Chapter#2 Illogical World
Chapter#2 Illogical World
Continued from the last chapter
I was skimming through the notes which Mike lent me back when I found a piece of paper. It was a sticky note and I was pretty sure it didn't belong to me as I was not fond of sticky notes. I picked it up and read
Goal#1 of the month
Ask the girl I just have fallen for, to prom.
It belonged to Mike. I've heard that he noted down his perspectives for a certain month and pasted them on his cupboard.
The thing which was written on that yellow coloured squared shaped paper broke my heart. Whoever the girl was, she was very lucky.
"Hey what happened to you?" Melanie asked with concern. I didn't answer. The vision around me blurred as tears filled my eyes. My first crush just broke my heart. Well he didn't invite me to read his personal stuff. Crap.
"I wish the spello tape from Harry Potter existed so that I could fix my heart." I mumble. Melanie noticed the note in my hand and read it. Then she looked at me with a blank expression.
"Natalie, I won't leave him. You see what I'll do now" she started.
The finest thing about bestfriends, they never fail to give you weird ideas and wouldn't let you deal with the obstacle on your own.
"No, I'm the foolish one actually. How would he know or would even care about me, having a crush on him." I say with a hint of sorrow.
"Hey! Natalie what if the girl he's talking about is um.. I've been notic in' since last month... what if the girl's y-you!" She whispered in excitement.
"Let's just not start that again. I mean look at me... and look at him. He is one of the most charming guys of school, the one who's got a great voice and is popular. Everyone likes him whereas me! Hmphhh... I'm nothing compared to him. A girl who is known for taking notes and her speeches, essays. The one who is left ignored in gossips and the one who gets herself broken and tries again, no matter how great the risk is, who cannot sing and is a horrible dancer, keeps on talking to her self because she doesn't have a social circle." I sighed heavily after jabbering.
"The world is strange Natalie. Anything can happen here"
Melanie tried her best to lighten me up.
"But Mel, there's no logic in two of us being together"
"But Natalie, the world is illogical! Life's illogical!" she almost shouted.
"But why do we always look for logics if there is none! Huh?" I questioned furiously.
"I think you should go home. Take rest. Get yourself up together and then meet me tomorrow."
I sat there like a spacer
"I'll drop you off then" She murmured.
I woke up to the noise of something being dragged along the road. The clock struck 07:00 am. My eyes were swollen and red shot due to lack of sleep and long hours thinking.
Then again there was the same sound, but the thing which was being dragged was perhaps lighter this time.
I moved the curtain away to see what it was. There was a truck parked in our neighbourhood. The house was empty since last 5 years and now someone had turned up there. It would be better if you call it a mansion. The place was no ordinary one.
It was huge. Probably Our neighbours would be very rich.
I took a shower and changed my clothes, tied hair in a ponytail and went downstairs. It was surprising to find the dining table empty. Then I remembered that mum, dad and Trevor (my elder brother) had attended the inauguration ceremony of some boutique , my mum's high school friend had opened. They might have arrived late.
I opened the fridge to grab an apple but found none. I took some milk and turned on the TV.
The door of the living room made a creaking noise and I turned round to see Trevor.
"Hey sis"
"Good morning sleepy head. When did you guys arrive last night?"
Trevor walked towards the fridge. "12:30 I guess? I was too sleepy to notice the time." He replied while grabbing the milk pack and closing the fridge with a loud 'THUD'.
"Did you enjoy the night?"
I asked
"I dunno about 'enjoyment' but, are you familiar with the feeling of being between nosy elder women?" he said, while emphasizing the word enjoyment.
"Yep I guess..."
"Well that's how I felt"
He said, with a poker face.
"I must go now."
"Ni, try not to go anywhere else from school. Mum says that we've got some neighbours. They are invited home tonight."
"Ok, bye".................................
Instead of waiting for the bus, I made up my mind to walk to school. Who cares if I get late a little? I was always known for a girl who is obedient and turns up in time for a class. I wished I never was the one.
'And yeah, if I go late, I might be able to avoid Mike.'
I was deep in my thoughts when I noticed a car stop by my side and turned to see.
"Hey Natalie! Long time no see! Where were you?"
Joshua said while the panes of his car slid down to reveal his smiling face.
Joshua was one of the 11th graders and a great friend to Trevor. I used to play with him when I was young.
A real buddy.
He had dark skin and a smart face. Always a person loved by people and was easily approachable in times of need.
"I'm great! What about you? Oh how I forgot that we're still in the same school." I replied, trying my best to sound enthusiastic.
"Hop in girl"
"How's Ella? I heard you had a breakup" I asked
"Yeah yeah, We did but you know me right? It was easy for me to sum things up." He replies
"What happened by the way?"
