Charity Event
The following weekend, the former members of Class 1-A arrived at Izuku's fancy penthouse apartment, all wearing fancy suits and dresses. Izuku's penthouse was the same one Bruce Wayne had in The Dark Knight movie. And just like the party scene in that movie, there were tons of people there, all dressed fancy.
"Holy crap! This place is huge!" said Kaminari.
"How did Midoriya afford a place like this? Especially on a teacher's salary?" Jiro questioned.
"Didn't you know? He has friends in very high places." said a voice.
They all turned to see an African-American man with a beard and wearing a suit and glasses, while also holding a glass of champagne.
"Who are you?" Bakugo asked.
"My name is Lucius Fox. I'm the current head of Wayne Enterprises." said the man, now revealed to be Lucius Fox.
"I've heard of you. Your company recently made a business deal with my father's." said Momo.
"What are you doing here in Japan? And why are you at this charity event?" Todoroki asked Lucius.
"I flew here to help friends of the late Bruce Wayne with their new project. I owe it to Bruce and his loved ones." said Lucius.
"So you knew Bruce Wayne personally, huh? We fought his copycat a few days ago." said Sero.
Lucius cleared his throat.
"Yes, well, I was never aware of Mr. Wayne's... other life. Now if you'll excuse me." Lucius said as he was about to walk away.
"Wait. What did you mean by Deku has friends in high places?" Ochako asked him.
"Deku? Oh, you mean Mr. Midoriya. Let's just say... some people gave him the recognition he deserves." Lucius said before walking away.
The former students stood there, confused.
"The fuck does that mean?" Bakugo said.
"You guys made it!" said a familiar voice.
They turned around to see none other than Melissa Shield standing there, also dressed fancy.
"Melissa? What are you doing here?" Ochako asked.
"I'm one of the biggest funders for this charity. Deku said he needed my help, and I'd do anything to repay him for saving my father." Melissa answered.
Ochako felt a tinge of jealousy when she heard Melissa call Izuku the nickname that she called him.
"What's this charity for, anyway? No one's told us." Iida asked.
"It's a surprise. Deku and Dick will make the announcement soon." said Melissa, "But I'll see you all later. I gotta help with the remaining preparations."
Melissa walked away.
"Dick?" Mineta said, as they were all extremely confused.
They then decided to mingle with the guests, but they could hear some of the guests making fun of them behind their backs about their defeat again the Yakuza and the new Batman escaping them.
That's when Lucius grabbed a microphone and made an announcement.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your hosts: Mr. Richard Grayson and Mrs. Barbara Gordon Grayson. As well as their son, James Grayson." Lucius announced.
A couple in their mid thirties entered the room.
It's these two, but there's an eight-year-old boy with them who looks like a mix between them:
(A/N: Obviously not everything in this story was gonna match 100% with the Arkham-verse, so I decided to make some other changes as well.)
The former UA students recognized them. Richard Grayson, usually known as Dick, was the adopted son of Bruce Wayne and one of the inheritors of Wayne's fortune. Barbara Gordon was the daughter of Commissioner James Gordon of the Gotham City police force and was now Gotham PD's new commissioner. Dick and Barbara got married about nine years ago and their son was born just a year later, but they could've sworn Barbara was supposed to be in a wheelchair.
"Welcome, everyone. Welcome. We're so glad you could make it to our grand event." Dick said, "As you all know, Bruce Wayne was my legal guardian. And in some ways, he was my father. I never knew he was Batman, but he helped people both as Bruce Wayne and as the Caped Crusader. And that's what we intend to do tonight."
"As you're well aware, my husband and I are quirkless, and so is our son. In fact, many people close to us didn't have quirks. Bruce, my father, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, and many others. But one good friend of ours had a dream, and tonight he's gonna share it with you all." said Barbara.
"If only he would actually show up on time." Dick jokingly remarked.
That's when a fancy helicopter landed outside the penthouse on a helipad. And out stepped Izuku, once again wearing a fancy suit.
He entered the penthouse and stood in the center of the room with everyone around him.
"Welcome, everyone. Thanks for coming over and drinking all my booze." Izuku joked.
Most of the audience chuckled.
"I'm sure Dick and Babs already explained to you more of the details of why you're all here, but let me give you the full rundown." Izuku said.
