Chapter 19:The Children and Green Strings
I slowly awoke to Killer sleeping beside me, one hand resting on my head and the other softly on my belly with the shirt lowered over it. I smile at him and kiss him on the head softly, earning a sleepy smile to form on his face. I lean to the edge of the bed and take out all the stuff I had tucked away from him that related to the twins. I set them out in clear view on the nightstand, then got up to check on everyone.
I heard banging from the kitchen closet as I was getting some toast. I open the door to find Error shoved against the shelves, glitching intensely as Fresh held him down.
"Congratulations on the news, broski.~ But be careful, trouble is coming for you.~"Fresh says
"GeT thE fUnK oFf oF mE!"Error snaps
"Nah, I'd like some more alone time with ya."Fresh chuckles
I grab a pan and whack Fresh on the head. His grip falls off of Error, who shoved him away and hid behind me. Fresh turns around, a bright glow behind his eyes indicating his anger.
"That was very unrad of you, Nightmare."He says
"Nah, you trapping my bud in a closet and triggering his phobia is what you would call unrad. HEY INK! Fresh showed up and was hurting Error!"I say, then shout down the halls
Fresh froze, his shades saying OH NO.
"I thought Color made this place secure!"Ink says
"I did with portals! I have no clue how Fresh gets around!"Color says
"Well Fresh better start running before I hit him with Broomie!"Ink snaps
I quickly see him start charging in, swinging his brush at Fresh, who tried to dodge him.
"Hey! Ease up, broseph! We can talk about this dillio! Since when did you even care for Error more than beating him up anyways?"Fresh says
"Since when I learned the truth about him! None of your business! Keep your hands off of him!"Ink snaps, chasing him away
I look at Error and his eyes had error signs.
"I waS Tw0 sEcOnDs aWaY frOm cRaShInG."He says
"Oh dear stars....What could he have even wanted from you?"I say
"I dUnNo bUt tHaT wArNiNg frEaKs Me oUt. AnD hErE cOmE tHe voiCeS."He says as his eyes clear up
Ink starts returning to Error with a grin.
"How far away is that day?"I ask
He knew what I meant.
"AbOuT mOnTh aWaY bUt dOc WaRns tHat eArLy bIrTh mAy hApPeN dUe To mY gLiTcHinG oR tHe StrEsS."He says
"Two months but doc warned the same with me, just my past medical history, and stress instead of glitching."I say
I feel two arms wrap around me and see Ink stand beside Error with hearts in his eyes, not daring to touch him. I see Killsy behind me, his arms wrapped around my chest and belly.
"Hey, Nighty.~"Killsy coos
Ink wraps a blanket around Error, catching him off-guard.
"Those voices can go screw themselves regardless of what they say.~ Don't listen to them, okay my precious?"Ink says
Error's cheeks glow a bit.
"O-OkAy..."He says
Ink kisses him on the head and skips away while humming a tune.
"What was that?"Killsy asks
"UmmMmm, He hAs bE3n vErY loVInG lAtElY. DoEs hE hAve Any STrInGS, NiGhTmAr3? I dOn'T wAnT tO rIsk gEtTinG foOlEd bY fAte."He says
"Nope, that all seems genuine. It's all his doing, not Fate."I say
"But how can he be genuine when he relies on vials?"Killsy asks
"He has some sense of himself or feeling. He chooses which vials to take and how to act after taking them, so it's not like he is completely empty with reliance on the vials to control everything about him. I've seen times where his vials ran out and yet his eyes, white of course, still turned to hearts when Error walked past him. Or he'd take his vials to help be more genuine.....But he seems to take them even less. Error, he genuinely cares about you. He has behaved like it and even told me so."I explain
"WhaT?"Error asks
"Back before this all happened, when I was still a statue, he came to speak to me while you were visiting Gradient. He dumped half of his vials down and crushed them. He said that he was tearing away from Fate and found out that those vials were contaminated by Fate to make him reckless with obedience to him and his will, including hurting you. He said that he was going to make his own vials so feeling would be his choice and under his control. He was pretty upset at his actions and wanted to be better, do better to you. He bluntly said that even though he may not be able to feel without vials or a soul, he can think and care. Then he asked me for advice on how to start over and he has been trying that ever since. I checked the vials after I was freed and he was telling the truth, those vials were contaminated by Fate but now he has vials that he made himself. And he made sure none of the vials would be reckless or unstable to cause harm to others. Not sure if you know this but I've seen him chug down pink or yellow vials down whenever you're around or isolates himself whenever he runs out or feels that he is lacking feelings to a point that might endanger you. And given his own phobia, that says a lot."I say
"WaiT, hE hAs A pHobIa ToO?"Error asks worriedly
"Aww, is Error worried for his Inky? Maybe your brother is right."Killer says
"He actually has two phobias. One being Athazagoraphobia, fear of not being used or being forgotten. The second is severe Kenophobia, fear of loneliness or emptiness like an empty room, unfinished AU or anti-void for example. And he broke away from being used by Fate and a few others and has isolated himself multiple times. He told me once when I found him having a panic attack as a result of isolating himself too long that he'd be okay. He said he figured out whose memory or usage of him matters and who doesn't, and yours was near the very top of that list, Error. Just the fact that he is being more careful with your phobia tells how much you mean to him with his memory and everything."I explain before they start bickering or Killer's teasing causes Error to shut himself up again.
