the others...
"Tim, are you insane?! Where did you get Scarecrow's Fear Toxin from?!" Bruce demanded from Tim.
Tim on the other hand didn't respond. He just stood there with his back turned away from the others.
"He asked you a question, Tim." Dick said.
Tim still didn't respond.
"Tim?" Barbara asked in concern.
That's when Tim began laughing. First a little bit, then his laughs got louder and louder until his laugh sounded just like a laugh they had all heard before.
Tim turned to face the others... And they saw that he had glowing green eyes, green hair, and a psychotic smile.
"Did you really think I would let the world forget about me, Bats?" Tim said in the voice... of the Joker.
Did you really think I wouldn't include the Joker in this? And yes, you're supposed to read the Joker lines in Mark Hamill's Joker voice.
As to why Tim is now the Joker? You'll find out soon.
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