Chapter 15: The Bad Girl Gets Bandaged Up
Alex's POV
I sat for a second to think about it. I knew it was getting late and Tino probably wanted me home by now, but as I looked back on the handsome man leaning against the studio doors, fiddling with the keys in his hand as a smile played on his lips, that all went out the window.
I finally nodded to him and a large grin spread across his face. He slid the key into the lock and push the main doors open before holding it out for me to walk through. Most of the lights had been switched off but the hallway lights were only partly dimmed. He lead us towards the smaller studios of the building, located in the east wing.
"There should be a first aid kit around here somewhere." Christian spoke as he rummaged through the cabinets of one of the studios. "Got it!" He called, pulling out a white box from the bottom shelf. I went ahead and took a seat on the floor of the studio, and he set everything down beside me.
"Give it to me straight, doc. How bad is it? How long do I have?" I asked. He chuckled that.
"You're fine, just a cut and some bruising." He replied, opening up some of dampened antibacterial clothes and setting them out on top of their packaging. "This is going to sting a bit." He warned me, as he shifted closer and gently brought the cloth up to my lip. I felt the slight stinging sensation he had warned me about when he carefully wiped the blood away and cleaned out the wound. His face was mere inches away from mine, and I just couldn't help myself from getting drawn into his features. God himself must have blessed this pregnancy because there was no way he was solely man made. "Where did you learn to handle yourself like that?" Christian asked me.
"My uncle Tino." I replied honestly. "He put me in self defense classes for a few weeks until I lost interest in them. Some things just stayed with me I guess. Races usually don't this crazy when it's inner circle. The guy that was racing today was someone I didn't recognize, which is odd considering I told Jared to keep it strictly inner circle for this very reason." I explained. He nodded back in understanding.
"Aren't your parents going to worry about you being out this late?" Christian asked.
"I don't live with my parents, I live with my uncle." I explained. He gave me another nod.
"Did you have some kind of falling out?" He asked me.
"Something like that." I replied. He shifted a bit closer as he carefully placed the bandage strip in my lip. He was now the closest he's ever been to me, and I was pretty sure my heart was ready to give out.
"I'm prying, aren't I?" He asked. His voice came out as more of a raspy whisper that sent shivers down my spine.
"Something like that." I whispered back. His lips twitched up into a smile. His eyes were now burning through mine as he looked down at me. I could feel my cheeks getting heated.
"All done." He announced. My lips went up to gently touch his handy work. It no longer stung as bad, but I could feel the area begin to swell up. There was only so much we could do with a ballet first aid kit. I'd just have to ice it when I got home.
"Tell me more about yourself?" I asked, breaking whatever moment this was, to catch my breath. His grin didn't falter as he pulled back a bit to add some space between us. I was now 100% sure my heart was about to give out from the intensity of his gaze.
"What would you like to know?" He asked in response.
"You mentioned you had a brother... are you two close?" I asked. His smile faltered.
"We're... conversational. We only talk when its necessary, and its rarely ever necessary. Usually we prefer to relay everything through our parents." Christian explained. I nibbled on the only good side of my lip as I digested his words.
"Did he go to this academy?' I asked. Christian chuckled to himself.
"Yeah, he went here."
"What's so funny?" I asked curiously.
"Nothing nothing." He replied, still grinning. "You're just so.. you."
"I'm just so.. me?" I asked, unsure as to what he meant by that.
"I'm not sure how to explain, but you're so honest and genuine. It's new and refreshing." I smiled at his words. "What did you want to be when you were younger?"
I needed to take a second to think about it. I mean, I wanted to hopefully get into sports car racing... but it was different before. Before the accident, when dancing was still a part of my life. "I'm not too sure." I lied. He looked at me a little skeptically.
"You didn't want to be anything?" He asked.
"Well I did. Racing is my passion, but I only picked it up a few years back." I explained. "It was a spur of the moment decision to start learning about cars."
"You're damn good at it. Seriously. Damn good." Christian spoke. I couldn't help but smile.
Conversation came easy when it was with him. I just got this feeling that he understood why I couldn't tell him everything. He didn't rush me or push me say anything I didn't want to, and It was something I appreciated more than he could possibly imagine.
I glanced down at the screen on my phone. It was now almost 2 in the morning. "I should probably start heading back home." I sighed.
"Let me just pack up some things here and we can walk out together." Christian spoke as he returned the medical kit back into the cupboard and we made our way out of the building. Fresh air felt nothing shy of rejuvenating as he walked me towards my bike. "So this looks like goodnight, yeah?" He asked. I nodded.
"I'm not sure what you've got planned for this next week, but my uncle is letting me host a race next Thursday. I'll be in it as well if you want to come see me. This one will be very legal and definitely not as cool and my uncle will be there which practically guarantees no booze or fighting-"
"I'd love to," Christian replied, cutting me short, "But I do have practice that night. Would it be okay if I swung by after practice?"
"Yes of course." I nodded. He smiled down at me before slowly walking closer. I inched backwards until I felt my butt bump against the bike's seat. My heart beat began to pick up. I couldn't tell what he was going to do next, but I could tell that my heart was soon about to go into cardiac arrest if this continued. My eyelids drifted closed in anticipation but instead, I felt his lips gently press against my temple.
"Goodnight, Ms. Riaz." He whispered somewhere close to my ear, causing another shiver to run though my body.
"Goodnight, Mr. Taylor." I replied, slowly opening my eyes to watch him shoot me a wink from his drivers door, before starting his engine. I hadn't notice his car parked there before, but it was a beauty. Definitely not something an average ballet student would be driving though...
But I didn't have time to dwell on it too much as Christian took off and I followed in suit, hoping to make it back home before Tino woke up for work.
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