"Well you know, the night at James' party, I got drunk and hooked up with the queen bee" he told
He nodded.
"Oh... then?"
I signaled him to carry on.
"When I came back to my senses, I was told by Trevor and I thanked that there was nothing serious. I made up my mind to tell El about it but she was already informed by some brat of the school. First she didn't believe it. Then Stephanie Lockheart herself spread the news and El got mad.
I turned up the next day at her house with some flowers and told her everything. I just took her to a date that night and that's how I did it" He finished
"Aww that was cute" I giggled.
"You tell something about yourself. Is your crush on that Samuels is over yet? Or still go on like 'Mike! Oh mi god Mike'"
He chuckled.
"Yeah it is over and that is not funny at all." I replied
The question I just made my mind to try and avoid but my day started with it. I mentally face palmed myself as well as Joshua.
Joshua parked his car in front of the school building and we both went our separate ways.
As I had missed homeroom, it was business studies next. I paced up to the class. The teacher was already there.
"Come in Natalie. We just started the lesson. Go sit next to Mike Samuels."
"Excuse me sir, but is there any other seat where I could sit. I want to be alone for today's lesson so that it would be a lot easier to concentrate?"
"If you can find one M.s Dare"
'As if I will'
I had no choice. I sat next to Mike. I kept my bag in the centre of the bench to maintain a little distance from him and didn't look up.
I sensed him looking at me
'Don't you turn and look at him, pretend like you ain't noticing'
I kept telling myself. After a while, he moved his eyes away.
Huh... At last.
"Class dismissed" the teacher announced.
I took a sigh of relief. I was just pulling the bag over my shoulder when Mike started talking
"Hey you seem a bit, you know pissed off today, anything I can do for you" he asked
"You've already done a lot to me" I mumbled
"Sorry, what did you just say"
"Nothing, you are right I am pissed off actually. I didn't sleep well, that's all" I reply, trying my best to keep a straight face.
"Would you like to sit with me at the cafeteria, if you have the next lesson free?" He asked
I did have a lesson free but I lied.
My reputation was already made up as a girl who obeys and is never late for class, I thought, why care?
"Sorry Mike I'd love to, but can't miss my class"
Suddenly my phone rang and it was Melanie.
I put the phone on speaker as there was a lot of noise in the room. "Hey babe, I thought maybe you have three free lessons on Tuesday, why shouldn't we go and check out some new stuff at the mall? Why waste 2 hours sitting at school?"
Fuck . She said it with Mike standing behind me. I am insane...
I mean why put it on speaker!
I turned around to see Mike's reaction but surprisingly, he didn't hear any of it.
"So I gotta go....." I said
"Yeah, see you around" and he went.
40 minutes had passed and Melanie constantly talked and steered me through the corridors of the mall.
"Oh look at those bags! I bet Stephanie will be jealous like hell if she any of us with these! Come on let's check them out."
And we both entered the shop. After a while of admiring the bags, Meli asked for the price and as expected, the cost was too much, and then she went on like "Stupid bags, I don't even want them. I mean like you gotta fulfill your needs why go for excess shopping?"
She then strolled off to the nearest shoe shop, dragging me along.
"Slow down Mel, I'm not a trolley for the super store!"
After an hour
It felt like ages had passed since we were shopping and Melanie had 2 bags in her hand. I had bought nothing.
"You don't wanna buy anything?" she questioned
"Yeah, honestly I don't feel like shopping"
"You sure bout' that?"
"Then let's grab some cappuccino" she announced
I sipped the drink slowly, enjoy every bit of it. I have always loved cappuccino.
"Where you at Ni?" Mel broke the ice
"No, there is something. Tell me" she insisted
"Honestly, nothing" I said
"You telling me or what!"
And I told her everything....
She stared at me.
"Well, what did I do in the whole thing!?" She scowls
"You fucking said it!"
"You were the one to put the phone on speaker. I did nothing."
She folded her arms and faced the other side. I puffed my cheeks. Now I had to convince a small baby.
"Look, Meli you're right, it was my fault, now shall we go? I've got fifteen minutes left till my next class" I said
At school
Melanie went to the business studies and I was walking towards the Literature studies when someone called me from near the lockers.
"Psst, Natalie... here"
Mike. Now what did he want.
Isnt it funny how you try and avoid something but it keeps coming to you?
I kept on walking, pretended as I didn't hear when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me gently towards him.
"Hey! What are you doin I gonna be late for my cl...." He put his hand to my mouth.
I turned to face him. "What the hell you think you're doing Samuels!" I boasted
"Look I need to talk to you" he said
"Well you could've just said it instead of behaving like a kidnapper!"
"How could I when you're avoiding me!"
He was right.
