Part 1- Innocent or not?
The day before wedding
Ash and gang had gathered to attend Brock's wedding in Pewter city
Well his gang as in the boys were with him in Brock's room and the girls were with Claire the bride-to-be
Brock announced a bachelor's party for boys
The party was more of fashion than customary or formality
Boy talk
Paul - who's up for the party ? i am pretty sure all of us will be going if not willingly than just to company Brock
All nodded except Gary who really had some naughty plans for the evening
When suddenly
Tracey spoke
I suppose then girls are also having their bachelorette party then !!
Now this provoked the protective side of boys why, because
Drew had admitted his love just recently to May of course
Paul well he didn't really confess but he was close to doing the said Cilan was still in a denial state but in his heart he knew his true feelings
Tracey was already dating Daisy since a year
The only single tagged people were Ash and Gary
The former's sense of feelings and understanding of deep emotions namely love, was in question till 15 mins ago he cleared some air of his 'density' when Brock asked him did he knew what exactly the bachelor's party comprised of ?
His answer clarified indeed that he has grown up a bit when he replied
Yes ,there is some girl suppose to entertain the boys in the party
To be honest that wasn't a full correct answer but it meant he was aware of the stuff about to happen
Back to boy talk
Well I guess so the girls don't think exactly like boys so some 'creepy' stuff should like sedu..Drew let his voice trail noticing the glare given by Brock's eyes who were moving from him to Ash
As if saying
Look dude he is mature and it's proved ,you don't need to necessarily voice 'it' out
Cilan nodded just agreeing to him but still showing up as a little confused
It was time for Paul to talk then
I uhmm to say I will umm I will say it clear at once ,If you guys are entitled to have fun in this party then so are the girls
I mean yes boy's are gonna do it a little different but thinking on equal terms even girls should have that freedom. At least that's what bachelor party is for -Freedom for an evening
So stop over thinking you all know that the girls are pretty decent
Recap-boy talk continued on the topic of redhead girl and raven haired boy and their equation
Girls' Gossip
Wont keep you all waiting as it is just a probable 3 shot story
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