Ch#10 She's My Girl
Chapter#10 She's My Girl
I watched Drake climb the window to his room, out of sight.
My phone vibrated in my hand and I glanced at the screen.
"Hey Mike"
"Hi Natalie, how you doin'?"
"Um fine. Why did you call?"
I know harsh, but I didn't know what else to say.
"Aren't we getting a wee bit too harsh and straightforward?"
He chuckled from the other side.
"Uh sorry I just.... Anyway whatever you wanna say?"
I asked.
"Well I just wanted to make sure that you are okay with going out with me after school? You know , my post on your timeline and stuff?"
I lied.
"No I don't actually. I didn't check on Facebook lately"
"Oh well, in that case um... I'll see you in 15 minutes"
"Okay but when? Where?"
And the line went dead.
"Mike? Hello where? Ugh now what!"
I threw the phone on the bed and sighed.
'I don't kinda feel right. You know being with two guys and everything. It's not like that Drake fancies me or anything. Like ,he has the most gorgeous yet nosy girlfriend to himself. And Mike just asked me out and I'm not somehow, feeling thrilled about it. Could I be possibly losing my affiliation for Mike? Or more like falling for Drake?'
NoNoNoNo Natalie you can't ,you can't like Drake. Focus Natalie , focus! Mike Mike Mike Mike MIKE!
The hell I wanted to!
Suddenly, my stomach made a funny noise as I remembered I hadn't eaten anything for almost 4 hours.
I turned on my heels and descended downstairs, rather slowly.
I skipped the last two steps and did something like a cat landing and rushed to the fridge, my stomach refusing to be patient.
"Yeah! Chicken!"
I found a leftover piece of fried chicken and put it in the microwave to warm it up.
After hearing a 'DING' from the machine, I took my food out.
I made way to the living, with the plate in my hand, chicken dancing on my way.
I swayed my hips sideways, which was supposed to be in a seductive manner but... turned out to be more like a penguin walk.
I slouched on the couch, crossed legged and begin munching on the delicious, crispy piece of chicken.
'Somethings missing???'
I hopped up from the couch and opened the fridge to grab the ketchup bottle.
Don't shout dummy! Go get the ketchup bottle from the store at the end of the street!
I checked my jeans for some money and then left for the store.
My stomach growled again.
"No! Don't! Not without ketchup!" I poked my index finger to my tummy.
It growled again.
Yeah, stubborn... just like me.
I walked to the end of the street and went to the shop.
I asked the lady for a bottle of ketchup.
"Oh you are lucky girl, we only have the last one left."
I literally wanted to kiss her
Ew! don't be a lesbo!
I was just about to put my hand on the bottle when another group of fingers clasped around it.
"I'm sorry but now it's mine"
"What the hell Drake! I was the first to come and asked for it!"
"But I've paid which you, didn't do."
"Give it to me you cockroach!"
"It's fine I'll share it with you.... Babe" he winked
This guy and his looks!
"Shut and give it to me or I"LL RIP YOUR BALLS OFF!"
Many people turned and stared at me. I even heard a shocked sigh.
"Ooh the lady swears!"
Then without a warning I attacked him and got hold of the ketchup bottle.
'Hold on just a bit more!'
My hands were failing to hold the bottle any harder under his strong grip.
The he ... well he loosened his grip and ,I attacked the floor... backwards, the bottle of ketchup in between my legs.
Drake placed his hands on his stomach, going totally red with laughter while I turned crimson with embarrassment.
I could sense people trying hard to control their laughs.
Then my eyes travelled to the bottle between my legs, I looked up and saw Drake doing the same.
I grabbed the bottle and skidded on the tiled the floor on my attempt to avoid falling once again due to running fast.
Drake followed me, yelling as he did so.
"Hey you! Some one stop her she's a theif! She freakin' stole my ketchup!"
"Liar! HA" I got hold of the nearest trolley and threw it towards him.
It hit him on the right leg and he fell with a loud thud on the floor.
Now it was my turn to laugh.
"Look who's the dummy now!" I stuck my tongue at him and ran out of the store.
I rushed out of the store, only to bump into the guy who just called me a while ago.
"Woah Natalie? What the hell? Seems like you're being chased by robbers?" he placed his hands on my shoulders to stop me from falling... again.
"Yeah-yeah-al-almost" I said in between huge sighs.
"Hmm... who is this robber anyway?" he raised an eyebrow.
Drama's on!
"Is he the robber... Natalie? Mike said staring Drake form head to toe.
Drake's turquoise eyes travelled to Mike's hands on me.
"Hey you get your dirty hands off her! SHE'S MY GIRL!"
My heart skipped a beat.
"Really? Well it didn't seem like that a while ago"
Mike said through gritted teeth.
"You never told me that you already had a guy to yourself?" Mike's hands moved to my waist and he grabbed it rather harshly. Not like Drake did.
"No-no actually..."
"Well... Mike he's -he's my cousin... he just is over protective. He doesn't know about you" I said, hoping he would believe.
"Oh... well you didn't tell me that you had quiet___quiet a cousin..."
"Arhm" Drake interrupted.
"Parkinson," Mike held out his hand
Drake just eyed his hand and said.
"Samuels" and turned on his heels.
What the hell?
"Oi! Drake yo ketchup!" I shouted.
