First day of day care and Skyping daddy Kevin
Fawn wakes up before the girls are up, so she could get ready for work and get everything ready to take the girls to daycare that morning cause that was the first day of daycare for the girls and Fawn was a little worried on how it was going to go cause Nordonia was a little scared about being there without her mommy
"Nordonia sweetie it's time to get up today is the first day of daycare princess cause today mommy goes back to work today, and she got time off to get you girls settled and adjusted" Fawn says as she comes into the room to get her up, so she could get her fed and dressed as well for daycare
Nordonia did not want to wake up at all she wanted to sleep in still in her warm crib still that morning
"I know you don't want to get up baby doll, but mommy has to go to work today, and you and your sister has to go to daycare and be good girls for mommy while she is at work and after we can do anything that you want after mommy gets off work today cause mommy isn't working long today pudding cup once she is done I am all yours" Fawn says as she tries to get Nordonia up and ready for the day and get ready to go to daycare along with the baby
Nordonia slowly wakes up for mommy that morning, so she could be fed, changed and dressed for daycare
"That's my girl come on we got to see about Ravenna, and if she is up as well. While you girls are watch something i will get ready for work" Fawn says as they walk to the other nursery to see about the baby and if she was up as well that morning
Ravenna was wide awake and ready for mommy that morning
"Hey Ravenna did you sleep well? I bet you did" Fawn asks as she comes into the room to get the bay from her crib
Ravenna was glad to hear mommy's voice as she came in the room to get her up for the day
"Hey sweetie mommy going to change you" Fawn says as she picks the baby up and puts her on the changing table to change her out of her jammies and into her clothes
Once Ravenna was changed Fawn took the girls to the kitchen for breakfast that morning
"Okay girls let's have breakfast, and then we have to get going for sure" Fawn says as she gives the girls their breakfast that morning
Nordonia ate really good while Ravenna didn't want her bottle that morning for some reason or another
"Ravenna I'll feed you later doodlebug when we get to daycare," Fawn says as she takes the girls to their bedrooms, so they could get ready for daycare, and they could head to daycare, and Fawn could head to work
"Okay girls mommy going to buckle you in, and then we are off to day care" Fawn says as she heads out of the garage with the girls in tow in the bike trailer
Fawn peddles all the way to the daycare, and the girls just take it all in as mommy peddled to daycare
"Okay girls here we are daycare" Fawn says a little out of breath as she gets the girls out so they could head in to meet their teacher and their new friends that morning
Ravenna started to get a bit fussy as mommy got her out of the trailer after she had helped Nordonia out of the trailer
"Are you hungry sugar? I bet you are you didn't have breakfast this morning" Fawn asks as she feeds the baby her bottle that morning
Ravenna started to suckle the formula that was a little warm still
"Eat up Ravenna" Fawn says as she takes the girls in so she could head to work that morning
Nordonia hugged Fawn's leg the entire time as they headed into daycare
"Here we are girls this is your classroom" Fawn says as she brings Nordonia into the room as she feeds the baby that morning
Nordonia was still scared as a little ghost when she came into the room
"Sorry about this first day for both girls" Fawn tells the teacher who was a friend of hers from band
"That's okay I will help them adjust after all we were in band together for a while, and everything going to be okay" Elicia says to Fawn as she takes the baby, so she can finish feeding her
"Yeah i forgot" Fawn says as she drops the diaper bag down that has everything in it for the girls
Elicia was going to finish feeding the baby while Fawn gets Nordonia used to the classroom before she heads to work the morning
"See sweetie there are toys here for you to play with like you have at home, and you might make some friends" Fawn tells Nordonia as she shows her the play area in her classroom
Nordonia wasn't buying it she wanted mommy not her friend at all
"Princess I will call you when I get to work, and i promise you now i have to get going before I am late" Fawn says as she hugs Nordonia as she cried on mommy shoulder
Fawn knew she had to get to work cause she was going to be late for work
"Bye girls be good" Fawn says as she leaves the daycare to go to work that morning
"Mama" Nordonia says as she goes after mommy the morning cause she wanted mama really bad
The teacher's tried to get Nordonia away from the door, but Nordonia kept calling for mama over and over again and she was getting very upset that mama wasn't there to protect her or play with her
"Made it with a few minutes to spare" Fawn says after she had punched in and she heads to produce to start working and filling the department
Fawn goes immediately to work cause there were holes that need filled in the department that morning
"I forgot to call Nordonia to see how she is doing. I can call her later" she says to herself as she makes a quick call to the daycare to talk to her daughter who misses her a lot as she heads back to get her cart and load up
