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Chapter One:A Regular Morning and a Warning

Nightmare's Morning routine in his POV

I wake up to my alarm on my phone and grin. I sit up with a yawn while I stretch, my tentacles wiggling to stretch as well. I check my phone to see what plans are for today. Ah yes, Game and Novela Day. I tuck my phone away and open the door to my room just in time to see Dust chasing Fell around for some reason.

"Monring you two."I say

"Morning, Nightmare!"They reply with smiles before leaving my sight

I walk down the hall with a grin, passing Horror as he makes another wood carving with his axe.

"Morning, Horror."I say

"Morning, Nightmare! How are you?"He asks

"I'm good. What are you crafting today?"I ask

"Fell broke the table in the living room again so I'm crafting a new and stronger one."He says

Why am I not surprised?

"Alrighty then, thanks Horror."I say, continuing down the hall.

I find the remains of the broken table in front of the couch. Cross was already working on cleaning it up.

"Why did he break it this time?"I ask

"He threw Dust onto it when Dust stole his mustard again, except he shoved so hard that the table broke under the weight and force."He says

"Let me help you with that."I say, using my tentacles to collect the mess and properly get rid of it

"Thanks, Nightmare!"He says happily, then chases after the spirit of X!Chara who is trying to steal chocolate again

I enter the kitchen, grabbing some food.

"Hey, Error."I say to the skeleton in the hammock of strings near the ceiling

"HElLo NiGhTmArE."He replies

"Is everyone awake yet?"I ask

"JuSt KiLlEr reMaIns AsLeEp...."He says

"Did anyone eat yet?"I ask

"ChaOs sTaRtEd aMoNg tHeM bEfOrE tHey EvEn cOuLd eNtEr tHe RoOm. I aM ThE oNlY oNe ThaT aTe."He says with a roll of his eye-lights

"Ah, I see. Now, what part of UnderNovela did we leave off on?"I say as I set up breakfast for everyone

His eyes seemed to shine as his expression lit up with delight. I whistle, getting the others to come eat while he fanboyed about UnderNovela to me. I know exactly how to get him from a bored, uninterested glitchy boi to an excited and interested one.

I chuckle, seeing how everyone chats despite the chaos minutes prior. Same old same old. These are my friends, this is my gang. And I would do nothing to change that. They are the best buds I could've asked for.

Then I heard footsteps.

Killer's routine in his POV

I wake up with a big yawn and stretch. I check my phone and see the plans for today. Game day. OH NO. I swear if it's Truth or Dare, they are going to destroy me in front of Nightmare!

I get dressed and tuck my phone away. I walk out and find a new table in the living room with boxes of board games or games like Twister stacked on it. There was a board with a planned order of the games. 1.Uno 2.Monopoly 3.Game of Life 4.Trouble 5.Connect 4 6.Twister 7.Jenga 8.TRUTH OR DARE 9.Whatever or a break UnderNovela Marathon after games!

Oh dear, they do have it planned. I'm doomed!

I walk to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I find the gang at the table eating already. They look at me, then start whispering and snickering but clearly keeping Nightmare out of the loop. They all moved around and Dust shoved me beside Nightmare with a plate of food that hasn't been touched. I look at them with a frown.

They're starting up already!

I feel a tentacle gently wrap around me gently and glance over to see him smiling at me.

"Morning, Killer."He says, munching on his breakfast

"M-Morning, Nightmare."I say

He doesn't have a clue what he does to me...

"Ready for games and UnderNovela?"He asks

I nod.


Heads turned to Cross. Nightmare facepalms.

"Let's begin the games."Horror says

We all go into the living room to begin the games.

Nightmare's POV a little while later

I glance at Killer while we played the Game of Life. He, Error and I are the only ones who took the college route. He is ahead of us and just spun an eight. He landed on the marriage spot and his face just went blank. I could sense that his fear or anxiety just went off the charts. But why?

"Blue or pink peg, Killer?"Dust asks with a chuckle

"B-Blue peg..."Killer stutters

The gang seemed to be expecting that or have something planned. Error just rolls his eyes as they snicker. Then I see them move my peg/ player over to join Killer's. I feel my face burn a bit. I look at him to see he was looking right back at me, his face burning a bright red.

