Arriving in Cali/Settling in
The girls slept through the whole flight from Ohio to Cali and Kevin was grateful for that cause he was able to get some sleep the flight, and only woke up when they had to put their seat in the upright position when the plane was landing which he helped Nordonia with her seat
"Nordonia we're here," he says to the toddler cause they had the front row of the plane, so the girls could play, and he could change the baby as well
Nordonia opened her eyes to look out of the plane at where she was, and the new scenery that was before her
"Welcome to California Nordonia this is where daddy lives at, and where you will be for a few days with daddy," he says as he checks on the baby who was waking up from her slumber as well. Since she fell asleep shortly after take-off and has been asleep since
Nordonia was amazed at how pretty it was, and how beautiful it was
"Yes sweetie you get to be here for a little bit with daddy, so we can bond a little bit," he says as he gets the baby out of her car seat cause he had to change her really fast cause she had a stinky
Nordonia was excited to get off the plane and start to explore where she was at cause this was all new to her. She so used to Ohio
"Hang on Nordonia first I have to change sissy first, and then we can get off the plane to go get our bags cause daddy is going to take you guys home to see your rooms. As well as get you girls settled in" he says as he grabs the diaper bag to change Ravenna
The flight attendant let Kevin change the baby before they landed cause she was really stinky
"There is that better Ravenna? I say yes" he asks after he had cleaned her up cause she had one devil of a blowout, so she had to have a new outfit
Ravenna cracked up laughing at daddy cause she had found that to be funny
"You save the really stinky ones for me don't you silly girl? While mommy has the less stinky ones, and the ones that ain't that bad" he asks as he blows raspberries on her tummy a little bit to make her laugh some more
Kevin put her bow back on her so she looked pretty
"There now to get sissy, and then we can get our suitcases so we can go to daddy's house," he says to the baby that was quite a happy camper right now
Nordonia stood close to Kevin cause this was all new to her, and she didn't want to lose daddy as they got their bags, and headed to his car
"Nordonia you are so well behaved, and so polite," he says as they head to his car so he could take them home, and get settled in as well
Nordonia smiled as she pulled her little suitcase that was her carry-on as well. Since Kevin had most of the bags that the girls will need cause he shopped for them but didn't know their sizes right now really well
"Okay Ravenna you will go in the middle, so daddy can see you, pretty girl," he says as he secures the car seat to the base that he had bought before he had left for Ohio
Kevin smiled as he put her little diaper bag close to her
"Okay Nordonia you will go behind daddy, so you can be daddy's little helper," he says as he buckles in her booster seat that was Disney princess
Kevin got the car loaded up as fast as he could cause he needed to get the girls used to his dog Sophie and his cat James
(Kevin's house a little later)
"Well, Nordonia. Ravenna this is where daddy lives at, and where you girls are going to sleep" he says as he pulls in the garage with them
Nordonia was amazed at how big it was
"I know it is big wait till you see inside Nordonia," he says as he turns the car off, and gets out to let the girls out
He got her out first so she could go and explore the new house while he got the baby out of her car seat
"I know daddy has a swing out there just for you baby, so you can have fun and be a little girl," he says as he comes in with the baby who was wide awake and looking around at where she was at the moment
Nordonia couldn't wait to swing but she felt sleepy from the flight and the time change
"Daddy I sleepy" Nordonia says to him as she rubs her eyes
"Okay now is a good time to show you your room baby, so you can get some sleep," he says as he shows her room
Kevin did her room in a princess theme cause she was his princess, and will always be his princess
"Here we go, sweetie, lay down for a little bit while daddy is busy with sissy," he says as he tucks her in cause she started to get a little jet lag from the flight
"Okay," she says as she gets in her bed, and lays down and starts to go to sleep
"Night baby," he says as he kisses her goodnight as he was going to get the baby from the car
Nordonia was fast asleep before she knew it
"Okay Ravenna I'm coming I didn't forget about you," he says when he heard the baby from the other room
Ravenna saw something out of the corner of her eye and she tried to grab it with her little hands
"Baby do you want your toy?" he asks her as he came close to her
