Chapter 13: The Bad Girl Gets Her Race On
Christian Taylor's POV
"Yeah I'm not too sure about that." I replied, glancing back between Alex and her motorcycle.
"I'll have you know I'm an insanely safe rider." She replied with a grin that was nothing short of mischievous. I couldn't help but smile back, regardless of how uneasy of a smile it was.
"Goody." I whispered under my breathy, before hesitantly getting on the death contraption behind Alex. As soon as she fired up the engine, my hands wrapped themselves tightly around her waist. The cool leather of her jacket felt nice against my warm hands. I got a whiff of her shampoo right before she passed me her helmet to slip on. "Please don't kill us!" I shouted out over the engine, but either she didn't hear me or she chose to pretend like she didn't as she pulled us out of the ballet parking lot and onto the main roads.
I'd like to believe I handled the ride pretty well for my first time on a motorcycle, and everything went okay... except the fucking turns. I felt like I was about to fall off when Alex took sharp turns on the exits from the freeway.
"You made it!" a voice called out from the quickly growing group of people Alex was walking us towards in this sketched out parking ramp we'd pulled into. A man began to separate himself from the crowd as he approached Alex and gave her a hug from behind, surprising her.
"Get off me, Jared!" Alex shot back. I felt myself get a bit uneasy as he continued to cling to her, but literally seconds later, Alex kneed him in his crown jewels and the guy doubled over.
"Easy, love, easy." Jared groaned.
"Jared, meet Christian. Christian, this is Jared."
"Oooh is this lover bo-" Jared started, but before he could finish, Alex gave him another swift kick to his groin which brought him right back down to the ground. I glanced over at Alex with a large grin. She glanced back but quickly looked away with embarrassment. We were further interrupted by yet another man who had separated himself from the crowd.
"Stop abusing Jared, Alex, and lets get this show on the road." He spoke. He was much larger than Jared was and looked a bit older too. I didn't recognize his accent but it definitely wasn't american.
"Nothing Jared didn't deserve, Caleb." Alex replied, shooting him a wink. He replied with a chuckle. "Caleb, this is Christian. Christian, Caleb."
"How you doing, man." The guy nodded towards me. The lights from the parking ramp amplified his dark edgy features.
"Good, man. Yourself?" I asked, nodding back.
"Hanging in there. We're just about to head out. Location of the races starts here."
"Races?" I asked, but before he could reply, Alex intercepted.
"Where's my ride?" Alex asked the man. He signaled for us to follow as he lead us up a level of the parking ramp. There was 12 insanely beautiful cars parked perfectly up on this level. Alex walked towards a silver car that was parked at the end of the ramp. "Goddamn what a beauty." She whispered, trailing her hands delicately against the body of the car.
"Modded just the way you asked." Caleb spoke.
"She's gunna be a beast tonight." Alex replied.
"Could someone fill me in, because I think I'm lost. So it's car racing we're doing tonight?" I asked Alex.
"Think NASCAR... but more illegal." She replied.
"Oh, and way sicker rides." Caleb added.
I was kinda starting to understand how this girl wound up with community service.
He heard a few more sounds as the rest of the group from the level below us, started to make their way up the ramp.
"The race will start here, and run through the city." Alex explained.
"It's a 10 mile course that has been blocked off by our guys. We've got our best men out for any police interference but for the most part, we don't expect any." Caleb continued.
"Now I know I didn't really explain to you what we were doing, and I'll more than understand if you don't want to do this... but I wanted to show you what gives me a rush." Alex spoke, as she turned from the car to look at me. Caleb gave me a slight nod, before leaving us to join the group that were now getting settled in their rides.
I stood there to think for a moment as I weighed my options. I could either stay in this creepy ass ramp and wait out the race... or join the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in an act that'll surely kill me.
"You think I'm beautiful?" Alex asked. My cheeks heated up intensely.
"I said that out loud?" I more or less whispered in horrification. When I glanced back at her, I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she truly was. She glanced away nervously at my heated gaze. "I mean I guess this isn't such a bad way to go out." I replied, walking around to the passenger side of the car and sliding in.
Alex kept a large grin on her face as she slid into the drivers side of the car. The car was a push to start and when she held the button down, the beauty roared to life. "What kinda of car is this?" I couldn't help but ask.
"It's a Tesla Model S." Alex replied. "Most of the drivers are either using their own car, or someone they know lent them theirs. This car is Caleb's but I've been paying him to do a couple mods through the cars system. My uncle isn't a fan of Tesla's so working on one in his shoppe is out of the question."
"It's incredible." I admitted, as the systems fired on. LED's lined the seats and under the dash that provided just enough light to take note of the gorgeous leather interior.
Alex pulled the car out from the parked position and drove it down the ramp towards the exit, following the other drivers. We passed by the parked vehicles that the drivers had used to drive here with before making it out to the ticketing area. Each car pulled up to the gate and waited.
"What are we waiting for?" I asked. Alex pointed to Caleb who was now in the Ticketing booth inputting some information into the computer. "That seems pretty illegal." I noted to myself.
"Assume everything happening right now, is." Alex replied, sending a wink my way. Before I could respond, the sound of a loud buzzer went off and the gates were lifted simultaneously. I barely had time to grab onto the side bar of the door before Alex took off down the vacant street.
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