Error looked shocked. He hugged the blanket around him tighter, looking down with his usual thinking expression. The toaster dings, popping two pieces of fresh toast up. I grab one at Killer grabs the other, putting two more in for Error and whoever walks in next. Error gets his glasses on as he lifts himself up and away from the floor in a string hammock.
"Huh, I was expecting him to crash or have more action."Killsy says
"Oh come on, we both know that Error is not the type of person to do anything impulsive."I say
Killsy nods, finishing his toast and walks out to check on everyone else. Error just came down for the toast and went back up. He ate it in one shot and seemed to be watching the doorway. I sat at the counter, watching curiously. It was just us. Then Ink wanders back in, noticing me. He grabs toast from the toaster and walks beside me. Error quietly lowers the hammock behind him, his eyes not leaving Ink. He signals me to be quiet and I grin.
"Nightmare...Is it normal to feel strange after breaking free from Fate?"He asks
"Yeah....What are you feeling?"I reply
"Like I'm being watched or followed...As if something is hanging over me."He says
"Yeah, that's normal for a few months. It'll go away after a bit."I say
"I don't want to be a tool to hurt Error again...."Ink sighs, munching on the toast
He was unaware to Error creeping up behind him.
"I understand."I say, watching Error grab the end of Ink's scarf
He seemed to pause in thought, his face turning yellow.
"Is something up, Nightmare?"Ink asks
Error takes some deep breaths and smiles.
"Oh nothing.~"I say
Error tugs at Ink's scarf and Ink got spun around into Error's grip.
"E-Error? W-W-What w-was that f-for?"Ink asks
Error pulls him closer, kissing him. He pulls away, both of them blushing.
"N-NiGhTmArE tOlD mE wHaT yOu hAvE dOne. ThOuGht iF yOu dO tHaT wiTh yOuR pHobIaS, I cOuLd sEt mIne aSiDe fOr yOu."Error says
Ink looks at him and grins.
"Well let's find a place to rest and watch some UnderNovela. I don't want you to crash, dearest."Ink says
"InK.....hMmMm...."He says softly, resting his head on Ink tiredly
"Are you alright?"Ink asks
He nuzzles his head into Ink's scarf.
"TiReD...DrAiNeD oF eNeRgY...KiD ke3pS kIcKInG t0o...."He says
Ink gently holds Error, rubbing his back in circles and taking him away.
I smile, happy for them. I felt two kicks and chuckle.
"Alright alright, I'll go."I say, going to a cozy couch in the next room.
I lay down on it, resting peacefully and shut my eyes. When I opened them, CK was in my face. I held in my screams the best I could.
"Nightmare! I have urgent news and a warning!"He says
"And why should I trust you after what you did? HOW are you even here? Killsy! Someone! Help!"I yell
"Ssssshhh sssh ssssh...Don't yell or panic. You know I love you, but dangers are coming. Shattered found someone named Nanata and they're very dangerous! They're coming and going to try to control you! Fate was one evil, but this is another! Please, you have to be careful! Let me take you where you are safe! I will protect you and won't let anything hurt you! I-!"He says, gripping my wrists tighter
"Get your hands off of my Nighty!"A voice snaps with a knife to his neck after I let out a cry of pain
I see Killsy pry him off of me. Killsy quickly got in front of me and held me close while pointing a knife at CK. I look at them both carefully.
"Stay away from him. He is my Nighty, not yours to use!"Killsy snaps
"But there is trouble! I'm just trying to protect him! And the babies!"He snaps
Error comes running in and slams the door shut. He looks over and sees CK in alarm. Then he crashes.