Fawn's heart breaks when she hears her little girl calling out for her, and she can't turn back to go back and get her and hug her and make it all better
"Princess I will check on you when I go on break, and I love you sweetie very much" Fawn says as she wipes the tears that were forming in her eyes cause she had to work for the girls, so they could have a better life with her
Nordonia didn't want mommy to go at all she wanted to hear mommy's voice for the longest time
"This is going to be harder then what i thought" Fawn says as she starts loading her cart with what needed to go out
As she headed out she looks at the pictures that she had taken of her and the girls together, and the girls as well
"Mommy loves you guys, and don't you forget that ever" she says as she fights the tears that were coming back harder then ever now cause she was really missing the girls now, but she had to work to give them a better life
(Later at daycare)
Nordonia saw a chance to escape when a parent came in to get their child cause she wanted to go to mommy. Nordonia was careful as she headed out of daycare to mommy's workplace cause she really wanted mommy. Nordonia was careful as she walked to mommy's workplace, so she wouldn't get caught at all
(Much later)
"Nordonia" Fawn says when she sees her daughter come into the store as she was filling the department that morning with cider cause it was on sale still
"Mama," Nordonia says as she runs to mommy as fast as she could cause she was happy to see mommy again that morning even though mommy dropped her off at daycare before she went to work, but Nordonia was attached to mommy too much to leave her to go that fast
"Nordonia" Fawn says as she gets down to welcome her into her arms, and hug her close
"Mama" Nordonia says as she fell into mama's arms that morning
Fawn scoops her up and hugs her close to her right there in the store cause she was happy to see her little girl again cause she had missed her a lot that morning since she dropped her off at daycare, and it hurt her to leave her baby doll there while she was at work, but it was for the best for them
"Miss you mama" Nordonia says to Fawn as they hugged it out together in the store
"I have missed you too baby girl very much" Fawn says as she cries right along with Nordonia cause she was glad to see her again and Nordonia was okay too that she was back with mama
Fawn kissed Nordonia on her little cheek as she continued to hug her close to her
"Does your teachers know where you are sweetie?" Fawn asks Nordonia after they had hugged it out, and she was glad to see Nordonia once again
Nordonia shakes her head no
'Princess your teachers must be worried sick about you, and are wondering where you are, and what happened to you baby girl" Fawn says as she punished Nordonia cause Nordonia didn't listen to mommy at all, and stayed at daycare like a good girl that morning as she should
"I swrry mama" Nordonia says to mommy as she hugs her to show that she really was sorry for leaving the way she did, and coming to mommy's work cause she had missed her too much
"You are in so much trouble young lady, and I am going to deal with it later when we get home right now I have to call your teachers, so they know that you are with me, and the take it from there I guess" Fawn says as she calls the daycare to tell them that Nordonia missed mommy too much and she went to mommy's work to see her and be with her that morning
The teachers were grateful that Nordonia was okay and was safe with mommy at her workplace
"Princess I'm going to have to take you back to daycare cause you can't stay with mommy today cause she is going to be very busy today, and she doesn't want you getting hurt at all" Fawn says as she heads to the time clock with Nordonia, so they could head back to daycare, and see what can be done to get her to stay without her following mommy and maybe getting hurt when mommy wasn't looking
Nordonia didn't want to go back there at all she wanted to stay with mommy cause she felt safe with mommy as her protector, and not at daycare
"I know you don't want to go back to daycare princess, but you have to it's the only place where you are safe and secure until mommy is done working for the day, and mommy will pick you up after she drops her purse off at home, and changes clothes to come and get you girls and take you girls home" Fawn tells her as they head upstairs cause Fawn had to punish Nordonia right then, and she wasn't going to do it in the store where everyone could see her doing it, and she had to put her box cutter in her locker cause it was a weapon
Fawn was going to give Nordonia a good spanking and put her in timeout and have her go to bed early for a couple of days to let her think about what she has done, and she was going to talk to the one that is going to be the daddy to both girls to see what they can do with her since she was attached to mommy so much right now since her old mommy didn't care for her at all
"Let's take you back to daycare sweetie, and mommy has to go back to work" Fawn says as she puts Nordonia back in the trailer to head back to daycare
"No" Nordonia says to Fawn cause she did not want to go back
"Oh boy the roller coaster starts," Fawn says as she starts to peddle back to daycare cause this was the start of being a single working parent
Nordonia had a tantrum the whole way back there, and Fawn had to stop a few times to get her to quit it cause she was being a very bad girl, and wanted mommy not the teachers at daycare which was a nightmare for her.
