Chapter 8: The Bad Girl Meets The Good Boy
I did everything I could not to make a complete fool of myself as Jaq and I began to dance. The music was what I recognized from the events Tino would bring me to. The song that was currently playing was something you'd dance the bachata to.
My hips swayed to the rhythm as the upbeat music picked up the pace. The drink had now entered my system and I could feel myself loosen a bit. Jaq slid his hands into mine as we danced in rhythm with each other. It was a bit crowded and hard to move around but space began to clear around us. I was spun again across the dance floor but this time, I slid into the arms of another masked individual.
He was taller than me, but not incredibly, which made the dance easier. The pace had slowed down and everything seemed more intimate as his hands gently held my lower back. The intense blue of his eyes sparked familiarity within me but I couldn't quite place where I'd seen them before.
Nevertheless, this man was absolutely incredible at dancing. He lead me with the beat as the music picked up again. I switched up the rhythm of my body to see if he'd follow, and it was almost as if he could anticipate my next move. He spun me out again, and I thought I'd land in the arms of yet another individual, but his hand grabbed mine and pulled me back into him, almost as if he knew we weren't finished dancing with each other yet.
My heart was beating much harder than it should have, considering I had only been dancing for a few minutes... right?
I honestly couldn't tell whether it had been minutes or hours. The tip of my heels slid against the floor in a circle before slowly climbing up his leg flirtatiously as he slid his leg between mine. He grinned back down at me, holding me tighter against him.
"Your bachata is magnificent." He remarked into my ear. The low tempos of his voice vibrated against me, and I couldn't help but shiver slightly.
"Thank you." Was all I managed to reply with, and even that sounded muffled.
The language of dance was something few individuals could understand, but what I was doing right now with this man, was more than dancing. It was a true form of communication. Every move I made, he'd move with. It almost felt choreographed... it was like that moment when you met someone you just clicked with, and you wondered how exactly the universe had brought you two together. You were both just so alike...
He spun me once and pressed my back to him. I slid down slowly, grinding my bum against his body before slowly rising again. I was positive all I was grinding was bones, but he seemed to like it. Once I was standing, his arm was placed firmly at my waist. "Let me buy you a drink." He whispered into my ear.
At this point, this man could ask me to jump off a bridge, and I'd most definitely contemplate it.
I nodded as he leaned his head against my shoulder before finally pulling away. We both successfully made it to the bar. He ordered an old fashioned for himself, and a Mojito for me. It was hard to hear him over the sound of the music, so we had to lean in closer to each other.
"Where did you learn to dance like that?" I asked him.
"I could ask you the same." He countered, smiling slightly.
Before I could reply, I felt my phone vibrate in my clutch. Once I pulled it out, I could see the numerous text and voice calls that had been left by Jared. The time read 11:46.
I had 14 minutes to get back to the shoppe.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, shooting up from my place at the bar. "This has been really really lovely but I gotta go." I replied to the stranger who sat baffled at the bar. It only took moments for his body to jump back into action as he ran out after me.
I was practically sprinting in these shitty heels now as I tried to make it to Davino's car.
"Wait! Where are heading? I didn't even catch your name!" The man called out after me, but a bitch was on a mission.
"I'm sorry, but the fate of my existence depends on this!" I called out dramatically before unlocking Davino's car that was coming into view. "Gotta blast!" I shot out as I yanked open the door and sliding inside. Thank god for autostart I thought to myself as I pushed the ignition button and the car roared to life. Moments later, I whipped a U-ey, and sped back out onto the back roads.
The traffic had died down some, but in a few minutes, there would be a crazy amount of people trying to get home from the nightlife. I made sure my speed was within 7mph above the speed limit, but the adrenaline that was pumping through my body made that incredibly challenging. Before I knew it, I was pulling up to Davino's.
Like always, he had a bunch of cars parked outside his place. The guy partied pretty much every day of the week. I barely even made it to the front door before thrusting the keys into his hand and running off. I wished I could have cherished his confused face a bit longer, but there was no time to waste.
I pulled my phone out and checked the time. It was now 11:56. I have 4 minutes to make it. I started off down his street at full sprint, and it only took seconds before the heels flew off somewhere behind me. At this point, I could already see the shoppe coming into view... I could also hear the distinct sound of Tino's Bugatti Chiron with its W16 engine of about 1500 horsepower and 1180- plus pound feet of torque.
The thing was a beast.
I jogged around back and slipped in through the back door as I heard Tino pull in. It only took seconds before I was now in a working jumper that was over my dress. Jared looked startled as I joined him at the front of the shoppe.
"How's it going, guys?" Tino asked, walking in.
"Good." Both Jared and I replied. Tino stopped short at he got a good look at me."why are you wearing so much makeup?"
"I think the owner of the Prius is attractive." I blurted out.
"Martha?" Tino asked. "The 47 year old white lady?"
Jared choked on his gum.
I shot him a glare.
"She has a son. He caught my eye when he came to the shoppe to drop off the keys to the car." I explained.
"Mmm." Was all Tino said as he walked through to his office. He stopped short just before disappearing into the room, and called over his shoulder "Put some shoes on."
I stared down at my muddy bare feet in horror.
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