One Gig
Eliza Schuyler was not the type of girl who would hog the spotlight. That was more her sister Angelica. But it didn't stop her from dreaming about when their band 'The Sisters' might actually become popular and they would go on world tours playing their music with the speakers turned up to 11. She looked around the room; Peggy, her younger sister, was fiddling with her drumsticks whilst humming a little tune she'd heard on the radio, Angelica, her older sister, was typing something on her phone and Eliza, the middle sister, you guessed it A/N I know there was Catherine but let's just say she wasn't born yet was sat on the sofa, looking round at her sisters.
Suddenly, Angelica let out a little gasp and Peggy and Eliza sat up straight and looked at her. "No, no way!" Angelica muttered. "What! What happened!?"Eliza was walking towards her sister now to see what she had read.
"Mariah just got us a, well I guess a gig! We'll be performing at the club Say Yes downtown!"
"Oh My GAAAH!" Eliza squealed.
"Betsy, you can say Oh My God, it's not a swear word" Peggy giggled and came over to join them. Mariah Reynolds was technically their manager. It was kind of a secret from her husband James though who had still probably never heard the phrase 'feminism'. He was the owner of Say Yes and despite being a little down on his luck recently, the club was still pretty popular and going strong.
"Just a couple of rules though," Angelica added, "We are only allowed to do five songs at the most unless the crowd wants us to do more."
"Oh that's easy," Peggy interrupted, "We can do Schuyler Sisters of course, then-"
"Whoa! Not so fast! You know what Reynolds is like! He can be so horrible to Mariah but also just to women in general. It's a miracle that we got a gig anyway!"
"She's right," agreed Eliza "It is unbelievably unlikely. We can't perform most of our songs or we might end up on the wrong side of James. We could probably get away with performing Schuyler sisters but the other four will have to be songs that aren't about feminism or we could completely blow our chances to make it big! If we have enough suitable songs, soon we won't have to rely on part time jobs or the inheritance money! I promise you, if this gig goes well, it really won't be long now!"
"We just need more songs." Angelica said as she fell back onto the sofa.
Peggy's face lit up suddenly "I've been working on a song for a while. It's not got anything to do with feminism exactly but it's still got an important message!"
"That sounds good! Can we hear it?" Asked Angelica
"It's not exactly finished but I'll work on it ASAP! Oh, and when does this all need to be ready?"
"Angelica, we need to know, there's so much to prepare!"
"I knoooooow."
"So tell us how long it is until the concert!"
Sighing, Angelica stood up and muttered, "In two weeks..."
A/N OMG I'M TRYING TO WRITE FANFICTION AGAIN! And this time it's Hamilton! Whenever I try to write fanfiction I'm never Satisfied (Pun Intended). And yes, I'm English, yes, I said sofa not couch; you're gonna have to deal with my English spellings and words. Also, I'm trying not to add too many references and only include ones that sound right like whenever I've made an unintentional or half intentional pun (I call it half intentional when I don't mean to make a reference but realise I'm about to just before I say it) Anyway, I've added a couple of references already. Pretty obscure ones like Spinal Tap, fairly recognisable ones like In The Heights and ,of course, Hamilton!
Eliza: Wait, who's Hamilton?
Author: Uh, don't worry about him yet.
Eliza: Him? What's this guy gonna do then?
Author: *Silently screaming because of half intentional reference* Um, can I just finish my Author's note please?
Eliza: *sighs* As you wish...
Also, quick side note, I play the drums like Peggy in this au just so you know. I'm actually looking for drum music for Hamilton but so far, no luck. If you have found any, I would love to know and might incorporate some into the story! Anyway, I'd be surprised if this book became very popular (You're gonna be popuuuuular, sorry, I'll stop) so just thank you to everyone reading it!
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