Two Weeks
"Wait what?" Eliza came and sat by her sister and Peggy walked over and joined them.
"Did you say we had two weeks?"
"I'm afraid so Peggy."
"Then what are we doing lounging around. Shouldn't we be rehearsing?"
"Ugh just give us a moment for the panic to set in." Moaned Eliza, grabbing a cushion that was next to her.
"I mean it's bad enough-"
"Seriously Peggy, Eliza's right" Agreed Angelica.
Peggy shook her head then flopped down on the sofa next to them.
───── ✩ ─────
Time Skip to One Week Later (I'm writing a letter nightly)
(That's a pretty inefficient way to write a song Peggy!It's only been seven days!)
One week into the song writing process And Peggy had finally perfected her chorus. "I hope you're happy. You've spent a week on that chorus it had better be perfect!" Angelica joked, well half-joked, giving her sister a hug. Peggy batted her away laughing, "Don't worry, I've been working on my drumming as well!" Eliza picked up the drum sticks and tossed them to Peggy.
"Go on, if you've been practicing, show us what you've got!"
"Are you ready?"
"I think I'm ready!"
Taking a deep breath, Peggy raised her drumsticks above her head and then set herself a beat with four closed high hats and burst into an incredibly consistent rhythm. Angelica smiled and Eliza almost let her jaw drop. They loved watching Peggy on the drums; it was her way of being heard. With every beat, it was like you could see the passion running down through her fingers. She broke into a sudden, final drum fill, almost dropping a drumstick as she hit the crash symbol.
She stood up, did a mini curtsy, and smiled at her sisters, breathing heavily with aching arms. Eliza gave her what I guess could be called a standing ovation and Angelica laughed, and joined in.
"Congratulations Peggy, you are officially our human metronome!" Smiled Eliza
"Thanks but you're still better at beat boxing than me!" Peggy smiled in return.
"Ha! My beat boxing is literally just me copying your drum skills without a drum!"
"Now about that song" Angelica cut in.
"Ugh, fine, I'll finish it."
───── ✩ ─────
Time skip to two weeks later (In the living room stressing)
(Well I guess that's what they were doing last week too)
The songs were chosen, written, rehearsed and sounding amazing. The girls were so ready for the gig. It felt like the longest time that they had ever felt so stressed non stop whilst being the shortest time to prepare. Angelica grabbed her phone and called Mariah. She put it on loudspeaker so they all knew what was going on. She had to turn the volume up a bit since Mariah was whispering.
"Why did you call me now?"
"Because we had a spare moment. We needed to take a break from practice and we needed to call you. Boom, perfect timing." replied Angelica.
"Yeah, our break coincides perfectly with their dinnertime. We know James is totally willing to wait for Mariah to finish her phone conversation behind his back so yeah, perfect timing." Peggy laughed, sarcastically.
A/N I looked up Peggy Schuyler and apparently she was reported as being very sarcastic so expect a lot of satire from the three XD
"Seriously though Girls, I can't keep him waiting much longer." Mariah was sounding close to tears now.
"Can we call you back?" Angelica sighed.
"No, it would have been better if you'd called earlier. Anyway, I'll meet you backstage at the arranged time, you remember right?"
"8:30" they chorused back.
"Brillliant, OK, I've gotta run. Bye" There were a few sounds of Mariah moving about and then the line went dead.
"So what comes next guys?"Eliza asked, checking her watch. "We've got 1 hour til we leave. Warm up?"
The other girls nodded and found their notes.
" Whoa-oa-oa-oa, For the longest time..."
A/N I don't really have much to say here. I hope you liked my time skips XD! And yes, I will always be using a youtube clip. I will try to find ones that look like they belong in the story (i.e. with the right number of characters and the right century). Also, like I mentioned before, I do play the drums so that's why I included the mini section of Peggy on the drums (BTW I'm also a human metronome) but I'm no way near as good as this au Peggy is.
Peggy: *laughs* Yeah, I'd like to think I'm okay.
Author: Okay? Peggy, you are amazing!
Peggy: Nah, I'm not really, besides you've never heard me play!
Author: I'm writing this fanfiction. If I wanted, I could send you to the moon.
Peggy: Ha, wait, fanfiction? Thanks for my existential crisis. It was just what I wanted.
Author: Uh, screw it, I keep messing with the Schuyler sisters heads in these A/Ns don't I.
Author: *Shouting accross the room* ANGELICA YOU'RE NEXT!
Angelica: Oh no I'm not! *Runs out the room*
Author: Eh, she'll be back in the next chapter (That was a half intentional pun whoops)
Author: I'm sorry for that pun, I hope you'll be back in the next chapter too. (That was a fully intentional pun. I'm sorry,please kepp reading my stories XD)
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