Chapter 21: The Bad Girl Gets A Rude Awakening
Christian's POV
The last thing I could remember was Jared dropping his beer as he tugged on my arm and practically dragged me towards his pick up. He hopped in the drivers seat and I almost didn't make it into the passenger before he threw his car into drive and pulled us out onto the race track.
"Please tell me she'll be okay." I whispered to Jared. My mind had just now started to process what was happening. My sweaty palms gripped my knees tightly as we approaching the crash site in record timing.
Racers were doing their best to get Alex out of the over turned vehicle. Jared and I ran over to the door that had now been pried out.
Alex was still strapped in to the seat, but her eyes were closed and she was unresponsive. An emergency vehicle arrived just minutes after we had, and ushered everyone out of the way to access her. I was surprised by how quickly they had come out here.
"What's it look like, Jim?" Jared asked the medic. There was extreme strain in his voice.
"Shes badly injured. We need to take her to a hospital immediately." Jim replied. "Grab the stretcher from the back of the van."
I saw Jared jog quickly to the now open doors of the medic van and he brought out the stretcher moments later. It had been propped up on the inside. Jim started working on getting Alex out from the car and another medic soon joined him from a different van that had pulled up next to us.
Her body seemed lifeless as they loaded it onto the stretcher. Blood covered the majority of her face and clothing but I could only catch a few glimpses of her before she was lifted into the back of the van with Jared at her side, and the doors slammed shut.
"Whats happening?" I asked Jared as soon as I made it to the hospital. I had drove right behind them him and the two emergency vehicles, but as soon as we had made it to the emergency room, I was forced to sit in the waiting area.
Jared had finally just come out after about 20 minutes of waiting.
"She's suffered some spinal injuries. They are doing everything possible to relieve the pressure otherwise the rest of her injuries aren't too major. Her legs are a little banged up and her head had suffered some damage from the impact of her face hitting the side window. She is still unconscious but has already been prepped for her operations." Jared explained.
Seconds later, the waiting room doors burst open and another man, someone I hadn't recognized, walked through.
He looked to be a little older yet noticeably good looking. His looks were tainted by the visible strain on his face. His eyes were slightly puffy around his bottom lids as if he had been crying.
"Fuck, Jared." He spoke, running his hands messily through his hair as he joined Jared in the waiting room.
Jared immediately pulled him in for a rough hug.
"She's going to be fine, Tino." Jared replied. I recognized the name almost instantly as Alex's uncle.
"I shouldnt have let her race. She wasn't ready." Tino continued.
"That's a damn lie and you know it Tino. She had every bit of control over her vehicle-" Jared started but Tino cut him off.
"It's not that, Jared. She wasn't prepared for this. For what could happen if another driver lost control like that."
"She knew the dangers. She made the decision to get out there today." Jared sighed.
There was a long pause before anyone spoke next, and it was Tino who broke the silence.
"It was my job to protect her." He whispered more to himself. I felt the weight of his words as my mind wandered back to the conversation I had once had with Alex at the Milk Jamerie...
She never talked about what had happened to her parents, but from the way she spoke about them, it sounded as if they were both gone. From what it seemed as if Tino had been the one to take care of her all these years and I couldn't imagine what he was going through right now.
Tino took a seat besides Jared and I as he disappeared into his own thoughts for the next few hours, not once looking up from his lap.
Alex's POV
"Will you hand me the wrench on the counter there, Alex?" My fathers asked me as he rolled out from under our car.
"Sure pops." I replied, hopping off the stool I was perched on, to grabbed the tools he had set on his work station. My hands moved up to shield my eyes from the blinding sun ad I crouched down to hand him the tool.
It was another hot sunny day working with my father. He gave me a few dollars for helping him out during my summer break. Mum always insisted that I do some summer learning but father shut that down quick, saying I deserved a break for all the work I did during the school year. My mum finally gave in a few weeks ago and agreed that it was okay for me to help him with some repairs that needed to get done.
