Chapter 6: Injustice Protocol
The Bad Guys were shocked and confused on what Freddy meant by Injustice.
"Injustice? What does that mean? What protocol is that?" Wolf asked.
"Freddy, are you sure about that?" Dirk asked.
"Those protocols are a one-way of no going back." Aki said.
"What are they?" Shark asked.
"The Injustice Protocol were put in place for a reason. To protect the world when one of us or all of us go rogue. It's happening, guys. We need your help in ending the JL." Freddy explained.
"What?!" Wolf and the other Bad Guys exclaimed.
"You want us to kill the JL?! Are you crazy?!" Snake said.
"We've never killed anyone in our lives." Shark said.
"And that's not going to change. You heroes don't kill. Maybe Oliver did, but he doesn't anymore." Webs said.
"You really think so? He's not the only one who killed before. Have you guys ever wondered why the Joker hasn't shown his ugly face to Gotham or the rest of the world in the last few years?" Freddy asked.
The Bad Guys were silent on that question. They figured that he was locked somewhere tight.
"He isn't in Arkham Asylum or locked in any other prison." Freddy said. The Bad Guys then realized that the Joker is dead, Batman killed him.
"Batman had to make a choice. Even if it meant of him breaking his code. Sometimes there is no other choice." Freddy said.
"Maybe or maybe not. I don't believe that this is our only option." Wolf said.
"If any of us ever went rogue or all of us, another member would step up and end them." Freddy said.
"¡Esto es una locura, hombre! Even for me!" Piranha said.
"What if there's another way?" Webs said.
"What other way?!" Freddy shouts as he rubs his forehead in frustration.
"As much as we don't agree, but we have to follow the protocols like this." Aki said.
"Look Freddy. We can understand that you're trying to keep the world safe, but this can't be the only way." Wolf said.
"We're out of time." Freddy said. "This is the only way to protect the world."
"By killing the JL? This is madness!" Snake argued.
"What about your dad and uncle, Freddy?" Shark asked.
"And our dad as well?" Bart asked.
"I don't want to but we might not have a choice." Freddy said.
"There's ALWAYS a choice." Nora said.
"No way we're doing this." Wolf said as he walks away.
"It's the only way to keep the world and everyone safe. Damn it, Wolf! It's the only way to keep Princess safe!" Freddy shouts which Wolf turns back at him with a glare.
"I suggest you keep Princess out of this." Wolf said with a growl.
"After what you guys just saw, what damage we can do, you're all just giving up!" Freddy shouts as his eyes and fists spark with energy. Diane and Marmalade saw this was escalating badly.
"Freddy... take it easy." Snake warned, hoping this wouldn't turn into a fight.
"We're asking you to help save the world and you won't LISTEN!" Freddy shouts as he fired a energy ball at them. Wolf and Snake dodged it looking at Freddy in shock. The Bad Guys gasp in shock as well.
"You're gonna help us with this, one way or another. Whether you like it or not." Freddy said. Wolf and Snake's mask appeared on their face as got ready to fight.
"Look at what I just did?! The damage I can do if I went rogue!" Freddy said. "You're suppose to keep the world safe and you won't!"
He morphs into his werewolf form and shoots energy balls from his mouth to Wolf and Snake. Snake blocks them with a psychic barrier.
"We are keeping the world safe! By saving its protectors!" Wolf shouts. Freddy then speed charges at them knocking them down. Piranha runs to stop Freddy but Aki then blasts him down stunning him.
"You've just been hit with Velocity-Zero charge. It temporarily dampens your speed. So no running for a while. Quick Switch, Ice Man schematics." Aki said as he activates Ice Man's power.
As Aki was about to blast Wolf, Webs hacked his system and made him blast Dirk, freezing her in a block of ice.
"Aki!" Jack shouts.
"Sorry!" Aki whined. Jack charges at Webs only to be grabbed by a water hand created by Shark. Quint then vibe blasts Shark into a wall with his Vibe-like gauntlets. Dirk breaks free as he transformed into his monster form. Wolf gets up and look at a angry Freddy.
"You want to ignore the protocols, fine! Now imagine million lives dead, ALL OF BECAUSE OF US!" Freddy roars as he throws an energy ball at Wolf. He dodges and sonic howls him back. Wolf then walks up to him slowly.
"Come on Freddy, can we stop and work this out?" Wolf said as held his hand out. Freddy just sighed deeply.
"Do you know why we call our safety plan Injustice?" Freddy asked. Wolf just stayed quiet with his eyebrow raised.
"Because if any of us went rogue... the rest of the world doesn't stand a chance." Freddy said as he grabbed Wolf's arm and threw him over with a energy ball shot at him.
"Wolf!" Snake shouts. He glares at Freddy and sends a psychic blast at him. Dirk sucker punches Snake and pins him to the ground. Marmalade gets in between the two wolves.
"Guys! Enough! Look at what you're doing!" He said only to washed away by Shark.
"Say out of this Marmalade!" Shark yelled. He then gets tripped by June with her spear.
Princess couldn't take it any more. See her friends and family fight. She takes a deep breath and sonic meows.
"STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!" She cries. Sending a sonic wave that knocks down everyone to a wall.
Everyone gets up from the wave bruised but not badly. Everyone mostly Wolf and Snake were surprised to see what Princess just did.
"Did... Princess... just...use... Wolf's power?" Snake asked shocked. Webs nodded. Princess then runs to the center of the room.
"Please! Stop it! You guys are supposed work together, not against each other." Princess cried as Diane hugs her. Wolf, and the others looked around to see what they did.
