The bad Girl Is Invited to a party
I woke up in a morning..I mean, WORST morning ever It is friday today
I hate the sun when it shows up because it touches my pretty skin!
"I hate the sun it makes me have rashes! And the sun
makes my energy drain so...What the hell is the other complain about it?" I said with a big voice that my neighbors heard me
but they didn't went to my house because if they does i'll keep doing that bad thing and plus! I am a bad girl :)
(Why am I smiling that much?!)
Then I went to my kitchen and Get some cereal from the stack ( i called "Stack" as a cabinet)
Then I went to the fridge and get my milk and I accidentally spilled it.
"Dammit! anyway I don't give a damn i'll just gonna...Clean it."
I said with a smile.
Then I eat my cereal quickly and went to the Bathroom to take a bath.Then I wore my uniform and my Heart Necklace (I really love my heart necklace)
And I went to my school and saw my best friends in the cafe I went to the cafe and saw Lyra holding her New apple phone and a cap that suits her very much.
Yeah, She makes people Jealous of her but I know she has a nice freakin attitude
Then i went to her...
Alliyah: Hey Lyra!
Lyra: Yoh! what's up?
Alliyah: Just another worst day oh! *whispers* what happened to your crush? Have you date him?
Lyra: *blushes* Crazy bitch! No!
The girl: *Whispers* Look at the girl she is saying a bad word.
Lyra: Don't mind about her...Let's go now!
I don't left a word...But we went in school.And I saw Exel.
Exel: Hey Alliyah! Ummh... *blushes* T-t-there I-i-is a party later umh...Mind if y-y-y-you come?
Lyra: *whispers to Alliyah* He likes you.
Alliyah: Oh shut up Lyra!
Exel: Oh! say wanna come! (Have a confidece Dumbass!)
Alliyah: To a party? sounds great but-
My words were cut off then Exel shouted.
Exel: Yeeeeessh at long last!!!
Alliyah: *shocked* (a-a-t l-l-l-long l-l-l-ast?) Well can I bring Lyra with me?
Exel: *Looks at Lyra* Hmm..Okay you are invited so you two I will give you this. ^_^
He hand me an invitation card right away and ran away...
The invitation card says....
Hello Alliyah.
There is a party today at 4:30 PM to 6:30 so enjoy the party and goodbye now!
Exel's POV
Phew, that was a close one I thought that she will reject it! Yeheey!
then I went to a room and saw Jaden
Exel: Hey bro! there's a party later wanna come?
Jaden: Hmm...Okay I don't mind because I have done nothing anyway.
Exel: Brofist!
Jaden: Not now Ex.
~End Of Exel's POV~
At Lyra's place...
Lyra: So what should we dress?
Alliyah I donno why don't we just wear some cowgirl T-shirt and a jeans and boots agree?
Lyra: I agree.
Alliyah: See you in recess.
The school bell rings...
Alliyah: Let's run for our lives now!
Lyra: 'kay
We went inside the classroom and our subject is Mathematics, English and Algebra.
later Recess....
Jade: Hey Iyah!! You coming at the party?
Alliyah: Yeah! You?^_^
Jade: Yeah Of course I told Exel about it...but if there is a party "POOPER" I'll totally shit him out of the party.
Alliyah: *Giggles* Yeah! shit the pooper ^_^
Jade: By the way Iyah what do you plan about Helping in Cleaning?
Alliyah: Cleaning!?
Jade: Yeah wanna help us? If you want to,Your points in Character Education will be high!
Alliyah: (Hmm...I don't wanna Help) ......
Jade: Nevermind...Just... You can go now.
Alliyah: Okay Jade just get the hell out of my way.
Jade: Oh okay...
And I saw the famous bullies in the school! And I saw Kimdarra the japanese girl.. they are bitching her well as I mean they are Teasing her.Kimdarra is an incredible lamb or a shy girl that's why many people didn't notices her except Me and Lyra.
And I went to the bullies...
Alliyah: Hey Kimdarra! come over here
Kimdarra: Ohai Senpai!
Alliyah: Hey you bitchies! if you lay a finger on her i'll bring you outta here.
Madella: Oh! looks the girl os defending her uuh! she needs help from the doctor.
Alliyah: *mutters* Some Day you all will be sick if that happens they will transfer to a new school and Good bye Suckers hehehehe
The bullies went away without saying a word...
Kimdarra: A-a-arigatou Gosaimasu Senpai.
Alliyah: Hmm..No problem ;) (I just need to take those bitches away)
Kimdarra: So... Dewa Mada! (See you again)
Alliyah: Dewa Mada too. (See you again)
I went to the cafeteria and eat some snacks No Rice! only icecream and a Bread.It's not that bad.Oh! I don't want to forget the party.
And I went to the bathroom and I saw Lyra she is tying up her hair.
Alliyah: Hey Lyra are you coming with me?
Lyra: Yes i'll come but if the clock strucks 6:30 I totally need to go home.
Alliyah: Okay soo...Let's go now
Lyra: (I thought she will pee?) Oh what? I mean Okay
In the room...
Teacher: There is an early dismissal for today due to a teacher's meeting.
Alliyah: Hell yeah! Did you hear that?
Lyra: Heck Yeah I did..
Teacher: So Enjoy your weekend :)
Alliyah: Yeah! there are parties right Exel?
Exel: *blushes* uummhh...Y-y-yeah oh yeah right (Confidence man!)
