26. Dinner
I twirl the spaghetti around my fork, as I wait for someone to talk. The room has been silent, and as a result, awkward ever since we sat down for dinner. My eyes move from Piper, who is watching me curiously, to Roman, who is looking on at us perfectly content with the tension in the room. I go back to staring at my bowl. So I can avoid their gazes.
"So, Piper, how have you been?" Roman asks, knowing he can't go straight into grilling her. At least he has some sort of manners.
"I've been good, busy with work, what about you two?" she responds. I reach for my glass, and take a sip, trying to help get the food down my suddenly dry throat.
"We've been fine," Roman answers shortly, and for the both of us. I fiddle with the stem of the glass as I feel Piper's stare become more intense on me. I nod meekly, to try and agree with him. Roman pushes himself further up in the chair, leaning forwards slightly.
"When you girls last went out, DeeDee came home with a..." he pauses before spitting out the next word. "Man. They think I didn't see but they were getting pretty close out there. I was wondering if you knew anything about her other boyfriends. Maybe from work?" Roman prompts. I cringe at the use of noun, and that's what Roman wants. He wants me to think that I'm inferior to him. I force my eyelids shut to hold off the tears from the embarrassment. I don't know where Roman got that from, as it wasn't true. He didn't even see Rex drop me home; he's just made up a lie hoping to catch Piper out.
I don't want to object as I know that it could get ugly fast, and Piper doesn't need to see that.
"I- Uh... I'm sorry, I..." Piper starts. I look up to see she's looking at me confused. I look back down avoiding her gaze. A guilty blush starts to creep up my face and join the embarrassed one already there, as I think of Nixon. It's been purely platonic and non-romantic, but the intentions are there. If he wasn't in prison, or I wasn't married to Roman, I know I would be trying to get that to change. Even now, I want that to change. I lift a shaking hand to try and cover the redness in my cheek. My dinner looks and tastes like cardboard causing me to push it into the middle of the table. I daren't look at Roman, knowing if I do he'll see it in my eyes and continue to hound Piper.
"Come on girls, I thought you told each other everything, or are you protecting him too?" Roman says. I stiffen when my phone starts to ring. I can feel Roman's intense and furious gaze fly to me.
"Who's calling you?" he demands. I take a shuddering breath in, as I reach for my phone. I flip it over and see my parents are calling.
"Um, it's an unknown number, they must have misdialed," I tell him, with no conviction at all. I flash him a weak smile as I go to decline he call.
"No, wait, put it on speaker," Roman commands. My eyes go to Piper, and Roman sees that.
"I'm sure she won't mind, will you?" he asks her, knowing it would be rude of her to refuse. He wants to act this perfect husband in front of people, but the whole night tonight he's been anything but.
"No, of course not," she says her smile a fake one as she watches me. I take a deep breath in, and click the answer button, before putting it on speaker.
"Hello?" I ask tentatively.
"Oh, did we get you at a bad time?" my mom asks.
"Yes, we're just having dinner," I answer quickly before Roman can tell me what to say.
"Oh, OK, well we'll call you back later," my mom says brightly. "Are you feeling OK pumpkin?" I meet Roman's gaze, and gulp when I know he's going to answer for me.
"Hello Miss Haines, I've not been well over the past couple of days, so DeeDee might have caught it. She does look a bit peaky, so I'll get the prison doctor to look at her tomorrow," Roman inputs, going back to loving husband.
"Oh Roman, dear, hello, I'm glad DeeDee has someone like you. Well, I'll leave you both to your dinner."
"Tell dad I said hello, I love you both" I quickly add before she hangs up, knowing that I won't get the chance to talk to them again. I pick the now silent phone up, and put it in my pocket. Roman's furious glare doesn't waver from me. Piper clears her throat looking between us.
"Well, I should be going, DeeDee walk me out?" she says standing up. Thankful for the interruption, I jump up. I look down at the dishes and see that they've been barely touched, except for Roman's.
"Nice to see you as always Roman," Piper forces out.
"And you, Piper," Roman responds taking a sip of his beer, keeping his eyes ahead. I follow closely behind Piper, and open the door for her. She turns back to me as she exits.
"I am so sorry," I apologize. Her eyes go over my shoulder and back into the house before returning to me.
"He's never been like that before around me, we've had our disputes yes, but that. That's taking it to a whole other level," she says.
"He's been sick over the last couple of days, and you know how men are..." I trail off, not knowing how to finish that sentence.
"Yes, but not like that. Is he like that all the time?" I shake my head, but wish I could tell her. Roman would hear, and it would make what is about to come even worse. "Are you going to be OK? Do you want me to stay? Or you could even come home with me," she suggests.
"I'll be fine," I lie to her.
"DeeDee, you're letting all the cold air in!" Roman calls from behind me. I sigh, and I can feel myself physically slump.
"Well, it was nice to see you. And thank you for coming and the wine," I tell her as I move forwards for a hug. She pulls me close.
"You know you can tell me anything," she whispers into my ear before pulling back. I nod, holding back the tears again. She lingers for a moment longer, waiting to see if I will take her up on the offer.
"DeeDee!" Roman calls again.
"I should go, get home safe," I tell her, closing the door. Piper's concerned, and skeptical, face is the last thing I see before the door closes. I turn my back to the door and walk into the house, knowing that whatever is going to come is bad. Roman now knows I contacted my parents, and is angry about not learning anymore about my supposed boyfriend.
Here you go! I hope you liked it!
The next chapter will be up in 3 weeks time on the Sunday. :)
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