My cousin's best friend advance birthday!
Alliyah's POV
I woke up early in the morning, I opened my phone and someone text me, It was Blaire! My cousin!
She talk back! At long last, She is totally a b*tch to me,
she said
"Hey Alliyah, it's me Blaire! I'll go to your house today at 9:30 AM Because I like you to meet my best friends or Friends i'll be as fast as I can, anyway we brought our Swimsuit because we will swim, and don't ya dare tell your friends that you're inviting them too! Bye Bye"
Yeah, Yeah, I'll never be...Wait! a swimsuit? Oh yeah I have a swimming pool outside it is freaking huge, My cousin? Want a pool party? Well i'll buy some raw barbeque.
I went upstairs and saw L-leo! How come you get here?
Leo: Oh Good morning Alliyah, Why don't you just sleep a little bit?
Alliyah: (Where is the before-Leo,He is not now Timid,shy and....) Oh! I don't wanna LEO! I got some pool party today you need to go.
Leo: Am I Invited? *kitty cute eyes*
Alliyah: (WAAAAA! Kawaii desu!!! Me kokoro!) Alright only one condition!
Leo: I'll kiss you?
Alliyah: Why are you crazy? You know! You're acting like we are fiânce.And....And.....Just forget it,Go back to your shy and timid self,And also the condition is Bring Lyra here in my house with PEACE!
Leo: Yes............Ma'me.
Alliyah: Good now, boy hayah! *kicks Leo's butt outta my house*
Leo: *flying* YOLOOOO~
Alliyah: *closes the door*
OMAYGASH! it's 8:02 I need to buy some Raw Barbeque and also drinks! And Pizza :3 Don't forget about Pizza and also icecreams hahaha *slaps myself very hard* I need to go.
I run with my money, I don't care of what I wear.But I only wear pajamas and T-shirt, Sh¡t I have no....JFI (Just forget it)
And I buy in walmart and went home...
Pizza check!
Raw Barbeque check!
Icecreams check!
And im all done!
I started to prepare the grill near the swimming pool, And a large tables and chairs.I prepared some decoration just in case, Anyway why shoul I meet them? Is there something like
A birthday? Umh....Couples day??? No, I better not think of this now *slaps my cheek*
I prepare my red carpet into the door to think that it is a grand entrance :3
I opened my refrigirator I have some cake,How could it be? Maybe Leo put the cake here =__=
I put the cake on the tables I prepared some 12 plates just in case they were many.So....I prepared the cups,drinks and the disco ball :3
I put the disco ball by using ladder into the ceiling and went down from the ladder and suddenly the doorbell rungs.It's 8:46 :/
I opened the door and saw Lyra and Leo they were wearing a cute clothes and holding a big bag.
Alliyah: Why are you holding bag? What does it contain?
Leo: It contains swimsuits,Goggles,Headphones etc.
Lyra: We already know it, that there's a party.Can you invite us?
Leo: *kitty cute eyes*
Alliyah: *bites her lips* *sigh* Okkkaaaaayyyy
Leo: Yaaaayyyy!
Alliyah: ( Leo is a childish one it is like he is just a 5th Grade Well hello? He is a 10th Grade) So just sit on the sofa and-
-Ding Dong- -Ding Dong-
I opened the door and my eyes widened and I jawdropped O_O
Alliyah: BLAIRE! My cousin!!! Why are you bringing them all?!
(Me) Blaire: Well not them all Alliyah! So.... *clears her throat* Who wants to volunteer to meet my cousin!!???
*crickets were cricketing*
Alliyah: *gets some baseball bat and hit the cricket with baseball bat*
*crickets stops cricketing and dies*
(Armando) Caspian: *whispers to Elizabeth* She is some kind of a brutal girl...
Elizabeth: *No comment*
(Me) Blaire: Ahem, So umh....Err...Let's get inside first, By the way Alliyah, Your house is huge ^_^ I like it :3
Alliyah: What? Jealous?
(Me) Blaire: W-what? N-nnoooo!
Alliyah: Hah! Just joking!
Then they all got inside Alliyah's house
(Me) Blaire: *whispers to Alliyah* I told you, dont bring your friends.....