"Error!"I yell, running over to him to keep him from collapsing
I hold him gently and he is slowly rebooting. There was banging on the door and then it burst open, the Ink that took Error running in. I pull Error closer and Killer blocked the two from us. Ink ran in as well. I see a jumble of red strings lowering something down and unraveled it to reveal Shattered walking out of the strings.
Oh come on! Seriously Fate? You suck!
Shattered looks at us then grins.
"They're actually here and developing...."He says
Then he showed a wicked grin. I heard an arrow getting pulled back in a bow and glance to see Dream aiming at Shattered.
"Get them."Shattered says
Green strings fell down, wrapping around Error tightly, then some more grabbed me. I've never seen them before and tried to tear away but couldn't. I heard something shatter and Osmond appears faintly.
"Red strings destroyed the canister. The darkness is escaping."He says, then disappears
Well isn't that just lovely!
More strings kept coming and I felt something grab my foot. It was a horrible stinging pain like when I first ate the apple. I couldn't see anything though or speak. I couldn't feel much beside it and the strings. All the voices were jumbled together into a muffled mess.
When the strings eased up on me, my surroundings were completely different. It was just a small bedroom with minimal furniture, objects or resources. Then there was a large window without any glass, only curtains and panels to shut the outdoors out. I got up, checking myself to find the dark goop climbing up my body until it completely consumed me. Tentacles sprouted from my back and it was like my corrupted frorm as usual again. I look to see the souls still in my belly and I sighed, relieved that they were okay. I look out the window and see nothing but high mountains and trees surrounding the tower. And it would be a looooooong way down from here. But before I could make any plans, I heard the loudest, most agonizing and bone-chilling glitched scream that I've ever heard. I nearly turned to my passive form again. I saw another tower beside the one I was in where the green strings were slipping away from. I could only hear screams and cries of pain. I knew it was Error and fire a tentacle to get him. It pulls him in through my window, his hands hiding his face.
"Error, calm down or you're going to crash! What did they do to you?"I ask
"D-D-DoN'T kNow Wh0, bUt tHeY wAnT mE tRapPed. StRiPpEd mY....AbIliTiEs riGhT oUt oF mE."He cries, showing his face
I felt the air get knocked out of me. There were cracks and broken holes in his skull where his tear marks were, the source of his strings. It looked terrible and I could tell that he was in pain. I pulled him close and he cried onto me, glitching and in pain. I couldn't heal him and it was too much to handle for him.
"WhAt dO wE eVeN dO?"He asks
I couldn't give him much of an answer.
"I think it's best to stay here until we figure out our situation better. We don't know where we are after all."I say, then feel something in my pocket
I reach in and pull out my phone. I didn't even realize that it was on me. I grin and find it buzzing. Killsy is calling.
"NIGHTY WHERE DID THOSE STRINGS TAKE YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?"He shouts into the phone as soon as I answered
"Umm, still figuring that out. We're alone but no clue about much of a location....The goop overtook me again.....Souls okay....They went harder on Error."I say
"What do you mean? Is Error okay?"He asks
"Error? What did they do to my precious Error?"I could hear Ink in the background ask
"Are you okay? Is Shattered still there or hurting anyone? Or"I ask quietly
"We're fine. As soon as you both were taken by those strings, Dream filled Shattered with arrows and Ink trapped him with paint just to be sure. They left to search for you both. What happened?"He asks
"Umm, the green strings took his strings away...Very roughly. He is with me right now but it's hurting too much for him to really say or do anything."I say, then feel a shift in Error
Error was resting against me, seeming to have cried himself to sleep. But his clothes seemed to loosen up, a lump now towards the bottom of his shirt. I lift it and out rolls a baby into my lap. I checked them and recognize the soul. I check Error to find he was glitching but the soul in his belly was gone.
"Ooooh dear......."I mutter, lifting the baby up
"What's wrong?"Killsy asks
I carefully check the baby's soul and health, making sure the baby is okay. The lil baby was breathing, wasn't wounded, but nearly a month early. I felt so relieved when the baby opened their eyes.
