Aimee took a deep breath.
Since she didn't respond to my last question, I said, "Come on, you look like you need to seat down-"
Aimee's eyes flashed open. "Sit down? No, what I need is something to knock you in the head! Look what you made me do!"
I frowned. "Me? Not my fault you became so jittery!"
Aimee folded her copy of Romeo and Juliet, gripping it. "Oh, you haven't seen jittery yet-"
"Hi, sorry to interrupt you and your boyfriend-"
Aimee spun to the speaker, snarling, "There's no way this infuriating animal is my boy-"
She stopped as she noticed the freaked out look on the redhead waitress' face.
Stepping back, Aimee unfurled the book, clearing her throat. "Sorry, what did you want to say?"
The waitress looked at Aimee with wide green eyes for a moment before replying, "Uh, please move, I need to clean up... this." She nodded towards the mess on the table.
"Oh yes, of course! Sorry! Come on, Romeo!"
Without waiting for a reply, Aimee grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me to the nearest booth. Her nails dug into my skin as she did so.
It was clear she was seething mad at the moment, so I knew I had to cool her down. "If it's any consolation, at least you don't have to get me a box of cupcakes anymore."
She stopped in her track. Letting go of my hand, she whirled round to face me. "Who said I was going to get you one?"
"Future me would have, but we got sidetracked off-topic."
"And you thought I'll get you cupcakes?"
"Chocolate ones, preferably about a dozen-"
"You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to!"
There was a short pause, then I added, "Actually, I already said you don't have to-"
Seeing the dark look on her face, I quickly added, " But that's not important right now. How about we start reading the play-"
She turned away, stomping into the booth.
As soon as I sat on the other side, she flipped to a page in the book. "Act two, scene seven. I'll read-"
I sighed. "Aimee-'
"-both Friar Lawrence and Juliet's part, just-"
"-take Romeo's-"
A loud thud bounced off the table, courtesy of her book as she slammed it on the table. "What!"
"I didn't bring my copy of Romeo and Juliet."
She stared at me, disbelief written on her face. Slowly, she shook her head. "That's it. I'm going home."
Picking up her book, she stood up to leave the booth.
Great, at least now I can head home!
I started to get up, then paused.
It, though. I mean, we haven't achieved anything.
After a moment, I leaped up and grabbed Aimee's hand.
She snatched it back, hissing, "What part of 'I'm going home' don't you understand?"
Taking a deep breath, I pushed back the raging monster that was my pride.
I rose my hands in a gesture of surrender. "I don't want to fight with you, and I don't want to leave here without accomplishing something today."
Aimee folded her arms as her eyes shot me a piercing gaze. "Well, you should have thought of that before you left your copy. Don't worry, you can leave." She slid out of the booth, walking away and brushing past the occasional customer as she did so.
I followed her. "You can't blame me. It's not like I forgot it on purpose!"
That was a lie, to be honest.
I quickened my pace, rushing past her, and blocking her path. "Look, we can share your-"
She sighed. "What part of no don't you-"
"I- I'm sorry!"
The words froze us both.
What the hell did I just say?
Finally, Aimee's eyes rose to mine. "You're... apologizing?"
I choked out, "I- It appears so."
For a few breaths, the wave of surprise continued to wash over Aimee. Her eyes held me prisoner for a few moments. The chatter of other customers faded into the background.
All I focused on were those dark eyes.
After an eternity, she huffed, "Well, I do need the literature grade. I accept your apology."
A genuine smile came onto my face. "Good."
"Hmmm." A grin split her face.
Turning around, she headed back to the booth. "I can't wait to tell everyone Angelo Smith apologized to me!"
Looking down at my fingers, I clenched my fist in an attempt to stop them from shaking. Why is giving an apology so hard to- wait, what did she say?
The monster in me finally shattered its chains, roaring as I began to march after Aimee. "Aimee Jacques, don't you dare!"
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