"Pizza Man" song (Christmas Chapter )
Alliyah's POV
I woke up and felt like someone sleeping next to me...
It is Lyra atleast it's not Leo (The cutie one)
She left the window open!
I saw Lyra hugging a pillow
I tried my best not to wake her and I went downstairs
to call a pizzaman XD yesterday I already eat pizza but I want moree!
"Ermmm....Umh..may I order a pizza..Urgh.. Yeah! A pizza New York's finest!" I said groggily.
"Okay." She said
I went upstairs and Lyra is not there, I went downstairs again and saw Lyra lying on the sofa watching TV.
I hit the TV with my baseball bat LIKE A BOSS!
Her face reacts that shows "why?"
Lyra: Why? I am watching my favorite movie!
Alliyah: That's what you get if you are barging at my house!
Lyra: OOOOh! So how about your TV?
Alliyah: Give me a break, I can buy some new one.So get the hell ouutttttta here!!
Lyra: Sir yes Sir! *running for her lives*
Alliyah: Good :)) I will have my time alone this christmas.
I took a bath and after that I wore very thin sandos and Short shorts and a boots with long black ribbon socks
2 hours later~
Alliyah: Where the hell is the pizza man!!!!!
Then my doorbell rungs
~Ding Dong~ ~Ding Dong~
I opened the door and saw the pizza man holding a box of pizza,Gloves,Long boots,Sweater and a beanie.
Alliyah: What took you so long!!!
Pizza man: S-sorry *blushes* W-why are you wearing just like that! Thin sandos and short shorts this christmas!
I started to sing...
Alliyah: ¶The cold never bothered me anyway¶ *slams the door*
The pizza man knocked again but I didn't open and now he started to yell.
"Heey!!,You haven't paid yet!" The pizza man said
Alliyah: Oh yeah! *opens the door* here is the money *throws the money to the pizza man and slams the door harder*
While the pizza man is outside he started singing and I started singing too lol
Pizza man: ¶ Why you gotta be so Rude? Don't you know i'm human too, Why you gotta be so Rude? I'm gonna marry that anyway¶
Alliyah: ¶Marry the who?¶
Pizza man: ¶Im gonna marry you anyway¶
Alliyah: ¶Give some bitch please¶
Pizza man: *speechless*
Then he runaway!! Yeah hey!
I started singing again!
To the tune of: Let It Go by: Idina Menzel
I throw some money on the pizza man
Not a little, Smile could seen.
A mansion of a rich girl, And it looks like Imma good girl.
The wind is howling and the pizza man is late.
There is a problem with it, Hell have knows I tried.
Don't let him in,Don't let him see
Be the bad girl you always have to be
Conceal don't feel, don't let them know, that you are baaddd!
Chorus (The end of chorus in "Let it go")
Pizza man
Pizza man
Why you're late, I might diee~
Pizza man
Pizza man!
You told me I am rude
Give some bitch!
I might kill you now!
Let the pizza man go!!!!!!!!!!
The cold never bothered me anyway *drops some ice bucket on my body and shivers*
Later on~
Alliyah: That is cold!!!
Leo: Good! Can I hug you tight so you wont get sick.
Alliyah: *blushes* Waaaa! Leo!!! why are you here?
Leo: *chuckles* I am always watching you.
Alliyah: *blushes* ( Even thought I'm taking a bath O///____///O)
Leo: Just Joking I am watching you last night. ^_^
Alliyah: ( That's why I heard the window open.Well wait! what about Lyra! I think,they are together last night )
Leo: Soo what are you doing there? Let me warm you!
Alliyah: Noo! Senpai!!!! *pushes him out of the door*
Leo: *front of the door doing kitty cute eyes*
Alliyah: (OMG!!! So kawaii I might die today than eating)
Leo: Alliyah!!!! *catches Alliyah and checks her forehead* She catched cold!!! I need to bring her to the near hospital!
*le Runs like badass*
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