"Umm, nevermind. Not what I thought. Error's asleep now."I say
"Okay, goo-shit!"He says
"What?"I ask
"Shattered sank away! He's gone!"He says
"Is Error okay? What was done to Error?"I hear Ink ask
"I'll go get the gang. We'll start searching for your location, hopefully before Shattered gets to you both."He says, ignoring Ink
"Yeah....I hope so too...Um, Error has a little boy."I say
"Ya, I know Gradient. Should I call him for help too? I know he will be-"Killsy begins
"Killsy, I'm talking about Gradient's little sibling."I say
"Oh. Oooh! Arrived early? How is he?"He asks
"Yeah...Little boy is okay...No wounds and seems healthy despite everything. Pretty cute too. I'm more worried for Error though. Nothing this bad has happened to him..When he wakes up, we're getting out before we find out what is planned for us."I say
The baby had some resemblance to Error but also Ink, having beautiful sparkles on his skull but white eye marks under his red eyes like Error, as well as the mixed colors of the bones between Error's and Ink's. His eyes were sparkling and multi-colored like Error's but shaped like Ink's with an oval and a diamond to start out. No change in the shapes though. He seemed to have a neutral aura but very goofy as he stuck his four tongues out at me-one less than Error's five blue tongues and 3 more than Ink's-and had a beautiful gradient of dark bluish-purple to a pinkish-orange, almost like a sunset. His teeth were a mix of yellow, some lighter or near white than others.
"That's probably a good idea...But you said you were still figuring out your location."He says
"I know the basics of the location. Two towers in the middle of moutains and forests that hide it. Looks like a location torn out of a fairytale book like Tangled. And I know regardless staying here isn't the best idea."I say
I heard a sudden muffled argument and then noises like the phone was changing hands. The little baby was giggling in my arms by now and gazing up sweetly at me. Little shapes floated around his head like Error's glitching and changed depending on his expression like Ink's eyes. Right now they were hearts.
"Nightmare? Is Error okay?"I hear Ink ask afterwards
The baby looked alarmed, the hearts mixing with exclamation points and question marks.
Guess he got tired of Killsy ignoring his worried questions. Does this baby already know his parent or is he just curious on what I'm doing?
"He's....He's breathing. Dunno about okay. Those green strings and whoever owns them hurt him terribly. He's asleep right now but all that pain and stress is clearly a lot on him. And....well...Maybe you could hear for yourself."I say, lowering the phone
This boy spoke pure baby gibberish as he giggled into the phone, his voice squeaky but glitching like Error or Gradient.
"Nightmare? Is that the baby? Isn't he a month early?"Ink asks
"Mhm, but it was kind of expected according to the doc given all that happened. He's pretty healthy all things considered and he seems already as hyper as ever, which seems to be a good thing."I say
"What does that mean for you?"Ink asks
"That I have to stay calm and be careful. Also get them out of here before something worse happens."I say
"I'm coming right now. I'll get Gradient too! Nobody will get away with this!"Ink says
Then he hung up. I heard groaning and look over to see Error waking up. His baby boy squeals with joy and I sigh relieved. Error sat up in alarm. He checks his belly and looks at the baby in shock.
"Your blessing came seconds after you dozed off."I say
He carefully reaches out to hold the baby. I put him in some clothes and wrap a blanket around him before handing him over to Error. The baby boy hugs him close and giggles. Error kisses him gently on the head. He looked so happy to have his baby.
"Now, let's get out of here. We need to do something before something is done to us."I say, wrapping him in my tentacles as he hugs his son close
He nods and I put him in a cocoon of my tentacles. I use a tentacle to hook onto the window, then lowered myself down. I touch the ground and unwrap Error. We wander around with the baby napping in his arms. I hear footsteps getting closer and we start running until we find a path and the footsteps went away. It was dark out but only our eyes lit up to guide us. Error hid his glitching and we followed the trail wherever it may go. I shift to my passive form to attract less attention. Then a wagon with two strangers pull up. They open the door and snatch us up before taking off again. We got taken to a village and then a lady takes us down a street.
"You three were lucky to have been found or survived. There is a horrible beast that lurks there. Only a yellow goopy tentacle man controls them and can be very dangerous...Now let's get you into some proper clothes."She says
A little bit later we were in different clothes and in a village garden. I sat down but Error held his sleeping baby close, standing nearby. He hid his hands with gloves and a mask up to his eyes to hide his face. His face still was burning, telling me that he was deep in thought about some things.
"Error? Are you ok?"I ask
"JuSt....ThiNkInG..."He says
He glances over at me.
"ArE yoUr twiNS oK?"He asks
"Yeah...."I say
He glances back at his baby.
"What will you name him?"I ask, seeing how his body shook as he held the baby.
"StUcK bEtWeEn SiRiuS aNd SoU."He says quickly
I chuckle.