"Princess I know this is a big adjustment for you, but you have to do it for mommy please" Fawn tells her as they walk into the daycare together
Nordonia shakes her head no
"If mommy stays for a bit will that be okay with you?" Fawn asks her as she gets down to her height
Nordonia nods cause Fawn could tell that she needed mommy right now
"Okay mommy will stay with you until you are comfortable, but i have to get back to work" Fawn says as they head into the daycare together
Nordonia was happy that mommy was going to stay with her but only for a little bit until she got comfortable being in daycare
"Everyone this is Nordonia and she is a little scared cause it's her first day, so can we give her a big welcome to our class?" another teacher asks the class when Nordonia came back into the room
Everyone says hi to Nordonia
"See sweetie it's not so bad everyone here is friendly and wants to be your friend like how mommy is your friend" Fawn says as she sits with her for a bit longer on the carpet
Nordonia stayed with mommy during song time, and share time cause this was all new to her
"Are you going to paint me a picture?, so I can put it on the fridge at home" Fawn asks her after carpet time
Nordonia nods as she heads for the easel to paint a picture for mommy
"That's my girl I want you to be a good girl and i will check in later when i get back to work to see how you are doing" Fawn tells Nordonia as she comes close to her before leaving to go to work cause Fawn did not want to be covered in paint from her daughter painting a picture
"Otay mama," Nordonia says to mommy as she was painting a picture for mommy to put up when she got home from daycare that day
"Love you doodlebug," Fawn says as she gives Nordonia a kiss and side hug
"Luv you too mama" Nordonia says to mama as she tries to hug mommy back before she leaves her to go back to work
Fawn checked on the baby to see how she is doing before she heads back to work for the rest of the day
"I love you too Ravenna you and Nordonia are my world and nothing is going to change that about how i feel for you girls" Fawn says to the baby cause Ravenna was a bit fussy as well
Ravenna settled down in mommy's arms, and Fawn heads back to work for the day
(Back at work)
"Taken care of?" One of her co-workers asks her as she comes back to work
"Yup she is all better, and the baby is okay for now so i hope it all goes good" Fawn says as she calls to check in on the girls as she heads up to her locker once more and back on the floor to help fill in holes
"That's good," the co-worker tells Fawn
Fawn just nods as she talks to Nordonia for a little bit before she had to clock back in. Her boss was going to let her call when she took the trash down so she could tell Nordonia that she loved her, and when she was loading her cart up, so Nordonia didn't feel like mommy didn't love her at all. Ravenna was constantly crying so Fawn had to head back to be with the baby until she fell back asleep
(End of the day)
"What a long shift" Fawn says as she leaves cause there was a no call no show, and she had to stay over and she had to tell her brother to come get the house key and pick the girls up from daycare and take them home, and stay until she got off work that day
The whole way home Fawn called to see about the girls and see how they were doing, and Nordonia missed mommy a lot, and Ravenna was still fussy as could be
"Nordonia I'm on my way home now promise me you will be good for a few more minutes until i get home, and i can hear about your first day" Fawn says to her
Nordonia nods as Fawn continues to peddle home to the girls cause she couldn't wait to see her daughters again and hold them in her arms
"Mama" Nordonia says to Fawn as she came into the kitchen to hug mama
"Hey, princess did you have a good day today at daycare?" Fawn asks her as she hugs her
Nordonia nods to mommy
"That's good" Fawn says as she comes into the house with her in her arms
Fawn paid her brother for watching the girls while she worked over, and got dinner on the table for the girls that night and bonded with them before bed
"Miss you mama" Nordonia says as she hugs mommy tight
"I missed you too Nordonia very much" mommy says to her as they hug together as she serves dinner which was pizza that her brother ordered for Nordonia
