Friggin' Boardgames.
I know that Monopoly didn't exist in the 1700s but shut up!
December 8th, 1799
I was in my office writing. When suddenly Eliza walked in. "Alexander, you have some friends here." I head past her, down the stairs, and open the front door. "Monsieur Hamilton!" It was Lafoot, Merrylan, and Curry. "Monsieur! We have a new American game of sorts!" Lafoot opens a box and shows me the game. "Woah, slow down!" I take a look. "Baconton, what's with your friends?" Curry crosses his arms. We set up the game in the living room. "Philip! Come downstairs!" Philip comes down with a piece of paper in his hands. "Would you like to join us. We're playing a game called Monopoly." Philip sits next to me. "Sure, pop." Eliza comes downstairs. "I'll go first." Curry picks up the dice. "Come on." He rolls. "8" he moves his piece 8 squares. "Okay, Philip, your turn". " Okay!" Philip rolls a 4 and moves. "Philip, you landed on a chance space. I think you take a card." Philip draws a card. "I get to keep this one." Philip hands Lafoot the dice. "What are you boys doing?" Eliza walks over. "Playing a game." Philip replies. "Hey, son? What's that paper for?" I ask. "Nothing pa" Philip looks at the board.
Two hours later...
"NO! JAIL AGAIN!" Curry yells. "Ha." Marrylan rolls. "Oh fuck! I don't have that much!" Marrylan throws the dice. "America is so strange!" Lafoot hides in the corner.
1 hour later....
"Checkmate pa!" Philip says in triumph. "Good job, son." We all pick up the pieces. Everyone leaves.
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