"You've always been a thinker."I say
"NiGhTmArE? HoW cAn I prOteCt hIm oR aNyOne aNyMoRE? My BlAstErS anD suMmOniNg aBiliTiEs arE gOne, I cAn't EveN do sOul atTacKs or uSe sTriNgs. HoW cAn I evEn sTay iN thE gaNg oR coUncIl? I aM wEakEr tHan evEr bEfoRe wiTh No wOrTh iF i CaN't pRoTeCt oR bE a DesTroYer...I dOn'T waNt soMetHinG to hApPen to thIs bAby aS a CoSt..."He says
"Error..."I say
He sits beside me, his eyes on his child with a sad glint in them, as if he is thinking through all those scenarios.
"Error, we will find a way out of this. We will fix this. You forget that you are more than a destroyer or member of the gang and council. You're my friend, a father, UnderNovela fan, crafty, genius, and family to the gang. You were not brought into the gang or council for your power or reputation, but your character. And we will protect you regardless. You have more strength and worth than you know. Nothing will go near you or the baby."He says
The baby woke up and looks at Error, then giggles and snuggles closer to him with a kiss to his cheek.
"See? He loves you regardless. Now, we should probably find some shelter."I say
We found a place to stay and just settled in for the next few weeks. The most we'd do is go for walks or get some stuff for his son, who he has decided to name Sou. But one day, a week from my due date, we saw Shattered on one of our shop runs. We quickly tried to go to our shelter but a beast blocked our way, growling and four times bigger than us. I back up and Error glances around with Sou held close to his chest.
"Oh? What's wrong? Got nowhere to run? Such a shame for you. Sick 'em."Shattered says
The beast slaps me with a claw and I got knocked ito the air then hit the ground hard a few feet away, sinking deep into the ground. I could hear Sou crying and screaming and Error's jumbled speech. I couldn't get up, my bones feeling either cracked or broken. I saw Shattered peeking into my hole.
"Aww, you've grown weak. Now.....Do I let my pet tear the baby apart or Error first? Or do I kill them instead and let the beast bury you?"He asks
I couldn't move but could feel the souls in me pounding.
"Error! Drop him right now you freakish beast!"I hear Ink yell
Shattered looks away and I get a rock in my hand. I grip it tightly and throw it at him, hitting him on the head and causing him to stumble back. I hear him grumble and then whistle. I see the beast come over, Error hanging low with only his grip clinging onto Sou.
"Fill this hole and take these idiots away. We'll deal with the glitches later. Though this is an easy 3 for one. Too easy."Shattered says
The beast nods and starts kicking dirt while Shattered disappears with Error and Sou. The hole quickly started filling and I could hardly move. I see a root sticking out and reach up to grab it. I could feel the souls trembling, my bones cracked and rattling. I pull myself up but a rock gets kicked with the dirt, knocking me down. I pull myself up and above the rising dirt. Then this beast started bulldozing cause suddenly dirt and solid stones start falling in to bury me under. I heard a huff and footsteps pound the ground before leaving.
I shut my eyes, it was dark everywhere anyway. I shut my mouth so I don't suffocate or choke on dirt, trying to take easy breaths. For the souls. Then, I heard a buzzing. A faint light shined and I peek at it, pushing dirt away. It was my phone. I heard footsteps. Someone was calling. Then it went to voicemail, going dark. Then it lit up, buzzing again. The footsteps came closer. I couldn't speak. Hell I was covering my nose-hole so my skull doesn't fill with dirt and shielding my eyes just to look at it. I couldn't answer it. I could feel the souls kicking, one of their beats slowing down. That did it.
I snatched my phone and used it like a shovel to dig my way out and move the dirt away. I tried to push the stones away, smashing them and then reached out, feeling my fingertips get above ground.
So close!
I could feel myself getting weak, tired, and slowly losing consciousness.
No no no! Stay awake! I have to get out!
I push myself up and reach above ground. I felt strings grab my wrists and tug me roughly, nearly tearing one of my arms off. I saw the moon shinging down first as I was pulled up to my shoulders out of the hole. I see green strings around my wrists.
Guess whoever that string owner is doesn't want things to end that easily.
I broke into a coughing fit as all the dirt and pain quickly came back into focus again, choking up dust and bits of dirt that managed to get in. I felt the strings slither down my body during this coughing fit, tugging or messing with my clothes. I felt something get slipped under my clothes before the strings snapped them back into place.Then a knife sliced through the strings before striking into a tree.
"Nighty!"I hear a voice yell
I try to move but realize I couldn't move. On top of everything there was cement that had dried by now around me. I glance over, seeing Killsy stop in his tracks, looking alarmed.
