My First Day Of Classes part 2
I went to the cafeteria and I sat next to Zack.
Hadley: Soo...You still have a crush on-
Blaire: Noonee!
Hadley: I haven't finish it yet -__-
Blaire: :O Ohh...You are talking about Zack
Hadley: Yes and that guy *points to Jason*
Jason: Umh...Mee?
Blaire: Ahehe~ You are JUST mistakening that HE is my CRUSH....Actually he's NOT.
Jason: =___=
Blaire: ^.^
Jason: =____________=
Blaire: >:/ Stop that rayt naaaw!
Jason: FukUShitU
Blaire: Pshh....
Hadley: What does that mean???
Blaire: Eh? Umh...If you're mad at someone (That is actually a bad word "FukuShitu" as "FuckyouShityou")
Hadley: Oh, FukUShitU...
Blaire: :D
Hadley; :/
Blaire: :D
Hadley: -__- I dont get it
Blaire: *facepalm* Oo~kay!
And then all of them stopped making noise,And they glanced at me O_O What did I do??? XD
And someone poked me on the back.
?: H-hey...
I turn around and saw Darell.
Darell: Umh..
Blaire: :)
Darell: >//////< Oh, umh..About you *plays with his fingers* Umh...Err,About t-the umh....About you,I want to ask you questions.
Blaire: Aaannnd.
Darell: A-and >//////< And umh...That's it.
Blaire: What are the questions.
Darell: How old are you?
Blaire: 11 years old ;)
Darell: >//////< (She answered me!)
Blaire: So,what? :)
Darell: Umh...Blaire,Do you have someone to like?
Blaire: Umh o__O Eh? All of you ^^ Except the b*tches here :)
Darell: (So she is mad to those bitch,right?) >/////< O-okay! *hugs her* (I hugged her!!) S-sorry!!
Blaire: For what XD" (OMEGI,A TSUNDERE!)
Darell: F-for h-hugging you.
Blaire: It's okay ^^
Darell: *walks away awkwardly*
Blaire: *tilts head* Jason??????????????
Jason: Whut?
Blaire: *giggles* Nothing :P You just look cute when you have a twin :3
Jason: Nonsense *punches her arm*
Blaire: >___< Thank you for punching me.
Jason: Hmph! *storms off*
Blaire: What did I do? •__• He act so different...
Alliyah's POV
It is Recess time on ours,So I went to the cafeteria with Leo,My cutie little baby :'3333
Alliyah: Leo-kun! :3
Leo: H-hey! Long time!
Alliyah: Pls. dont mind about what happened when my cousin came ahehe~
Leo: I-it's fine >//////<
Alliyah: So what do you plan?
Leo: Umh..Nothing.
Alliyah: Let's eat together.
Leo: O-okay :) Just stay there ;D
Alliyah: ( k-kawaii! >/////<) Okay :333
I waited for a minute and suddenly Leo came I front of me holding an icecream.OMEGI,Can we do some Indirect kiss again?!
Alliyah: Kyaa! An Icecream?!
Leo: Um.. Yeah... *hands her an icecream*
Alliyah: (Leo y u so sweet :'333 ) I love you...
Leo: I-
And my best friend suddenly interrupt...."Hello! We're having a moment here?!"
Lyra: Hey Besty,Having a lovey-Dovey here without me ei?
Alliyah: Leave us alone.
Lyra: Nya Nya Alliyah is so rude.Anyway I came here to say that Exel is acting strangely O_O
Alliyah: He! Don't care.
Leo: Umh...Can we have a privacy
Lyra: Okay,Do you want a room?
Alliyah: F@ck just leave us alone!
Lyra: 'kay, 'kay! Sheesh *walks away*
Alliyah: Leo....*licks the icecream*
Leo: >/////<
Alliyah: ( He is so cute when he is blushing.It's time to have an indirect kiss) Hey,Want some icecream? ;3
Leo: :D Okay.
Alliyah: *gives the icecream to Leo* Here :33
And that's that...Indirect kiss :33333333
Blaire's POV
I can feel that Alliyah is doing some rabu-rabu over Leo right now *shivers*
Jason: Hey.
Blaire: (Oh my! Senpai just noticed me O_O ) Whut?
Jason: You see I hate you...So don't-
Blaire: So am I!!! If you hate me then Go back to your own life and wish that you never met me! *storms off*
Yeah,Here I go again...My dark side is always coming. -__- I hate my "Dark" side....Okay there is 4 parts of me
1.) Love Side
2.) Dark Side
3.) Emotional Side
4.) Happiness Side
Okay that's it...Enough,Sometimes I wished to go back to past so I can re-arrange this things...If only I could just go back in time,And suddenly someone tap me on the back.I turn around and saw Elizabeth,Im not in the mad today =__="
Elizabeth: :) Hey!
Blaire: Leave.Me.Alone.
Elizabeth: Why? :)
Blaire: Urgh!
Elizabeth: O_O (I need to leave here,She will go berserk later...) *walks off* Bye.
the bell again,It means the recess is over =__= I hate that freaking bell =__=" Imma In a bad mood, okay Bell?! So don't freaking alarm like that or else i'll grab an axe and hit you over and over.
The next teacher is a girl...Her name is Anne I call her Ma'me Anne...Ma'me Anne teached us how to improve our skills of baking and cooking..We spend 3 hours for baking and 45 minutes from cooking.
After Class~
Elizabeth: Hey :)
Blaire: Don't "hey" me im in a bad mood today.
Elizabeth: Why :/ Are you alright???
Blaire: Leave.Me.Alone.Please.
This time I begged her to leave me alone...
Elizabeth: Fine...
DUN DUN DUN DUN...She leave for my sake...
It was Raining, I was soaking wet on the streets.My uniform is so sodde. I was looking down not looking to everyone around me.And when I reached my house I saw my butler and he came to me and I fall to my knees.
Butler: Ms. Blaire! *runs to her and help her get up but I carry her in a bridal style instead*
Blaire: T-thank you *lost conciousness*
Here we go again,I lost conciousness again.How come that happen to me.It is so crazy..
Alliyah's POV
Psh,I saw my butler carrying Blaire in bridal style.What happened to Blaire? I'm not worried.Psh,Why should I? I went downstairs and eat a pizza like a boss :> Wait- I remember something ~__~ Hmm...Bad.Girl.Ahehe~ Lemmi do some prank tomorrow.
That ends for today, okay
Sorry for the late update and a bad chapter 'cause you know...Im running out of ideas so I don't know if what should I do :( Wel anyway! Keep in touch okay? ;D
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