Telling Nordonia the news
Kevin knew it was time to tell Nordonia she was going to be a big sister in a couple of months, so he headed to the master bedroom with Nordonia to Skype Fawn and they were going to tell her the news together that she was going to be a big sister, and when he takes the girls back to Ohio they were going to see if they were going to have one baby or multiples cause Fawn was going to wait for the girls to come home, so they could do it all together as a family cause Fawn wanted this to be special. He had the boy name picked out if they were going to have a boy, and Nordonia can do the girls name if they end up having a girl cause Fawn might have a name picked out for the girl
"Ready to see mommy princess? Cause she is ready to see you baby girl, and tonight the two of us have some news for you" he asks as he calls Fawn's username on Skype, so they could break the news to her first since Ravenna is too young to understand that she is going to have a sibling to play with
Nordonia nods cause she was completely ready to see mommy again and tell her all about her day with daddy and how she is getting along in California with daddy
"Okay wait for her it sounds like your sister is up, and when mommy comes on talk to her until daddy comes back with sissy," he says when he hears Ravenna on the monitor, so he had to get her and bring her to the master as well
Kevin goes to the nursery to see about the baby to make sure she is okay, and nothing was bugging her
"Ravenna it's okay daddy is here sugar you are the safest sweetheart," he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms to soothe her cries since she was upset about something that Kevin didn't know right now
Kevin turned on her light to see what was bugging her so badly, or if she was getting sick from the change of the weather too fast cause she went from Ohio weather to California weather
"Oh I see now you're getting your first tooth little one," he says when he sees the white thing sticking up inside of her mouth, and he knew that was the cause for her crying right now
Kevin heads to the kitchen to get a teething ring for Ravenna that she can gum on for a little bit while they talked to Fawn that night on the computer
"Hi, Nordonia where's your daddy at?" Fawn asks as she has her water cause she was thirsty
"Sorry Fawn little Ravenna here is getting her first tooth, and daddy had to take care of it for her, and make it all better" he says as he joins his girls who were talking to mommy that night on the computer
"She is she is?" Fawn asks him as she looks at Ravenna who knew mommy was on the screen, and she lite up like a Christmas tree when she saw mommy
"Yes it is right her,e" he says as he shows Fawn the tooth that was coming in Ravenna's little mouth
"Soon Ravenna you can eat solids as your sister does, but you will only eat certain solids for a while," Fawn says to the baby when she saw her
"That I can't wait to see what she likes and what she doesn't like cause i get to see if she is a picky eater" he says as he lets Ravenna gum on her teething ring that was plenty cold for her, so she had relief from her tooth that was coming in
"Me either that day is going to be a happy day for sure to see what foods she likes and what foods she doesn't like which i am happy with" Fawn says to him as she admires her daughter as she watched her
"Yeah it will be" he says as they get comfortable for the talk that they are going to have with Nordonia and now Ravenna cause Ravenna needed to know too that a new baby was going to join the mix soon, so she wasn't going to be the baby anymore
"Nordonia how was your first day with daddy?" Fawn asks her as she got comfortable to hear about her day in California
"Good I made a friend today at the park mommy" Nordonia says happily to mommy as they continued to talk about their day in general, and how she is settling in with Kevin
"That friend is staying with us cause the cops are looking for her mommy and daddy, so is it okay if she has a friend staying over for the night? I know it is a little soon for sleepovers" he asks Fawn cause he wanted to make sure that Fawn was okay with the friend staying overnight
"Yeah that's fine with me cause she needs to get use to having sleep overs, and doing all of those cool girls things as she gets older in life and since it's only one friend I am okay with that" Fawn says to him cause it was only one friend
"She does cause she is growing up too fast, and she will be in school before we know it, and then it will be more friends staying over at the house" he says as he looks at Nordonia who was eyeing the present that was in the room
"Nordonia I know you are wondering about the present that is in the room, and we will see about it soon" Fawn says to her as she looks at her daughter
Nordonia nods as she looks at mommy
"Well you can open it cause me and daddy have something important to tell you. I can say it is good news" Fawn says to her cause she kept eyeing the present
Nordonia starts to open the present that was wrapped up all nice and neat
"A doll?" Nordonia asks her parents a little curious
"Well Fawn should we tell her?" he asks Fawn as he looks at her
"Yeah we better cause he might ask questions" Fawn says as she got ready to say it cause this was going to be a big adjustment for Nordonia cause she only has Ravenna
"Let's say it on three" he says to her cause he wanted it to get it off his chest
"Yes" Fawn says to him
"1...........2..........3........ we're having a baby" Fawn and Kevin both say happily to Nordonia
Nordonia was shocked like she didn't know what to say right now cause she still had to digest the news that she is going to be a big sister in a couple of months or less to another little baby, and she didn't know if she was ready to be a big sister this fast in the game cause she had just gotten use to her new parents so a baby was a big step
"Sweetie are you okay? Cause you have't said anything yet about the new baby" Fawn asks cause Nordonia hasn't made any words since they have told her the news that they were having a baby
Nordonia didn't like that she was going to be a big sister at all, or wanted another sibling to take that away from her
"Nordonia wait" he says when Nordonia ran out of the house cause she didn't like the fact there was going to be a new baby coming into the picture cause her and Ravenna were supposed to be the babies not this baby or babies if it was more then one