Ravenna's eyes go really big cause she loved her toys, and she loved to play
"Okay we can play just the two of us while sissy sleeps," he says as he plays with her
Kevin decided to Skype Fawn and tell her that the girls got there okay
"Mommy must be asleep," he says when Fawn didn't answer the call either
Ravenna started to get fussy a little bit after a while
"I know you miss mommy don't you?" he asks as he looks down at Ravenna who was not happy that she couldn't see mommy as soon as she got there
Kevin hugged her close to him to make it all better, and that helped a little bit
"Come on sweetie daddy will show you your nursery," he says as he tries to take her mind off mommy right now
"Look baby this is your room," he says as he enters the Winnie the Pooh nursery that he did for Ravenna
Ravenna was in ah when she saw her room
"I know it's a lot to take in right now baby," he says he says as he holds her close to him cause she still had a bit of colic
Ravenna started to coo as daddy hugged her close to him
'See I told you it is going to be okay" he says as he looks into her pretty eyes
Kevin put Ravenna down so she could play with her toys while he made the girls their doctor's appointment cause he needed to get them in soon to see if they were healthy cause Fawn took them to the clinic for their check-ups cause this is still a process that they have to go through to get the girls, and he wanted to take care of any health problems that the girls had now cause he wasn't doing anything, so now was the perfect time to spend with his two darling daughters until he got a call for a T.V show or a movie
"Daddy will be back little one," he says as he kisses Ravenna before he left her room to play and get used to more space
Ravenna was contented with her favorite toy while daddy was gone, and see when they can get a full check-up, and was happy when daddy came back in to be with her while she played with her toy
"You are settling in just fine aren't you Ravenna?" he asks her as he sits with her on her little rug
Ravenna just coos up at daddy as daddy was close by
"I think you might be getting hungry sugar," he says as he looks at the time cause he had fed her on the plane, and that was two hours ago
Kevin picks her up and takes her to the kitchen for some formula, so she could grow big and strong like her sister
"Daddy knows you are getting hungry, and he is going to text mommy to let her know that you guys are here with daddy and are having a grand time and settling in just fine, so I don't have anything to worry about" he says as he gets the formula and the bottles so he could feed her
Once the bottle was made he took her to the back patio to feed her and text Fawn at the same time about the girls, and how the girls were doing right now
"Sophie, can you say hi to Ravenna?" He asks his dog who came out to be with him while he fed the baby her bottle
Sophie sniffs the baby
"Be gentle Sophie" he says to her as he continued to feed the baby her bottle
Sophie licks Ravenna's toes
"Well one down one to go," he says as he continues to feed Ravenna her formula and look at the view from his house
Ravenna pulled away and Kevin burped her gently after she ate
"I think it's nap time for you little lady," he says as he looks at the baby that was getting sleepy a little bit after she had her formula
Kevin changed her and tucked her in her gorgeous crib
"Night baby I love you to the moon and back," he says as he kisses her goodnight as she started to drift off to sleep
Kevin checks on Nordonia to see if she was doing okay
"Hey sweetie did you have a nice nap?" he asks her when he came in her room
She nods
"Daddy going to show you your playroom, so you can play if you want to," he says as he takes her to show her playroom
Nordonia was excited about her playroom
"Play tea party with me daddy?" she asks him as she was going to the tea set that was in the room
"Of course I can baby" he, says as they got to her tea set that he had bought her and she couldn't wait to try out when they got there
Kevin loved playing tea party with her and he couldn't wait to see if Fawn is going to get custody of the girls cause these girls were his kids no matter what happens
(Later that evening)
"Hey Kevin," Fawn says when she answers the Skype call
"Hey how was court today for the girls?" he asks her as he was relaxing
"Long but we are making progress with this case and it looks like the odds are turning out pretty good in our favor," Fawn tells him as she had a drink
"Wonderful sweetie," he says to her cause he was happy about the chances
"How are the girls I miss them terribly," Fawn says to him as she set the cup down
"Good they were well behaved on the flight Ravenna only cried when she was hungry or needed to be changed, and when she was okay she fell back to sleep just fine," he says to her as he checked the monitors that he had set up for the girls