Alliyah: :P Sorry I have.
(Me) Blaire: *sigh* Okaayyyy...
Leo and Lyra: Hello Alliyah's cousins ^_^
Elizabeth: Alliyah, Are they twins?
Leo and Lyra: No were not!!!
Elizabeth: Then why are you....
Leo and Lyra: Stop copying me!
Elizabeth: Are you two siblings?
Leo: Never-
Lyra: Say Never....
(Ria) Elizabeth: Jastin Bayba!!!
Lyra: Eehh???!!!
(Ria) Elizabeth: Just kidding XD (She is childish than me LOL and she is way older than me)
Alliyah: Okay....The pool is on the back so.....Prepare your swimsuit.
(Gwyneth) Stephanie: I donno what to wear :(
Alliyah: *LOL*
(Gwyneth) Stephanie: Blaireeee!!!!! Your cousin!!
(Me) Blaire: Just wear some cotton t-shirt and some shorts.Bikinis don't fit you :3
(Gwyneth) Stephanie: If only I am not that fat *sniff* *sniff*
Alliyah: It's alright (: *Pats Stephanie's back*
They all sit on the sofa, I am glad my sofa is huge too XD
(Me) Blaire: Do you know the reason why I came here?
Alliyah: Yup...
(Me) Blaire: What is it? :3
Alliyah: Because you want me to meet your best friends
(Me) Blaire: Other than that.
Alliyah: None.
(Me) Blaire: I will tell you, This is Jason (Samuel) My bestfriend since 6 months and also my best friend is Kurosaki,Elizabeth,DenDen,Meghan and...Adrian
(Ria,Rheiner,Julia,Meg and...Gyver)
Alliyah: So why?
(Me) Blaire: Why I came here? Because it's his birthday next month,Jason's (Samuel's )birthday next month.
Alliyah: It is next month, why now?!!
(Me) Blaire: Because I might not see him in his birthday and of course! Because I can't see him in his birthday because his birthday is....Sunday, So umh.. I decided to do this. :)
Alliyah: (I get her...) Okay (:
(Samuel) Jason: Hey! Alliyah :)
(Ria) Elizabeth: Hey!!!! Me first Leonard!
(Samuel) Jason: Don't call me Leonard!
(Ria) Elizabeth: :P *puts her tongue on her mouth*
(Samuel) Jason: You're such a baby XD
(Ria) Elizabeth: Heeyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
(Me) Blaire: Guuuuuuuuyyyyyyyssssssssssssssssssssssszzzzzz!!!!! Enough of thizz!
(Samuel and Ria) Jason and Elizabeth: Yes Ma'me.... XD
Alliyah: Friends, I have many rooms here :)
Lyra: I thought you only have one room D:
Alliyah: I am just lying that day XD
Lyra: Ehhhhh?!!!
Alliyah: Dont be so childish Lyra XD
Lyra: Okay :3333
Everyone went to their own room while I prepared my own swimsuit I wore some bikinis.And went out of the room.
(Me) Blaire's POV
I went inside Alliyah's room.I saw her wearing bikinis, Oh no! Jason might have a nosebleed! Never mind ~_~
(Me) Blaire: Alliyah Why you wear bikinis?
Alliyah: Why?? Do you care?
(Me) Blaire: N-not at all hehe *laughs apolgetically* It's just everyone is wearing bikinis.
Alliyah: What the fruck!!! Even thought Jason? And the boys!
(Me) Blaire: Of course not!! Boys wore shorts and all of the boys were shirtless XD
Alliyah: (OMG! Leo maaa cutttiiiiee is shirtless :D ) Even thought Leo?
(Me) Blaire: Uh-huh...
Alliyah: (Yaaaaaaaahhhh! Leo is SL [$hirtless] )
(Me) Blaire: Don't ya dare go out wearing bikinis!!!!! Your breast is getting bigger!
Alliyah: Why don't I wear thick bikinis =__=
(Me) Blaire: That's o'right Well but me i'll wear bikinis but!!! I'll wear some shorts with a sharp object just in case someone is a pervert.
Alliyah: Good XD Okay so get the hell outta here!
(Me) Blaire: Okay *went out*
Later In the pool party.....
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