Chapter 6
So Pamela, whatcha thinking about? asked Barbara.
Stuff and hey you don't have a right to anything you like daydream all the time.
True but...
So who are to taking to the dance?
Oh my gosh I totally forgot to him! It doesn't matter he's probably already going with somebody after all.
Hey don't be so hard on yourself said Pamela as she closed her locker.
I'm sure you could be lucky
Yeah sure
Are right class settle down, as you all may know the school dance is coming up and as your homework assignment you are going to right a poem asking your date to the dance.
Alright people we've called you here because this is like a 911 emergency. Apparently Barbara can't ask the boy of her dreams out to the dance. And if she can't ask him much less write a poem so we need ideas asap.
You could... make him go with you? Suggested Betsy.
Or you could blackmail him! Said Daphne.
Wait, I appreciate that your all trying to help but I want to make him to with me besides he can take whoever he wants to
Babs you really are the best!
That's so sweet and nice of you!
The girls said they hugged Barbara.
Meanwhile at Wayne Manor
So who are you going to ask out to the dance?
I don't know, I want to ask her but I don't know her I mean I do but at the same time I don't.
Who is it?
I'll tell you if you promise that you won't tell anyone
You have my word said Harris.
I want to ask batgirl
Wait really!? But she's a superhero Dick! I mean there's a very little chance you could even talk to her.
I know but before my parents died... she and batman saved us my Tony Zucco and his minions.
And I'm grateful for what they did for what she did and I feel like I owe her in some way.
Don't worry bro I got you
Thanks Harris
At the shopping mall with the girls
So have you decided on what to wear to the dance?
Pamela I'm more concerned on how I'm going to ask Dick through a poem.
Umm Barbara don't look now but I think you might have to worry about something else.
Pamela points at Hannah. "Let's go spy on her!"
Pamela, "Wait what are you doing!?"
Hannah was look around for the perfect dress for the dance.
"I'm going to to look awesome in this dress and when dick sees me he's going to definitely fall for me!"
Not on my watch! Thought Barbara
There's no way Dick is going to fall for her, just because she's wear the finest clothes and because she's rich.
Do I sense jealousy in you red? Asked Pamela.
What no...
Really?! Cause your glaring at her, don't worry I'm sure that dick isn't interested.
Pamela I think I'm ready to write that poem and give it to him!
Now your talking!
The next day
So how exactly do you plan on asking her?
That's a good question he never really thought about it, he could just wait for a mission to be over and tell her then... but what if scorn had already asked her?
Dick opened his locker and so many cards fell out. From so many of his "fangirls" asking him to the dance.
Back in Wayne Manor
I don't know dick maybe you should ask someone who actually available.
I already sent my card to Pamela but maybe you should ask someone else.
Dick stared at the pile of cards and noticed one that got his attention
He opened it and it read:
I know that you've been hurt
And I might not get the chance to
be with you but if we can go to the dance together
I know you could chance the world
Just like you changed mine
When I first meant you
So I wanted to know if you wanted
to go to the dance with me?
Love your secret admirer
Harris do you know who wrote this?
I feel like I recognize the handwriting but at the same time I don't.
At Barbara's place
Should I sign my name thought Barbara.
Nah, I'll put "Love your secret admirer and done!
The following day at school
Barbara went up to Dick's locker and put the card in his locker.
Hopefully he likes it
Later towards the end of class Barbara stayed behind to see the reaction of Dick about the card.
He opened the locker and cards fell out.
Barbara wasn't surprised Dick was like the most popular guy in school.
Harris and Dick put the cards in a bag and went to Wayne Manor.
Barbara followed them as batgirl, she landed on the side of roof top and listened.
She saw Dick pick a card from the pile, it was her card!
She noticed that he was impressed.
A part of her wished that she had signed it.
Dick was determined to find out who had wrote this poem.
After a boring lesson school was over.
Barbara had her notebook open which had notes from class.
Dick compared the writing and noticed that it was the same.
Barbara did you write is poem?
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