"That's good," Fawn says to him
"We are playing and we are going to head out for a bit of fun, and come home for the first night," he says to Fawn
"I hope they behave themselves," Fawn says to him
"They will Fawn they have been good girls the whole time, and if I see a meltdown with the girls we are leaving immediately," he says to her
"If Nordonia had a nap she won't have a meltdown, but if she doesn't get her way she has a meltdown still," Fawn says to him as she had her drink
"Duly noted," he says to her cause he wanted to make sure he had all of the facts on the girls before they head out for their first outing
'Where are they going?" Fawn asks Kevin cause she was a little curious where they were going
"Probably to the park and maybe to the little boutiques that are in town for them, so they can pick out some clothes and what they want to keep here at the house," he says as he gets Nordonia's shoes on her feet so they could head out
"Bye girls have fun with daddy," Fawn says to him cause she saw the girls come on screen
"Bye mommy," Nordonia says to Fawn as she waves to mommy
"Bye sweetie by good for daddy and don't give him a hard time," Fawn tells her cause Nordonia might pull a fast one on Kevin
Nordonia nods cause she was going to be on her best behavior for daddy
"Bye mommy," he says for Ravenna cause she couldn't talk
"Bye Ravenna be good," Fawn says to the baby that Kevin had in his arms
"She will be a good girl for daddy aren't you sweetie," he says as he blows raspberries on her tummy making her laugh
"She loves those," Fawn says to him
"Okay I will do more of those as they are here," he says as he puts the little sun hat on Ravenna before they leave the house to go to the park, so they could play
"Oh Kevin I need to tell you something," Fawn says to him cause she found out some news earlier
"Okay what is it?" he asks her as he sat down
"Well in nine months we are going to have a little one running around of our very own," she tells him
"Wait Fawn are you?" he asks her in shock
"Yes Kevin I'm pregnant I took the test earlier this morning before I went to court, and it is positive," Fawn says as she shows him the test that was positive
"That is wonderful the girls will be home when we see the baby on the screen," he tells her
"No rush Kevin. I want to break the news to Nordonia tonight before she goes to bed, so pick something up, so she can understand the news a little better" Fawn tells him
"I will for sure I can't believe there might be a little me running around in a couple of months," he says excitedly to Fawn
"Or me this one will be a perfect mix of the both of us no matter what," Fawn tells him
"Yeah it will," he says as he leaves with the girls to go tot he park to go play and have some fun
Kevin couldn't believe that they were going to have a baby
"Daddy why you so happy?" Nordonia asks him
"You will see later baby girl let's go out to have some fun, and have some dinner as well while we're out," he says as he takes Ravenna to his car so they could head to the park to go play for a little bit
Kevin buckles Nordonia in her car seat as well so they could head to the park to have some fun
"Off to the park with my princesses, and bond," he says as he starts the car so they could head to the park to play
"Okay Nordonia go play," he says as he gets her out of the car since they had parked right by the playground so she could play and have some fun
"Okay daddy," she says as she goes and plays with a little girl who was already there playing be herself
"Ravenna do you want to play to sweetie?" he asks as he gets the baby out of her car seat so she could go and play as well and get some fresh air
Ravenna just coos at daddy
"I take that as a yes baby girl," he says as he carries onto where Nordonia was at
Kevin places Ravenna in a swing so she could swing for a little bit while he watched Nordonia under the playground talking
"You like this Ravenna?" he asked the baby that was smiling up a storm at daddy
Ravenna squeals in delight at daddy cause she loved it
"I take that as a yes," he says as he pushes her some more gently in the swing that she was in
Kevin couldn't believe he was these two cuties daddy and he couldn't wait to be there for them down the road and take them to father/daughter dances at school or in the community, watching them grow and be great young ladies, and experience what being a dad is all about with them cause these two were perfect and well-behaved which was a blessing in disguise
"Smile Ravenna," he says as he takes a picture of her to post on Instagram later as well as Twitter to show that he is a dad and not a fake one like some paps wanna do
Ravenna smiles big for daddy
"Beautiful sweetie," he says as he kisses her on her little nose making her laugh
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