Chapter 20: Happily Ever.....Delayed?
"Ma! Ma! Pway! Pway!"My little twins chant
"Darlene, Darell, put me down."I say, stuck in their tentacles
"Pway?"Darell says
"Yes, we'll play."I reply
They set me down, freeing me and crawling away excitedly to get toys.
"Only a few months old and sneaky as heck. Creative and hyper."I chuckle
I glance over, hearing a soft snore and chuckle. Laying on the couch was their last victim, my fiancé Killsy, who now slept exhausted on the couch with his hand weakly holding one of Darlene's dolls. I tuck him in a blanket and he pulls me closer to snuggle.
"Are they gone?"He whispers
"They went to get toys."I say
"Let's snuggle while we still can."He says, pulling me under the blanket
"They're just going to drag us back out."I say
"Sssshhhh, just snuggle."He says
"Alright, but you're dealing with their screams."I say, rolling under him
He grins and nuzzles his head under my chin. We close our eyes, taking the moments of silence to sleep. Then we get woken up by screams. Not in anger but of fright. We both leapt up from the couch in time to see Cross get slammed into a wall by one of Darell's tentacles.
"What in the world?"I say
"What happened?"Killsy asks
Darell points to Cross and spoke gibberish, glaring him down and shaking his fists. Then he points to the doorway. I go to the other room, finding Dream laying unconscious on the floor in the other room. I kneel down, finding Darlene crying beside him and trying to get him to wake up. I pull Dream into my lap and hold his head gently. He was breathing, but it was shaky. A flower grew on both our chests, indicating a wound there. It was over where his soul was.
I look over to see Cross stumbling in with Killsy carrying Darell.
"Cross, what the hell did you do to my brother?"I growl
"He wished for there to be a way for all these threats to go away, so I tried to help him. I mean, it seemed to turn out well for you."He says, an eye turning purple and showing an OVERWRITE screen
"How did you get that ability?"Killsy asks
"I've learned in my free time. It doesn't last long so I had to do it quick with him. I didn't mean for it to hurt."He says
"And why should we believe you?"Killsy snarls
Darlene gasps, feeling Dream's head gently. She looks at me with her eyes twinkling.
"Uncie! Uncie lovie!"She cheers, pointing to Cross
Cross blushed at her chanting.
"Hm?"I say
She puts her hands together and slowly seperates them, showing a sphere. In the sphere was a memory or event of some kind. I've recently learned that she can sense the auras of them or access them somehow like me with nightmares or my brother with dreams. I see Dream and Cross talking in the sphere, then Cross showed the ability. Dream looked hesitant but Cross continued to speak. Dream looked confused, saying something. These orbs don't give the audio. Cross nods, mouthing something and holding Dream's hand. Dream shrugs and Cross presses the button. A bright lightning bolt-like flash shot from it through Dream's chest, knocking him out instantly and he collapsed to the floor. Cross picked him up and kisses him on the head, then the orb pops, ending the display.
I look at Cross and narrow my eyes.
"Nightmare, I know I may not have the best track record or past but I've turned over a new leaf and done nothing but help or try to redeem myself. And I genuinely did that kiss out of-"He begins
"I sure hope you didn't use that button to take advantage of him like you were known to do in the past. Cause if my brother is hurt or worse because of you-"I cut him off
"Ma! Uncie!"Darlene exclaims
I look down, seeing that Dream was twitching.
"I wouldn't hurt Dream!"He snaps
The walls trembled suddenly. There was positivity radiating from him despite it being said in anger, which confuses the tempermental castle. He genuinely loves my brother.
"Brother?"I hear Dream say
I look at him to see that he was waking up. He looks weaker and his aura wasn't as strong.
"What...happened? Where are we? Wh......Why does my soul hurt as if a ton of bricks just hit me?"He asks, his voice soft and almost inaudible
"Dream, Cross did something to you. It hit you in the chest. You're in my castle. Remember? Home?"I say
He chuckles.
"We live in a cottage! Not a castle! And who in the world is Cross?"He says
"Uncie!"The twins exclaim
Dream looks at them in confusion.
"Who are they?"He asks
I glare at Cross.
"Uncie!"The twins cry, hugging Dream
"I didn't think that would happen! I thought seperating his power from him could cause him less stress or issues! When it was done for you your life got bettter! I mean look at where it got you!"Cross says
"Do not credit that bullshit as the cause of our love and happiness to excuse your mistake!"Killsy snaps
"I'm an uncle...? Nightmare who did you marry? I thought Xavior banned the mention of Bone Zones..."Dream mumbles
"Ummm...Dream, you need to be caught up on a long story..."I say
"What story?"He asks
"An over 500 years long story. When you're ready though. Right now Darell and Darlene here want to know you're okay."I say, helping him sit up and see his nephew and niece
He looks at me in shock but then turns his focus to the twins crying and tugging at his arms. He smiles at them and they climb into his lap.
"Alright....I want to know how things got to this. They are adorable though!"He says, hugging them
Their cries quickly turn to giggles. They snuggled Dream while Dream was still in my lap. Killsy lifted me into his lap and nuzzles his head into my neck from behind. Dream gives him an inquisitive look and then notices our rings as well as our obvious bond, smiling once he connected the dots.