I loved every minute of it. I had been out with him for almost a week now as we worked away on the family car.
"We're going to fix this baby up real good this summer, Alex." Father spoke, as he rolled back under the car. I jumped off the stool and zipped up the rest of the jumper my father had bought me a few days ago, so I could go lay down besides him on the driveway and not get grease all over my clothes.
"I really would like it if you didn't call her Alex, honey. You're turning our daughter into the son you've always wanted." My mum interrupted as she brought some lemonade out for us. My father rolled back out from under the car.
"You know Alexandria has never suited her." My dad shot back, sending me a wink. "Plus there's still time to have a son." He walked over to my mother and gave her a kiss, making sure not to get motor oil on her dress.
"Couldn't we at least do Alexa?" My mum pleaded.
"But I like Alex." I cut in. My mum just let out one of her signature sighs as she handed my father a glass of lemonade. The cold drink was gone within a few gulps before he went in for a refill. I could see the sweat pouring down the side of his face.
"Go get washed up, Alex. You've got practice soon." My mum reminded me. I nodded quickly to her before shimmying out of the jumpsuit and making my way back into the house.
It always baffled me as to how mum found the time to keep the house so clean and spotless whilst juggling classes and furthering her education. as I made it to the bathroom, something started to feel a bit off. The pictures that once hung in the hallways, weren't there anymore. The color of the walls had changed too. My hand reached up to push the bathroom door open, and they were covered in blood.
I gasped in shock at the blood and how large my hands were. I looked down at myself and I was no longer a kid. I was wearing an athletic shirt that was now covered in blood as well. as i stumbled into the bathroom, my eyes were blinded by how bright the mirror lights were. I almost couldn't explain it.
I also couldn't explain why I looked over a decade old.
But then a memory started to form.
I blinked my eyes a few times as I tried to get accustomed to the harsh light that had somehow seemed to wrap itself around me. I couldn't understand the sensations that I was feeling. Last I remembered, I was on the race track.
And last I remembered, my father and mother were dead.
Did I make it to the end of the race?
No... I thought to myself, attempting to shake the foggy memories.
My eye sight began to blur. The last memory I could recall was experiencing a large impact on the right side of my car before everything went dark.
Christian's POV
I felt a hand lightly shake me awake. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I noticed I was still sitting in the waiting room. It felt late yet the white florescent lights gave off no indication of time. Jared was standing beside me.
"The operation was a success. She is unconscious yet stable. You can see her now." Jared spoke. My body slowly registered what he was saying as I got up and started to follow him. The halls were now almost vacant while few nurses sat at the offices working. I reached in my back pocket for my phone so I could check the time.
It was now 4:07am. I saw one text from my mother asking me to pick up a few things when I got home.
They never really seemed to care about where I was until I missed a day of lessons or a day of practice. Then my whereabouts became of a concern to them. My parents were great, and I felt grateful to have them, but I couldn't deny it slightly hurt seeing how close Alex and Jared and Tino were. I wanted something like that. I wanted someone to care about where I was and what I was doing and who I was with.
Jared lead me to a room at the far end of the corridor. The door was already open and Tino was sitting at the bedside of Alex. Her face had bruised up from the minor cuts and scrapes she had got, but she looked just as beautiful as any other time I had set my eyes upon her.
"She's doing okay now." Tino replied, glancing up at both Jared and I. This was the first time he had even acknowledged me since getting to the hospital.
"The doctors say she should regain consciousness soon." Jared added. I slowly moved to the edge of the bed. Her body was now very still and all I could do was watch as she laid there. It looked like she was sleeping and that's why it took us all by surprise when her eyes slowly opened.
"Alex!" Tino whispered in shock.
Her hands moved up to shield herself from the light that hung above the bed. She froze halfway through her movements.
"What's wrong?" Jared asked, worry sketched into his face.
"It's my legs," she replied, as her eyes grew wide. "I can't feel them."
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