"Guys cut it out. I'll remember this tonight."I say

Their faces go pale. I move my peg back and place an extra peg with Killer's. But then there was when I arrived on the same spot a few turns later. They put Killer's with mine. I smiled for a moment but then hid it and fixed the joke/mistake.

"Keep tricks like this up and I will quit. And you won't sleep well tonight."I say

They cut it out from there and convinced me to stay in the games. Killer seemed happier and his anxiety went down once they stopped. But Error gave me a look like he caught onto something and smirked. I look at the list of games left to play before UnderNovela. I think I only have to worry about Truth or Dare with them. Then I see Dust get up to edit the list. He erased and rewrote part of it to say 9.UNO TEAMS And then UnderNovela. Okay....

Soon we moved onto Twister which they changed, making a special version with my...advantages. Error sat out and controlled the spinner due to his phobia. He has tried to join willingly but he always crashes, his errors or body not seeming to agree with his head. So now he spins or selects who does what. By now Fell and Horror were out.

"DuSt, riGhT foOt blUe."Error says

"Got it."Dust says

"CroSs, lefT hAnD rEd."Error says

"Ok."Cross says

I feel a hand swipe under me. We probably looked ridiculous.

"LeFt TeNtAcLes GrEeN NiGhTmArE."Error says

"Got it."I say

I had to twist to do it, so my back was to the mat now. A few turns go by and now they were testing my balance with a No hands or feet part that I landed on, so it was just my tentacles holding me up. Cross got under me and Killer was over me, twisted and struggling to stay up. We hear a thud and Dust was out as well, but didn't seem to throw a fit like usual. I notice their grins. Error was grinning the widest.

Wait....He set us up!

A few more turns and Cross was bent backwards over Killer who was bent over me still, his face inches from mine. Cross lost his strength and dropped, knocking us down as well. We were close to bonking heads....or kissing, but Killer had moved his head to hit my shoulder instead. We land with a thud and oof's escaping our mouths. I glance over to them to see that Dust and Error looked disappointed a bit at the results.

"You guys sooo planned that."I say

"How could you tell?"Horror asks

"Dust never lost Twister without being a sore loser about it before."I say

Cross quickly got up, X!Chara laughing at him so he couldn't hear anything. He just sat aside and argued with X!Chara. Killer helps me up and we dust ourselves off.

"You okay?"I ask

He nods.

"Are you?"He asks

"Yep."I say

After some Jenga was Truth or Dare. We were doing fine. I was doing okay as well, until I chose a truth from Cross.

"What were you like in your AU?"He asks me

It went quiet quickly. They all froze, their faces going pale. It quickly got tense.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"Cross asks

"HE HATES TALKING ABOUT HIS PAST YOU NUMBSKULL!"Dust snaps, whacking Cross on the back of the head

"NiGhTmArE, YoU dO nOt hAvE tO aNsWeR."Error tells me

He is the only one that knows about my past.

"Yeah, I'd rather pass."I say

"Okay, Killer. Truth or Dare?"Dust asks

"Ummm, Truth."He says

"Okay, what are your feelings for Nightmare?"Dust asks

"Can I do a dare instead?"He asks

"Okay, I dare you to confess to your crush.~"Dust says

"C-Can we just watch UnderNovela or do something else?"He asks instead

I look at them and nod.

We switced to UNO TEAMS. Killer was teamed with me. Dust joined Error, Fell took no part and Cross joined Horror. The rounds ended in victory.

"Jeez, you both are good. You're like a power couple."Dust says after losing to a +12 combo from three +4 cards.

"Yeah, we are."I say proudly, holding Killer's hand

A hear a quiet squeak from him and glance at him. His face was a bright red. He leans against me happily. From there we just watched UnderNovela.

Hours later we all split up to go to rest. I hop into bed, my tentacles wrapping around myself to relax and protect myself. I snap my fingers, sending bad dreams to all of the gang who tried to mess with Killer and I. I could absorb their negativity that quickly sparked and doze off.