Kevin went to see where Nordonia took off too while Fawn stood with Ravenna
"Ravenna you look so pretty tonight baby. Daddy has done good with you" Fawn says to the baby who was in her little chair
Ravenna smiles at mommy that night as they talked a little bit about the day cause Fawn loved both girls a lot and she wasn't going to let them go at all
"Nordonia wait" he says as he chases after her cause he needed to explain this to her a little more better, so she could understand the whole picture, and let her know things won't change
Nordonia stops in her tracks with daddy cause when daddy was talking to her, and she knew cause he meant business when he talked to her like that
"Nordonia I know this is going to be a big adjustment for all of us when the new baby comes. You will get to show the new baby or babies the world and you can tell them how lucky they are to have you as their big sister, and you can tell them the story about how mommy saved you from that baler" he says to her cause he needed to explain the sibling roll a little more, for her so she can understand it better
Nordonia still didn't want the new baby at all. She just wanted it to be her and Ravenna
"Princess me and mommy will help you with this as the months go on and when we go back to see mommy in Ohio we will get to see the new baby or babies on the screen, and you can help daddy with the nursery as well as keep Ravenna entertained as we pay attention to the babies" he says cause being a big sister at this age is a lot to take on especially for her cause she has been through so much
Kevin picked her up and carried her back to the house where they went to see mommy
"Nordonia the baby is really small right now, so when you and your sister come back to Ohio we can see how much the baby has grown in size and see if there is more then one baby inside mommy cause mommy wants you guys to be there when we see the baby for the first time" Fawn says as she shows Nordonia how big the baby was inside mommy right now
Fawn shows Nordonia the size the baby is right now
"It's small" Nordonia says to mommy when she saw how small the baby was inside mommy
"Over time the baby will grow inside mommy and you can feel the baby moving inside of mommy and you can talk to the baby too cause the baby would love to hear it's big sister talking to it and you can tell the baby stories. To help the baby sleep" Fawn says as she shows Nordonia where the baby was right now in her tummy, so she has an idea about the baby
"If we have more then one you can pick out the other name" he says to Nordonia
"I have the middle name if we have a boy" Fawn says to Kevin
"Okay what are you thinking of for the middle name?" he says to her
"Jordan and his first name can be Michael after your favorite singe cause I know how you loved Michael growing up" Fawn says to Kevin
"Thanks Fawn" he says as he gets teary eyed cause she had remembered his favorite singer that he loved
"Welcome Kevin" Fawn says to him
"Nordonia mommy has books here at home to help you under stand about being a big sister" Fawn says to her as she shows her the books that she got for her
"I'm sure I will love it if you help daddy with the nursery cause mommy won't be able to do the nursery for the babies much" he says as he looks at Nordonia
"You can pick the theme for the nursery too Nordonia" Fawn says as she has her snack
Nordonia was okay with that cause she was okay with picking out the theme for the nursery for the new baby
"We can practice holding and feeding the baby too, so if you want you can feed the baby since Ravenna was too little for you to feed" Fawn says as she explains it a little more, so she understands
Nordonia was glad she was going to get practice before the new baby comes
"Sibling class will help you more like get prepared for the baby" he says as he remembers the siblings classes that the hospitals offer for new siblings
"We can do a lot of fun things before the baby comes princess, and we can make time after the baby comes" Fawn says to Nordonia cause they were going to do a lot of bonding before the baby or babies come
"Ravenna will need you when me and mommy are with the new baby or babies if there is more then one" he says as he looks at Fawn
"I have a feeling it is more the one already" Fawn says as she thinks of how the pregnancy has been so far
"Twins?" he asks her in shock
"Yeah my family hasn't had a set of twins for a while, so I might be having twins Kevin" Fawn says to him cause she remembers something on her grandmother's side of the family
"I hope i get my little M.J" Kevin says to her
"I might get my little girl too so it's a win win situation" Fawn says to him as she looks down at her tummy where the twins might be
"I don't care as long as they are healthy and happy" he says as he hugs Nordonia close to him
"By then the girls should be all ours" Fawn says to him cause in six months the girls will be their's cause their mother is going to jail for a long time
"That day is going to be a happy day for all of us" he says as he thinks ahead to six months when the adoption is final, and the girls will have his last name and will be their daughters
"I know i can't wait for that day Kevin when the girls are all ours and we don't have to do anymore to have them with us" Fawn says to him
"Me either tomorrow I am going to take Nordonia to Disneyland for the first time, so she gets that experience" he says to Fawn
"She going to get her ears?" Fawn asks him
"Of course she will and she can pick them out. She might get more then one set of ears" he says as he talks to her while rocking Nordonia close to him cause she was really scared
"Nordonia you excited for Disney?" Fawn asks her
"She might be better in the morning" he says as he looks at Nordonia who was falling asleep
"I hope so we can hang out with Ravenna still cause she is getting so big" Fawn says as she looks at Ravenna
"I think Ravenna is getting sleepy both girls had quite the busy and exciting first day" he says to Fawn
"I bet they did and they can't wait to be with you" Fawn tells him
Nordonia is excited and Ravenna is too" he says as he takes Nordonia to bed and was going to come back for Ravenna
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