Alliyah: *Winked* ;)
Exel: *Extremely Blushed*
Then Jade hits Exel's face.
Exel: Ooow...Hey! what's your problem?!
Jade: *Glares at Exel* Your...
Exel: Oooh! I get it *laughs softly* :P *whispers to Jade*
You Are Jealous aren't ya? :D
Jade: Shut your ass Exel.
Later after classes...
Larson: Oi! Liyah-chan
Alliyah: (Lyra's best friend...........Japanese again?!) What the heck bro.
Larson: *hugs Alliyah* I miss you so much it's been 2 weeks since I didn't see ya! Gokigen Ikagadesuka?
Alliyah: Stop speaking Japanese so let's just freaking stop it.
Larson: *Lets alliyah go* Soo.Where are you going later?
Alliyah: Oh! that makes me remind of something.....Oh! the party Larson I am inivited into-
Larson: Yeah Yeah I know it Exel's party.
Alliyah: Ookay...Have you find Lyra?
Larson: Yeah I...Talked to her lately.And she says something to me like "SHE CONFESSED"
Alliyah: (Oh Lyra you are in love with your best friend oh what!? ) Oh where is she?
Larson: You need to hurry up Stone because she said that she will be outside Goodbye!
Alliyah: Oh bye *mutters* Did Exel invite me bcos' he likes me?
why me? the only girl anyway NONSENSE!
Then I went outside and saw Lyra with Jade she is dating with Jade too!
Alliyah: Oh! Lyra Lyra Lyra The party remember?!
Lyra: Hell Yeah i'm coming there let's wear now I have my cowgirl dress now ^_^
Alliyah: But how about me? :( How about we'll dressed up in my house?
Lyra: Oh yeah! Come on Alliyah!!!, Bye Jade! *flying kisses*
Me and Lyra went back to my house...
Alliyah: *Whispers* Hey, I thought you like Exel or Zendal or Jade! What the hell are you thinking Love + Jade + Exel + Zendal + You= Heartbreaks
Lyra: Really? forget about it still like them :P
Alliyah: Eh? Nevermind.Soo this is my house.
Lyra: What the Freak it's huge and pretty *eyes sparkles*
Alliyah: Really yeah that's my house :P
Lyra: Let's get dressed up. *blushes* Do you have...Two rooms...
Alliyah: (She blushes why? I am not a boy oh my room is 2 but it's only for my parents) Im sorry but the other room is for my parents I can't get in there my Parents passed away.
Lyra: (I understand her) *blushes even more* Can I just...
Alliyah: It's just fine! what do you think I am! a boy! We are girls stupid!
Lyra: (But...) Okay....
We went inside my house we started to dressed up and Lyra is saying something.
Lyra: You had a huge room too ^_^ I'll gonna dressed up now.
Alliyah: Do what you want.But don't break my house rules!
Lyra: Yes ma'm
Alliyah: Good thing.
We dressed up and her dress is pretty but my dress is more prettier than her.
Alliyah: It doesn't fit you if you were a bikini.
Lyra: *blushes* Shut up! but anyway it's real.
Alliyah: Let's go now ^_^
In the party...
Exel: My Alliyah! You're here!
Alliyah: (I should copy him too :) ) My Exel! you're here too
Exel: Obviously because I am the one who creates this party.
Lyra: Exel-kun!!!
Alliyah: (Love battle but I am gonna win) *clings to his arms*
Lyra: (Bitch! I love him first) *clings to his Arms too*
Exel: Umhh...Girls it is just...
Alliyah: *glares to Lyra*
Lyra: *glares to Alliyah*
They both burst out into a laugh...
Exel: (Weirdos are here O_O ) Umh..Can you let me go for a while.
Lyra and Alliyah: Ohai Senpai! ( Alliyah is a little bit late bcos she don't speak japanese often )
Exel: ( Oh Senpai ) ......
Lyra and Me went to a dance floor and we danced toger and Larson batted in.
Larson: Ummh...Alliyah can you dance with me?
Alliyah: Sorry im dancing with Lyra :P
Larson: Oh ok :(
then I stopped dancing and I went in the kitchen and saw Kimdarra
Alliyah: Kim! why are you here!!
Kimdarra: Kyaaaaaa well Duuh Exel-kun inivited me :)
Alliyah: (But he is mine first!!) Okay bye...
A few hourse later I went outside and saw Jade stargazing.
Jade: Hey Alliyah Kokoni Kinasai.... (Come here )
Alliyah: I don't understand japanese except some basics.
Jade: *sighs* Okay come here.Sit here.
Alliyah: Okay... *sits next to him*
Jade: Close your eyes...
Alliyah: (Is this a kiss!) Okay. *closes my eyes but he didn't know that my one eye is opened because he closed his eyes too*
Jade is about to kiss me but someone interrupt us.
Jade: What the fuck! Larson
Larson: (Is he kissing Alliyah Oh no! A bad thing) Oh sorry bye bye.
Alliyah: I'm sorry I need to go the clock strucks 6:30 me and Lyra need to go now...Lyra! let's go now!
Lyra: Ohai Alliyah-chan!
Jade: (Larson is such a moment breaker this is it my chance to Get her! But the bitch stopped us -_- )
Alliyah and Lyra said Goodbye at each other and Alliyah kissed Lyra on the cheek just like what bestfriends too ^_^
In my house....
"yeah i'm pretty tired anyway I am staffed bcos I ate many foods so Goodbye Kitchen" I said with a yawn.
And I slept....
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