"I'm happy for you, Brother."He says with a grin, kissing the twins on the head
Dust wanders into the room and glances over.
"What is this a Russian doll stack style for snuggles?"He asks
"You could say that."Killsy says
"Cross erased Dream's memory and the kids panicked so now we're calming them down."I say
Darell's tentacle knocks Cross out of the room.
"Ah, interesting....Why am I not surprised with him?"He asks
We shrug.
"Who are you, exactly?"Dream asks
"Dust. Friend of Nightmare's. Now have any of you seen Blue?"He replies
"Bawoo! Bawoo!"Darlene cheers, pointing upstairs
"Thanks!"He says, then exits
"Blue?"Dream says
"Bawoo."The two say with a nod
Dream looks at me confusedly.
"He's a friend of ours that wears a lot of blue. Boyfriend of Dust."I say
He nods understanding.
Killsy grins and kisses my cheek, then teleports us to the couch and wraps the blankets around us as we snuggle together. Then he sleepily falls against the cushions to get some Z's. I kiss him on the head and he smiles. The twins climb beside him once making sure that Dream is okay, dozing off snuggling their father. I took that chance to explain things to Dream. They surprisingly stayed asleep long enough for me to get through all of it, which did take a few hours. Darlene took him down to snuggle as well in her sleep when I finished. I went downstairs to get something to eat while everything sank into Dream's head. In the kitchen I found Sou in a high chair made by Horror getting fed by Error while Ink is teaching him names. E!Pap had fixed Error's code and healed him completely. He has his strings back but hardly uses them and is very careful with his one year-old son.
"Okay, now who am I?"Ink asks
"Da!"He cheers
"And who is Glitchy?"Ink asks
"Ma!"He cheers
"And who is this?"Ink asks, pointing to Gradient
"Bwo! Gway! Gway!"Sou cheers
I walk by to get some toast but could feel his gaze on me.
"WaIt, he's sAyInG mY nAmE?"Gradient says
"Yeah!"Ink says
"Aunie Noot!"Sou cheers
"Huh?"Ink and Error say
"Aunie Noot! Noot! Noot!"Sou squeals
I glance over and see his pouty face. I sigh as I snatch the toast that just jumped from the toaster.
"Hm?"I say
He points to his skull, then at me.
"Sorry kid, don't get much sleep. You try telling twins that are hyper endlessly what nap time means."I say, munching the toast
"Wait, that's his nickname for you?"Ink asks
"He means Auntie Noot. He believes we are family of course. He codes himself into my dreams to play or talk where he can be understood and has free reign to create or destroy."I say
"But where'd he get that idea of you being family?"Ink asks
Error and Gradient clear their throats.
"NiGhTmArE iS fAmiLy."Gradient says
"ShOuLd wE reMinD yOu tHat hE iS lIke a bRoThEr tO mE, UncLe tO gRadIeNt, aNd cArEd fOr SoU wHen wE wErE trApPed oR tHe tWo oF uS wErE tOo tIreD tO coNtiNuE fOr tHe nIgHt."Error says
"True."Ink says
"Hey Ink, Cross wiped Dream's memory. Do you think you could help him with that?"I ask
"Sure thing!"He says, exiting after giving each child and his Glitchy a kiss on the head
Error finishes feeding Sou, Gradient eating a snack at the counter with a grin. I munch on the toast as Error picks Sou up gently and leads Gradient upstairs once he finished eating. Sou looks at me and gives me a look that says we have unfinished business. I chuckle, sitting down and opening a nearby book on the counter, figuring out what to make for Killsy and the kids when they wake up. I heard footsteps and see Lust walk in with Xavior.
Xavior had moved out and made his own home a few weeks ago since he had fallen in love and got a boyfriend named Kaholono Ling. They're a good pair and as long as he's happy and Ling doesn't hurt him, I'm happy for them.
Lust on the other hand had moved in with Horror into the castle, making their love official as a couple. Lust was teaching him all the affectionate words or gestures that the world knows. Soft touches or kisses are the norm but drive Horror crazy. Don't even get him started on the compliments with Lust's smooth, loving voice. Horror, after all his world put him through, made him forget most of this affectionate behavior so he loves and nearly falls apart whenever Lust does it to him. I've seen Horror become a blushing mess just with the gaze Lust gives him. But Horror surely repays that affection by teaching Lust the craft of woodcarving or making little gifts for Lust with that and treats with his cooking skills. And his sweetness always gets to Lust.
"How ya doing buddy?"Xavior asks
"Doing alright. Twins dozed off with Killer."I say
"Heh, I know those days. My boyfriend falls asleep on me all the time."He says with a chuckle
I see that Lust's face being a blushing mess again.
"You alright, Lust?"I ask
"Horror Bear is learning new crafts...Dust and Blue keep encouraging him or tricking him with new concepts to use on me."He sighs
I smirk.
