Chapter 12: The Bad Girl Works The Night Shift pt. 2
"What brings you to these neck of the woods?" Christian asked as he moved to pause the music before the next song played.
"Potential jail time." I reminded him, raising my cleaning supplies up in front of me. He gave me another grin.
"Right right right. I'm sorry again about that-" he started but I just waved him off.
"Not your fault." I replied. He gave me another smile that threw my heartbeat out of rhythm. I just couldn't get over how beautiful this kid was. His perfect smile. His perfect lips...
"So tell me more about yourself, Ms. Community Service."
"You first, Mr. Ballerina."
"That's not the correct term for a male ballet dancer." He laughed, sitting down a few feet away from where I was.
"I'm aware." I replied, shooting him a half smile. "How long have you been dancing for?" I asked.
"For as long as I can remember." He replied honestly. "My father put me into lessons at a very young age. They wanted me to be exactly like my brother was... a prodigy."
"Who's your brother?" I asked.
"Someone you probably wouldn't know... no offense." He added quickly.
"None taken." I chuckled. My smile wavered slightly. The oddest part was... I probably had heard of his brother. My obsession with dance when I was younger, had submerged me into the world of ballet. Every now and then, I found myself catching up with the major highlights.
"I started in with tap, then advanced to ballet and contemporary when my body started to develop. My father was... demanding, but it gave me the push I needed. I've learnt and improved because of it." He explained. "It's now you're turn, Ms. Diaz."
"Well I can promise you I haven't committed to anything in my lifetime... besides eating of course." I replied. He laughed at that. "I took some dance lessons when I was younger, but it never really interested me." I lied. "My uncle bought an auto shop when he was very young and created a business from it. My parents brought me around a lot and I guess I just took a liking to what he did. Cars pretty soon after consumed my life. He taught me everything I now know about parts and engines. I fell in love with the complexity yet simplicity of assembling a car."
"That's really cool that you're into that." Christian replied, smiling as he shifted closer. "But now I've gotta ask, what landed you here?"
"Bad decisions." I chuckled. "Multiple bad decisions on my part."
"You didn't like... shoot someone... did you?" Christian asked. I looked at him like he had grown a second head.
"I'm pretty sure murderers don't get community service. Like I'm pretty sure there's jail time somewhere in there." I replied, grinning. His lips slipped into an easy smile as he too realized how crazy that actually sounded.
"Well, I still don't know exactly what you did, but I'll let you keep your secrets." He replied. "For now, I would however love another dance." He spoke, standing up and offering me a hand. Mine hesitantly slipped into his.
It felt nice... my cold fingers encased in his warm palm as he lead me into the center of the room. I sort of didn't want to let go, and I didn't think he did either because he then lead us both over to the speaker to play the music again. The song that started through the speakers was one I noticed almost instantly. Jon Bellion began to fill the empty studio with his song Run Wild...
Holy verses in his kiss...
He was your bible.
You found nature in his lips...
The sex was tribal...
He gently pulled me closer to his body as he transferred my fingers from his hands to his shoulders. His hands then found their way around my waist. I shivered slightly against his touch and proximity of our bodies. Being this close to him without him wearing a mask was even more intense. His pale complexion against those gorgeous eyes drew me in.
He brought purpose to your hips...
His hands slid slightly to my lower waist as he lead me across the dance floor
Your souls revival
Such a hopeful Eve
But Adam let you down...
My body became in sync with his movements and the rhythm of the music as we began a somewhat contemporary style of dance. I felt... secure... if that was the right word for it. Every movement he made, he felt so sure about it. There was no second guessing. No hesitation. it was not like anything I had experienced before, besides that night at the club. I hadn't even realized my eyes had drifted close until I opened them again to find his face mere inches from mine. My hand slid down from his shoulder to his chest. i could feel his heartbeat through the light shirt he was wearing. Our breathing labored slightly yet we continued to sway to the music.
"Does dancing give you a rush?" I asked him quietly. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pull my eyes away from his.
"There's nothing more intense than being on a stage in front of hundreds of people watching your every move as if it was a dance fit for the gods. I told myself I was dancing for the satisfaction and approval of my father, but now I think its more than that... it's addictive, It's a rush I've grown so dependent on, I'm not sure what I'd do without it." He replied honestly. I smiled back up at him, as I began to realize just how alike I was to this boy. "What is it?" he asked, drawing even nearer. My heart was a few mere seconds away from abandoning ship.
"Whatchya got planned for tonight?"
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