He nodded to Melissa, and she pressed a button on her watch and the lights dimmed, and a holographic projector appeared out of the ceiling, showing holographic photos of quirkless people all around the world.
"As many of you know, I once had an incredibly powerful quirk. But I had to sacrifice it to stop Tomura Shigaraki and save the world. Very few people remember what I did for them. Some people who I was once close to even turned their backs on me and left me behind." Izuku said.
"Is... Is he talking about us?" Kirishima whispered to the others.
"I had lost all hope. I had given up on my dream and became a teacher. But then something amazing happened. I met Dick and Barbara here and they helped me get back on my feet. They gave me a chance at being able to help others again. And that's why we're all here." said Izuku.
Holographic pictures of quirkless people living in poverty and being hurt were shown.
"All over the world, quirkless people are looked down upon by those with power. There are those without quirks who are unable to get jobs because there are a number of businesses who discriminate against quirkless individuals. We're here to do something about that. We're launching a program to create good and well-paying jobs for quirkless people. And that includes the job of being a pro hero." Izuku explained.
There were several gasps among the audience.
"How is that even possible? I agree that there should be good and well-paying jobs for the quirkless, but how would you be able to have quirkless people be pro heroes?" one donator asked.
"Simple. We'll provide them with equipment and tools that they can use to fight crime. Wayne Enterprises have been developing an incredibly powerful and advanced variety of gadgets that have been developed by our newest scientist: Melissa Shield." Izuku said as he pointed to Melissa, "Let's give her a round of applause, everybody."
Everyone in the audience clapped for Melissa, save for Izuku's former classmates, who were shocked at all of this.
"Today marks a new era for the world. An era... of equality!" Izuku said as he raised a glass of champagne in the air, "To equality!"
The donators raised their glasses in the air.
"To equality!" they all shouted.
The holograms then disappeared and the lights came back on.
"Now enjoy the rest of the party, everyone." Izuku said before walking away.
Izuku was about to head out to the balcony, but his former classmates stood in his way.
"Midoriya, what the hell are you thinking?" Todoroki said angrily.
"What? I'm trying to help others." said Izuku.
"That's what we're doing. I already have a program to help people with and without quirks." said Ochako.
"And my program's gonna run yours out of business. Your program is small and is basically telling quirkless people they can't be heroes, while my program is heavily funded and isn't biased against others. We're gonna help more people than you ever did." Izuku said to her.
Ochako couldn't believe it. Was Izuku trying to make her and the others look bad or something?
"Midoriya, why did you actually invite us here? There's no way you thought we would support your idea, let alone fund it." Iida said.
Izuku smirked.
"I invited you all here for two reasons. The first is that I wanted you all to see how far I've come and how much more successful I am than all of you. And second... I wanted you all to know that I'm the real hero. Pretty soon you all will be left in the dust and forgotten about, just like I was." said Izuku.
"So, what? You brought us here to humiliate us?" said Mina angrily.
"I brought you all here to know the truth: I'm doing for others what you wouldn't do for me." Izuku said.
"Bro, what the hell are you talking about?!" said Kaminari.
"Don't bullshit me. After I lost One For All, you all ditched me to become rich and famous heroes." Izuku said with a scowl.
"Our schedules became busy, Midoriya. You know that." Momo protested.
"There's no possible way you couldn't even once find time to check in on me and see how I was doing; you wouldn't even give me a text or a phone call. I had lost my quirk after I had saved the world, and none of you were there to help me through it." said Izuku.
"We had that high-tech suit made for you, bro! We were there for you!" said Kirishima.
"You did have it made for me... after I had already been quirkless again for literally years. You could've had that suit made for me god knows how long ago. And don't give me that bullshit about it taking a long time to try to earn the money for it. I know the suit cost a lot to make, but three of you were already incredibly rich before graduating and could've easily paid for the suit as soon as I lost One For All." Izuku said as he gave a quick glare to Momo, Todoroki, and Iida.
"Well at least we're trying to help you now!" Jiro said.
"And yet, none of you bothered to find time for me sooner... especially when I needed you all the most." Izuku said.
"The fuck are you talking about, bro?" Shoji said.
Izuku turned his head to Bakugo.
"You tell them, Bakugo. You're the only one who actually noticed anyway." Izuku said before walking past them all and purposely bumping into Iida's shoulder, then going outside to the balcony.