Meanwhile, Blue's POV

"For the last time Dream, there is NOT gonna be mercy for him! He doesn't deserve it."Color snaps

"He's my brother, Color. I promise you that there's some good in him. I can prove it. We can save him."Dream insists

"We need to get rid of him."Color says

"Either way, it will certainly remove the threat from the multiverse."Ink says

"Does this even involve me?"Classic asks

"No."Color says

"Then why are you in my AU?"He asks

"Shut it."Color says

Classic shrugs and walks away.

"And by get rid of him you mean turn him back to normal...right?"Dream says

"No, for the last time, Nightmare will not survive when the plan is complete. I will get rid of him even if it's the last thing I do! He brainwashed Killer!"Color snaps

They all start talking. I just glance away, unwilling to take part of this scheme.

This is wrong....It really is...I don't care how bad Nightmare seems, he doesn't deserve what Color intends to do with him. He did nothing to Killer. And he is Error's friend. Error is my friend. If there's good in Error, there's good in him. And even if he isn't, that doesn't give any of us the excuse to stoop so low and be so cruel. I have to warn them. I have to warn Nightmare. I don't care if I'm a Stars Sans, I'm a protector and supposed to keep others safe regardless. I won't stand by and let this happen. And Color is really getting on my nerves....

"What do you think, Blue?"Ink asks

"I think it's stupid."I say

They look at me in shock.

"What? I know when something is wrong guys. I'm smarter than I look. And despite what you think, Color, I don't think the world is sunshine and rainbows. I'm not that stupid. Guys, we are the STAR SANSES! We are supposed to do good! Protect others! Not turn around and stoop lower then the threats! Just because they are evil or perceived as evil doesn't make them any less than the rest of us and should be treated just as well as anyone else! And what Color is suggesting is that we torture another living being and commit deeds that inflict pain worse than they have ever done just because he feels they deserve it! What good are we if we commit those deeds? Become worse than the troubles we are meant to stop? He is your brother for crying out loud, Dream! Are you really going to put him through that?"I explain

They look at me in silence then look at each other and continue talking as if I never spoke. Dream even smiled, agreeing to the plan.

I felt so hurt, disrespected and neglected in that moment. Not like it was the first time. Does my voice mean that little? I recall the other side of the story with Dream and Nightmare that Error explained for me to have a better understanding.

I feel like what Nightmare felt....But it was probably more intense since they're brothers...This is horrible...Dream has not changed. He still is too trusting and ignores the red flags, causing others to get hurt. Well I'm going to step in and hopefully it won't happen again.

I slip a vial from Ink's sash and take a sip before putting it back. I felt my positivity get clouded. I felt neutral at most but my thoughts were clear. I slipped it back on him and he didn't even notice. I take out the device Error gave me and use it to open a portal to OuterTale. I go through and wander a bit to ensure nobody followed. But they didn't even watch me leave or notice I left. I shrugged it off, works better for me. I open another portal once that one closes to the front door of Nightmare's castle where the gang lives with him. I walk through, quickly shutting the portal behind me and tucking the device away. I knock on the door and after a few moments, the door opens.

Nightmare just so happened to be the one who answered the door. He clearly looked surprised to see me here.

"Blue! What are you doing here? How did you get here?"He asks

"I'm here to speak to you. Error gave me a device to make my own portals. I know this place because Horror took me to his room once to show his carvings. But I promise I didn't tell anyone else."I say

He looks at me curiously.

"Won't Dream sense your positivity?"He asks

"I used one of Ink's vials when he wasn't looking to neutralize my positivity temporarily. He can't sense anything from me. Even if I didn't, I doubt he would've noticed that I was gone. Any of them really."I say

"Come inside and explain please."He says, taking me inside

He leads me to his room and has me sit on a chair.

