Chapter 2
After the hour long gym class of painful running. Do to my stomach. Mr. Feld finally blew the whistle to stop. At this point I was panting. I seriously needed to get to the nurse. My stomach was killing me, I almost thought I was gonna die. maybe I was exaggerating a little. I started to slowly walk back towards the school. Jared roughly bumped my shoulder causing me to stumble.
"You enjoy your small amount of freedom while it lasts bitch" he all but snarled in my ear. I cowered away in fear. Jared loved this. If you hadn't guessed he's smirking.
"Stupid dick." I mumbled under my breath. To my horror he heard me.
"What the hell did you just call me?" He said. Fury clear in his voice. I gulped and looked around for some help. I made a brief eye contact with Mr. Field, but he looked away. Figures, I thought.
"I-I uh...s-said how and dreamy you are?" I said as more of a question than statement. To my surprise he looked like he believed me. He winked at me then walked away. Holy shit. Jared bass the Jared bass just winked at me! I was left dumbfounded. No punch, no kick, no insult, no nothing.
I was cut off from my thoughts from someone and by someone I mean Dominic closing my mouth trying not to laugh.
"Whats so funny?" I asked. I was quite confused and trying to wrap my head around the fact that Jared just winked at me.
"H-he actually believed y-you." He stuttered trying to catch his breath. Come to think of it it was pretty funny. So I started to laugh quietly.
"Yeah I guess it was." I said. "Too bad I will never like a bastard like him." I spat looking at the ground. I could never have romantic feelings for a coward like him.
When I looked back at Dominic he was serious again. Like none of that laughing fit just happened. I gave him a confused look but shrugged none the less.
I started to walk back towards the building. I tried not to wince at the pain in my stomach. Key word: tried.
"When did it start?" Dominic quietly asked. Making me stop in my tracks.
"W-when did what s-start?" I illiterate poorly. Trying to play dumb.
"Don't try that bull shit with me." He warned. I gulped. Do I tell him the truth or lie? Lie obviously. I thought to myself. I mean I just met the guy this morning. What if Jared or someone else put him up to this? Trying to be my friend?
"Nothing has been going on." I stated firmly not meeting his eyes.
"Don't even l-" I cut him off.
"Oh look at the time gotta go. Got to go see the nurse for you know...and don't forget about class!" I faked enthusiasm.
"Bu-" I cut him off again.
"Bye!" I said looking at his annoyed facial expression. I started to limp away to the nurses office. I feel like nurse candy is the only one who cares about me. I smiled sadly to myself. As I walked to the nurses offices I got the usual boos from a couple girls saying how I was ugly. I finally reached the nurses office.
"Hi how can I-" she stopped when she realized who it was. "Hello miss Meyers. What's the excuse for today?" She asked. Shit. I forgot about the excuse.
"Uh dodgeball incident." I said lamely.
"That's funny I heard that your class ran today." She said skeptically.
"U-um I tripped and fell on a rock?" Shit I'm a horrible liar. She said some colorful words under her breath but motioned for me to sit down.
"Where does it hurt?" She asked kindly. I slowly lifted my shirt. When she got sight of it she gasped at the huge bruise that was forming all over my stomach. She immediately got Tylenol and an ice pack. She gingerly placed it on my stomach. Immediately I hissed. I took the Tylenol and ice pack and walked out with tears falling doe my face. I was walking with my head down. Then the most embarrassing thing happened. I walked into a wall. But it wasn't a wall it was a handsome annoying chunk of meat. Blake...great.
"Hey woah there." He said amused. Then his face went full of concern. "Hey what's wrong why are you crying?" He asked tenderly.
"N-nothing" I said hastily wiping my tears from my face. Just so more can fall. "Everything is just fucking perfect!" I shouted.
"Hey hey it's ok calm down." He said calmly.
"Calm down? Calm down he says. Ok I'll calm down when i am free of this shithole of a life!" I said angrily. I was pissed no scratch that furious. I was gonna say something I regret I just know it.
"Chill we all have bad days." He says. I sent him the coldest glare I could muster.
"Bad days? Then someone must wake me up because I have been beaten battered and bruised my hole life. My hole fucking life! My own parents for fuck sake beat me senseless. These teachers all though they never hurt me physically they just turn their backs on me. Endless pain is my life and I can't take it anymore. Sure I put on a strong facade but I can't I just...can't." I say the last part as a whisper. I drop to my knees crying at this point. I have been holding so much emotion in for years and I finally lost it.
We have formed a crowd at this point but I could careless.