The others turned their attention to Bakugo, who had a guilty and regretful look on his face.
"Bakugo, what does he mean?" Tsu asked.
Bakugo made a deep and regretful sigh.
"Just a couple years after we graduated... Izuku's mom died of cancer." Bakugo said.
"Whoa, what?!" Ochako said in shock.
"I was the only one of us who found out... but I was too busy with work to check in on him to see how he was doing." said Bakugo with his head down.
The former students stared at the ground and felt a deep amount of guilt.
"If I had known Deku lost his mom I would've gone to him in a heartbeat." Ochako said regretfully before looking back up with a determined look, "I'm not making the same mistake again."
She went outside to the balcony to where Izuku was, leaning on a railing and overlooking the city.
"I'd like to be alone right now, Uraraka." Izuku said, not even turning to face her.
"Deku... I'm so sorry." Ochako said.
"Sorry for what? For abandoning me? For not being there for me when I lost my mom? Or are you just saying you're sorry in the hopes that I'll forgive you and we'll be friends again?" Izuku said, still not turning to facing her.
Ochako felt extremely hurt when she heard Izuku say that last part. Were they not even friends anymore?
"Deku, I'm serious. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you more when you lost One For All. I tried to be, I really did. And I'm so sorry about your mom. If I had known she died I would've dropped everything and gone to you as soon as I found out." Ochako said in a desperate attempt to get Izuku back.
Izuku clenched his fists so hard you could see veins popping out.
"And how come you never found out about my mom sooner, hm? Did you ever bother to visit me or even give me a call in the last six years? No, you didn't. You were too busy with your little program and being rich and famous to even acknowledge me anymore." Izuku sneered.
"I- I-" Ochako stuttered.
"And why wasn't I ever asked to help out with your program? I could've been of great use to you and others. Guess you only care about those with flashy quirks instead of those who literally saved the planet." Izuku said, still not even facing her.
"I only didn't find out about your mom sooner because I was so busy with trying to get my quirk program up and running, and because I was still trying to earn money to help my parents and to have that suit made for you! And I did try to find you after we graduated so I could ask you to help with my program, I swear I did! No one ever told me where you lived now or that your mom had died because everyone else had forgotten about you! But I didn't! There's not a day that's gone by where I haven't thought of you!" Ochako cried.
"THEN WHY DID YOU NEVER CONFESS TO ME?!" Izuku shouted angrily as he finally turned to face her.
There was almost complete silence. The only noises that were heard were the muffled sounds of the people inside the apartment mingling, and the wind breezing past them.
"What?" Ochako said with a blush.
"Don't play dumb with me. I'm not an idiot. I know you were in love with me; I've known for years." Izuku said, clearly still angry, "But we've known each other for almost a decade, and not once in that entire time did you ever bother telling me how you felt. And don't give me that crap about it getting in the way of hero work or whatever. I've seen plenty of heroes and hero course students who were able to find time to be in relationships, and you could've too."
"I- I- I-" Ochako stuttered even more.
"And you know something else? I also had feelings for you." Izuku revealed.
"You- You did?!" Ochako said as she blushed even more. For the first time in years, her heart was racing faster than she could ever imagine. Faster than any time she's gone up against a powerful and dangerous villain. The last time her heart beat so fast was when she last saw Izuku on the day they graduated.
"I did. But not anymore." Izuku said coldly.
And with that, Ochako's heart shattered.
"W- What?" she whispered as her eyes began to water.
"Oh, grow up, Uraraka. You know why I don't love you anymore? Because you didn't bother confessing to me, even when you had the perfect opportunity to. Not when we were overlooking the city right before the final battle against the League happened, not on that night when you were crying about Toga, not even on the day we graduated when you knew we wouldn't see each other again for a long time." Izuku angrily said as he approached Ochako, who backed away from him until she was up against a wall, with Izuku right in front of her and extremely close.
"D- Deku, I—" Ochako tried to find the words, but couldn't. She could only cry even more.
"You didn't confess to me because you thought your job and making money were more important. I know it's partly also my fault since I also could've confessed to you, but I was struggling with my teaching job at UA, while you were busy building a career for yourself and becoming rich and famous. You had plenty more opportunities to confess than I did, but instead you chose to abandon me like everyone else in our class did." Izuku said as he stared into her eyes.