"Now, what did you mean by they wouldn't notice you gone anyways? You're their friend and ally! Of course they'll notice."He says

"Not lately. They recently have allied themselves with Color Sans and he has taken up most of their interest. They've started ignoring me, forgetting to invite me or bring me along, or not even recognize that I have come or gone. I literally left a meeting and cut Dream off to say I was leaving mid-meeting once and it took them EIGHT HOURS to figure out that a left before they called me to locate me. And it seems Color's views of me are rubbing off on them....."I say

"Hm?"He says

"He sees me as a stupid, oblivious, innocent CHILD that doesn't understand anything about the world besides it being full of sunshine and rainbows. He has made comments to my face like Oh I'm surprised you understood what chaos meant, or I'm sorry, this is for adults to talk about! And it has grown more frequent that they act like that is true! Unless I say something to make them laugh, they ignore me! Or worse! I tell them something and they go:Aww, he thinks he understands it! WHAT THE HECK?! It feels so mean and bad......Was this how Dream made you feel?"I explain

"What are you talking about?"He asks

"Okay....Don't kill Error for this....But he told me about your past."I say

"HE WHAT?!"He exclaims

"He didn't want me blindly fighting with Dream without knowing the entire story! He made you feel invisible and neglected right? He ignored the warning signs with you right?"I say

He nods.

"What about it?"He asks

"He's repeating that cycle and I came to warn you before it's too late. Color says he made something that will make you go to your weakest state. He suggested using it in battle with us and once it works, they will take you and if things go his way, which most likely will, he will try to execute you. He claims you brainwashed Killer and deserve to die. And despite the clear risks and obvious intentions Color has to kill you, Dream believes it will be just fine. He thinks they will be merciful to you and this will be a way to supposedly get his brother back despite the fact that Color has told him bluntly that mercy will not be an option. He is ignoring all the signs and it puts you in danger. I tried to speak against it but they just ignored me. So I came here to tell you."I say

"And why would you come to help me?"He asks

"Look, I don't know you that well. You probably don't know me that well. We're supposed to be enemies and not help each other. I get that. But there is a fine line between fighting for what is right against others and just being a competing negative force. They are going down that path. The wrong path and I won't stand by and let it happen. You are Error and Horror's friend. I'm their friend and I treat any friend of my friends the same. I wouldn't let them get hurt and I won't let you get put in danger either. And the way Color plans to treat you is lower and crueler than anything any of you have ever done. Plus I hate his personality. I'm not an oblivious bystander. I will try to stop a problem before it takes place. Dream let you down once by ignoring the warning signs and it put you through hell, I don't want you to experience that or worse again. Despite everything, I think we can find some common ground and help each other out a bit, can't we?"I say

He looks at me in a bit of surprise, but then nods.

"Thank you....For warning me."He says

"My advice, don't go to battle. They agreed that it won't be used on anyone else on the gang, especially since Color made it specifically for you so if you aren't at a battle, they can't use it on you. I don't know what it looks like or what he will put it on. It could be one of Dream's arrows or put in paint on Ink's brush. Bottom line, don't go to battle. Send the others but stay away. And if they do an ambush, run. Get out of there ASAP so they can't get it near you. And if worse comes to worst and they do catch you, I will do everything I can to help you. Maybe their lack of noticing or paying attention to me will work as an advantage. But I really don't want things to come to that...Because there is no garuntee any of them will stop Color from getting near you if you are caught."I say

He nods, thanking me again. I leave his room and see Error with Horror down the hall. They spot me and wave to me with grins as I walk towards them.

"Hey, Blue. What were you doing with Nightmare?"Horror asks

"Just having a little chat. Please keep an eye on him. Especially when in other AUs."I say

"WhY iS tHaT?"Error asks

"Dream made a new ally and they have some....dark plans for Nightmare. Color thinks he found a way to kill him. And I'm not going to stand by and allow it to happen."I say

"But aren't you friends with Dream?"Horror asks

"Yes, but he is so blind. He loves Nightmare still but can't see the red flags in front of his face. And sometimes you have to do things that are hard for them to understand to help them. Once it gets in his head he will understand. And even if he doesn't, I'm fine with that. He's your friend. And both of you are friends of mine. I couldn't possibly let him get put through what they plan, I wouldn't ever wish it upon either of you either. So please be careful with him. I know he's strong but this is too risky for him. I don't want the plan to work."I say

They hug me, nodding.

"Now, I'll head back to my AU before a vial I stole from Ink wears off and Dream starts trying to locate me with my good feelings. Cya!"I say, hopping through a portal

I land in my home and feel my positivity and joy rise back up. Just in time. I greet my brother and start making tacos. I felt proud of myself for taking things into my own hands. But I couldn't help but worry about things going wrong.



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