3 Chapter 3
song of the chapter^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ she looks so perfect
Skylar's POV
i cant believe i just got kidnapped and my stupid kidnappers are assuming im some 15 year old boy sam, i am siting on a chair hands tied to my back, but i still cant see anything due to the hood blocking my vision.
after i told the guy with the husky voice, what you cant blame me have you heard his voice well obvi- you know what im babbling again, anywho after i told him do i look like a guy to you. i heard a pair of legs stomping getting louder by the second, i look up to see my hood off and a table in front of me with 4 guys sitting on the sides of the table 1 guy standing on the opposite side of me which is the back of the table and last but not least the guy who took off my hood
all i could see in his eyes was shock and worry as he looks at me, in fact all of them were in shock and worry, and let me say i didn't expect my kidnappers to be good looking i mean come on i know they are my kidnappers but cant i admire them.
its literally been five minutes and they haven't spoken yet so i decided to break the awkward silence "so, how are you guys?" i know, i know seriously you just got kidnapped and your asking that question well don't judge me its my first time being kidnapped believe it or not im excited.
well my question just got them to look even more shocked if that's possible they got up and went out leaving me tied up to this stupid ass chair ugh i kept struggling till i heard some one shouting behind the door but i couldn't make out the words.
after what felt like ours they came in and sat back down "look this was a mistake we might let you go after asking questions, so whats your name?" the hot guy who is siting opposite to me asks oh no no no does he think im gonna answer him just like that well he is wrong.
"my name well excuse me but no first you kidnap me by 'mistake', second i dont know your names, and third who the hell are you?" i scream ya i aint showin no fear.
"well" he starts "my name is xavier im leader of the most feared gang the vipers" he states
"hey im jack" the one who i realize is the one who took my mask off he too looked good looking but i still think xavier looks better what you cant blame me look at him
"and im alex the hot one" he says i laugh he is kinda cute
"noah" he practically whispers seriously i almost didn't hear him, im guessing he is not much of a speaker.
two left who didn't introduce them selves one gets up and comes stands infront of me " the names hunter nice too meet you tiger" he sticks his hands out for me to shake and i give him the seriously look dosent this guy see my hands are tied to the back of this is he effin kidding " oh, right" he says walking back to his chair and siting .
"so whats your name?" xavier once again asks
"uh uh uh that one who is that one" i nod my head towards the guy with the black beanie who's been giving me death stares
"that's blake, he doesn't like new people, actually he doesn't like old people too now that you think of it he doesn't like people in general" hunter says as i see a pen fly across the table and hit him on the head "ow" he screams at blake
"so now you know all of our names whats your name?" xavier twice again asks.
"im batman im awesome i got a nine pack and i come from Gotham city" i say in a batman voice
"look here im not gonna tolerate respect so you better answer the question or your not getting out of here" xavier says ooooo now he is pissed lets piss him of more my mind says i thought you'd never ask.
"what question?" i ask keeping a straight face, trying so hard not to laugh at his pissed of face
"jack call mia i dont hit girls but mia can" he says ooooo he wanna get it outta me by violance. okay. jack takes out his phone and calls this mia person.
"ooooo big gangleader is scared of hitting a girl try your worst hulk" i say and let me tell you he looks angry. while the rest are laughing lightly except blake obviously i dont think he even moves and i called myself batman.
"okay thats it" xavier says walking over to me when jack stopped him.
"dude no you cant hit her, give her a chance she might talk" jack says as a girl walked in she looked pretty, she came and stood infront of me with xavier
"one last time whats your name? answer or we will make you answer" xavier says looking down on me i mean like damn these guys are tall their like 6'4 while im just 5'4.
"one last time i need to be the one to take you home one last time i promise that i wont let you go" i start singing and then i remember they are waiting " oh and my name is-" i start but pause he looks at me with hope ha he thinks imma say my name
"what whats your name tell us already" xavier almost whines but seriously how does he even do that
"my name is,no
my sign is, no
my number is, no
you need to let it go
you need to let it go
i to the i to the no no no" i sing out the rest are laughing while he is fumming angry
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