Fawn cut the pizza up for her so she wouldn't choke and Nordonia started to eat happily that night
"That good?" she asks Nordonia
Nordonia nods happily as she ate supper with mommy that night
"After dinner it's bath for both of you and then we can snuggle in my bed for a little bit before bedtime tonight, or maybe I can let daddy see you girls for the first time tonight" Fawn says to the girls as she ate supper with her daughters after a long day of work
Nordonia loved the bubble bath that mommy did for her that night and was glad that mommy was close by as well
"Ready to talk with daddy for a little bit?" Fawn asks as they were in her bed since the girls were wide awake yet
Nordonia nods as Fawn started to Skype Kevin
"It's ringing" Fawn says to Nordonia as she heard it ring
"Hey Fawn," Kevin says when he sees her on-screen cause he wanted her Skype name so she could be added
"Hey Kevin" Fawn says to him
"Let me guess i get to see the girls for the first time tonight?" he asks her when he saw the girls
"Yeah you do over here is the little rebel her name is Nordonia, and the baby i have in my arms Is Ravenna" Fawn says to him as she introduces the girls
"Oh they are so cute and since they don't have a daddy I am going to be their dad besides since my siblings have kids, and I get jealous every time I see my nieces and nephews I can't take them home, so having these two can fill the void and it will feel good to have someone call me daddy for a change" he says as he sees the girls on screen
"Nordonia was very bad at daycare today. She escaped and came to my work" Fawn says to Kevin
"Nordonia is this true?" he asks her as he looks at her
Nordonia nods at daddy
"Nordonia that was very bad and you will have to go to bed early tonight and tomorrow night to think about what you did" he says to her
"That sounds fair Kevin cause she is only two" Fawn says to him
"Plus no dessert for a week Nordonia" he says to her
"That sounds fair early bedtime and no dessert" Fawn says as she thinks of the punishment
"Tomorrow i want you to be on your best behavior at school Nordonia" he says to her
"Okay daddy" Nordonia says to him
"Okay Nordonia me and your daddy will tuck you in tonight" Fawn says as she grabs the laptop and lays Ravenna in her bassinet for a little bit
Fawn read Nordonia a story and Kevin sang to her
"Night Nordonia" they say as they tuck her in
"Night mommy night daddy" she says to them as she closes her eyes and goes to sleep on her own
Fawn kisses her and goes and tells Kevin about Ravenna
"This must be Ravenna" he says when he sees the baby on the bed
"Yes the same she is only two weeks old" Fawn says to him
"She is so precious" he says when he sees the baby that Fawn had in her arms cause she wanted to be picked up
"She is" Fawn says as she rocks the baby and talks to Kevin at the same time
"She is the perfect mix of the two of us" Kevin says when he looks at Ravenna who was wide awake as mommy held her in her arms
"I never thought of that with the girls Kevin cause Nordonia is the perfect mix too for the both of us too," Fawn says as she looks down at Ravenna
Ravenna looked at the screen
"Ravenna that's daddy" Fawn says to her as she explains about the man that was still on the screen
"Hi Ravenna" he says as he waves at the baby that was looking at the screen and wondering who that man is that mommy is talking to
"She hears you, and much to my surprise she isn't crying at all" Fawn says as Kevin interacts with the baby a little bit before bed that night
"Surprise indeed" he says as he plays with the baby a little bit cause she was fully awake now and wanted to see about that man that was on the screen talking to mommy
"She finds you funny Kevin" Fawn says to him cause Ravenna started to smile at daddy
"Yeah she does doesn't she, and I can't wait to meet those two in person and hold each of them and I can truly feel like a dad to those girls cause I imagine that they didn't have a father" he says when he sees Ravenna wide awake and laughing at Kevin cause she loves her daddy
"I know she probably can't wait either to see you like Nordonia can't so you guys can bond and get to know each other more cause I am sure you will have two daddy's girls" Fawn says as Ravenna started to get a little fussy from not being entertained anymore by daddy