"Nighty! What did he do to you?"He asks, kneeling down
"He tried to bury me and sent that thing after me or Error. But I'm stuck and c-can't move..."I say
I feel some more weight and movement on my chest. I look down but could only see it trapped in cement. My fingers were sticking out and the phone was nearby. Then I felt tiny hands gripping me tightly. It felt weird and the weight on my chest made me breathe heavier.
"What's with that breathing? Is it crushing you?"Killsy asks
"Feels.....Weird....But forget it. I'm ok....Is Error okay?"I ask
He smiles a bit.
"Ink's whooping Shattered's ass as we speak for what he did. No vials to manipulate him with either. Pure rage at this guy. You always put others first, don't you?"He says, kissing my cheek
"That's a...mmm.....a r-relief."I say, feeling the weird tightness increase
"Are you sure that you're okay?"He asks
"Better than I could've been."I say
"I'm getting you out."He says, summoning some blasters
The blasters carefully carved around me. He scoops me up and sets me aside on solid ground. He paused and looked at me carefully afterwards, his face burning brightly. Before I could question it, a head popped out from under my shirt right under my neck. Sou was gazing up at me. Then I realized where the feeling came from. Sou was clinging to me of course, only being a few weeks old and trapped there somehow. I gently pull him out of my shirt and cradle him in my arms.
"Ummm, why was that baby under your shirt?"He asks
"Green strings I guess....I didn't know either since I saw him with Error last. You alright, little one?"I ask
He tilts his head, then pulls up a code screen and draws with his finger. I see a drawing of Error with his mask come into sight with a question mark next to it just like the question marks dancing around the baby's head.
"How'd he do that?"He asks
"He's Error's baby. He has been messing around with his abilities and this was one of them. Don't worry, Sou, he is going to be okay."I say, pointing to the drawing and nodding to answer his question
Tiny suns and hearts replaced the question marks and he smiles, giggling his thanks.
"AwEne3 No0o!"He giggles
I giggle a bit, then feel the souls is my bellies start kicking and beating regularly which put me at ease. The skies grew darker and I heard angry stomps coming closer. I glance over, seeing Ink marching his way over looking pissed. His eyes said enough to convey it.
"That no good, disgusting, worthless, piece of garbage! Oooo if I could have killed him or at least knock that smirk off his face I would! Argh!"He rambles, mumbling to himself
Sou starts hopping excitedly in my arms and I saw why.
"Error!"I yell to the limping glitch following behind Ink
I tried to get up but Killsy held me down, knowing that it was best not to. Error collapses beside me.
"ArE yOu oKay?"He asks
"Me? What about you?"I respond
"I'Ll bE fInE...."He says, leaning against me
"Don't act so cool about it, Error! He was horrible to you! He was going to kill you! You can't possibly brush it off that easily!"Ink snaps
"WoUlDn'T bE tHe fiRsT oR lAst tIme sOmeOnE tRiEd.....SoRrY tHaT hE bRoKe yOuR bR0omI3."Error says softly
I pass Sou to him and he gently rocks back and forth to soothe his baby who looks worriedly up at him.
"I don't care about Broomie being broken!"Ink says sharply
"B-BuT tHaT iS yOuR pRizEd pOsSeSsIoN..."Error says
"Broomie can be fixed and replaced! You can't be, my precious Glitchy!"Ink says
I could see Error look at him in shock but also tell that those words went right to his soul.
"FiXeD oR RePlAcEd?"He asks for clarification
"BOTH! You're already perfect the way you are and I love you! Nobody can replace you!"Ink says, sitting down with him.
Error is silent, looking down to hide his face and refocusing on Sou. Ink carefully reaches out to Error, feeling his cheek through the mask gently. His eyes were shaped into hearts as he gazed at Error.
"Why do you suddenly hide your face? You're so handsome....Unless something was done to harm you. What did Shattered do?"Ink says
"G-GreEn stRiNgS h-H-H-h-HuRt. YoU woN't wAnt tO sEe oR kNoW, yoU'd hAtE i-i-iT."Error says
Ink shakes his head and slips the mask off of Error. He and Killsy both gasped, seeing what was done. Sou looks up at Error and looked alarmed at first but it quickly switched to concern. He sat up in Error's arms and kissed every spot he could near Error's wounds. Error only focused on Sou.
Ink glances at Sou, then at Error. I could tell that he got an idea. He leans in and wraps his arms gently around Error, then started laying gentle kisses wherever he could with Sou.
"I-i-InK!"Error exclaims, his eyes tiny dots in alarm but his face as golden as ever
"I'm just sharing my love like the baby, dearest.~ I'm going to kill whoever did that to you and that's final. I love you too much for others to hurt you."Ink coos
Error looks at him with tears in his eyes.