"Oh my god cass I didn't know." He said giving me pity and a nickname? At the same time. He engulfed me in a hug. I froze I've never felt affection. Not even in my young days. I've never once heard an I love you from my parents. Never saw a smile. Nothing. I let myself relish in the feeling for a moment before pushing away. I got to my knees and ran. I ran as far as my legs would let me. It was still raining out but I didn't care. I didn't care if I got so sick I died. I'm completely dead to myself now...dead. Eventually I was forced to stop running. I had to get some oxygen in my lungs. I wrapped my arms around myself to keeps somewhat warm. My teeth were chattering immensely.
I had no clue where I was at this point but I didn't care. I don't think I ever will. God can look me in the eyes and tell me I'm gonna rule the world one day and I would say..."fuck off." I was brought out of my thoughts by the honk of a horn. I don't look up because I don't give shit.
"Hit me assholes!" I shout at the douchebag interrupting my thoughts. They honk again but I don't answer.
"Hey blondie! Quit ignoring us and turn your ass around." A very familiar voice said. I just flipped them off.
"Did she just-she did she just flipped me off!" I heard Dominic say. "That's it." I heard him say. Next thing I knows car is pulled onto the sidewalk blocking my way. To their surprise I don't stop walking. In fact I stand on Dominic's sleek black mustang with my muddy shoes and walk down it and jump on the ground. Even I can't believe what I just did. "Oh hell no!" Dominic yelled. They were all whispering among themselves so I couldn't here but meh. Almost like lightning Blake and Keith are carrying me. I tried to kick and punch. Like between my exhausted state, a and their hulk like strength I'll never get free. So I went limp in there arms. Hehe dickheads I just made it harder for you. Now I'm dead weight without flailing. To my disappointment they show know signs of struggle. They practically throw me in the back seat of the mustang.
"Speak." Keith said firmly. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. "God I swear sometimes you are such a b-" I cut him off.
"Finish that sentence and I will make sure you will have no children in the fucking future." I said in a deadly voice.
"Ahhhh so you can talk k-bear." What is up with them giving me nicknames lately? "Come on we just want to be your friends." Keith said softly.
"You only want to be my friends because you are pitying me." I spat.
"Even if we were, which were not. Wouldn't you be happy to have a few friends?" Blake asked. He did not just ask me that. Why in the world would I want friends who are only my friends because they feel bad for me? I want friends who want me for me not because they see some broken girl.
"Just take me home...please." I say as tears start to build again. I don't want them to see me like this. Weak.
"We will but this conversation isn't over ok?" Dominic said softly. Which in all honesty is weird. He's kinda the scary one of there group. I just nodded and told them my address. It was a car full of tension the hole ride. We finally arrived and I sighed.
"Thanks." I mumbled. Dominic simply nodded.
I walked into my house to see two very angry looking parents. I sighed but put on a fake smile.
"Hi mom, dad." I said. They just glared even more. If that's possible. My mom just huffed and walked into another room.
"Where the hell were you?" My dad said calmly. That means he's pissed.
"U-uh sorry I-I got lost on the way home." I stuttered. He just let out a bitter laugh. He started to take slow steps towards me.
"Well we expected you home 2 fucking hours ago!" He yelled.
"Dad I'm sorry!" I yelled back. Shit I shouldn't have done that. Smack. The sound radiated off the walls. I instantly fell to the floor clutching my cheek. That wasn't it though no of course not. I would never be that lucky. He drilled a kick into my ribs. He pulled me back up bye the collar of my shirt. I wish Dominic were here to save me. I wish he would beat my father to a pulp. I wish he would take me away. I knew he wouldn't though. Then he hit me. A full blown alpha male punch. I swear I heard a crack. I screamed out in pain. Why was life so unfair for me. I mean I know I said I would tell God to 'fuck off' and everything but why?
Did I really deserve this kind of treatment? Why should I have to wake up the next day wondering whether my dad will be awaiting me. With open arms that are only intended on inflicting pain on me. Whether I would get to eat breakfast that day. Or even dinner for that matter. My mother once beautiful and meaningful to me now a shell of a girl I used to know. So as I lie hear curled into a ball. Being continuously beaten by my father. I contemplate. Is life really worth living? If God really put me in this horrible situation of a life. Did that mean he is expecting me early? Should I leave this life sooner than intended? Rather than live in misery. All the pain would go away. No one would miss me. I know my parents wouldn't care that's for sure.
So now I make a decision between life and death. Do I live or do I die. I felt my vision start to blur. These were my last thoughts before everything went dark.
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