Chapter 19: The Bad Girl Steals A Kiss
"Fiance?" The women asked, a bit taken back.
"Yes, we met on a expedition through the Himalayan mountains. We are part of this group called DOTAS. It stands for Discovery Of The Abominable Snowman. My friend dragged me along to this powwow the group was doing, and I met Jared, who was the leader of the group, there." I explained.
Her face almost made me pee my pants.
"A-Abominable... snowman? like as in a Yeti?" she asked. I nodded my head vigorously in return.
"Oh yes, that exactly. Jared's been tracking its whereabouts for years now. We didn't have a sighting that first night, but I knew as soon as he set his "How to survive against the Abominable Snowman" book down, and strapped his GoPro to his head before the hike, it was meant to be. We then moved here and started working at this shop with my uncle to fund our next expedition." At this point, the women looked at me like I lost all my marbles. "Anywhoo, The total for the repairs will be $195, and they will be done by Friday. I believe Tino informed you that we will be closed tomorrow."
I typed in the last few details of the repair into the computer before calling her over to the desk. We both turned to look towards the auto shoppe doors as Jared walked in.
"The car has been brought around to the back. Has Alex given you your print out yet" He asked the woman. She nodded her head hesitantly as she looked over the sheet I had set in front of her, then handed me her credit card. "Did you have a ride back? I wouldn't mind dropping you off." Jared added. She shook her head no almost instantly.
"I-I'm good with taking an Uber." She replied. Jared looked slightly confused... until his eyes caught mine.
I was hunched over against the counter doing my best to stifle a laugh. His eyes narrowed in on me, and he moved to most likely defend himself against whatever I had said, But the woman was already slipping her jacket on. Before she fully headed out the door, she turned towards Jared and I and said, "Congratulations on your engagement... And good luck on your expedition."
Jared choked on his own spit as he stuttered out the word "E-E-Engagement?" but it was too late. The woman didn't hear him due to the fact that she had probably booked it to the other side of town by now. As soon as the front door slammed shut, I was on the floor laughing hysterically.
"Jesus, Alex, I cant leave you alone with someone for second! You told her we were engaged? And what about an expedition?"
"We met on a journey through the Himalayas in search of the abominable snowman." I explained. Jared slowly started to smile.
"Her facial impressions must of been priceless." He chuckled.
"Oh lord it was spectacular." I whispered in between gasps for air. He soon joined me in laughter.
"My god, you're psychotic." He spoke to himself.
"I'm actually a highly functioning sociopath, get your facts straight, Anderson."
"Who the hell's Anderson? Is this another one of your Sherlock references?"
"Yes, you uncultured swine." I replied. He rolled his eyes at me.
"Lets finish up this day." Jared sighed, before we both got back to work.
"Chim chiminey, chim chiminey
Chim chim cheree...
A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be.
Chim chiminey, chim chiminey
Chim chim cheroo...
Good luck will rub off when I shakes 'ands with you." I sang as I continued mopping the floor. I was really getting into it with Mary Poppins playing, but the music was soon turned down. " How was practice?" I asked Christian as he walked through into the studio and set his bags down. He looked slightly exhausted, and incredible sweaty... and sexy. Very very sexy.
"Rigorous." He replied with a sigh. "The dance has everyone on edge right now, My students all want one-on-one time with me, but I also gotta work on our choreography." He explained.
"I'm sure they all want one on one time with you." I winked at him. He chuckled.
"Are you almost done?" He asked. I nodded back at him.
"This is my last stop. I got here a bit early like you said so we could start right on time."
"Perfect. We do still need to pick a song." He reminded me. I set the mop back in the bucket by the door and we both moved towards the end of the room besides the mirror. Christian plugged in his phone to the stereo. "A Mozart piece would be beautiful, dont you think?"
"Orrrrrrr, we could do something a little less... meh."
"Meh?" He asked, grinning at me.
"Meh." I replied.
"Let me put my playlist on shuffle and we can see what we both like, yeah?" I nodded to him. The first song that came on was beautiful, but it was a bit soft for my liking. Christian and I both laid down on the now clean hardwood as we listened. He inched a bit closer till his body was directly besides mine.
"Who is this?" I asked him.
"Paul D'auxerie." He replied. "He's a beautiful french composer." Christian's hands started lightly tracing patterns into my opened palm as we laid there and listened. It felt all too surreal. I couldn't remember the last time I felt this calm, and at some point, my eyes started to drift close. I could feel his fingers slowly slip through the cracks of mine. As the first song ended, the next song began to play. My eyes drifted open to find Christian's face less than a few inches away from mine.
"This one." I whispered. He slightly nodded in agreement.
I felt lost. I wasn't sure how long we were laying here for anymore, but those details seemed irrelevant now. He slowly sat up from the floor and pulled me up with him.
Drown me in the water...
Drown me in the sea...
Lose me in the dark
Drag me to the deep
Let your water... wash over me
His hands wrapped securely around my waist as he pulled me closer into him. One hand remained on my lower back, while the other slowly slid up. He led me across the room, as we moved in rhythm to the music. My eyes were now closed, as I trusted him fully in direction. I suddenly felt my back gently hit the back wall of the dance studio.
It's short-lived, boys, short-lived, boys
Find a woman and dance through the moonshine
Leave me the rain
His hands left me body, but his eyes held mine as he crouched down to the level of my hips. His hand reached up and slowly massaged my thighs before securing them around the back of my thighs and picking me up. I was somehow remembering to breathe. I wound my legs around his hips and he pushed himself further into me, pinning me against the wall. Our noses were now touching.
Drown me in the water
Drown me in the sea
Lose me in the dark
Drag me to the deep
Let your water wash over me
"Can I kiss you?" He whispered while he continued to look down at me. I was still recovering from the feeling of his hands as they continued to massage my thighs.
"I'm not sure you're supposed to ask." I whispered back.
"Well I rather get permis-" He started, but I cut him off by my hands wrapping themselves around his neck, and pulling his lips down onto mine.
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