Chapter 4
I looked back to Dominic in shock. Sure I was flattered he wants to help but he really can't. He's only one person. Three counting Blake and Keith. Besides they could end up in jail for "kidnapping" me from my seemingly loving parents.
"That's sweet and all but no." I say, removing his hand that still gripped my hoodie.
"No?" he questions in disbelief. What did he think I would say? "Oh yes Dominic, bright young man I only met yesterday, please save me from my abusive parents." (que the heart eyes). Hell no, that was definitely not happening.
"Yes! What are you going to kidnap me in the middle of the night? I think not." I huffed. When I looked at the three of them they all gave me a serious face. "You have got to be joking!" I exclaimed.
"Pack your things were coming tonight." He said sternly. I went to protest but he stopped me before I got the chance. "Pack the shit you don't want left behind. Your coming with us willingly or by force." He threatened. I stared him in the eyes like he was insane. Which he was! If the asshole thought, I was going to go willingly he had another thing coming.
Without saying anything else they went back to their desks. Mr. Brown returned back from god knows where shortly after the encounter.
"Well, I hope you managed to stay out of trouble while I was gone." He said sternly. We all nodded. "Good, well I suppose you can all be dismissed." I was the first one out. I needed to get back home if I didn't want another beating. As I was walking I noticed people looking at me fearfully. That's when I realized they weren't looking at me. They were looking behind me. Oh for the love of...
"Fuck off Blake." I all but growled. I sent my fiercest glare his way. The dude didn't even flinch.
"Cute. But I'm walking you home." He stated. Rolling my eyes, I started walking again. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that he was still following me. Well this isn't annoying at all. I thought sourly.
"You know you need a new day job. This whole unwanted bodyguard thing isn't working out. Oh and I am so not paying you." I said annoyed. I looked over to see Blake with amusement in his eyes. What was so funny? It was true.
"I don't want your money. I want you safe, and if there's something I can do to help that happen I'm going to do it, it's for your own good." He said looking in my eyes. Why does he care so much? There are plenty of people out there that are in worse cases than I. At least I'm still breathing and moving. I'm sure lots of people out there would love his help, but that person isn't me. I'm surviving and I've been doing so for seventeen years now. I think I can survive one more year. One more year and I can move out.
The rest of the walk home was silent. I was expecting Blake to leave me at my door. So you can imagine why I was shocked when he kept put next to me.
"What are you doing?" I asked. He just gave me a blank look like I should know the answer to that. "Um, are you going to answer or just stare at me all day. A picture would last longer you know. Just saying." I said, earning me a glare.
"I'm going to hang out with you and make sure you pack your necessity's." He states matter of factly. Oh no oh hell no. that was not happening. My parents would get suspicious. I'm not allowed to have friends let alone a guy friend. They will think I said something and when he leaves I will be served the worst beating of my life. He needs to leave right now. Just as I was about to tell him to do so the door opened.
"Casey what the fu-." My lovely mother stopped herself just in time. "Oh who's your friend sweetheart? I wanted to roll my eyes at her fakeness.
"This is uh Blake my...friend" I said wearily. My mother just gave me a sweet smile, but I saw straight through it. That smile was a warning. A warning to not screw it up.
"My apologies Ms. Meyers, I just wanted to hang out with Casey for a little while. She's such a sweet smart girl. She was obviously raised by amazing parents." Blake said sweetly. Wow he was good at this. Too good. If I didn't know him, I would have believed him myself. Well I can't say I know him but I know him enough.
"Why Blake I'm flattered. Of course you can stay for a bit. Stay as long as you'd like make yourself at home. HANK WE HAVE A VISITOR!" she screeched. I hid my cringe by looking at Blake who must be experiencing the same thing by the look on his face. "Casey sweetheart why don't you and Blake go talk in your room. Your father and I will be downstairs if you need anything." She said kindly. I nodded quickly muttering to Blake to follow me. When I reached my room I plopped on my bed.
