Meghan's P.O.V
It's finally the weekend!
Pulling the blankets away from my body, I swing my legs off of my bed and begin to walk towards the door. I don't know if anyone is awake but I'm hoping that Jake and Hannah are still asleep.
Especially Jake.
I walk down the stairs, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I hear the television running and I glance over to see no one occupying the couch. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I walk over to the couch, expecting to see Hannah or Jake on the couch.
But I don't.
"What the hell?" I mutter, grabbing the remote off of the couch and turning the television off. Suddenly, an envelope is slid from under the door, scaring the shit out of me. My heart races as I walk over to the door, picking up the envelope. My eyes scan the front of it, looking at the name written in cursive writing.
Since when do I get mail?
Instantly, I open the front door and walk out, hoping to see who slid the envelope under the door. To my luck, I see no one. I am only greeted by the cold breeze hitting my legs, which makes me sigh in annoyance.
Closing the door, I look back at the envelope. I can feel something inside it but I know it's not paper. Without hesitation, I rip the envelope open and my eyes fall on the items inside off the envelope.
All of a sudden, my eyes widen and I lick my lips.
"You're up early." I hear a voice say, immediately bringing me out of my thoughts. I quickly close the envelope and hold it in my hands tightly, spinning around.
"Hannah..." I breathe out, feeling my heart pound against my rib cage. Hannah rubs her eyes and walks down the stairs towards the kitchen door. Before she enters though, she looks at the envelope in my hands.
"Whats that?" Hannah asks and my own eyes look down at the envelope.
Looking back up at Hannah, I reply with, "A few photos of Charlie." I lie, not even knowing if she knows about Charlie. When she nods, I know she does and without any further questions, she walks into the kitchen, allowing me to finally breathe.
I've got to hide this, I tell myself but before I can begin to make my way towards the stairs, a memory flashes through my mind, stopping me.
"Meghan," Jake calls as I am about to drink from the water bottle. I look over at him, my lips parted. "Have you ever thought about getting off the drugs?" Jake asks and I narrow my eyes at him, placing the drink down in my lap.
"Why would I think that?" I ask and Jake sighs.
"Well, if you don't want to end up in here again, I suggest you at least try and stay away from the stuff." Jake says and I suddenly laugh, shaking my head.
"You would have to devote your life and soul to get me off of that, Jakie." I say and watch as small smile forms on his lips.
"Okay." Jake says suddenly and my grin immediately disappears off of my face. I furrow my eyebrows at him and cross my arms over my chest.
"I'll do it," Jake says again, making my frown deepen. "I'll help you get off the drugs." Jake adds, the smile on his face not going away. I look into my eyes. He can't be serious.
After a few seconds, my eyebrows soften. "Wait, you actually want to help me?"
"Of course." Jake says happily, the smile growing on his face.
"You know it's going to be difficult." I say and Jake shrugs.
"Whatever it takes, right?"
Fuck! How the hell am I going to keep this away from Jake?
Don't tell him, my brain says but I bite on my lip.
It's not like I'm actually going to smoke it, right?
Glancing back down at the envelope, I let out a quiet groan.
Fuck, I'll just have to hide it then.
After putting on my clothes, I hear my phone vibrate, telling me that Hailey has probably messaged me back. I grab my phone off of my bed and read the message.
Hailey: Charlie is doing well, stop worrying.
Me: Easy for you to say. You don't have kids.
Hailey: Thats true but you don't have to worry so much. I called the hospital up today and they said that she is doing well. She hasn't gotten the operation yet, that happens in a few days, but she is doing well. She is getting taken care of.
Me: What? A few days? I'm not liking the sound of that.
Hailey: They are quite busy now but they will help Charlie. That is the best hospital for people who need quick treatment.
Me: If it's quick, Charlie should have already done her operation!
Hailey: Meghan, if Charlie was still here, she wouldn't be having her operation until next month! Stop worrying!
Me: Whatever... just update me when you hear anything.
Hailey: Will do.
I breathe out a sigh, dropping my phone on my bed. I grab my hair and tie it up into a bun, letting my hands fall back to my sides when I'm done.
I click the home button on my phone and stare at the time. It's nearly midnight and I'm pretty sure Hannah is asleep...
I glance over at the small box with my belongings that is pressed in between the drawer and the wall, letting out a sigh. I need it, I tell myself and just as I am about to get up to go and grab the weed, I hear a gentle knock on my door.
"Meghan?" I hear Jake call. I expect him to open the door but I remember that it is locked. Smart one, I think to myself as I stare at the door. I don't reply to him, I just continue to stare at the door.
"Im sorry for... acting like this." Jake says softly and when I hear the sound of his voice breaking, I can't help frown slightly. "I am such an idiot, I hope you know that." When that word 'idiot' escapes his mouth, I quickly jump up and walk over to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open.
"Don't you ever call yourself an idiot." I immediately say, watching as Jake's eyes widen in shock. Before he can say a word, I grab his hand and pull him into my room. "You are not an idiot. If anything, I'm the idiot." I say, looking over at the box.
"No your not." Jake says, narrowing his eyes at me. I look back at him, shaking my head. I let go of his hand and begin to walk to where the box is, regretting how I wanted to have it a few minutes ago.
I have to tell him.
I grab the box and place it on the floor. When Jake frowns at me, I motion for him to come over. He takes a seat in front of the box and I slowly lift the lid up to reveal the envelope.
"I received it this morning." I explain, taking the envelope into my hands. I breathe out a sigh, opening it up to show Jake. When I turn it to him and he sees it, his eyes widen, not in shock but... anger?
"Who gave you this?" Jake asks, snatching it out of my hands. Before I can reply, he looks up at me. "Did you have some?" This time, his expression softens as if he is hoping that I didn't.
"No I didn't have some." I say, shaking my head. I can understand why Jake is angry. He hates drugs. He hates me using the drugs.
"Who gave it to you?" Jake repeats and I shrug.
"I have no idea." I say and Jake sighs deeply. He looks at the envelope once more before shaking his head again.
Suddenly, my phone vibrates and I stanr up, grabbing it off of the bed. Jake narrows his eyes at me and stands up also, walking over to where I am and looking down at my phone.
Drake: No need to thank me, baby girl. The offer is still available.
All of a sudden, when I look over at Jake, the glint in his eyes is so clear. The way his fists are clenched by his side and how his jaw is clenched...
He is so fucking pissed.
I grin slightly. "Want me to get the keys?"
A/N - OH MY GOD!! WHAT IS JAKE GOING TO DO! The good boy is going to take on the bad boy? JAKE NO! What do you think of this chapter?
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