"Yeah that sounds like them. I'm sure it's harmless. Horror just likes repaying you with the affection you give him."I say
"He doesn't realize their jokes or sarcasm sometimes and acts on it. He's so innocent and then questions my reaction when I'm caught off guard! He's literally in our room crafting after being on a call with Blue!"He says
"And his eager affection is a bad thing?"Xavior asks
"No! I love his affection and he always seems so innocent! It's just....something to get used to, ya know?"He says
I hear the stairs creaking and Horror quickly zips over to Lust holding a hoodie.
"Lusty! Can you try this on? I made it for you! It's nearly winter and I want you to be cozy and stay warm! Your jacket doesn't have sleeves to keep you warm! Blue showed me how to do it with a video on the UnderNet!"He says sweetly
His red eye twinkles at his boyfriend with sweet, pure, conditionless love. He's looking out for Lust's well-being as always. Lust's face burns a bit.
"O-Okay.."He says, pulling it over his head
It was a light blue hoodie with purple stitching. There was the symbol of a heart with half stitched with purple like Lust's soul. It fit nicely on him and he looks down at it curiously. I could sense the relief that there wasn't anything extreme in the designs coming from him.
"It's cozy, Horror. Thank you..."He says with a smile
"Why is there only half a heart?"Xavior asks
Horror unzips his coat to show he wore his own hoodie with a heart half filled with red. The two halves would complete each other. Lust's face brightens up, radiating a bright glow from his cheeks. I found it really sweet.
"Okay. There's my answer."Xavior says
Lust smiles and then goes to the cabinet for a cup. When his back was turned, we saw the stitching in the back of the hoodie. It said ~I'm his Lovely Lusty.~ I smile and Horror turns to show the back of his hoodie saying ~If lost please return to my Lovely Lusty!~
"Blue showed me these designs! He said Lusty would like it and said it would be sweet!"He says, showing me some videos
Xavior tried not to snicker.
"Talk about loyalty."He chuckles
Xavior glances at Lust once again and couldn't hold back his laughs.
"What?"Lust says after closing the cabinet
He starts pouring some drinks for him and Horror.
"Oooh nothing."Xavior says
"What did you do now?"He asks Xavior
"Why do you think I did something?"Xavior asks
"You don't laugh at nothing."He says
"Why are you laughing at my Lusty?"Horror asks, holding Lust's hand
"Your hoodies are just very cute is all."He says
Horror looks at me for confirmation and I nod. His eyes twinkle at the praise.
"Oh! Thanks! I can make pairs for you guys too!"He says
I start making some baby food for the twins.
"Got any ideas for wedding food? I'll gladly make it!"Horror says
I chuckle.
I hear the twins start crying as usual when they wake up.
"No but when we do, I'll let you know."I say, setting up the food and high chairs
We haven't exactly had the time to plan a wedding, nor do we have a clue of where to start.
Killer sleepily carries the twins to their seats and we feed them. I pull him gently, letting him lean on me.
Horror grins and goes off with Lust to probably love him more. Xavior grins and leaves as well.
"Hey, Nighty? How you doing with the negativity?"He says
"Voices are trying to taunt and get annoying at some points....But you drown it all out."I say, kissing his cheek
His face turns red. Our little ones giggle, watching us happily.
I smile as he dozes off on my shoulder. The twins climb onto me.
"Cuddies?"They ask
I smile and nod.
They smile, snuggling us close. It was so nice and peaceful...But then darkness surrounds us. I see Killer and the twins fade away.
"Killsy? Kids?"I call out, reaching for where they were
I got no response. Instead I got a sinister laugh. I look over to the source to see a grey-scaled figure slithering into sight with a long tail that had greenish rattles. They had green eyes, clothes and bandages or tongue in different shades. Two arms hovered, open and green strings wrapped around their fingers.
"Hello, Nightmare. You ready for some fun?"The stranger says with a deep voice and chuckle
I recognize the strings. He hurt Error, tearing his strings away...Oh hell no...
"Who the hell are you? What trouble are you looking to try?"I growl, revealing my tentacles
"Some call me an Eel, Snake, Tangles, but mostly known as the Twister. And put the tentacles away, I'm not here to hurt ya."He says
"Bullshit! I saw what you did to Error! I don't trust that for a second! Now where are my family and friends?"I snap
"Oh they're fine. I assure you. I'm just preparing them for the new tales.~ And you have nothing to fear from me. It'll be more fun and happiness for you and your little lover. In case you haven't noticed, my eye is a heart so it means more merciful changes are in order."He says, pointing to his eye slightly covered
"I'm already happy! I have my family and friends! My loves and all I could want! Now give them back!"I snap
"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't get so demanding or hostile. I could just hand you all over to Fate to be handled.~"He says
I go silent.
"That's what I thought."He says
I grumble and lower my tentacles.
"What the hell do you intend to twist us into?"I growl quietly
"Less trouble, more fluff and love times is all I'm saying. But it may get a little wild.~"He says
I frown and could only glare at him.
"And don't think of saying a word of this to anyone. Or else I'll hand you all right back over to Fate.~"He says
Then he fades away and I felt overwhelmed with a sudden sense of sleepiness. I close my eyes and doze off, unaware to where or how we'll end up.
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