"That's not true! I wanted to confess to you more than anything, Deku! I just never had the courage to before! And I was going to finally confess to you once you got that suit we had made for you! I swear to god I was!" Ochako cried.
"Well it's too late now. I've moved on." Izuku said as he backed away from her, "Best you do, too."
He then walked away from her. Ochako struggled to stand, but she couldn't. Her legs wobbled as she leaned against the wall behind her and sunk to the ground. Then she buried her face in her knees and began bawling her eyes out.
Izuku was about to head back inside the penthouse; but right before he did, he looked back at Ochako for a moment... with a slight look of regret in his eyes.
Then he headed back inside the penthouse, where the rest of his former classmates were waiting for him. They looked outside and saw Ochako crying.
"What did you say to her?!" Momo angrily demanded.
"Fuck off. I don't have to tell you anything anymore. You all have five minutes to get out of here and never come back." Izuku said to them before walking away from them and going back to his other guests.
The former UA students, minus Izuku obviously, went outside to comfort Ochako.
"It's gonna be alright, Ochako." Jiro said.
"No, it's not." Ochako whispered.
That's when a window was heard shattering and screams were heard inside the penthouse.
The former UA students rushed back inside and saw an entire window shattered, with some sort of hooded man standing in front of the opening in the window and carrying a sword of some sort:
(A/N: The blade of the sword was snapped in half, so pretend it's been welded back together.)
"I am Azrael of the Order of St. Dumas! I have come to face the new so-called Batman!" the hooded man, revealed to be called Azrael, shouted.
Bakugo, Iida, Todoroki, Sato, Momo, and Jiro all charged at Azrael and attempted to attack him, but Azrael quickly took them all out, very similar to how Batman fights. Almost identically. The heroes weren't able to land a single hit on him.
The fight is basically this:
"You are all weak and unworthy fighters. You don't even deserve to call yourselves heroes." Azrael mocked.
Ochako looked at the group of scared guests, but she didn't see Izuku anywhere. She saw Dick and Barbara standing in front of their son in order to protect him. She saw Melissa and Lucius. But she couldn't see Izuku anywhere in the crowd.
He didn't abandon them all... right?
"What the hell do you want, asshole?!" Kirishima shouted to Azrael.
"I demand to face the new Batman in combat. We will see which of us is Bruce Wayne's true worthy successor." Azrael answered.
"It isn't even a challenge." said a deep and synthesized voice that was heard from outside.
Izuku glided through the shattered window in his Batman costume and landed on his feet in the penthouse behind Azrael. The hooded warrior turned to face Izuku.
"You must be Azrael, also known as Michael Lane." Izuku said.
"Lane is dead! I am the servant of God and the true successor to Bruce Wayne!" Azrael shouted.
"Bruce Wayne only considered choosing you as his successor because you promised him you would hold the same ideals he did. But then he learned the truth. You were brainwashed by the Order of St. Dumas and turned into their slave; but Wayne helped you resist them. I take it the Order managed to enslave your mind again by putting another chip in your brain, seeing as how you seemed to have repaired your sword. But I can help you. You just have to let me." Izuku told him.
"I don't need your help! I will bring true justice to Gotham and become the true Batman!" Azrael shouted, "Let us see which one of us is worthy of the title."
Azrael stabbed his sword into the floor, then he and Izuku cracked their knuckles and got in fighting stances.
Izuku turned his head to all the guests in the penthouse.
"I suggest you all leave. This is about to get messy." he said to everyone.
Most of the guests all ran out of the penthouse, but the former students of 1-A stayed behind.
"That goes for all of you too. Go." Izuku said to them coldly.
"No. It's our job as heroes to deal with dangerous criminals. You're merely a vigilante." Iida sternly said as he and the other heroes who were taken down by Azrael recovered and got back up.
"You lot wouldn't last another second against this guy." Izuku said dismissively, "Now run along before you regret it."
Azrael charged at Izuku, and the two engaged in serious hand-to-hand combat.
The former UA students watched in disbelief as Izuku and Azrael threw punches and blocked each other's attacks. They both moved at incredible and inhuman speeds as they fought.
"Are we sure this Batman is quirkless?" Kaminari said to the others.
Azrael then charged at Izuku and the two of them went through the shattered window and fell out of the building. Azrael activated his cape and glided them towards the roof of a nearby building. Azrael threw Izuku right before they landed on the building, and he threw Izuku so hard that when the young man landed on his arm, several bones in it broke.