"WhAt diD i Do tO dEsErVe yOuR lOvE?"He asks
"Oh, just exist.~"Ink says
Sou was just speaking baby gibberish.
"So? Are you going to introduce me to your lil friend here?"Ink giggles
"I-InK.....ThiS iS sOu, tHe sOn i gAvE biRtH to-"Error says
"DAD!"Gradient yells, running over out of nowhere
He plops down in front of him and quickly observes Error's situation, analyzing it. Sou reaches out to him and Gradient takes him gently into his lap.
"HeY liL bRotHeR. I'Ll taKe gOoD cArE oF yOu."He says as Sou pokes his glasses
"GrAdiEnT? WhAt aRe-?"Error begins
"YoU weRe iN tRouBlE. I waSn'T gOinG tO stANd By anD lEt yOu gET huRt."Gradient says
The three huddle around Error, showing their reassurance and affections in their own ways. Error just glances at me in shock and I smile, nodding. Ink seemed overjoyed and was already wrapping each of them in a blanket.
Killsy pulls me into his arms again.
"You look beautiful, my little moon.~"He coos
"I feel like every part of me is going to break or fall off. How is that attractive?"I ask
"Cause I can still hold the love of my life in my arms. To heal and to protect. You're still my beloved Nighty and nothing can change how I see you."He says, then slips a ring onto my finger
I look at him, feeling my face burn.
"You weren't the only one meaning to ask a question for a while....I know this may not be the best time but will you marry me Nighty? I don't want to lose you."He says softly
I see his cheekbones turn a dark red and his hands were shaking. I kiss his cheeks and smile, trying to ease his worries with a nod. Once I nodded, he pulled me closer into a kiss, looking overjoyed.
Then he picks me up as Ink does the same to Error and Sou, Gradient watching them cautiously. We didn't even get two feet from the scene when a portal opens. Triton walks through. His gaze zones in on me, scanning my body with wounds and frowns.
"Mama! You're coming with me!"He says, snatching me from Killsy
He glances at Error and grins. Ink only holds him closer.
"Error is all yours, Ink.~"He says
Ink smiles, kissing Error on the head(again). Error was a blushing mess.
A few hours later, I was in Triton's house in a guest room's bed getting covered in blankets and smile. Triton was bandaging me and only smiles more.
"I'll let you rest."He says after putting a camera up in the corner of the room
Then he left me in the room to find Jay. I smile, feeling safer. I dozed off a little bit afterwards.
The next morning I woke up and felt the souls moving a lot more than usual. I look at them to see that they were now brightly glowing full souls.
I sit up a bit and in the blink of an eye the souls left my body and turned into two newborn skeleton babies. Five days early birth. The two quickly crawl up into my arms, snuggling me. Triton came in and saw my situation. He scoops the girl up to take her for a bath and checkup and I carry the boy. Triton couldn't help but chuckle as we bathed them and gave them a checkup.
"Soo, when they are old enough, how do we explain the nineteen year age gap between me and them?"He giggles
"I'm over five hundred years old and we are skeletons. Love doesn't have an age limit, especially with family. Besides, the way they are looking at you doesn't seem like one that would change because of your ages."I say as the two gaze up at Triton with nothing but pure love
"True."He says, drying them off and getting some clothes on them.
I was already thinking of names, deciding between Darell and Diane or Phoebe. But I may hold off, I do want Killsy to have some input on the names for the babies he dreamed of.
Soon I was back in the bed with the two babies nestled in my arms, them getting their dosages of milk from me in bottles. That just so happened to be the time that Killsy came in through a portal. He stumbled back, clearly not expecting to see my position. The babies paused, looking at him. His face turns a bright red and he turns away.
"S-S-Sorry! I didn't think that the portal would open this close o-o-or disturb them! I d-didn't even know they'd be this soon! I-I'll go wait-!"He stutters, heading to the door
A red tiny knife shot forward, just barely missing him but knocking the door shut. I look to the baby boy and see him watching Killsy, pausing from his feeding. He nudged his sister and she nods, summoning a tentacle and dragging Killsy over without pausing her activity.
"Seems like they have other ideas."I say as the baby boy shows a mischievous smile much like Killer's
"I just wanted to give you some privacy. Didn't want to disturb you three."He says, sitting on the bed
"I don't really need that much privacy. This is going to be normal routine after all with them. Plus these two want you here. But thank you for the concern."I say
The little boy looks between Killsy and I with a devious grin growing on him.
