Chapter #6 The Bad Ass Saved me From Falling.
Chapter #6 The Bad Ass Saved me From Falling.
This is how Natalie and Melanie looked that night
"Look at you!" Melanie sighed.
"You look perfect!"
I glanced at myself in my full length mirror.
The dress perfectly fitted me and as I had put on a little weight since last year, it perfectly showed off my curves, hugging my figure.
It looked like the dress was made just for me.
I wore black, pencil heels. Melanie had straightened my hair and tied them into a loose, side fish braid.
A few strands of hair already came out due to how loose the braid was, adding more effect to the makeup.
I had thick eyeliner, along with mascara. I wore the same lipstick shade as Melanie.
I found two black, heart shaped earrings from mom's room and they perfectly matched my dress theme.
I then looked at Melanie and figured that we both looked equally gorgeous.
"Yeah actually I can't really believe it's me" I giggled
"I am the best makeup artist in the world. No denying that" she crossed her arms over her chest in pride.
I huffed at her comment and then grabbed my phone.
There was knock on the door.
"Are the ladies ready yet?"
"Yep! All set!"
I opened the door to see Trevor.
He wore a black button down shirt over grey pants.
His hair was styled backwards with gel.
"Woah, handsome" I flashed him a look.
Melanie dog whistled from behind.
"Let's go" he said, while grinning from ear to ear.
I walked down the stairs, following Trevor and Melanie, trailed behind me.
"Were's mum and dad?" I asked after not able to find them in the living room.
"Oh, they left already"
Of course. Punctual As ever .
Trevor opened the door and waited for Melanie and me to get out. He then came out after her and we waited for him to lock the door.
He put the keys in his pants pocket and we started walking towards the mansion next door.
We stepped into the porch through the big Iron Gate.
There were loads of people in the front garden.
The garden was enormous and incredible.
There was a giant statue of a mermaid right beside the large fountain.
Bulbs surrounded the circumference of the large, circular fountain and water poured out of it in an umbrella like shape.
"Hey you came" I turned round
"Hey Jack! How are you?"
Jack looked incredibly hot. He wore a dark blue button down shirt, along with tight black jeans and black Don Carlos shoes.
"Fine. You look great tonight" he glanced at Melanie.
"You both do" he then passed me a charming smile.
"Thank you" I smiled back.
I could smell his strong cologne from how close he was due to a lot of noise.
He then took a step towards Melanie and offered his hand.
"Be my lady tonight. Will you" he winked at her.
Melanie flushed red and giggled.
"Sure" she the offered her hand to him.
I watched them both stroll off with hand in hand.
"Trevor?" I turned around but figured out he was gone already.
I found Mrs. Parkinson in one corner along with some other ladies. I spotted my mom too.
I walked towards them.
"Hello Mrs. Parkinson. Hey mom" I smiled
"Hello sweaty you look gorgeous tonight!" she chimed.
"Thank you look beautiful too Mrs. Parkinson"
She wore a black dress and her hair was tied in a high bun, with a few strands of hair curled up.
Mum wore a blue dress that was her knee length and her hair was curled.
"Thank you and please call me Ursula!"
The ladies continued to chat while I decided to have a walk around the place.
The cool breeze hit my cheeks and I the smell of Bar B Q wafted through the garden.
I heard my stomach growl.
I didn't eat anything since last 4 hours and I was starving.
I walked towards the fountain and stopped right near it.
I looked down at my reflection in the water and put my hand in it.
The chill water sent shivers down my spine and I shuddered.
I was just about to turn around when I lost my balance and stumbled.
Nooo! Not in a party! Not when I'm dressed formally!
I closed my eyes in surrender and waited for my body to hit the chill the water when someone grabbed my waist.
"Woah watch it!"
I craned my neck and met a blue pair of eyes.
"You!" I hissed
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion
"Don't act like you don't know me! And get your hands off me this instant!"
He stared at me in confusion and after a moment of realization he spoke up.
"Of course." He smirked and slowly started to untangle his grip off me.
I then realized.
"No no no no!"
I clung onto his neck and buried my face into his torso.
I didn't want to fall into water when I was fully dressed!
"Oh come on! You want me so badly?Eh?" he whispered in my ear.
"Shut up and move me away from the water"
"Say please"
Stay quite!
"Okay then I'll leave you with it"
"Please! move me away from this fountain!"
I sensed his muscles flex as he lifted me and placed me on the ground.
Oh God his cologne
" You can now get your hands off me"
I moved away from him, clearly embarrassed.
" Thank you" I murmured and started to walk away.
"Hey wait!"