"Why would I avoid you? I mean what you have you done to be avoided by me?" I said
"That's what I was trying to ask. Why are you ignoring me?"
"And how are you saying that?"
I crossed my arms.
"You turn up at class, and don't wanna sit with me. When you realized you had to, you placed your bag between. Whenever I look at you, you always respond with a smile but today you ignored. Then you lied about having another les..."
"Wait, you heard that!"
"What? Of course I did! And now you're walking like you didn't hear me."
"Well for your kind information, I actually didn't hear you" I said with confidence.
"Oh Gosh, you're so innocent that you don't even know how to lie" He said
"You glanced behind and I saw the look on your face. You sensed me there but you kept on walking!" He almost shouted.
"Why are you feeling so low? Huh? Can't you just bear someone ignoring you? You think that you're the most charming guy of school and that everyone will pay you attention, no matter how much problem they are going on with! And especially when the problem's you!" I blurted out.
"Now I see, why you've been tryin' to avoid me. You have a problem with me girl? C' mon tell me what. Wanna know."
"I'm sorry Mike. Just let me go..."
He stood there, calling my name and telling me to stop where as I did what I was (perhaps) meant to. Ignored and walked away.
The school time was over and I was looking for Meli to drop me off when I received a message from her.
Meli <3: Hey! You won't be able to find me at school. Got some important business. Will tell you tomorrow:*
Me: It's Ok, I'll go myself
I put my hand in the pocket to take out my iPod for some music. It wasn't there. Shit
I ran off the literature class to check for it. I was searching for it dementedly when someone called.
"Looking for this?"
I turned around to see.
"Uh yeah, thanks.... Mike"
I took it from him.
"You still here?" he asked
"Melanie's waiting for me. I just came in to search for this"
I lied
"But I heard her talking to someone on phone saying that she's going somewhere. It was long before school time was over"
'Why is he so smart?'
"Uh she came back already"
"No she didn't"
"How can you tell?" I asked
"You're a bad liar. Give up already" he said simply
"What do you want Mike?" I was tired of it
"Will you accompany me? I'll drop you off as well"
He asked
I pouted.
At the senior parking lot
I sat in the car while Mike revved the engine.
After 30 seconds or so, he started driving.
I noticed Stephanie Lockheart staring at me and here other friend, Victoria James was whispering something in her ear, probably devising against me. Well I wasn't there to steal her property. She could have Mike Samuels if she wanted but the fact that that Queen bee would be jealous of me actually felt cool.
Pretty amazing.
"So, what's been going on lately in your life? Tell me something about yourself. We've never really talked this much before"
Oh how I'd forgotten that I was in a car with Mike.
Well, this freaked me out a little.
"Um, yeah you're right. We never really talked much."
I answered
"How come?"
"Well, I never tried talking to you"
I said, as a matter of fact.
"Really?" he said
What the hell did he mean?
"I tried catching up with you a few times but it seemed as if you were too famous to care. I mean, why someone famous would bother to talk someone infamous?" I said unpretentiously.
"Famous people won't exist if not for the infamous one. Besides, I never was that rude, you know, not catching up with someone so brilliant like you" he smiled
Thank god that the car was dark, because I blushed.
I stared out the window pane to hide my grin. I hope he wasn't looking.
"I was wondering Natalie that if you're not in a hurry to go home, we can go somewhere together. What about a lunch?"
He said, and I don't know why, vigorously.
'say yes'
'no way'
'fool say yes!'
"I'd love to Mike"
"But I'm afraid my parents must be waiting for me'.
Fuck you.
'Besides, mum had already told me to get home early. Someone turned up to live in the house in our neighbourhood. She says that we should welcome them" I said. Although it was killing me.
"Oh... well I appreciate that..."
"You can come too if you like, It'd be a pleasure to have you at our place"
I dunno why, but I felt that was dumb...
You're a complete fool
'Shut up'
"No, um... I'd like to come but I must go and see Stephanie." That hit me. Straight. In the .Centre. Of the .Core. Of. My. Heart.
Maybe he was trying to jealous me.
'Oh come on, he never liked you. Actually, 'LIKE' is not even the word which describes his attitude towards you. What the hell were you thinking? You and the most famous yet the hottest guy of school? No way! You're a freak. A total failure.'
"Okay then..."
My voice quivered.
"Natalie you alright?"
"Y-yeah alright. I'm fine."
I stayed quite.
"Here we are"
I was too occupied by my thoughts that I didn't realize when we reached home.
"Thank you, Mike"
"See ya then Natalie."
Above is a picture of Zac Efron, aka Mike Samuels. I don't want to ruin how you guys imagine him but this is exactly how I imagine him.
Stay tuned till the next update!
Don't forget to press the star if you think I deserve and do comment! don't be a shy reader ;)
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