"When were they born?"He asks
"This morning."I say
"What are their names?"He asks, his gaze locked on my face
"I was waiting for you so we could name them together."I say
I hear a giggle from the baby boy and I see him crawl over to Killsy. I thought he was just happy to see Killsy or something innocent. But then he pushes Killsy from behind, burying Killsy's head in my chest. Killsy's face was a bright red and I admit I blushed a little.
"He's definitely your kid. Definitely as mischievous as you."I say
"My arms are stuck. I can't move."He says
"How are they stuck?"I ask
He glances away. I see his hands were on the sides of the bed, boxes covering his hands and strings pulling them far enough so he couldn't sit up. The baby climbs back over to us, squeezing between Killsy and I. He looks at Killsy and then up at me.
"Should I even ask why?"I say
He points to Killer and then to his mouth and then leans against me, pointing to the bottle in my hand, talking baby gibberish. But I think I understood.
"He thought you were hungry, Killsy. And currently, he only knows that food comes from me with these bottles. He's sneaky but with good intentions."I say
"But I'm not going to do that to you! That's for them!"He says, his face brighter than ever
I giggle.
"Wow, you're getting flustered because of newborns! Or is someone cranky?"I say teasingly
He looks down then snuggles into my chest, which I was already sensitive with the babies pressing against me with their bottles. Then he starts kissing there gently. My soul starts beating faster.
"K-Killsy! What are you doing?"I squeak
"On second thought, maybe sharing love wouldn't be so bad.~"He says, continuing kisses up my chest and face
"Killsy!"I yelp, my face burning
"You better get used to this, cause I won't stop showing my love for you until death do us part.~"He coos, then starts kissing his way along my shoulders
I see the blinking red light of the camera, indicating that it's on and watching.
He starts kissing around my neck by now and my breath keeps hitching, overly sensitive from the three of them. The twins by now have finished their bottles and are kissing my hands sleepily instead, following Killsy's example.
"Killsy! Enough! Please!"I gasp, struggling to breathe with my body overly sensitive from their affection
Not to mention all the wounds still causing sensitivity.
I see the door slowly creaking open. Killsy sighs, nodding and kisses my cheek one last time. Then he lays on top of me with the babies in his arms on either side of him, their heads resting on my chest as he nestles his head under my chin. The baby girl pulls the blanket up with a tentacle. I sigh, my body relaxing.
"Mama are you okay?"Triton asks
I see him in the doorway.
"I saw that they were messing with you when you're supposed to be recovering and gently treated."He says, dropping hints as he glared at Killsy
Killsy pretends to be asleep.
"I'm okay, Triton. "I say
A portal opens and white strings wrap around me and the babies, yanking us through swiftly before shutting. I land on another bed and find Sou hopping up and down in a crib, white strings tied from his hands. I giggle, recognizing the room as my home. He unwraps the strings from us and his eyes turned to hearts, sparkles hovering around his head. He seemed astonished by the sight of the twins and eager to get closer to them but couldn't leave the crib. I hear muffled noises beside the bed and glance over, then giggle even more. Error and Ink were stuck on the floor, tied together by white strings. Ink seemed to have no problem with it, carefully holding his glitching lover. I couldn't tell if Error crashed or was asleep.
"Is he okay?"I ask
"Yeah, he tried putting the little angel over there to sleep but dozed off himself. Then he tied us up."Ink says, kissing Error on the head
Error sleepily nuzzles his head against Ink in response.
Ink smiles before glancing up at me.
"I'm surprised Killer's not with you."He says
"Nah, Triton is probably yelling at him over something."I say, shaking my head
"How come? He seems to look up to you as a parent of him yet he sees Killer as almost a stranger."Ink says
"Well...He's gotten some memories now that he has grown up more that wasn't blocked by his naive childhood mind. When he was a kid, he had very few memories of his parents or his version of Killer but from reading all the stories and thinking about a loving family, his mind kind of fabricated memories to fill in the blanks. But apparently the relationship wasn't as perfect as he believed as more memories returned to him...Apparently his Killer was very hostile and even left in the few memories that he has...So he probably isn't going to be quick to accept Killsy given that's the bar set of expectations for him..."I explain
"Oh....Poor kid.....Wait, who are those adorable little ones on you?"He asks
"Twins...My twins....Probably going to go with Darell and Phoebe...."I say
"How adorable!"He says
"Yeah..."I say, growing sleepy
The twins pull the blanket up, this being my room after all, and start to doze off as well. Ink wiggles free of the strings, leaving with Error in his arms and taking Sou with him.
I dozed off quite peacefully. I'm finally home.
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