He craned his neck and said simply.
"Keep it"
Drake's POV
"Hey you get your dirty hands off her! SHE'S MY GIRL!"
Oh boy...I just lost it...
"Really? Well it didn't seem like that a while ago"
"You never told me that you already had a guy to yourself?" Mike Samuels wrapped his hands around her waist and I could tell by the look on her face that she felt uncomfortable. I eyed his hands and noticed that his fingers were tightening around her. He was fucking hurting her!
"No-no actually..."
"Well... Mike he's -he's my cousin... he just is over protective. He doesn't know about you"
Woah Woah woah! Wait , cousin? Overprotective!?
What's happening man!
I opened my mouth to say something but Natalie looked as if she'd seen someone dead come out of their grave.
"Oh... well you didn't tell me that you had quiet___quiet a cousin..."
'This guy's really tryin'to test my punching skills'
"Arhm" I managed to interrupt.
"Parkinson," Mike held out his hand
"Samuels" and with that I turned and started to walk to my house.
"Oi! Drake yo ketchup!" she shouted.
"Keep it"
It was of no use arguing for the ketchup anymore. Not like I'd wanted it.
I just wanted to annoy Natalie. I dunno why but I had learnt to enjoy the part.
You are an absolute pussy Drake! Where is your bad boy attitude?
'I guess that's what I did. Showing off my cockiness if that's what you mean'
No! Mate you never stood up for a girl like that. You should've annoyed him to the extent that he would run off to his mummy, yelling and going off about losing his underwear.
I don't really know how on earth the other version of me manages to say stuff that I could hardly ever think of.
I shoved my hand into my pants pocket as a cool, evening breeze blew past the wet, damp street.
The distracting smell of the rain water failed to shift my mind from the recent drama.
Well what was I thinking? She's a girl with completely different nature. I am the cocky one, the guy who is self-obsessed and an absolute jerk. The only thing is good about me is... well my looks and my attention seeking skills.
I am nothing even close to her type.
She deserves a nice guy, with a smart brain and intellect. Who would take care of her and never give her up for a bunch of girls with a crate of bear.
If she'll be yours, will you really give up on her?
'shut up'
Just say so!
Or did I?
By the time I entered my house, the fountain was going off with a soft 'Wisp'.
I walked through the large doors towards the kitchen and got hold of a glass.
I turned on the tap and placed the glass under it until it was half filled. I turned the tap with a swift movement of my hand and brought the glass to my lips.
I drank the water in a huge gulp and licked my lips.
The tapping of high heels on the tiled floor got my attention as I turned around to meet eyes with the annoying, Queen bee of a girlfriend.
"Hey babe. You alright" Stephanie walked up to me and ran a hand through my hair.
I removed it with disgust, clearly not in a mood.
"What happened? You never reacted to my actions like that? There is something seriously wrong with you. Tell me Drakee baby"
"Stephanie, j-just go. I'm not in a mood"
"What did I do!? You cannot just talk with me like that! Why you men always have to blame us for whatever's up with you?!"
She was right. I know she's bitchy and all, but she shouldn't be involved in my problems.
She refused to listen and walked away, with her heels clanking sharply against the floor.
I sighed heavily and ran my fingers though my hair.
Only if you could imagine my current position.
Just like a girl who is on her periods and stained her pants during school time. Now she's going through too much anxiety and fearing that someone might figure it out.
Well, if you are a girl, you can absolutely get what I mean, but if you are a guy, well you might be somewhere near to guessing what I mean.
The poor guy who's pretending to be oh so nice, which he's not
'Shut the fuck up'
"Drake Parkinson it's your turn to read"
The teacher gestured towards my book and I sat there completely confused about what he meant. I glanced around the class for help and met eyes with Melanie Convey. "Scene 2, the fifth dialogue" she mouthed.
I started reading while the class listened with strained ears.
And me, well I didn't even know myself the heck was I reading.
Reason? Natalie Dare and her soon to be boyfriend.
Man what was she doing to me? It was like I was no more the same. I had lost my appetite, I couldn't sleep at night and right now my head was buzzing wildly as Natalie's words echoed at the back of my head.
Why did it bother me so much when I heard the word 'Cousin' from her mouth for me.
The bell rang and everyone got up from their seats as there was a noise of furniture being dragged against the floor.
I was placing my book in my bag when Melanie approached me.
"Hey are you alright?"
"Yeah... why are you asking anyway?" I raised a brow.
"Well, you were the first to arrive in the class which is a rare case and you were really worried. This tense look doesn't suit someone carefree like you" she said rather seriously.
I didn't know what else to say, so I blurted.
"What do you know about Natalie and Mike Samuels?"
"I asked you something..."
I stared up at her, demanding an answer.
"Um... Mike just asked her out to prom... bet they're gonna be together, Natalie's definitely excited about it"
"Uh huh? You make it sound like she already had a crush on him" I smiled.
"She does"
"Stop joking"
Her face remained straight and emotionless.
Oh boy! Help me...
Drake probably needs therapy. Periods? Stained! Seriously man you're the coolest.
Ron Weasley interrupts "Bloody hell"
I know I'm not funny but still, what is wrong in trying that.
I hope you like the chapter.
So finally the feelings have started to brew inside the hearts of our both lovely characters but only more heat is required.
Stay tuned
Love ya
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