"Freddy... look at us. Fighting among each other. This is what Anti-Matter wants. Us turning on each other. I'm pretty sure this isn't what Flasheart, Oliver, or any other JL member would have wanted." Wolf said.
Freddy just fell to the floor on his knees in defeat. What had he done? He attacked his friends.
"I'm sorry guys. I'm just... trying to do what's best for the world. Never had been leader like this before." Freddy said. Wolf then placed his hand on Freddy's shoulder.
"It's okay, pal. It's hard having that much pressure on you when everyone is counting on you. Just know that you have friends to help you when you're stuck." Wolf said. Freddy smiled a bit after hearing that.
"So. We're not gonna use Injustice, but a better plan now, right?" Piranha asked. Everyone nodded.
"So how do we stop them?" Webs asked.
"Freddy, don't forget that the JL had weapons that can weaken them but not kill them." June said. Freddy sighed deeply, she was right about the weapons they had.
"Okay. Then we'll go with that." Freddy said.
"See, we got a better plan than Injustice Protocol. My plan is to capture one of the corrupted heroes to study the mind control device they're controlling the JL with." Wolf said.
"It will be better if we do it at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry's team there can help us." Quint suggested.
"Okay, who do we go after first?" Diane asked. Wolf then grinned looking at his friends.
The Bad Guys and Super Kids breached back into Metropolis to see what heroes they can free. They head to the a giant warehouse where the corrupted heroes were with the Ultra Rogues. They sneak quietly so they can see what they're planning. They spot Dr. Brainstein, Anti-Matter, Tremor, Acid Adam, Retox, and corrupted Green Arrow.
"The plan is almost ready. Once we take control of S.T.A.R. Labs, we'll use the Particle Accelerator to expand our mind control energy around the cities." Retox said.
"Indeed. Soon all will bow down to me." Anti-Matter said. "Get your team ready... we leave at dawn."
Oliver nodded and headed off. Wolf saw that they needed to stop them before it's too late. As they sneak around they spotted 3 corrupted heroes.
It was Firestorm, Frost, and Vibe getting ready as all the other heroes to attack Central City. Wolf decided to lure those three to S.T.A.R. Labs in an Anti-vibrational Forcefield to prevent them from escaping.
Snake turned invisible and knocked over some cans getting those three's attention. The three look over to see what was there. They take a look... to nothing there.
They turn around to get blasted by Shark and Quint's water and vibrational bursts, knocking them towards a shelf with weapons. This alerted everyone in the warehouse.
As they were forcing those three through the breach, Flasheart and Hotspur spotted them leaving.
"Intruders!" Hotspur shouts. This alerts the villains and corrupted heroes.
"Get them!" Flasheart shouts as they charge after them.
Snake sends crates at them creating a blockage so they can't get through. Unfortunately Black Canary did.
Wolf fights Black Canary and Black Wolf with their sonic screams/howls. The three sonic waves created a burst knocking them both away. Laurel was knocked out as Flasheart got up and with Hotspur charges Wolf gets up and pulls out a small gray ball.
"Sorry, Flasheart and Hotspur." Wolf said as he toss the ball. It exploded releasing silver smoke at them. They take a whiff and pass out. It was pure silver. Enough to weak or knock them out, but not to kill them.
"Shark! Help me get them through the breach." Wolf said. Shark goes to pick them up and carried them through.
They end up in S.T.A.R. Labs in the Speed Lab and drop the corrupted heroes into the platform.
"Now!!!" Wolf shouts. Chester then activated the forcefield, trapping the 3 heroes and werewolves.
They all bang on the field and use their powers trying to bust out.
"Uhh guys, that field was meant to hold one person not 5 people in it. Whatever you have planned... do it NOW." Chester said.
"Webs! See if you can hack into the mind control chips to deactivate them." Wolf said.
"On it!" Webs shouts as she uses her powers to hack the chips and using her computer as well.
The 5 corrupted heroes continued to bang on the shield causing it to break.
"Uh, the forcefield's integrity just went down to 86%." Chester said.
"Webs, whatever you're doing... do it fast." Caitlin said.
Frost, Firestorm, Vibe, Bkazewolf, and Black Wolf combine their powers to crack the shield down.
"70%... 52..." Chester said.
"Webs! Anytime now!" Wolf said.
"They're not letting me in. Even at beast-mode with my powers, it's still not enough!" Webs said as she continues to hack.
Flasheart sonic howls as Vibe fires his vibrational bursts with him on the forcefield.
"40%!" Chester said.
"Webs! Hurry!" Piranha said.
Frost and Firestorm create a fire/ice blast cracking it more.
"19%." Chester said.
It looks like they were running of time. Snake then suddenly had an idea. He placed his tail on Webs. She looks at him confused.
"Let me help." Snake said as he eyes glowed with him using his psychic powers to aid Webs. Then with Webs' techno and Snake's psychic powers combine together, they hacked the chips, shutting them down.
The five heroes clasp on the floor screaming in pain as the chips' circuits fry as they popped off their heads. They then lowered the shield as they go to check on them.
"Ronnie?" Caitlin said. Ronnie gets up and smiles at her.
"Catly." Ronnie said smiling. She goes to hug him.
"Dad! Uncle Hotspur!" Freddy said as he runs to hug them. Flasheart hugs his son tight, Hotspur was surprised by this but hugs Freddy as well.
Wolf and the gang smiled at this. They managed to save some of the heroes, now they have to save the rest.
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