Misty is too cute
On the other hand the girls were excited about the Bachelorette part too
Dawn was the one jumping up and down with nervousness
May though not too much interested tried to calm her
While iris was just happy that she got some refreshment from all the training stress she underwent past 3 weeks
Misty ??
What was she doing
She was trying to understand these girl's and their weird behaviour
Just then came Wilima ,Brock's fiance stepped in the chaos
Girls calm down ,said Wilima
I know you all are excited about the party but please behave boys are in the adjacent room
So what? Asked May
So umm nothing I just don't want them to get an idea of our party please ..pleaded Wilima
Isn't it like common sense ,asked Iris
Yes it is,but you know they can gate crash our party if they come to know about the hottie who will be there for us tonight
Oh said dawn
Does misty know what it is like to have a hottie ,,whispered Wilima
I think she knows simply because you know she is mature and smart to figure out things ,stated Dawn
But what if she doesn't know ? Asked iris
I mean we know she is smart but you know she has been ignorant to guys i mean some
I heard about Georgio from her own self and how she wasn't comfortable with him asking her and lately her "fan boys " have really made her upset by sending flowers,poke clips ,gifts etc
So ? -May replied
So uhm i mean may be iris left it trail but Dawn completed for her
Maybe she has some blockage I mean some crush or something still ruling her from past ..
All this while misty had excused herself to washroom downstairs
What gasped all the girls
She is hot and pretty too why should she be stuck at some person from past who doesn't even give her some time of his exclaimed Iris
I think I agree said Dawn
Yeah I was gonna approach her to ask if she is aware of all the stuff which will happen tonight replied Iris
With that Misty reentered and Wilima and May sighed as they were the ones 80% aware of the reason Misty has been avoiding other guys
Dork ..escaped from May's lips as she was witness to Ash and Misty's complicated story
She wasn't sure if she could add
" love " to it now as they were tired of ash's dumbness
Wilima too seemed to share the same pitiful look as May
She had heard it from Brock
Misty is too cute to be knowledgeable for this She said eyeing the mature still naive girl
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