"Don't I deserve a reward for saving your ass?" he smirked
"What do you want?!" I frowned
"One night" he winked.
I scrunched up my nose
"I'm not a 'slut' for your kind information" I quoted the word.
I then turned around before he could further make it worse.
I walked towards the entrance of the house which was quite packed.
A butler walked towards me, carrying a tray with glasses.
"Anything off the tray miss?"
I stared at the drinks.
"I'll just have coke"
He smiled and grabbed the glass filled with the liquid to me.
"Thank you" he nodded and walked away.
Just when my lips touched the glass, the speakers blasted with a thick, masculine voice.
"Everyone ready!?"
A lot of hooting and cheers and were heard from across the garden.
The music started.
It was a slow music but I couldn't make out the lyrics.
It felt like a song in Turkish language.
"May I" a charming guy came and stood in front of me, extending his hand out.
Am I dreaming! This is Nathanial Parker!
Nathan was yet another famous one at school and a great friend to Jack Hunter.
"Yeah sure" I put my hands into his.
He walked towards the middle of the garden and put his hand to my waist.
I placed my left hand on his shoulder and started swaying to the beat.
"What's your good name love" he asked
What's it with guys and cologne?
"Nice to meet you Natalie" he smiled.
Woah he has real white teeth!
"How come you're here?" he asked
"Um I live next door" I smiled.
"My name's..."
"You're Nathan Parker. Who wouldn't know that?"
"Oh your fast!" he chuckled
We both kept on laughing and dancing.
"Nate mate!?"
"Guess I gotta go, nice meeting you."
"Hey do we have classes together? I guess I saw you in one?..."
"Um yeah you're in my Business class" I answered
"Well then save a seat for me there" he winked and walked away.
Woah! Charming
2 hours had passed and I was getting bored to death.
Where the fudge is Melanie!
"Hey sis"
"Hi Trev, where the hell did you disappear?"
"Meet her" a girl walked from behind him.
She was tall, honey haired. She was extremely pretty.
"Hey! Guess you are Natalie. Trev told me a lot about you"
"Sabrina" she said
"Nice to meet you Sabrina"
I glanced at Trevor and furrowed my brows.
"Really does he? I don't think so my brother remembers me at all" I chuckled and she laughed along.
"No he's really nice" she smiled and her eyes glinted.
'Guess she has a crush already'
"How come you're at the party?"
"Oh this is my aunt and uncle's party. Drake invited me." She smiled.
Of course .No doubt she's so pretty. She's the blood of the hottest guy ever.
Did I just say that.
Hell no!
Suddenly I felt something grab my legs.
"Hey!" I looked down to see a cute boy.
He looked around 4 to 5 years old.
He had exactly the same hair as Sabrina.
"Zack, What did I tell you about not scaring people by grabbing their legs!"
Sabrina hissed.
"But she's so pretty"
"Aww! And you are so cute!" I lifted him up to my eye level.
" Will you dance with me?" he said with puppy dog eyes.
" Of course little gentleman!" I smiled and kissed him on cheek.
I put him down and walked away from Trevor and Sabrina.
I placed my hands in his and we started to move around.
He sped up, dragging me along and I had to hop on my heels.
My foot started to hurt the instant I remembered that I was wearing heels but I was having too much fun and kept on twirling.
We started to do something like penguin dance and Zack giggled.
"Aey! Whats so funny" I heard a guy.
"Drake!!!!" Zack said and ran into his arms.
"Hey bud how you doing" he bent down on his knees and pulled out his fist.
Zack bumped it with his.
That is so adorable!
"She-she dances horribly" Zack said in between giggles.
Drake looked up at me
"So we meet again" he smirked
"Hey" I huffed.
"Is she your girlfriend Drake?" Zack asked him.
"Aw!" I sat in my tiptoes and ran a hand through his hair.
"No Zack she ain't my girlfriend" Drake chuckled
"That's Stephanie remember?"
Yeah I do.
"But I don't like her. She is prettier" he pointed at me.
I again ruffled his hair.
"Oi you are ruining my hair!" Zack protested.
"Oh I'm sorry!"
I started straightening his hair.
"No they were stood up by gel!" he looked on the verge of crying.
"Hey bud! Come on I have hair gel you can style them back" Drake chuckled.
"I don't know how to!"
"I'll do it" I said
"Let's go then" Drake grabbed Zack and lifted him off the the ground.
"Here we go. Ready, steady, run!" he started running with Zack laughing on his back.
I started to sprint with the boys.
Drake kicked the door open and kept on running. He reached the stairs and continued upwards, with me trailing behind.
The staircase felt like one from fairytales.