The former UA students looked through the shattered window and saw Izuku struggle to get up as he clutched his broken arm.
That's when it started to rain. Thunder and lighting erupted as the two continued to face off once again, this time it wasn't exactly a fair fight.
Izuku tried to hold his own, but Azrael continued to continuously punch him.
"Guess the new Batman's not so tough after all." Sero remarked.
"I don't care. We have to help him." said Ochako with a determined look on her face.
"What?! Ochako he's a vigilante! Besides, I'm sure he'll survive." Momo said.
"Yeah. And besides, he humiliated us. It's only fair he also gets humiliated now." Kaminari said as he pointed to a nearby news helicopter that was now filming the fight happening.
"I don't care! He's literally getting beaten to a pulp! He's not gonna make it! Ochako shouted.
The former UA students knew Ochako was right. Even though the new Batman was a vigilante who humiliated them, they couldn't just let get brutally beaten to a pulp, or worse. Ochako made each of them weightless, then they levitated over to the building Izuku and Azrael were fighting on.
But right before they could make it to the building, Azrael grabbed Izuku by the throat and lifted him in the air.
"NO!" Ochako shouted as she and the others finally reached the roof and she released them from zero-gravity.
"Now to see who you really are, pretender." Azrael said as he grabbed Izuku's helmet.
He ripped the helmet off... and the whole word saw that the new Batman was none other than Izuku Midoriya.
The former UA students gasped.
"Deku?!" Ochako said in shock.
"Shit." Izuku grunted.
"So the world's forgotten savior tried to become a hero in a different way, did he? Well... not for much longer." Azrael said.
Azrael pulled his fist back and was about to deliver a much more painful blow to Izuku, but that's when a bullet went through his fist.
Azrael screamed in pain and dropped Izuku to clutch his bleeding hand.
Azrael, Izuku, and the others all turned their heads to see these three individuals standing nearby.
The one in the red hood was holding the smoking gun that shot Azrael's hand.
The former UA students recognized them as Nightwing, Batgirl, and Red Hood.
"Get away from him!" Batgirl shouted.
Azrael turned his head back to Izuku.
"We will face each other again in a true battle. One where no one is there to help you." Azrael said before running towards the edge of the building and diving off it before anyone could stop him.
Nightwing looked over the edge that Azrael dived off of, but he was gone.
"He got away." Nightwing said with a groan as he turned to the others.
Ochako rushed to Izuku as he got back up.
"Deku, are you ok?!" she asked in worry.
She placed her hands on Izuku's broken arm to see if it was ok, but Izuku moved away from her.
"Don't touch me." he said with a glare.
He then looked up at the news helicopter still recording everything. Now the whole world knew his secret identity.
"Guess it's over for you, kid." Red Hood said to Izuku.
Izuku picked his helmet back up and started into its red eyes.
"No. I'm not letting my dream be crushed a second time." he said as he started into the red eyes of the helmet.
That's when the Batwing flew near them and Melissa got out of it.
"Deku, are you ok?!" she asked as she ran over to him with a medical kit.
"I'm fine." Izuku mumbled.
The others were surprised that Melissa wasn't surprised that Izuku was Batman.
"Melissa knew?" Jiro said to the others.
"Your arm's broken! Let me treat it." Melissa said to Izuku as she pulled out a device from the medical kit and injected it into Izuku's arm.
A few moments later, his arm started to feel better and he could move it a bit more.
"You should be better in an hour." she said.
"Thanks, Melissa. I can always count on you." Izuku said with a smirk.
Ochako watched as the two of them smiled at each other.
'Please no...' she said in her head as she tried to fight back tears.
Izuku, Melissa, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Red Hood went inside the Batwing.
"Midoriya, wait! Where are you going?!" Todoroki called out after Izuku.
"None of your business." Izuku responded without even looking at them.
They got in the Batwing and it flew away.
Ochako collapsed to her knees.
"Why didn't I tell him when I had the chance?" she said with tears running down her cheeks.
Thx for reading. I understand if some of you aren't a fan of me having Izuku be a dick to his former classmates, but this chapter was made in response to how disappointed I was with the ending of MHA. And no, Izuku and Melissa aren't actually together. You'll find out more eventually.
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