Four months later
Kevin ran into the hospital to see about Jackson, and see if Lucy came to get him as well and he was just in time cause she was there to take Jackson away, and the hospital was going to put high security on that little boy and move him to a better room so he was well protected from anyone who came close to him and wanted to attack him and take him away from his family that had loved him an awful lot
"Step away from the baby now," he says as he looks at her because he was ticked that she was going to take Jackson away as well because he needed his support still since he was still little and he still needed the machines that he had to keep him alive
The security guards escorted her out of the hospital when Fawn came in with Ravenna who was eating her fist
"Jackson is going to be moved right now and the fight happening as soon as I can get it together," he says as Jackson was being moved from one side to another side of the hospital
"I say I am ready for this fight," she says as she was looking at Ravenna
"Ravenna is getting another tooth in I see," he says as he picks her up
(Four months later)
It has been four months since the girls were kidnapped and every time Fawn challenge Lucy will not show up for the fight
"Fawn you okay?" Kevin asks her when he saw her looking at the pictures of the girls
"I miss the girls is all Nordonia would have been starting preschool this year, and Olympic would be with her in preschool this year," Fawn says as she was looking at the beds since the girls were not sleeping there anymore and it broke her heart that her girls weren't home with her
"I do too I have the cast coming to be with us, and I put in a call to every police department and they are searching everywhere for our girls," he says as he hugs her
Fawn was glad that the cast was going to be coming to be with Kevin he has to be hurting too from not seeing the girls as well and wanting to hold them close
"We get to see the quads, and maybe find out the genders," he says as he was hugging her
"I hope it's okay I want a party with all of our friends, and family when we find out the genders," she says as she looked up at him
"That's fine and I think Ravenna," he says as he left to get the baby girl that was wide awake and wanted her parents
(Ravenna's room)
"Hey Ravenna," he says as he came into her nursery to get her
Ravenna was happy when she saw daddy
"Come on sweetie let's see mommy, and cheer her up," he says as he carried to where the girl's room was in the house
(The girl's room)
"Hey Ravenna" Fawn says as Kevin set the baby down so she could see mommy
Ravenna got into position to crawl to mommy
"You going to crawl to mommy baby girl?" Fawn asks as she got down to see the baby that was going to crawl to mommy that morning
Ravenna was all smiles as she headed to mommy slowly
"You're crawling baby doll," Fawn says as she was coaching the baby as she was crawling to mommy
Kevin came with the camera just in time to see Ravenna crawl to mommy
"Well we have a crawler Kevin," Fawn says as she looked at him
"The house is baby proofed already, and the cast is coming off and on through the week to be with us and that gives us time to work on the gender reveal," he says as he came close to Fawn
"That's good I want everybody here since I am a wreck without our daughters here," Fawn says as she was hugging Nordonia's doll that she got
"Me too I am trying to come up with the perfect way to get the girls back and I hate to have you fight since the quads are so close to coming," he says as he was looking at Fawn's stomach
"I know I can't wait to meet these little ones," she says as she was looking down at her baby bump
"I have been looking for a bigger house for the kids, so they can run around and play and I decided we should build that way all of the kids have a room of their own or they could share" he says as he heard the phone ring and he went to answer to see who was calling right now
Fawn could not wait to see the house she was hoping that they could see it after the doctor's office that way she could plan the nursery for the quads since they will have some time to work on the nurseries a little bit before they come home, and they needed to work on little Jackson's room too since he was going to be coming home soon as well to join his sister and Ravenna could not wait to be with her brother as well even though they may be months apart they act like they are brother and sister
"They found where the girls might be," he says as he came in after he had gotten off the phone with the cops cause the cops found where Lucy took the girls too
"Is she going to release them to us?" Fawn asks him cause she was waiting with bated breath if she was going to be getting the girls back
"Nope she won't so we are back where we started unless we get a warrant to have her give the girls back," he says to her since the cops can't do much of anything right now
"There is a chance that she could take off with the girls and we never see them again," Fawn says to him as she was thinking long and hard
"Yup there is that chance as well I hope we can come up with something to get the girls back in our arms," he says as he was going to hug her to make it all better for her since she was hurting right now since the girls weren't there and they were someplace different
"I don't feel like seeing the quads today," Fawn says as she looks up at him as she was hiding the tears that were forming in her eyes
"I know what you mean I wanted the girls there so they could see their siblings on the screen" he says as he was kissing her on her neck to make the hurt go away but Fawn's hurt will never go away she wanted her daughters home with her, and they were huddled around the fire keeping warm and talking to the babies a bit more then normal
"Plus I want them to help us come up with names for these babies," Fawn says as she was rubbing her baby bump where the quads were really sad and not being so active right now like how they were months ago when they will kick each other as they were playing happily
"I know what you mean, but we have a first birthday to get ready for," he says as he was looking at Ravenna cause her first birthday was coming up fast and they could not believe she was going to be one
"Oh yeah she is halfway to one" Fawn says as she was looking at Ravenna who was happy as could be
"I can't believe how far she has come though," Kevin says to Fawn
"Me either," Fawn says as she looks at him
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