I admired the place with wide eyes.
The railing felt like gold and a large chandelier hung from the ceiling.
There was an enormous mirror in the living room.
I came back to my senses and kept on brisk walking up the stairs.
A door stood ajar and I could hear Zack and Drake from in there.
I walked in to the room.
"Check in the drawer beside my bed Zack" Zack went towards the side table and opened it.
The room seemed familiar.
Yeah you saw it from your window
The wallpaper in the room was simply breath taking.
The Californian king sized bed was placed next to the closet.
"Where the hell did I put it?" I heard Drake murmur
He was busy checking the drawers of the dressing table.
I looked around and found a small bottle.
Its gel I believe.
"Hey I found it" I walked beside Drake and picked up the bottle.
"Oh I put it out as I did my hair for tonight. Silly me"
"That's not silly. That's a sign of growing old" I said.
Drake huffed.
"Here Zack, Come on let's do your hair!"
He walked happily towards me and I started fixing his hair. I poured out some gel on my palms and worked into lather.
I then ran my fingers through his, working on the shape.
It was pretty hard as Zack's hair were super soft.
"There you go!" I said.
Zack looked himself in the mirror.
"It's not perfect, but.... I like it!" he decided.
"Let's go now!" Drake announced.
"Race to the door downstairs?" Zack said looking at the two if us.
"Sure" Drake and I said simultaneously.
"Ready. Set.Go"
We started running towards the stairs.
"Watch your heels lady" Drake shouted from behind me.
"Look who's behind" I laughed
Zack had taken the lead as Drake and I were pretty concerned about our dressing.
Zack reached the main door and shouted.
"I won! I won!"
I was the second one to reach and Drake was the last.
"I lost! I lost" Drake said mockingly.
I laughed at his childish behavior.
"Come on lets walk out"
Zack grabbed my fingers and the three of us walked out.
People had started to leave already ad it was nearly 12 am.
"Would you like to dance with me?" Drake spoke
"No she'll dance with me!" Zack protested.
"Oh shut up you two."
"Zack you had your time. Now leave the big ones to it."
"No! I'll dance with her!"
"Okay then let's dance together" Drake said.
Zack grabbed Drake's hand from left and mine from right.
Drake held my left hand and the three of us started circling.
"Faster!" Zach shouted and we started to run.
"Let's hop" Zach said.
" Come on buddy." Drake said giving up.
He left my hand and Zach's.
I started to miss his touch already.
Did I say that!?
Zach and I started to jump up and down to the fast music.
My legs had now finally given up.
I ran up and down the stairs and now I was hopping in my heels and that was too painful to manage.
I lost my control and stumbled and fell.
I landed on my butt.
Zach started to laugh and Drake howled with fits of laughter.
I noticed something in his hand.
Phone. Did he take my picture!?
"Don't you dare Parkinson!" I flared up
He looked at me in confusion and then glanced at his phone.
He held it up and I bright light came from it then I heard a 'CLICK'
"Ohh but I just did!" he continued laughing.
"Ass hole"
He stopped in between
"What did you call me?" he smirked.
"Ass hole"
"Say that again!"
"Oooohh the girl swears"
"I'm gonna rip your balls if you do anything stupid" I said.
"Don't you dare say that or I'll share it on Facebook"
"Delete it this instant"
"Just one tap away and you'll be humiliated" he said
"Alright I give up!" I raised my hands in surrender.
"Come and help me up!" I said
He walked towards me and lifted my up.
I put on weight onto him to balance myself.
I looked up to meet his eyes. His stare was too intense and his blue eyes seemed like a deep sea.
He started leaning in and I stared in shock.
Just when I was finally about to decide that he was actually going to kiss me, he moved his hands away. I eventually landed back on my butt.
He started laughing madly.
"L-look -a-at your face. You th-thought I was going to kiss y-you" tears started forming at the corners of his eyes.
I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.
"Jerk head"
"Uh uh! Just one tap away remember!"
He held up his phone.
I hate him already.
"Come on" he held out his hand while smirking.
I shook my head.
"Don't act like a baby. Get up. I won't do that again"
He said.
I looked up at his face.
"Go on. I might not like to keep my hand like this. It hurts" he huffed.
I put my hand in his and got up.
I straightened my dress and wiped the grass off my arms.
" What's your name?" he asked
"I am Drake" he held out his hand and I shook it.
Quite a first meeting eh? Do you like the new entry of Nathan Parker?
I know its short one but I personally enjoyed writing this one.
And yeah guys please vote!
I am getting a good number of reads everyday but votes stay the same so please vote of you think I deserve.
Lots of love
Fareha <3
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