"Oh Ravenna it's okay daddy is here" he tells her as he tries to comfort her too from his end of the deal
Kevin sings isn't she lovely and Ravenna was asleep within minutes in Fawn's arms
"Night Ravenna I love you" he says as he blows her a kiss as she slept in mommy's arms
"Night daddy" Fawn says for Ravenna
Fawn tucks the baby in her bassinet next to her bed, so she could continue to talk to Kevin some more and explain a little bit better how she got the girls, and where she works and what she does in her spare time
"Night baby" Fawn says as she kisses Ravenna after she had tucked Ravenna in once she thought that Ravenna was completely settled in for the night
"Night Ravenna" he says as he watches as Ravenna sleep peacefully in her bassinet next to Fawn's bed
"She knows that you are near" Fawn says when she sees Ravenna settle down and go to sleep
"My sweet Ravenna" he says as he looks at her
"Our dear sweet innocent Ravenna no one can hurt you" Fawn says as she looks at the baby
"We are here to protect you baby" he says as he talks in a whisper to her as she slept peacefully in her bassinet
"Forever and always," Fawn says to her as she picks the baby up to rock her a little bit
Fawn gave Ravenna her finger, and Ravenna held tight as mommy held her close to her
"Would she like a story?" he asks as he looks at the baby
"Yes please" Fawn says as she rocks the baby in her arms gently as Kevin told the baby a story
Ravenna settled down as daddy told the story
"That worked" Fawn says as she lays the baby next to her just in case she woke up
"You going to bed?" he asks Fawn
"Yeah I better" fawn says as she yawns
"Night I will talk to you three tomorrow" he says to her
"No doubt" Fawn says as she gets comfortable
"Night Fawn night Ravenna" he says to her
"Night Kevin" Fawn says as she signs off
Kevin blew them a kiss cause he had fallen in love with the girls and Fawn that night cause those girls needed a dad in their lives, and he was perfect for them cause he wasn't going to leave them go cause this was his only chance of having a family and he wasn't going to blow it
"Night my precious daughters I love you," he says as he looks at the picture of the girls together that Fawn had sent him via Twitter
(Fawn's house that night)
"Oh Ravenna it's okay mommy is here" Fawn says as she picks the baby up to hold her in her arms and soothe her on her own
Fawn sat in the rocking chair that was in the nursery and tried to get Kevin back to see if he was up for singing for a little bit longer that night to Ravenna
"Ravenna what's wrong doodlebug?" he asks when he sees her on the screen with mommy
"I don't know it's not time for a feeding yet and I changed her before bed" Fawn says as she looks at the chart that was by the changing table
"Does she have a gas bubble?" he asks her
Fawn tries to burp the baby gently so she doesn't hurt her
"A little bit but she is still fussy" Fawn says to him
"Walk around with her for a little bit I am going to look up solutions for her cause she is sleepy and something is coming back to her" he says as he look up what they could do to calm her down
Fawn takes the baby out to the yard and walks around there and she just walks around outside for a little bit too to see if the night air settles her but that didn't go over well with the neighbors
"Try rubbing her tummy a little bit to get her to settle down" he says as he looks up some solutions that could work for now
Fawn rubbed Ravenna's tummy gently as she talked to her
"Nope next" Fawn says after the tummy rub wasn't working
"Try massaging her feet and her body a little bit to help with the crying" he says as he looks at the solutions that he had found on the computer
Fawn took apart the footie jammies that she had on the baby, so she was warm
"It's okay Ravenna mommy going to make it all better for you" Fawn says as she puts lotion on the baby to make it feel good on her as she was massaging the baby
"It's working" he says when he sees the baby settle down as mommy massaged her
"A little bit I can still hear her whimpers though" Fawn says to him
Kevin decided to sing to make it better for the baby cause she was still not happy