"This is your room?" he tried to say without being rude. I don't blame him though. I don't like it either. The walls were bare and I had white bedsheets and pillows. My closet held barely enough clothes to survive with. I had a desk that only held a notebook and a pencil. It looked like a prison cell really. Then again it kind of was. The only time I was allowed to leave the house was to go to school.
"Uh yeah it's not much but I only need to sleep right?" I said rhetorically. He just nodded and helped himself to sitting on my bed. He gave me an expectant look. What did he want now? He's in my house he walked me home, he's gotten his way this whole time so what?
"Pack your stuff. Or did you forget about later tonight?" he said in a duh tone. Pack tonight? What was he...oh for fucks sake.
"Did you forget that I'm not going?" I challenged. He matched my challenging look and stood up walking close to me. Too close for me. He was trying to intimidate me. And hell it was working. I slowly backed up until my back hit my desk. Blake following my every step.
"Pack your fucking stuff before I pack it for you and take you out of here now." He said in a dangerous voice.
"I'll pack my shit, but you have another thing coming if you think I'm going with you." I said lowly. I may have seemed calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside I was shaking. I was terrified. He only smirked at me as if saying "We'll see about that." I quickly packed a few outfits and a few necessary items. Going into my closet I found my hidden shoebox. Pulling it out I opened it to find my grandmothers locket. She was the only family member who actually cared. When she was in the hospital on her death bed she gave me her locket. I've held onto it ever since but didn't wear it. My mother was so mad that there was nothing for her in the will so if she knew I got something and she didn't she'd kill me. I quickly hooked it around my neck.
Throwing my newly packed bag on the bed I plopped down on the bed myself. Blake was entertaining himself talking to someone on the phone. He hung up then turned to me.
"We leave at midnight so I hope you're ready and have what you want." He said coldly. Where did this cold Blake come from? He seemed so nice before. I just nodded even though I wasn't leaving. He would be the only one up here so it's not like I'd have to fight all three of them.
It was 11:50 pm. Ten minutes until shit hit the fan. I glanced at Blake who was putting his shoes back on. He threw mine at me as well telling me to put them on. I complied thinking it'd be easier to run if need be. I looked at the clock to see it was 11:59.
"Alright let's go." He said. When he noticed I wasn't moving he instantly smirked. "Really want to do this the hard way?" he asked amused. When I didn't reply he nodded. He walked towards me and I got nervous. He then walked passed me and to the window. I was confused until he opened it. He slowly turned around and looked at me with a mischievous look on his face. "Let's play shall we?" he asked as he stepped closer.
"Lets." I murmured. He then lunged at me. I quickly ran to my bed with a yelp. He instantly was quicker and grabbed my waist and threw me on his shoulder I kicked and screamed. Not even caring if I woke my parents up. Realizing this Blake stuffed a pair of socks in my mouth.
"Hope you aren't afraid of heights." He smirked. With that he threw me out the window. OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW. I let out a muffled scream and closed my eyes. I was suddenly caught by a pair of arms. I opened my eyes to see a smug Dominic. I quickly managed to squirm out of his arms taking him by surprise. Let's hope those running skills come in handy I thought. I took off in a sprint down the road.
I heard profanity's come out of Dominic's mouth before I heard feet pounding on the pavement behind me. I started running to the max speed. I made it 5 blocks before I needed to stop and breath. Panting heavily, I stopped in an alleyway. Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to relax. Big mistake, I felt arms wrap around me. I shrieked loudly causing a hand to clamp over my mouth.
"Did you honestly think it'd be that fucking easy?" Dominic growled in my ear. I shuddered at his tone. I immediately started to struggle again. "I really didn't want to do this but you left me no choice." With that said I felt a cloth be put up to my mouth. Chloroform. I instantly held my breath. Dominic chuckled. "We all know you need to breath at some point dumbass." He mocked. Well that was rude.... but unfortunately he was right and I inhaled.
I slowly got the dizzy feeling and my vision darkened. My last thought before I passed out was
Why the fuck am I the one who always passes out!?
Hello my beautiful people. Oh who am I kidding no one is reading this. At least not yet. Or ever...but you know...anyways if someone is miraculously reading this I hoped you like J
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