"Try swaddling her a bit to see if that helps" he says to Fawn
Fawn does it and holds her close to her as she rocks her
"I think she has colic" he says to Fawn after a while
"You think?" Fawn asks him
"Yeah she just needs the feeling of being back in the womb to soothe her" he says as he looks at the baby that was settling down
"Maybe how will this work when I work?" Fawn asks him cause she was working
"A sling or something so she can be close to mommy" he says as he looks at the baby that was sucking her fingers to soothe herself back to sleep
"Maybe I will have to see how it works here before i take her to work with me or I could work the service desk or something until this passes" Fawn says as she holds Ravenna the way she was supposed to still
"Also run her over the faucet to make it feel like she is still in the womb" he says as he continues to read what was on the website
"I am going to try that now in the kitchen sink to see if that helps" Fawn says as she tries to carry the laptop and the baby to the kitchen
"Oh baby it's okay mommy is going to try something to help soothe you" she says to the baby who started to get fussy a little bit
"Do it gently" he says to Fawn
"I will" Fawn says as she starts the water as she held Ravenna close to her
Ravenna started to close her eyes as she felt the water
"She is settling down" he says as he sees movements coming from the baby
"Yeah see that wasn't so bad Ravenna" Fawn says as she lays the baby on a towel and start to dry her off again
Fawn cleans her ears out a little bit
"There we go now to get you back in your jammies baby, and we will go back to bed" Fawn says as she takes Ravenna up to her nursery
Fawn works quickly to get the baby back in her jammies
"Okay sweetie mommy going to feed you, and then we will rock for a little bit" Fawn says as she goes down for a bottle so she could feed the baby as she rocks her slowly
"She's not crying anymore" he says when he sees Ravenna looking up at mommy
"No she isn't she is okay now getting close to eating now, so I am going to heat a bottle," Fawn says as she warms up some formula
"Who could give up a creature like that?' he asks Fawn
"I don't know if she was with their old mom, and the old mom wouldn't care at all she probably would of abused her and everything else" Fawn says as she tests the formula before giving it to the baby
"It looks like she was abused already" he says as he looks at the marks that the baby had on her
"Oh no" Fawn says when she sees them
"Everything is going to be okay the mother is going to get charges against her now for this" he says as he snaps some pictures of the baby to be used in court against her
"I hope Nordonia doesn't have abuse marks" Fawn says as she rocks the baby as she fed her
"Well speak of the devil" he says when he heard Nordonia call out
"In here Nordonia" Fawn calls to the toddler
"Is everything okay?" he asks her
"Bad dweam" Nordonia says to her parents as she rubs her eyes
"Go see daddy since I am busy with sissy" Fawn says as she continues to feed the baby
"Nordonia it's okay daddy is here. Fawn put me in her room so I can be with her" he says to Fawn
"Okay Kevin let me burp her first" Fawn says as she burps the baby
"That's fine" he says as he makes sure that the baby burps before anything else cause he didn't want her to be gassy after a feeding
"Nordonia guess who i brought to be with you" Fawn says as she comes into the room with the laptop
"Daddy?" Nordonia asks him
"Right here sugar" he says as he looks at the toddler that was scared out of her mind
Nordonia snuggled close to daddy
"Do you mind telling me the dream?" he asks as he tries to hug her cause he wanted to be there for her in this time of need cause he could tell that she really needed daddy to come and make it better for her
She nods with a sniffle
"Okay daddy is all ears sweetie" he says as he gets comfortable so he could hear about the dream that she had that really scared her
Fawn watches from the door jam cause Ravenna went to sleep on her own after hearing daddy's voice talking to her. She couldn't help but smile at the sight that she saw play out in front of her with Kevin and Nordonia, and she knew that they were going to be close down the road
V & C
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